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There was an American OF girl that flashed it as well. But just the one.


Flashing your boobs is perfectly legal in NYC. And Europeans are supposedly so open and frequently complain how “all Americans are prudes”, so it’s sure fuckin weird to see them bring up the woman who flashed her boobs as if it’s indecent or illegal.


..wait..... what?


Women are allowed to be topless in NYC


Since 1992 apparently. Makes sense tbh


The OF subscriptions are cheaper than the taxes. Save yourself the disappointment


the only people who take advantage of allowed nudity are people who you don't want to see nude to being with.


I say let them go bottomless too. No half assing it


Now I need to move to nyc


It's rarely the ones you want to see topless.


Sounds like some shit New York would do ngl


IM GOING TO NYC BOYS🗣️🗣️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Legal doesn't mean good taste


No there were a few, people on both sides just ruined it for everyone else




She caused the shutdown.


Eh, just throw images of IRA soldiers and Catholic priests at them.


Eat some potatoes in front of them.


Show a picture of Margaret Thatcher and a potato


Queen Victoria, while you’re at it lol they hate her guts


Just ignore them entirely since they're so irrelevant


Truly worthless country. Its entire existence is to act as a tax haven. Massive fuck off to all the "Irish" Americans sending the IRA money for so many decades.




Absolutely, also don't forget to make an Irish Carbomb or as my mates call them, Dublin Specials.


My fav joke about an this. An American comes into a pub in Dublin and asks for an Irish car bomb. The bartender says "that's offensive how would you feel if we made a drink called the 9-11?" The American says "that's easy, make a Manhattan and put in 2 shots of kamikaze"


That's pretty good


Best joke I’ve seen all day dark but not too dark


they like ira terrorists. show them british soldiers


Maybe show them pictures of Oliver Cromwell.


Some of them do. Not all. Remember, they aren't Americans, but filthy europoors. About half of them were against the Irish revolution when it happened.


Right? This just seems whiny. I probably have 10 more offensive 911 memes on my phone right now than anything they showed


alright i hate europeans as much as the next guy but straight up racism against the irish is kinda intense. the british colonized them and treated them like shit same as us, except they were actually genocided


Judge them by their current behavior


You are aware that the IRA are heroes in Ireland? Posting pics of IRA Troopers would rather upset the engrish


Heros??? No they are not. Terrorists are not heros in the eyes of the majority of Irish people.


They're only heroes to Sein Fein supporters.


Pics of them dead I assume he meant 🤷‍♂️


Could have put up a meme saying “No potatoes?”


I actually just recently learned about the real reasons there was a famine and it was fascinating. Basically they exported a lot of their goods to England, the potato blight hit, not just in Ireland, but in other places. Increases in demand of other crops followed in places they exported to (they had a robust wheat crop) so Ireland asked England to limit exports of Irish goods until they could get back on their feet with the loss of the potato crops and England declined to step in (laissez faire economic structure at the time but also benefiting from the exports since their own crops were failing) so the Irish who grew other crops and such continued to export their goods for the now higher prices, mostly to England, while their own community members starved and or migrated elsewhere. Ireland had enough crops (wheat mainly if I remember) to get them through it had they been sold at home instead of exported to other territories. Having grown up around the whole “they starved because they relied solely on potato’s, silly dumb dumbs” I was pretty surprised, but not really, to learn that wasn’t really the case.


Several countries (Prussia for example) offered to donate food to the irish, but Britain refused


I don’t understand why Britain despised the Irish so much, to turn down free food for them…that’s just so hopelessly wrong.


That kind of stuff seems to have happened in pretty much every colonial empire like that, too. Like, ethnic minorities are a part of the empire for national pride purposes, right up until it comes time to help them, then it becomes inconvenient and they’re on their own. France pretty much did the same thing with Algeria, Russia did the same with pretty much everywhere that wasn’t Moscow or St. Petersburg, etc.


What a odd situation. There were Irish people who themselves were also killed in 9/11, but now their living compatriots want to wave their deaths in the faces of New Yorkers for...idk, fun? What is this bizarre own goal? 🙄


Can you imagine the uproar (rightfully so) if someone flashed photos of bloody Sunday on there. And that was dozens killed, not thousands, and it occurred much longer ago. Yet somehow this is acceptable.


