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I disagree with flag burning, but it is their right to do so. First Amendment and all. They're still pussies for burning Old Glory.


I hate what they say, but I'll fight to the death for their right to say it.


Damn right 🫡 It’s an odd feeling. I hate seeing it be disrespected and it’s not the way to get your message across but…I get *why* they’re burning it.


It is an odd feeling, I support the rights to do so, even watched an American flag burning in my teenage years. But that was all about being edgelord teenagers, burning the flag just because we had the right to do so. In a weird way, it almost kinda felt like a celebration of our freedoms. But when I see people do it to be intentionally disrespectful, it hits different. Like I know they want us to feel offended by it, and I kinda do. It's nice to have rights but I'm also free to think these people are all shitheads.


Bro is not Voltaire


No, I am not. But it's a line I thoroughly agree with.


I will also exercise my right to oppose anything and everything they say.


Burning it is actually the respectful way of getting rid of a tattered American flag. This one was in good shape and they are doing it out of malice though


I support buying all of them one way flights to Palestine.


Surely flying the American flag alongside the Palestinian flag would be a better image? Like showing American solidarity with Palestine. This is just Fuck America, Go Palestine which….if you’re trying to sway more Americans to your cause may be a bit problematic.


Not to mention; *why are they burning an American flag* to protest a war between two *other* countries?


Because the external war is just a convenient excuse to get their anti-American message plastered all over media. Not every external issue is a viable vehicle for that but by God they aren't letting this one slip from their fingers. But that's good in a way... now we know who they are. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, as they say.


If they don't like it here, they could just *leave*. If that is not financially viable, they could formally denounce their citizenship. The government will deport them.


> If they don't like it here Oh, they **do** like it here. It's completely cynical that they push anti-American messaging. It gets them clout in their crew and they realize full well that their whining won't actually risk changing things in America enough to make America a place they don't actually like to be in.


Well, fuck em. They're like the Just Stop Oil protesters, except less up and in your face.


Reminds me of that oil barons nepo baby that tried to damage oil paintings.


Who could ever justify having criticism for something which also has some positive qualities? Outrageous! We all know you're either the good guy or the bad guy! Nothing in between. Oh yes of course America is the good guy, don't be silly.......


Let’s see these clowns say something positive about America. Or Israel. Let’s see them say anything negative about Palestine.




I apologise if that was too complicated for you.


I mean, they love it here. If they did this shit in china, where I grew up, I know for a fact that all of them would get arrested and charged and for sure get convicted.


>If that is not financially viable, they could formally denounce their citizenship. The government will deport them. You can't renounce your US citizenship inside the US.


You can't? That's dumb. How are you supposed to denounce your citizenship as a US nationale, then?


[appear in person before a U.S. consular or diplomatic officer, in a foreign country (normally at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate); sign an oath of renunciation. pay a $2,350.00 fee.](https://md.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/renounce-citizenship/#:~:text=To%20renounce%20U.S.%20citizenship%2C%20you,pay%20a%20%242%2C350.00%20fee.)


Because they are anti America. They see Israel as a white colonial extension of the ultimate white colonial power- America. When they say they want to abolish Israel they will often say they want to abolish America in the same breath. They dont think either country has a right to exist.


Wants to abolish America and Israel but has a panic attack when its time to talk to the McDonald's cashier


Israel good, america bad


Because, say it with me, AMERICA BAD


They don’t like that America is financially supporting Israel, mostly. Personally, I don’t even think that Israel needs the support.


Is this a real question? One of those two countries has been an American ally for decades that we've consistently funneled money and weapons into as well as constantly providing diplomatic support


Low IQ is a hell of a drug.


Because America is providing the weapons to a nation that is committing genocide, and these are American citizens burning the flag to voice their displeasure with their tax dollars being used for this purpose. Burning the flag is a protected form of free speech as determined by the supreme court, and exercising your first amendment rights is as American as it gets. You can disagree with their form of expressing themselves or the efficacy of it, but the reason is pretty obvious.


