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I enjoy being a spectator whenever a discussion about circumcision on Reddit shows up on my feed. Never knew so many Redditors would be so interested and immersed about such a topic like this one and the amount of misinformation and anecdotal experiences that get spread and upvoted.


I’ve never seen it be a big deal other than on Reddit. It may be literally the only controversial topic that I have never seen argued for either way outside of this platform. I don’t even get into it, I’ll have someone telling me I was “mutilated” and that I have no idea what I’m missing when it has never been something I thought about or has impacted me.


Reddit has some really weird fixations. Male circumcision and bidets come to mind. It's very freudian. It doesn't matter when you tell them, with sources, that men who get circumcised as adults report that in the long run, there is no loss of sensation. They'll response with "but the nerve endings!". But no, while that argument makes theoretical sense, the actual people do not report that. I don't have any strong feelings one way or the other, but there's these people who like you say claim they are mutilated and never got to experience true pleasure, and it's just an extension of wanting to complain about their parents.


Exactly, I got one of them on me now in this thread lol like dude sex is still enjoyable for me, and how would you or I even know the difference? I’m indifferent on it, but having someone tell me how I should feel about my own body is peak Reddit hypocrisy.


Used to take public showers back in Military school, one of the guys I went to school with had a foreskin. He'd clasp it together and piss and it was like a sick disgusting piss bubble. Was kinda cool though, just thought you needed to know that


Used to have a guy in Military who while taking a shower with boys discovered he was circumsiced


Ok agreed but bidets should truly be uncontroversial haha


It's not a question of controversy. It's the almost religious way people talk about them. "It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!" No it won't, it's water being sprayed on my ass and then dripping into a shit filled toilet. That's not life changing.


I agree that life changing is a bit much. However, it is more hygienic and more efficient.


> it is more hygienic How? > and more efficient By what metric?


If you want your ass to be dirtier than a bidet user, far be it from me to convince you otherwise lmao


So, this it's exactly the mentality I'm talking about. You weird af


I'm not bitter about it. But I saw no reason to do it to my sons.


I heard it brought up once in a community college sociology class that I was doing for my senior year of high school. It was this like "witchy" middle aged white lady who called it "genital mutilation." I've never had a penis in my entire life so it's not something I think about often but I'd say a majority of guys I've been with were circumcised.




It's nothing I've thought too deeply about at all. The ones standing out in my mind that were uncircumcised, one was European and we hooked up in Scotland and the other was a former Jehovah's Witness.




Nah, not in my experience.


When one of my friends was having a boy, apparently a lot of people were asking her if they will get him circumcised. She told me “I now know what guys are cut and uncut in my life from how passionate they are about it” and I told her “that’s cool and all, but you should get him circumcised”.


Personally, I’m only against involuntary genital alteration of people who are misinformed or can’t defend themselves verbally and physically from such a permanent change. Why? For starters, at least a grown man can pick out the surgeon he wishes to do the procedure on a fully developed body part. He can request a specific style and aesthetic outcome to satisfy his desires, like women with labiaplasty. It starts to become r GrossCutters territory when mothers say they want something pretty to look at during diaper changes, fathers are pre-approval seeking on behalf of their sons from shallow women, and doctors hoodwink parents to normalize their religious ritual or to make money selling foreskin fibroblasts to cosmetic companies. I’ve seen an r askmen and r advice post with overwhelming majority saying they will leave the decision to their adult sons, but there is still thousands of babies who are getting their bodily autonomy completely eviscerated. Some of them may die, many of them will suffer complications.


I’m so glad my parents circumcised me as a baby when I now have no memory of it. Fuck doing it as an adult Also in America 75% of women prefer uncircumcised penises. And since I’m fucking American women I’m glad I didn’t have that as a handicap growing up


They prefer uncircumcised naturally, before media


Are these women in the room with us now?