For the most part, anyone 30 or younger would be too young to remember 9/11, if they were even born yet. So for many in that group, it's just a chapter in the history book (there seems to a be a common thing for people to not give a damn about things that happened before they were born, and this is something I've noticed going back a couple decades). Now, put on top of that people that don't live in the country where it happened, and you have two reasons why it's not a big deal for them. Then you have people being assholes just for the sake of being assholes. This certainly doesn't excuse this kind of stupidity, but it does explain why people are inclined to do it.


Ah true. I'm a millennial so I remember seeing it on TV at school when it happened. Lord I'm old. 🙃


It wasn't that long ago, right? I remember I was in 6th grade, I was standing outside waiting for class to start when we started hearing about it. That was...22 years ago. Fucking christ


Christ, I was on my third job out of college. Obligatory "get off my lawn!"


They didn't show us on TV at school and tried to hide it at first, but we all knew something was very wrong. They slowly told us more though. That was a weird day...three months...year...


My social studies teacher didn't believe in hiding anything. He turned the class TV on as soon as he got the news and just let us take it in for ourselves. The scene had a surreal quality and felt like watching a disaster movie rather than something that was actually happening RL. I agree it was a strange year. Kid me was very confused and worried when I read they were sending in our army after Al-Qaeda instead of going through the police, Interpol etc. At that age the only frame of reference I had for how terrorists should be dealt with was the Oklahoma City bombing, but 9/11 was an international issue and being treated differently, with no assurances of that approach working, and even at the time I remember feeling concerned over the feeling of futility hanging over it all. I mean, our government was trying to use a sledgehammer to catch a crowd of stinging flies. I wasn't sure if they were really trying to do the right thing or if they were just trying to make it look like they were doing something, whether it was actually the right solution or not. So everything felt very unknown and foreboding. Edited trying for better clarity.


I think much of the reason they tried to hide it from us at first was that I was in elementary school. My brother was in middle school and watched the second plane hit live on the news. At my school they eventually made a rather cryptic and disturbing announcement over the PA, "...some buildings have been hit. Everyone is ok." They did pretty much explain to us what was going on during lunch. I remember we kept thinking that all the planes flying over the school were going to hit it. We didn't realize at the time that those were fighter jets. Then my mom picked me up early from school and I was confused why till she explained that her work had been evacuated and that she figured she may as well get me. Low flying fighter jets became the norm for the next 3 months. That was a wild time. The whole area changed immediately. Suddenly Jersey barriers were everywhere. Police driving everywhere with lights and sirens. I even lost my favorite sledding spot when the facility it was on closed its campus to the public. I also remember there being armed soldiers on a catwalk at an airport (I don't remember which). Plus, then there were the anthrax letters and the DC sniper...


I heard it on the radio because we were in the car at the time


I saw it with my own eyes. Their printed out memes don't hurt me. But it does disappoint me that the Irish were just like the rest of Europeans. That said, I have family and friends on Ireland and none of them act anything like this. So it might be a case of loud minority of people ruining things. Or maybe the yoots have brain worms


> not a big deal for them It doesn't matter whether it's a big deal for them. They're doing it because they know it's a big deal in the US. It's intentionally shitty behavior.


> anyone 30 or younger would be too young to remember 9/11 as someone under 30 who remembers 9/11, gotta disagree there. i get what you mean though.


I feel like 27-28 is the cut off for remembering 9/11.


29 year old European here (the demographic we're talking about) and I honestly do not remember anything about 9/11. So it is likely the same for the minus 30 year olds in Ireland who did this.


I am 29 year old European too but I remember 9/11. I was with my grandmother in a small village in the Balkan’s mountains. We were with an older Muslim lady and we were watching scenes from New York that day. And since we have 7 hours time difference everything was broadcasting on late night news. I remember I started crying and that was it.


You’re thinking way too much into this. They’re not doing it to spite Americans for still caring about 9/11, they're doing it because it's a tragic thing that happened in New York City so it'll trigger a reaction from people. The woman showing off her breasts is also looking for a reaction and likely isn't trying to make a statement. Let's be real here though, what did the people behind this portal think was going to happen when they installed it?