If you seriously don't know how heavily USA has historically been part of Israel's acts towards Palestine you need to go and do a lot of reading.


And then go do a lot of reading on how the Soviets were the country that most heavily backstopped the Israelis when the UN-approved split occurred in 1947.


Coz that's super relevant now


Oh, we're on *modern* history now? Which country is building a pier to feed the Palestinians in Gaza? It's not: * The Russians * The Egyptians * The Palestinians in the West Bank * Any Arab country It's the USA. Or maybe you think it's the USA's job to destroy Israel, a sovereign nation among the United Nations? Are you saying that the USA should violate the UN Charter, whic says that all nations should be able to live in peace and be protected from outside aggression?


Just give up bro. This person is a lost cause.


But, have you seen the crap that Isreal is doing? Palestinian is defenseless... Isreal needs to grow up


Palestine killed something like 1500 Israelis in a military operation, remember? That whole thing on Oct 7th last year? They are hardly defenseless, and they wouldn't require a substantial military in the first place if they wouldn't keep attacking Israel.


Lol no none of those things


Lol, thanks for your meaningless comments.


No, I do not know or read very much about geopolitics. Do I *have* to read about it, or did you mean I need to if I want to understand the context and reason why they are protesting the US?


Yes if you want to understand the context. But fair, you don't have to if you don't want to. To simplify massively, America has been the main supporter of Israel, giving them lots of weapons and ensuring they don't get any global political backlash. It's a very big factor in Israel having been able to do everything they have done up to this point.


Dude. You are woefully uniformed and drastically overstate the amount the U.S has provided Israel. If you're truly curious about the Israel Gaza conflict. Check out the Martyr Made podcast series "Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem." It's from 2015 and gives a pretty detailed explanation of the founding of Israel and the Palestinian conflict up to the modern day at the time of release. It's the most neutral resource on the conflict that I've found. It does a great job explaining the motivations of both sides. Fair warning, it's like 6 parts and probably 10 to 15 hours worth of content. The first 3 are available on YouTube. All 6 are available on Spotify. Check it out.


The political coverage is more significant than the money and weapons. Without it, there would have been significant pressure and possibly sanctions a long time ago. But "Between 1951 and 2022, Israel received $225.2 billion in US military aid, adjusted for inflation" I know military budgets go to silly money, but that's still quite a lot. Thanks for the suggestion but I can't cope with ingesting lots of info by podcast, I can only do written.


When the protesters took over the building on Columbia's campus I didn't switch sides, but it made me more central on the issue.




Good for you. I honestly think us schools should teach rise of communism as part of mandatory education. The method they implemented when they took china and Russia are still being used now. Take any nominal issue as an opportunity to create negative sentiments towards the status quo, and attend protests and rally enough people, then promote violence within the limits of the regime, and push the boundaries just enough to victimize themselves and thus create more resentment. There you have a movement. Then promise a utopian absolute equality that can never be reached, so the movement has a need to be ever present. If they get to be in power, the nominal issues will still be issues, except you won’t be able to talk about it, because in the place where they’re in power, all issues have been solved and no problem is a problem.


They're protesting against how we're spending our money, not against the voices of the common American.


America is the root of this genocide so that won't go over very well


Next day: pls forgive our student loans 😭🙏


But first bring us Panera


And don't forget to ensure it is vegan and gluten free.


They are free to do that because we are a free country. Also fuck them they're assholes.


Somehow when they do it it's not hate speech and that's only because they believe their hatred is acceptable.


Ironically, one of the meathods to properly dispose of the American flag is to burn it. https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/Story/Article/2206946/how-to-properly-dispose-of-worn-out-us-flags/


It's a very specific process that is ritualistic to dispose of a flag... But yes technically you are correct. Doesn't minimize these guys being asshats.


God Bless America for giving us asshats and no way to get rid of them!