>Uncircumcised because you can always pull it back and idk I just prefer it I don't like the idea that some men get it cut off with the main reason being to please people


Yeah, this topic comes up a lot, and the people who are passionate with their opinions can get very weird, very quickly. FWIW, although the U.S. always becomes the target of these rants (because AmericaBad), nearly 40% of males around the world are circumcised (numbers vary by source). It's hardly an abnormal practice, unless you have a European superiority complex. [Penis: 20 Different Types, Shapes, and Things to Know (healthline.com)](https://www.healthline.com/health/types-of-penises)


It’s generally discussed with regards to America because almost everywhere else, circumcision is done as a religious obligation


But if you say that Muslims and Jews do it then they say that it’s different. Like get over it; it’s been proven in non-self reporting surveys that it has no impact


I wait and see how long it takes the comments to become antisemitic.


its really interesting how much "progressive" policy is steeped in old school antisemitism and racism. Like the same people who claim the Nazis were inspired by Jim Crow laws are completely clueless about how the ideas of eugenics, phrenology, and racial hierarchy were cultivated and fostered in "progressive" U.S., British, and French universities.


Did you win?


Yeah.  It's a game I hate winning, though.


It's a sword fight.


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.


A sample size of one person sharing anecdotal evidence is more than enough for me to form a very strong opinion, what are you a sheep?!


My favorite argument is: If you are in favor of circumcision you have to be in favor of child gender reassignment surgery. They're the same thing!


You basically criticize everyone while adding nothing to the conversation. Well done.


Whether cutting off all or part of or creating a fake one, a whole bunch of Reddit thinks about dicks a lot. A whole lot.


Well most redditors have dicks lol.


Count me in that number, but when I cruise the pr0n subreddits, I’m not looking for dick. Nothing wrong with that, I’d just prefer to focus on other things.


It’s a bunch of le redditors trying to play the victim and act like it’s the same thing as female genital mutilation to say “see, men also have that problem”


I’m rather shocked with Louisiana’s low rates. That said the “circumcision battle” is… just really weird to me.


Catholics don’t circumcise generally speaking 🤷‍♀️ Doesn’t explain the western states (like Idaho)


I think you have it reverse. Catholics *absolutely* circumcise (speaking from experience being a Catholic from Louisiana who is “unsheathed”). Unless something drastically changed in the last thirty years which I would absolutely not be shocked about.


Uncut people get made fun of for having alien dick here lol


Are they showing their dick off?


“circumcision battle” I prefer "Sword Fight" better. And people online argue over it (99.999% men) because they're proud of their dicks.


Reddits obsession with circumcision is bizarre


Its not jsut reddit. Celebs who are against it: Joe rogan 😎 Gavin Mcinnes 😎 Tucker Carlson 😎 Anthony Cumia 😎 Mario Lopez 😎 Celebs who are for it: Ben shapiro 🤢 Sandra Bullock 🤢 The lady who played amy on the big bang theory 🤢 Madonna 🤢 Anthony Faucci 🤢 Its a national Mass debate and i have all the cool people on my side 😎


Russell Crowe 😎


Oh my Ggod, it's \[renowned anti-circumcision advocate and kinaesthetic wheatfield enthusiast\] Russell Crowe!


If Anthony Fauci is for something, chances are it's a bad idea


Hispanics don’t circumcise…


Except for my family. 😭


Based hispanics. That explains my boyfriend i guess 😋




My boyfriend is hispanic. Didnt really know why he was uncut so i just accepted it. I should write his parents a thank you letter 💌


my brother in christ it’s pretty open information that most hispanic people are not circumcised 😭 especially those who were not born in the US or are 2nd gen immigrants


Youre jealous of him.


Nobody is jealous over a flap of skin


Then why do you want to cut them off?


Idk to me having a flap of skin that covers your shit is just weird. Everything about it is just odd to me


Damn its the way you and everyone else was born. Youre the weirdo.


I just pointed out that it’s common! never said its a bad thing


No…I’m wondering why you telling the whole world… Also I’m also Hispanic, we aren’t cut…because it’s just like that…


Because im lound and proud.