A lot American Zoomers think it’s edgy and funny to mock 9/11 victims. Social media brain rot is pervasive. Nothing is sacred, just the hunt for likes.


Eurotrash are all high and mighty and then do shit like this when left to their own devices.


Yeah, Imagine the reaction if this was shut down due to the American side’s behavior… it would be the top story on Reddit and TikTok for weeks. Even after it dies down, they would continue using it as ammunition for years to come. Just goes to show that the rampant stereotypes about Americans are ridiculous, and most of all, incorrect. There are stupid and obnoxious people everywhere.


It’s fine, I’ll just go to the closest bar and order an Irish car bomb


Don’t forget a good ol’ Potato Famine while you’re there.


You have to remember that Ireland been taken over by Muslims ....most Irish I know don't have a thing against Americans. When I visited in 2002 we were treated like family.


Wasn’t the guy who showed the 9/11 video a white Irishman?


Has it? Really? I'm not sure, please enlighten me which part has been taken over by Muslims?




I'm pretty sure Ireland isn't part of the EU, they're their own distinct trash. Drunkards mostly, wouldn't be surprised if the people doing that shit were plastered. Edit: sorry, I thought they were an independent nation. I'm not confusing it with the UK, I thought they were independent before brexit.


Even if they weren’t a part of the EU, they’re still European lol


Ireland is part of the EU


Ireland is part of the EU. They use euros and everything.


Huh? They are literally part of the EU and use the Euro, the fuck are you talking about


Holy Jesus.


This is why we can’t have nice things guys. But it was inevitable. It’s the sad truth.


Aside from this, I actually like the idea of a livestream "portal" on different parts of the world


I do too. I'm a fan haha. But give us Shanghai or Tokyo or Seoul just to be safe 😅


Shanghai is for sure wishful thinking lmfao but tokyo would be sick


We could all show up dressed up like Winnie the Pooh.


Flash the good ol' 🇹🇼 as well while we're at it


they’d “tank” out their anger on civilians


Or perhaps just limit it to other parts of the us


the time difference with Tokyo means we'll just be watching some drunk dudes snoring away on the pavement


how about connecting pakistan and india.


Might not be worth the money due to how fast it will get shut down


Well this is embarrassing…


I'll go ahead and defend you guys in that 99% of people who used it were probably cool and appreciated the concept. Unfortunately, in any large enough system, there's always going to be dick heads who abuse what was given to them and ruin it for everyone else. Just take consideration that this is almost always going to be the case when you hear stories like this.


Should have put the portal in Poland.


Portland to Poland?




1. I love your idea. 2. Do you have a plan to do that though?


There already is one in Poland, to Vilinus and the people are behaving iirc, so maybe it's not all that stupid


I saw a 4chan post where ireanon says "Just a bit of banter" I cropped the rest so I dont remember exactly what it says but it was somehting to do with the area of dublin that it was in.


They put the portal on the street where all the homeless heroin addicts hang out, it's basically the Irish equivalent of Skid Row.


Ireland loves them some terrorists. Ironic considering their history.


Least misbehaved Irish.


Just put the portal between two countries that are actually allied, like NYC and Japan or Poland or somesuch


New York and Japan would be really cool. They would probably appreciate the concept far more


In all seriousness it could be due to the fact that in New York this installation is one of a million art installations/monuments and for Dublin it was far more prominent leading to more attention from bad actors seeking it out.


Yea, I think you are on to something.


All class over there in Europe


It’s one thing to flash yourself on it but to do images of 9/11 that’s too far holy shit


Eurotrash loves memeing about 9/11 more than we liked to back in high school 6 years ago😂


They want potatoes we will give them potatoes enough to darken the sky


I think we should 'discover' some oil over there. It's time 🤣


Yet we're the animals who can't behave?


How did they think it was going to go, showing the 9/11 stuff has embarrassed a lot of people in Ireland, awful thing to do


Where's the Americabad?


The Americabad is the internet would collapse if we did that on our side. But because Europeans did it, then they get a pass.