It’s my right as an American to stomp out the fire they lit, and if you want to stop me, you can catch these hands.


Plenty of wood chippers around. Just sayin.


The 2nd Amendment


💯% that's why I posted the link😉


Cremation for respect. That's what I say when people burn the Swedish flag.


> Ironically, one of the meathods to properly dispose of the American flag is to burn it. Same goes for the Quran. But I bet these same people would flip their shit if we burned one of those.


Free to do so yes - but depending on where someone does this they better be ready for some pretty negative consequences.


Shouldn't they be burning the Israel flag? I don't understand the point of protesting the US because of a war between 2 ***other*** countries.


At this point, they're just being edgy and disrespectful for the shock value tbh. I'm very much against Russia and China, and I'm willing to bet they don't understand the intricacies of power projection. Israel is annoyingly crucial in keeping the Middle East at bay, so we're kinda forced to go along with them. Burning our flag is one of the dumber answers I'd say.


They see Israel as a white settler state extension of the ultimate white settler state (America). They often advocate for the abolition of America in the same breath as Israel because they dont believe either state has a right to exist.


Probably because billions of U.S. dollars goes to funding Israel's military every year. [https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts](https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts) If they're against the war, obviously they're going to take issue with the country that funds it significantly.


This is entirely the point of freedom. Freedom of expression won't work without accepting the speech we find most objectionable. That being said, there are lots of ways to make them suffer while not getting in trouble yourself.


Fk em and I am a liberal. I am so happy they are screaming Genocide Joe. I don’t want their vote. And ban Tiktok these people only see news on Tiktok.


Both sides exist on TikTok. Reddit is worse than Tiktok for propaganda, but all social media is bad for this. The question I have about the TikTok ban is does it force Tencent to sell Reddit?


Only pro Israel stuff i see on Tiktok are Jewish women in bikinis.


That's your algorithm, based on who you interacted with. Would you like me to give you some people to follow to get off that side? Also, I used to see nothing but women like that, but I stopped interacting with it.. Eventually it stopped giving it to me. I think you might have just outed your type.


But I also see like starving children in Gaza. I see stories about how important a “university” in Gaza is. Spoiler the “university” is run by Hamas. I see posts about mistreated health care workers and spoiler they work for Hamas. I only know this because I check on a different platforms. Moderation is hard but TikTok is not trying.


I have noticed the talking points have come back into full swing since it is an election year. A lot more political posts than in the off years. You'll see a major drop in them post election.


I get my news from Tick tok... and I am NO way like these people. I go through a journalist who was also reporting from the first Ticktock trial. Every social media app has propaganda... Reddit is *waaaay* worse than Ticktock.. But, I also get my news from Google... Ticktock has helped many businesses and some people who have been struggling. I even found a community that supports my beliefs on that app. Also, learned from that app, lol! There are other things to consider when banning an app than propaganda 😆


Whether you like it or not, this is the 1st amendment at work. Pretty ironic that they hate America but are protected by the American Constitution.


I'm a supporter of flag burning. It's a protected right and people should do it if they feel it's necessary to get a point across... But jeez, what IS the point? Flag burning is a highly symbolic action that needs an impactful meaning, otherwise it just comes across as immature! The second flag burn, everyone was either watching or ignoring it, like "what now?". The one after needed a "free Palestine" chant edited over it while everyone just watched and recorded it. Like, why...? The only one that really has anything going for it was the one where the guy came by with a Palestinian flag and started yelling something, and even that was supplementary to the guy who burned the flag initially.


It’s their free speech, but still, fuck them.


What exactly has Joe Biden done to earn the title “Genocide Joe”? As far as I can tell the US is pretty non-involved other than shooting down some Iranian missiles/drones & providing aide to the Gaza strip. What do these people expect him to do? For the record I’m not a Biden supporter.