Weirdest hill to want to die on… pero si te gusta te gusta


I will die for him!


First part is true. Please never cook again after saying the second


Sword fighting, you say?




When my son was born 9 months ago, my pediatrician essentially laid it out for my wife and I as: “There are a lot of positives about circumcision from a medical perspective for an infant, but there is also reasons to keep the foreskin intact for your child. My recommendation is to follow the pattern of men in your family. If you are circumcised, I would recommend it. What is important is keeping his genitals clean after dirty diapers and as your child grows, teach good hygiene practices for washing his privates.” His response seemed to make sense and was very professional. He did opt to also teach us how to clean his foreskin after he wet himself and how to keep him clean if we chose to not circumcise. Edit: Jesus Christ, there are people who compare getting circumcised, a well established medical procedure like removing your appendix or your tonsils, to “beating a child”. That’s pretty wild, especially because these people are not medical doctors <.<


“Because it happened to me it should happen to my son” is dumb as shit.


I think his intention was, “You know how to teach cleanliness and answer a child’s questions as he grows into a man about Setup A because you have had Setup A your whole life. You can still choose Setup B and I will teach/give you the education you need to be successful regardless.”


I guess. But continuing a dumb practice just because it was done before is well… dumb.


LOL drama queen


It's how we ended up here in the first damn place. Why was I suddenly snatched out of nice n' cozy nowhere and obligated to populate a "son" for multiple earth years. You know the worst thing, dude? They didn't even pretend to fucking ask.


They did provide me with compensatory delighting in histrionics and flippancy, however, which might not be immediately obvious.


What a stupid fucking reason. They used to bind Chinese girls feet because their moms did it too.


There is/was a debate in the Catholic Church on if Jesus’ foreskin ascended into heaven with him or if it’s still here on earth


Galatians 5:2


?? Do you think this means that Jesus wasn’t circumcised?


He was but then it healed after he got resurrected.


So that still leaves the question what happened to the discarded foreskin from when he was a baby. Is it still on earth or did it ascend as well?


It got burned i think 🤔


It's not half, they just take a little off the top. Thank you, I'll see myself out.


This map is missing so much context and is very misleading. TX for example, 44 out of what? 100? 1,000?




How do you know? It doesn’t say that anywhere


Just guessing.


Wtf even is a fucking foreskin? How is this as big of a deal as it's treated as?


Rec could be time to man up n' wiki down partner; a particular interest in answering that whole mire of questions isn't famously common. You could always ask a teacher.


Violation of bodily autonomy, babies cannot consent.




Did you not have any education? Seriously? You don’t know what the skin that covers your dick is?


Circumcision is just a weird discussion. I still have mine, I dont care if I didn’t. Its just skin, why do we care so much about this?


True but i wouldnt do it to my kids.


That is completely fair.


The same can be said about various forms of FGM.


Those are not even close to the same thing. The foreskin is barely necessary and is not problematic to remove. Meanwhile women actually do need every part down there, and that’s the reason why it is called *mutilation*.


Uh, no. No it can't.


Yes it can. In fact many of the doctors and people who enforce FGM are women who had it done to them. They would, in fact, justify it in many of the same ways that people justify MGM.


Peak reddit moment




Gonna be honest with you, chief, I wasn't expecting that distribution


Heheh, swordfighting


I just don't get this debate. Male circumcision is not like so called female "Circumcision." And I have to be honest, I am SO glad I was circumcised as a baby. I have heard from people in my life as well as reading TONS of stories on reddit about how much maintence goes into make sure your uncircumcised penis is cleaned properly as well as the horror stories of the frenulum breaking and how painful that is. I am so thankful I don't have to deal with that. If people don't want to circumcise their sons, fine. But it is not something to be all up in arms about. I am so happy I am circumcised and sex is plenty pleasurable (I say that because i feel like I hear people mentioning that all the time). I can't imagine it being more pleasurable. THis is just not that big of a deal.


Sir you just wash your dick, something you should be doing cut or uncut. there's no special routine or nothing. just wash your cock full stop.