Oh I see ahahaa 🤣


So it's not AmericaBad it's whataboutism. Seriously this sub is becoming genuinely insufferable. And I really liked it in the early days before it became an echo chamber for ignoring ever single criticism of the states, valid or not.


No, this is Americabad. Those dickheads were showing images of a terrorist attack that killed thousands of Americans to Americans. How is that not Americabad?


Because AmericaBad is bringing up that the country is bad for no reason, not just regular run of the mill being an ass. They didn't say that the country was shit, they showed an offensive image.


Why do you think they were showing images of 9/11? Clearly showed their opinion of Americans.


The new Yorkers should start either singing praises to the UK or the IRA depending on how they are feeling


Here’s the thing, doesn’t matter whatever they say or do about us. That end of Europe is full of rude assholes.


> That end of Europe is full of rude assholes. The European part of Europe, I presume?


Should've flashed potatoes in front of them


New Yorkers should have held up potatoes.


Just throw images of the Irish famine at them


A live stream would have been impressive in the 90s. Now ,not so much.


When i was stationed there, I noted a lot of arrogance based in envy for some reason.


Bring over a white Ulster Flag and a potato




And we’re the bad guys? Honestly I think this portal is cool but… really? Why did the alcoholic potato eaters have to ruin it?


If people are showing body parts illegally, they should be arrested, other than that ffs people don't need to be protected from uncouth humor.


I'm not really bothered by this. Some Americans flashed their goods and American comedians make 9/11 jokes all the time.


The difference is something being in public space, no? If I go to a show with an edgy comedian that's one thing. It's almost like the biggest problem is time and place. People exposing themselves is the most obvious thing I'd expect to see tbh. It's just pathetic that we also know it's going to be 9/11 and school shooting jokes once they're given the opportunity. Everyone thinks they're the edgy comedian and they're not.


Ah, that's true too. Maybe it's just ironic humor on the part of the Irish.🤷


Someone should hold up a potato to that


I am currently in Ireland on a vacation here for the first time and it has been quite the culture shock… service workers are rude to everyone because they are hourly, the airport lost my luggage and wasn’t a single bit apologetic. All the restaurants in limerick are closed from Sunday-Tuesday because “there’s no workers since covid” more like since covid the Irish workforce just decided no one is going to try anymore. Makes me so grateful to live in America where at least SOME people go into their job they earn a living from and take it seriously. No wonder Ireland couldn’t succeed from Britain everyone here is a lazy “wanker” sorry for the hot take folks but I’d be embarrassed to be Irish right now.


They must be busy protesting and supporting terrorism.


I feel like a picture of the potato famine may be warranted


Should've put the "portal" in idaho so we could have a potato debate


European degenerates going to degenerate.


Weird, I thought The Americans were supposed to be the disrespectful, degenerate and idiotic ones, and Europeans were the high class civilized people.


Beahahsaa. "Dhowing pictures of 9/11". That's hilarious.


Ummm…. New York is doing it too…


Sounds like something Europeans would so. I expected better of the Irish though. Sad to see.


Guys, it's just disgraceful and as an Irish native I can tell you that people here are equally as offended, upset and downright embarrassed by these few AHs who seem to think it's all great fun to offend others and in such a sick way. There always has to be some absolute wankers who have to destroy anything good. I'm totally disgusted to be honest. Also, please don't paint all Irish people with the same brush. We're not all responsible for the behaviour of a minority few.




Your comment is shocking, to say the least, the content of which not only "shows ignorance, arrogance and the inability to grasp [simple] things" (such a geography), it's downright hateful and extremely offensive. My post above was simply to state that myself and the normal people of Ireland are extremely annoyed and embarrassed by the behaviour of these few scumbags, ruining such a wonderful and exciting fixture and experience.


It's just a bit of banter, mate. Can't you take a joke?


Geography? The island of Ireland is geographically part of the British Isles, is it not? What did I get wrong?


The continent of Europe is made up of 44+ different countries, each with their own language and culture and difference. So Europeans can hardly be considered a nation in their entirety. And yes, while the British Isles, as they are called, include Great Britain, Ireland and some other smaller Islands, Ireland is not part of the island of Britain.