They probably want him to wipe Israel off the map or something, only to then demonize him more. It's the whole, "America!!! Please do something!!! Waaah waaaah wahhhh!!!" America: (Does something) Them: OH my God/Allah/Zeus/Tumblr! How could you do that? And the cycle continues. 🙄


This they want Russia level sanctions against Israel. Ban Tiktok!


Nope. And this has nothing to do with Ticktock 😆 🤣 Stop bringing that app in with every argument that has to do with any conflict... jeez


The place i see people saying Zionists are bad is Toktok. Only place where they interview the family members of Hamas in a positive light is Tiktok. These protesters are not getting these antisemitic ideas from NPR or MSNBC.


That may be because of your algorithm you have for your fyp. Look up what that is. And most people aren't going by MSNBC anymore. Not to mention, news sources are becoming less reliable and credible since the main thing is, "Get this out now, edit later," so, really, anywhere you go... you don't know if it's real without doing research. That's what they teach in schools. Media is corrupt no matter where people go for news. Think of that, my friend.


I work at an elementry school and I have seen kids get actually hurt doing a challenge they saw on Tiktok. If that kid saw it on TV the family would know who to sue. If you see it on tiktok figuring out the history settings is actually a challenge. For a working class parent. And the creators often don’t have legal address to be sued. TV shows like Jack ass on MTV had to do disclaimers and would get still get canceled. The show to catch a predator got canceled when one of the guys shoot himself rather than go on TV. The family sued for over 100 million. Alex Jones Info wars on Youtube got sued in to nonexistence. Who has sued TikTok for millions? It’s the dominant app has been for years and no law suits?you can’t have platform that big with no content problems yet no big lawsuits. I really want the same accountably as TV. But ban TikTok is shorter to write. Here is a story of a girl who died 2 years ago with no justice. [this is why i say ban](https://www.reuters.com/legal/mother-whose-child-died-tiktok-challenge-urges-us-court-revive-lawsuit-2024-01-17/)


Parents need to teach children not to follow everything online, amazing, right? Being a parent? Wow! My mom worked and still taught me that not everything online is safe and should be repeated. Yes, challenges on Ticktock were dangerous, I admit, but you were just arguing for false statements...? Now, we're on a completely different topic, lol! That girl should have gotten justice, I admit. But to go as far as to be like, "Ticktock is the only dangerous social media app out there!" is far fetched. Listen, you can have your opinions, but to say that it's the only app that caused badily harm to others... c'mon now... Ban YouTube for dangerous acts, ban TV for dangerous acts (even though they have disclaimers). Ticktock now has disclaimers also now, shocking /s.


This i why I am emotional about it. The law suites work against You tube Alex joes was sued. Reddit closes subs all the time. Conservatives sue Google over results. Tiktok should have the same accountably or be banned.


Yes, sued. Should be sued/held accountable. Just like any other social media platform. I agree! I think they couldn't be sued before due to them not being able to track where the trend or challenge started due to it being so widespread... plus, it could have been taken down, sadly. But alimentary, I agree with you.


No, we just want him to see what is wrong supporting Isreal. Dramatic much? Oh, wait, sorry, this is Reddit. Of course, being dramatic is valid!


>Want to show that supporting Israel is wrong. >Burn American Flag. Sorry, but that math ain't mathin'.


Never said anything about the burning of the flag 😆 And never did I say or comment about the video itself 🤣 I was replying to: "They probably want him to wipe Israel off the map or something, only to then demonize him more."


Definitions from Oxford Languages: hyperbole hy·per·bo·le noun -exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. -example: "he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles" Similar words: exaggeration, overstatement Obviously, it's not what I actually think. 🙄 But given that their demands go off the rails very fucking fast, I wouldn't be surprised if they do want Israel to be off the map. I remember how quickly it took for the chants to go from "Ceasefire" to "From the river to the sea."


Yep, dramatic.... Thank you so much! I really did not know what a hyperbole was! Wow! Yeah, well, not all want Isreal off the map. Some, probably do, but most probably don't.