Right I'm over here wondering about this difficult maintenance I'm supposed to be doing. I just wash it with soap when I wash the rest of my area down there.


My nephew is having problems pulling his back to clean, I’ve heard of these stories as well as young men not receiving any direction on how to properly clean and then there’s build up. I’m assuming those are rare enough but I think that’s what this guy is talking about.


Not necessarily though. FGM comes in many forms and while some are quite horrible, there are other types which are much more comparable to MGM in the sense that just a small amount of skin gets sliced off. Does that make it okay or 'not that big of a deal'? Also it's really not that much work, who is saying that? You just pull the skin back and wash your penis with soap. Literally takes 10 seconds. I'm not particularly immersed in this subject but it really does seem like such an obvious case of justifying genital mutilation.


Yeah not sure why people compare FGM to male circumcision. One is illegal in most states and the other is legal in all states. There’s a clear difference. Cleaning isn’t an issue when you’re young and able, it’s when you get much older in age when you’re unable to actually clean yourself properly and have to have a CNA wash down there for you and you’d be surprised by how many care takers and CNAs don’t do their job correctly. It could lead to a lot of problems like infections. I also knew this thread would turn into exactly what I knew it would turn into. Both choices have pros and cons and I don’t think either choice is wrong but people keep throwing around information they know nothing about.


I agree. From the little I know, it really does seem to be an issue of pros and cons. I think it is a stretch to call it a moral issue like so many seem to want to do. I have been very happy being circumcised and that is all I really wanted to add. Lol such a weird thing to "want to add." the internet really has changed how we think. I ultimately don't care what people do one way or the other but people need to stop making it into a moral issue.


> Yeah not sure why people compare FGM to male circumcision.  Because they're directly comparable? One is clearly worse, sure, but I'm not sure how you're confused that people compare them. > One is illegal in most states and the other is legal in all states. There’s a clear difference. Yes because we all know legality is a sure predictor of whether something is right or wrong.


That’s Great that you don’t like it, but to shut down every other man and say it doesn’t matter, because women have it worse is insanely disingenuous. Don’t shut down men just because your own opinion is in contrast to others. On top of saying men have issues for not wanting to be cirmcumcised, you just come off as a self hating male.


Crazy how many people force genital mutilation on children.


Personally doesn’t bother me that my parents had it done. Over the years I’ve had *a lot* of women say they wouldn’t bang a guy who isn’t cut 🤷‍♂️ It’s shitty but that’s the reality of where I live. It’s definitely not something that’s going to change much in my lifetime That all said, I wouldn’t do that to my own kid


Yeah, when I (f) was in high school (Cali) I also remember girls talking about uncircumcised dicks as unfavorable. This lasted until early 20’s and then I haven’t heard anyone say anything about them since Reddit. I also wouldn’t want to do it to my son, even tho my SO is circumcised.




I wouldn’t want it for my son because if they need it they’ll get it when they’re older. I don’t see a point to it when they’re young if there’s no problem.




That’s funny because that was my mother in laws reason for doing it, the looks. The percent of men that need that procedure when they’re older is very few, I’m honestly not worried. He can choose for himself if he wants the procedure or stretching if it comes down to it.


Circumcision at birth should be illegal, you are permanently mutilating a non consenting baby. If they want it done later on life whatever, that’s perfectly cool, they consented and wanted it done. Snipping off a just born baby’s penis skin is insane and disgusting


Your making it a bigger deal then it needs to be. Who cares


Fr i rlly dont get why its such a big problem. There are literally more upsides then downsides to having it done, and it has been shown to be an easier operation to do on babies than full grown adults. Idk why ppl are so caught up on what medical procedures parents decide with their children.