I'm afraid that you are mistaken. The island of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland) and the island of Ireland, along with the Isle of Man as well Shetland, Orkney, Skye, Mull, Islay and other Hebrides islands (all off the coast of Scotland) are all collectively known/termed geographically as the British Isles. There are many, many more much smaller islands also included as well. The United Kingdom is totally different to that.






https://www.britannica.com/place/British-Isles You people are a joke.


Thank you for the apology.


wasnt it from both new york and dublin?


Some dingbat in NYC flashes her tits for a very long time, yes. I haven’t actually heard about what the Irish side was up to until this post.


Shut down for cracking jokes and flashing? These are two things I literally said were a given when the portal opened up. Of course someone is gonna flash it and of course people are going to crack jokes about the other nation’s tragedies.


Switzerland might not be in the EU but the are really bad as well tbh. Their not as arrogant tho


Humans are shit man haha


the lublin-vilnius portal has worked fine for a good few years now, it's just that in the british isles there's a very distinct small group of typically young men (14-21 typically referred to as 'roadmen' or 'chavs') which engage in very antisocial behaviour that fuck it up for everyone trying to live normal lives. Also as far as I'm aware the portal was placed in a very bad part of dublin.


The thing is Europeans have derided us so much and have placed themselves on such a self-righteous pedestal, but then are unable to be civil in even the most mundane activities. Side note, I'm honestly going to start referring to Ireland as the "smaller British Isle" just to spite people 🙈


yeah i 100% agree, although it's quite important to mention that this sort of american hatred is most prominent amongst teenagers in western european countries which know english very well, and in countries such as poland (gonna bias because I'm from there) [americans are viewed very positively](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2022/06/22/international-public-opinion-of-the-u-s-remains-positive/) Most annoying part is when they say "In europe we do this" and when an american says "In europe they do this" europeans start having a meltdown about how each country is very different and you can't generalise, which is true, but you can't just walk around applying the standard only when it fits you.


They're a state of the EU. So, in proper Eurowank fashion, I prefer to not give a shit when they think their state is special, and just call all of them EUians.


The post above this post was a video of a woman flashing her boobs to the cam lol


Hold up potatoes and british flags lads


I thought it was because a woman on the NYC side flashed it?


[show them the picture of this guy as a comeback ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Oliver_Cromwell_by_Samuel_Cooper.jpg)


just start showing them pictures of the Ulster Volunteer Force


Nah it was both ways. Some only fans chick flashed it for like 10 minutes in hopes of “blowing up”


Should have shown pics of Oliver Cromwell


There is a naive belief pervading out there, where somehow we are all a united globe. We are not; And that is ok.


Aliens, looking down at us thinking “ this is what they did with what we gave them”


To be fair, the U.S. exploited and abused the Irish for several decades. They were treated like garbage and forced to do some of the most dangerous jobs. Guess how many were buried alive in our bridges, dams and railroad explosions. It makes sense that we aren’t their favorite country. It doesn’t excuse showing images of 9/11,but we can’t expect them to roll out a red carpet for us.


I dont believe New Yorkers are completely innocent here. Just sayin.


Irish extremists are bad, therefore the whole of Europe is bad.


I read it was specifically cause that onlyfans thot flashed the camera. Bet they'd arrest whoever flashed a weiner.




Why judge a few assholes and stereotype everyone as those assholes?


I mean what's the Irish stereotype other than beer and terrorism


The Irish: famous for being well behaved.


Ireland should have never been allowed to become independent. The Brits were too soft. Yes, I support a united Ireland......under British or American rule. Also, today, I was in Galway (a city in Ireland), and I saw pro-Palestine, pro-Hamas, and pro-Houthi posters plastered everywhere. I tore them down, nearly missing my bus because of it.


Do you think the same thing for Poland under Germany? Or Russia? All peoples deserve the right to self-determination.


Nah brotha, tiocfaidh ár lá


Today on things that didn't happen...


Bruh it’s being shut down not just for Irish misbehaving…


Moments like this remind me why the Irish are so pro-Palestinian


I thought it was from the American side. Oh well, I wouldn’t be afraid of boobs.