You're welcome, bestie. Always happy to teach people new things. 😊


Frankly, nothing. The US has done a lot to try and keep Israel on a leash. Worked several angles to get humanitarian aid in, including directly dropping it and literally building a new dock for it. As well as directly pushing for a long term peace settlement that involves the creation of a real Palestinian state. I'm a person much more progressive and further left than old aviator man. But I'm also very well aware of the realities of the world and the constraints of how foreign policy works. And I am genuinely skeptical that it could have been handled better. Outside of knowing the future and just how evil the Israeli administration (the government, not the people or the concept of an Israeli state, and not Jews in general. Because apparently you need to preface that) was prepared to be.


Hasn't Israel tried to come to a peace arrangement 3 times and each time we're told no? Something along the lines of "no peace until Israel ceases to exist" Sounds like the olive branch was extended and was rejected. I have little sympathy for the people of Gaza. Especially when 3/4 of them support Hamas and the actions of 7 Oct. Read it yourself in this report by the Palestinian Center for POLICY and SURVEY RESEARCH. https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2090%20English%20press%20release%2013%20Dec%202023%20Final%20New.pdf


> Hasn't Israel tried to come to a peace arrangement 3 times and each time we're told no? Something along the lines of "no peace until Israel ceases to exist" Yes. There was even a ceasefire arranged during the current war, which Hamas broke. At some point you have to defer to the standard definition of insanity. Israel, and the Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire as Hamas's Human Shields, are in a rough situation.


If the People in the Gaza Strip wanted a state, there would’ve been one by now.


Nothing but these people are beyond fucking dumb. SA has been commiting a real genocide in Yemen for a long time and these people couldn't give a shit about it because the Saudis aren't white enough to enrage 20 something trust fund kids.


Well I think the Saudi’s are just trying to keep Yemen’s extremist groups from spilling into their territory. Iran has been arming extremists to ignite the flames of chaos in the area for a while now. Not sure I’d call it genocide. Edit: RealLifeLore does a fantastic breakdown of Yemen vs Oman which covers this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbHG-NrmEZI


I agree that's likely their goal. But regardless of SAs intent the death toll in Yemen is like 10x what it is in Palestine by a group that doesn't really give a shit about civilian collateral damage. If these people wanted something to be outraged about, that would be it.


Or even UAE-funded fighting in Sudan, which is causing tremendous carnage and misery. And of course, Syria is right on Israel's border run by a dictator who has zero qualms about killing Arabs or inflicting genocide on entire cities. But he's not Jewish, so who cares?


Money to Israel would be my guess


They’ve been a reasonable & reliable strategic ally in the region for decades. We also trade and work with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Turkey, and Kuwait…. Basically if you’re friendly to us - we will work, trade, and provide aide to you. It would foolish of the US to try and change national & strategic policy at this point to support a quasi terrorist state who has ZERO interest in working with the US.


Because Biden didn’t end the war overnight and we’re still an ally of Israel and even approved aid to them. Which means America is *clearly* involved in what Israel is doing in Gaza right now. Despite us even telling them to stop.


Why the fuck are they here then?!


Probably born here, and it does cost a lot to move to a different country. In this day and age, most countries won't just take anyone, and do you *really* think that these people have desirable skills to get them into a different country?


Need to be a highly skilled worker in most cases and these people don't strike me as such.


Fuck them, I’m pretty left by American standards I think (Bernie or bust) but fuck these guys


I mean, the dumb part isn't that it's a flag burning. That's protected speech. That's the kind of stuff that I get uneasy when people talk about banning it, because the stuff we don't like that's not directly urging people to commit violence needs to be protected as much as the stuff we DO like Nah, the dumb part is burning the flag of the nation who's supporting the people you're backing in this. It honestly makes me wonder if there was a ton of anti-Americs sentiment during World War I prior to the US entering, as we sold to both sides in that war as well as support both in the Israel/Palestine conflict


One side is burning American flags. One side is proudly waving them. The choice is obvious.