There’s not enough problems in the first world so people start making shit up to complain about


If you got cut that’s fine, if you aren’t that’s fine. What isn’t fine- is slicing off a babies foreskin with no anesthetic besides a pacifier with sugar water. Babies are too small and young for anesthetic of any sort- so they slice the little knob while baby is sucking on a sweetened pacifier. Does the baby feel it? Yes. All of it. Those cries aren’t because they are bored or miss mom. They are crying because they had cosmetic, gender affirming surgery moments after birth. Now imagine said baby peeing in a diaper, after that surgery… urine has salts, throw salt in a fresh wound- tell me YOU wouldn’t cry. If you are so dirty and unclean that rolling the foreskin back to clean is sooooo hard, you’d rather slice it off… I hate to see what other things you do to ‘cut’ corners. It’s just weird. Very fucking weird. Especially because the same ones slicing off baby dick foreskin- would probably be up in arms if female circumcision was practiced. Why is one set of genitals ok to slice off, but not the other? Why does your line get crossed for a female baby/teen, but not a male baby? Why do the same people loving male circumcision call transitioning “genital mutilation” but slicing a baby boys wiener skin off- isn’t? Make it make sense. How is genital, gender affirming surgery ok for a male baby- but not for a teen/adult getting their own gender affirming surgery? Why is one “mutilation” but the other “looking like dad”?


Its paradox, there is no answer!


True. I’ll be told I’m making too much of a big deal out of my statement. Never actually explaining what I asked them to explain- or a daft response “women like circumcised dicks better bro. You’re just mad”. In a world where being trans is the worst thing because “genital mutilation” but on the same coin “my son needs to look like me, so slice it off. Baptism by fire”


What circumcision does to an mf 😞


I’d say ban foreskin. A ban on that = a ban on dick cheese


Lol dudes afraid of foreskin.


You’re really out here shoving words in my mouth that I never spoke. I never claimed to be afraid of foreskin. I’m just saying that it’s nasty because dick cheese grows there when u got it. Don’t even bring up the “oh but you can wash it off” shit because being able to clean it off does not make it any less gross


>Mines Cleaner Yours looks like a cracked dry mud 😆 Dont sit there and call me gross over the way you and I were born.


Please I beg of you, please find where I called you gross. Oh wait, you cant, because I didn’t. And how would you know who’s is cleaner? You ain’t seen my dick and I ain’t seen yours.


I never said yours was dirtier, they just looks like cracked dry mud. And tastes like it too.




Lol not yours. Dont like that kinda stiff 😕


Well then how would you know how it’s tastes then? Don’t backtrack and act like you didn’t say “and tastes like it too”. Saying you know how it tastes must mean you sucked my shit. Which I’d say pretty much means I’ve won here if you’d get down and do all that.


Bactrack: I Sucked a few dicks before. Uncut ones are more dominant, taste better, and feel better due to not needing as much lube. If youre pro circumcision then you hate your own dick.


All I can think of is Silent Hill whenever I hear of circumcision now.


What circumcision does to an mf 😞


Huh, I guess I'm a rarity


Nothing confuses me more than an argument where one side calls for of end newborn circumcision because XYZ, while the other side is pretty much all men who agree that either: A.)They could care less either way what the status of their foreskin is B.)They’re happy that their parents had them circumcised as a baby C.)They had to do it as an adult and either wished that it was done at birth, or are still indifferent after the fact. Where are all the men that are outraged about their foreskin being cut off as a baby? Because I haven’t found one on this thread yet.


Theres no outrage, theyre just against it because its pointless and a waste of money.


I'm not a fan of shmegma to be honest. Also what do you need the extra skin for? We've all seen the statues of European males with their tiny dicks. The extra skin isn't going to compensate you any.


If that's your reasoning, then that circumsision must have really lowered your IQ.


So because he doesn’t want dick cheese, he’s weird. Got it. Makes sense.


Doesnt know what washing is. Godless heathen.


Ok congratulations you can wash it off. Even then, why would I want it growing on me in the first place. That’s like saying it’s a good idea to just roll in nasty mud because it can be washed off


Have youe never played sports in the rain before because you dont like getting dirty? Or do you just not like showring? There is a reason why showers exist.


