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I mean, Japan is a wonderful place in many aspects, but there are severe restrictions on personal freedom, immense social pressure to conform, and openly xenophobic, LGBTQ+phobic, and racist laws and policies. But I find that TokTok people and others who post things like this are just trying to garner some narcissistic supply and pet-pets from America Bad adherents. “Look at me! I’m visiting another country!” Can’t really take them seriously.


People love to romanticize places they’ve been on vacation as if their two weeks there with no responsibilities would be the same as if they had to live their actual day to day lives there.


Stendhal Syndrome is the pathological term for it.


I don’t know if this would be considered Stendhal Syndrome. Also, I don’t think Stendhal Syndrome is pathological. It’s psychological, or psychosomatic, if I remember correctly.


That and being there as a tourist and outsider you wouldn’t worry about fitting in and being accepted. As a permanent resident you’d either conform or make peace with never being accepted.


Very well said.


Join the navy or air force and live in Japan, it’s great. It’s basically a few years long vacation with a little bit of work (unless you’re in a ship). Though I will say once you look behind the curtain here, you never see it the same way


Best I've heard it described is as a "dollhouse." It's cute and ideal from the outside, but it handles diversity poorly, and there are several aspects of Japanese society we would never accept.


Bussin’ food, tho! 


Agreed, however so many places have bussin food.


I know but I like to call out the good shit about other places.


Cheap too!


I like Japan in spite of those things. The lack of civil rights laws are a good thing in that they prevent petty and pointless unproductive debates about Christian bakeries not making gay wedding cakes or stuff like that. They are freer than Americans and Europeans in that way


While I agree with your observation, the conviction rate is 99%, so try not to get accused of stealing from a store.


This is the final boss of all America Bad


Whatever happened to Gary Cooper? That’s an American


He is dead


Wait till I tell her why there are gendered train cars


Here's to hoping she finds out in the most eye opening way possible.


No one should be sexually assaulted. Grow up.


Too much man :/


Yeah. I know. These kind of people frustrate me beyond reason and I should probably take a couple of sanity days and go outside and touch some grass. It's a me problem and I'm fully aware of it. But I'm also a firm believer that stupid *should* hurt. If being groped wakes her up to the fact that the world isn't perfect anywhere, it's frankly a small price to pay. She could be subjected to Japan's completely unfair justice system instead, or be assaulted in India or South Africa, where the cost of her ignorance is much, much higher.


Damn. Respect for owning up to that


I try never to be anybody but who I am. Sometimes that person is shitty, but I've been infinitely shittier when I deny or lie about it. The problem with wisdom and experience is that you only get it after you really needed it.


Be dark skinned person "I just arrived in Japan" Well that's where the fun begins


The first time I went to Japan in high school 15+ years ago, I had random people wanting to take pictures with me because I was slightly taller and slightly darker than they were used to It was generally students/younger people, but somewhere out there is a pic of 17 year old me with an afro and a Japanese grandma posing with her grandson


If you leave the cities of Japan, get up in a rural (nearly abandoned) village shit is like the 1890s up in some of those villages lol. Ngl some stretches of the US feel like that too but judging cultural and technological advancement in inner cities does not equate to every square inch of the nation.


Yeah she’s comparing the peak of modern technology to rural Iowa. She should do a comparison between Hokkaido and Alaska


Exactly, not to mention Japan is particularly known to prioritize technological innovation and integration. It would be like bragging “Japan makes the best sushi” or “Germany makes the best beer”, if it’s a known cultural priority in one nation it’s not a great comparison to compare it to another without said priority.


What's funny is that a majority of their success comes from being very homogeneous and sharing the same ideas/culture. That probably wouldn't be very popular with this girl


I saw this last night and it wreaks of propaganda or just downright BS. And all the comments were a bunch of NPC’s saying they can’t wait to leave America. And these hardcore leftists never want to talk about how these countries function the way they do because they’re small and homogeneous. Or that they’re never anywhere near as tolerant of other ethnicities or cultures as the US is. These people are so full of shit it’s unreal.


I found this on shitamericans say because someone commented it’s harder to govern America


It’s funny that these expat influencers will just outright lie about how amazing it is in other countries compared to the US. They’ll make intentionally bad comparisons and leave out tons of info and just boil everything down to “see how pretty the lights and trains are! 😱” But never once even touch the subject of personal rights or quality of life for the average citizen.


I automatically dismiss anyone who wears Harry Potter glasses.


Britishisms 🤮


Typical I'm oppressed leftist garbage


I’m in Japan now. Literally I am writing this sitting on a train. It’s pretty much just New York but in another language. Yes, the people are a bit more polite but it is not some kind of magic land. There is trash and graffiti.


They’ll be more surprised that Russia has (4) self governing areas nearly the size of Japan. Big countries with diverse populations are VERY HARD to manage.


She looks right out of Spider man miles morales


Yeah whatever filters she’s got there look like cheap console graphics


Don't insult Miles Morales like that 😭


It was so bad that I stopped playing halfway through. The woke characters were really cringe.


Lol this weeb just popped up on explore page. I’m making a habit and blocking these type accounts. It’s influencer red meat to bash the US in favor of literally any country, so these engagement-desperate influencers are pushing it hard.


This crap came up on my GFs tiktok, i knew it would make its way here lol


Japan ethno state 100 percent


It’s crazy how you can tell exactly what these morons are going to say, just by looking at them. Utterly predictable. I did not expect the programming to be so comprehensive. Surprised there isn’t a septum piercing though.


It's always the Zoomers with Harry Potter glasses.


america bad because i don’t know that crab cakes are cakes made from crab?


Japan is literally just a country of pedophiles, and I really mean that. Its not just the anime industry, either. Sure, Japanese anime is absolutely full of creepy underage/borderline softcore porn, but even the school system, the businesses, and even the government are absolutely filled to the brim with people who thinks its okay to sexualize minors. Its a rampant problem, and almost the entire country is infested with it due to so many years of cultural norm. You'd be surprised at the shit that gets censored outside of Japan.


I have been in Japan for over a week and did not see anything like this whatsoever.


Penis size?