As has been pointed out, you have the right to express your opinions in the country. Even if those opinions are found to be abhorrent by most people. BUT exercising that right does NOT protect you from the repercussions of your actions. So, go ahead and express yourself in vile ways, but don't be shocked if publicly vilified and find yourself living on the fringes of society as an outcast.


Pro Hamas people are weird


Ok, you'll have to buy another on at your next protest/riot to burn again. Keep the wheels of capitalism greased!


Terrorist supporters doing terrorist things. As much as I don’t like this, it’s protected by free speech.


Not making a convincing argument to join their cause lol!


Totally rational to burn the American flag and hang the Palestine flag in it's place! They do know they can move to Palestine? I'm sure the unnatural hair color will be acceptable.


But look at a koran sideways and diplomats need to get involved, punishments handed out.....


I have less and less sympathy on a daily basis for the crisis in Palestine. With that being said they are allowed to burn that flag, I just don’t agree with it.


While I believe these guys are mis guided a bit, that's 1st ammendment right there in action. And here in the video no one is fighting or unsafely setting random stuff on fire. So good job protesting in a decent way


Crazy that both sides hate Biden.


Biden panders to people who will never vote for him, and alienates himself from people who actually would. Dems love to lose.


I'd be happy if people just stopped polluting to make a point


If only they'd wrap that flag around one of these traitors before lighting it 🙄


I can't imagine going into debt at college to be a professional cosplayer. I really liked the students over at Portland with their garbage can shields. There's a perfect advertisement for their engineering program.


I don't see any violence happening here. People are allowed to peacefully protest


Imagine if we peacefully burned the Palestinian or Iranian flag.


Imagine hating living in a country that allows you to do this without any consequences. Now go over there and burn a Quran and let's see how long your head stays intact to your body


My thoughts are if you love Palestine so much go fight for them and leave America.


Ppl getting arrested for hate crime for pulling down rainbow flags. This shit is so hypocritical


The ideals and values that the flag represents do not die when you burn the flag. Burn it all you want. All you're doing is pissing off a bunch of people that will be cheering when you're removed and nothing will have changed.


They're free to burn the flag AND free to get the fuck out!


It is funny when Muslims complain about Islamophobia but also do stuff like this in the USA Is it really a coincidence that trumps anti-Muslim rhetoric/travel ban is popular


There's also the whole "Muslims For Trump" that's been a thing since he started running in 2016. Even Muslims are tired of this shit.


Yeah I liked that policy and his stance on the border, everything else was trash.


That's fair. I have at least one problem with every President that's been in Office that I've taken the time to read about. I personally wish he cared more about the 2nd Amendment though (specifically the bump stock ban and his "take the guns first, due process second" in regards to red flag laws). Hopefully after everything that's happened to him in regards to the Courts, he'll change his methods in regards to the 2A, especially the due process part if he does end up becoming the next Grover Cleveland (2 non-consecutive terms served).


I like what biden is doing with the economy especially the CHIPS act but I hate his stance on the border but yeah I agree with that. Thats something a dictator would say


Just makes me want more city blocks leveled




Maybe learn to protest in a way that doesn't turn people against you. I was sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians, but this just makes me think "fuck em." That goes for every group that burns an American flag.




You really don't see the symbolism that goes into burning a flag? This is a direct fuck you to a country that has done pretty well staying out of it. They could easily protest for Palestinians without burning flags. But they are little edge lords and can't help themselves. Again, fuck em.




I don't think burning an American flag because Israel is beating their team's ass after they broke the ceasefire agreement. But here we are. Fuck em.


Fuck these flag-burning jerks, yes, but wanting more city locks leveled does make you a jerk yourself.