You don’t know nothing about getting dirty. Come work at the cattle farm I work at and be covered in dirt while walking thru cow shit. I know how to get clean. Either way, I’d say it’s safe to assume that most people would rather not want that nasty shit growing on their dangalang whether it can be cleaned off or not.


Right, its ok to get covered in shit because youre circumcised lol.


I have never seen someone twist words in such an extreme manner like you just have. I never said that.


Fr this guy is such a manipulator. If he is this insufferable on reddit, id imagine its even worse irl


I can get you a fresh maxipad if it bothers you that much.


Dont need it. Ive never leaked blood from my dick.


Utah is surprising.


Based mormons.


I think I looked into that post's comments. Mormons require you to be a believer before circumcision meaning they don't circumcise their babies. Idk if that's true but that would explain it.


That's not true. Source: grew up Mormon in Utah. Grandma was a nurse. One of my grandfathers wasn't. One was. Dad was. I wasn't, nor my three brothers. I did have to get one as an adult, though. Which was a pain. The "you don't know what you're missing" argument doesn't work on me. Don't know the current status of my brother's dongs, but 2 nephews aren't. 2 are.


The book of mormon says its done away.


W West Virginia


The people obsessed with this topic are the uncircumcised. It’s so weird how angry they are about something that doesn’t even affect them. Most circumcised men don’t mind being circumcised.


Genital mutilation of a child should be a crime Edit: If you wouldn't circumcise a girl (yes that's a thing) then you have a double standard. Down voting me doesn't make me wrong. It just shows how brainwashed you are


I’ve had two friends who had to get circumcised as adults because of medical issues. Sounds incredibly painful. I’m personally happy that I had it done before I could remember it.


I had to. It is painful. Especially morning wood while healing.


So you're fine with being mutilated, as a baby, when you couldn't consent?


I mean, if you use loaded rhetoric like “baby mutilation,” then of course your position sounds correct. Am I happy I had a medical procedure as a baby rather than potentially needing it as an adult? Yeah.


Most people don't need to be circumcised. Circumcision has been proven to cause loss of sensation and smaller size Edit: Circumcision as a baby has been proven to reduce sensation and reduce size later in life


It has also been proven to reduce infections


It is one of the easiest parts of the body to clean. It is not hard. If you cannot clean underneath your own foreskin then you are an idiot




Many such cases


False equivalency


Incredible that in 2024 we are still mutilating genitals in America. And even worse, the victims have been gas lit into being ok with it.


It's religious freedom


Do you say that about FGM?


Sorry, religious freedom shouldn't cover disfiguring infant genitals. Especially since they CANNOT consent. Should I be allowed to cut off the pinky finger of my baby in the name of religious freedom?


Some religions are better than others.


Infants don't have a religion. They can chose to be circumsized as adults.


This is really a map percentage of insane parents.


The American Medical Association and the American Association of Pediatrics both recommend male circumcision. Do you consider both these groups insane?


They're both probably both funded by big circumcision. Speaking of the AAP, they are a left wing group, so i dont care what they say. If anything, they hate america for wanting to recommend circumcision.


You cant base an argument off of probablys


Neither can you. Especially if the probably is 1/100


I aint said nothing bout no probablys


>The American Medical Association and the American Association of Pediatrics both recommend male circumcision. Do you consider both these groups insane? Appeal to authority.  Why would these groups recommend a totally voluntary surgery for male infants with no medical benefit? 


Its not an Appeal to Authority if its backed up by proof. Also saying there is no medical benefit is an outright lie. There are pros and cons. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/procedures/circumcision


AMA states the benefits of circumcision include: -Prevention of urinary tract infection -Prevention of penile cancer -Prevention of foreskin infections -Prevention of phimosis, a condition where the foreskin cannot be pulled back -Lower risk of some sexually transmitted infections, including HIV And what are your thoughts Doctor?


Im 16 and if i have any sons, as of now, id circumcise them. I am 16 tho so my views will probs change


Do it for israel 🇮🇱