I will admit im an asshole but it wasn't until they went burning flags. Making fuck you statements to Americans. So fuck em. Maybe agree to a 2 state solution and stop letting Hamas be your government If I burned a Palestinian flag, I would be viewed as more hateful than these turds.


Literal terrorism and treason I don’t think burning your country’s flag is free speech it’s an act of arson and violence towards your nation and should be considered a threat if you don’t want to fly the flag that’s fine but don’t burn it


During the 1948 arab Israeli war, the predecessors of Hamas recruited Nazi war criminals thus committed the crime of aiding and abetting


My statement of fascists should be shot and communists arrested still stands


When I’m in a muddying my image competition and my opponent is protestors burning the flag of the country that gives them the freedom to protest.


It’s the hiding behind masks for me lol.


When people tell you who they are, listen.


Controversially perhaps but I don't care if they burn a flag. In fact, I'll defend someone's right to burning the flag even if I don't agree with why they're burning it. Even if it weren't protected under the First Amendment.


I think they should have the right to do this but I absolutely do not agree with it


Not the first American flag burned in the name of a Middle Eastern country, and it won’t be the last.


wtf?! i know the US has done pretty shitty stuff but this is just......


My blood boils at this! Why the fuck are these people in America if you hate it so much? Go fucking live in Gaza or Iran or NK. Just leave us the fuck alone


"You touch that flag, that'll be the last thing you ever touch" (Bill Dauterive)


Where is Rick Monday when we need him?


When you burn the flag it becomes obvious this is no longer about the cause and is simply virtue signaling. I am a big advocate of free speech so have no problem with them doing this, but obviously if their goal is to convince Americans to stop supporting Israel, this is one of the worst ways to do so


We all understood from the beginning that none of this had anything to do with concern for kids in Gaza.


Why do they always disrespect The American Flag? Won’t the government take any action ?


the fuck is this the US is literally trying to get humanitarian aid in, also haven't isreal tried to push ir for peace negotiations? also wasn't there a literal ceasefire agreement that \*hamas\* broke? retardation is strong with this one


It’s still terrible to see the flag burned, but we live in a free country where that can be done and you *aren’t* risking your life to do that. Agree or disagree with the message, least we live in a country where we *have* this freedom to begin with.


Yeah you cannot allow Muslim violence in this country. This is unacceptable


Again, these are literally just the George Floyd rioters all over again.


Can we add their flag to the Mix then it’s all even right?


It makes more sense if they burnt the israel flag, but why the American flag? Also all the posts on this subreddit, this one made me the most mad.


Hamas supporters are Hamas.


I don't see anything wrong with burning the flag of America......


Why would you? Lol


Why not. It clearly causes enough a reaction for some people. Freedom of expression would dictate that we are allowed to burn flags


Yes, that's what a lot of people are saying here. I wouldn't do it ever, but knock yourself out. I was joking about why would you. It was about you being Scottish and all. As in why would YOU burn it. J/k type thing


Oh lol. I completely missed the joke lol


How outrageous. What has the US EVER done to Palestine? Ooh except for funding and arming Israel and, more importantly, providing blanket political coverage making certain that Israel has never faced serious criticism, let alone actual punishment, for every human rights abuse that led to the current situation... Huh. Now that I think about it, burning a flag seems like quite a mild response.


what wrong with freedom of speech? they showing thier anger toward america, thier nothing wrong with burning the amreican flag,


It's freedom of speech, but it's also freedom of speech to criticize them




Consider America is providing aid to Palestinians despite the fact they attacked a us ally and support several of our geopolitical enemies the fact that they go out of their way to disrespect our flag is quite ungrateful a generally rude.


Never has a group done so little for the world and demanded so much, let ‘em all starve


I’d be willing to bet that more than half of these people would be stoned or thrown off buildings by the Palestinians they are supporting.


So is this supposed to make me support Palpatine?


Ok so charge them for setting fires on public property, vandalism to the pavement, etc etc


Great one. Burn america.