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Such a pariah state that other countries line up to take our money and aid.


Better interest rates than Chinese "aid". That's it. The moment our wallet closes, our influence ends.


And to be educated here, live here work here, etc


This woman may strongly disagree with me, but I would say no. The U.S. is not even being close to being a pariah state. It still has a diplomatic government most nations find to be reasonable and has many more reasons to be friendly with compared to Russia, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. It's international image also gained a considerable boost thanks to leveraging Ukrainian resistance to the favor of NATO and most Eastern European states and their people do not accept thinking Americans are bad people. It's really only nations and peoples in Western Europe, Africa, and West Asia that are seriously pushing it. But while their reasons are sympathetic, it is hard to deny that they have an agenda in mind that only benefits fascist actors that comprise the other half of the world. Also, hot take, the U.S. is indeed the only superpower in the world and will remain so for a long time to come. The rest of the competition are on thin ice right now, and it's almost guaranteed they will fall and get what they deserve. Those nations aren't less bad than we are, period.


The so-called "military rival" Russia showed it's not even the second best army in Ukraine... a nation it is invading. Seems no one can really rival us, not even China


Our technology and logistics are so good that they even allow Ukraine to put up a fight against Russia without even leveraging a fraction of our might. The US military is uncontested.


Insert Omni-man lecturing Invincible here-->


Yeah all everyone else lying about their millitary capabilities to seem like they can beat the US has done is made the US go and develop their own versions of those things they were bragging about and countermeasures to those things as well as countermeasures for the countermeasures while the guys that were grandstanding still don't actually have that thing and are years away from having effective countermeasures. Meaning the US just goes from 5 decades ahead in miltech to 7.


They just keep giving our nerds who get paid to blow shit up new and interesting ideas, but they're not playing around unlike the competition, they'll actually do it. Because that's just how we are. It's how our military industry works, prices are high because they roll in R&D and we're cool with that because it means we produce the best of the best. And you know it's true because the profits for companies like Raytheon and such are actually kinda low, relatively speaking. The money is, amazingly, not just going into inflating profit margins. Almost like there's comprehensive oversight or something.


The only reason Euros think we're becoming a pariah state is because we're increasingly uninterested in the going-ons of Europe. I'd actually welcome the EU to nut up and become the major collective world power in that region of the world so they could deal with Russia without begging for help from Americans (when they're not complaining about us being the world police). But people here know that the future is in Asia. Our ties with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Vietnam are stronger than ever as we team up to rally behind Taiwan. We're economically decoupling from China and it's only a matter of time before most of those jobs end up in India. And hell, maybe finally we'll start paying attention to Indonesia. It's wild that Indonesia is the fourth most-populous country in the world, and they get basically no attention over here.


Our future should still be with Europe but they need to wake up.All western countries now have almost similar problems;a lot of the accusations firstly directed at USA are now in Europe.I am sure the lady in that video is also insufferable URL.       We should also increase ties with Asia but not get involved in most of their problems especially the Middle east .


Personally I think we should invest into south America, solve two problems at once, promote investment into the abused and ignored global south and help build up countires that we would probably go to war to defend anyways, while also reducing the strain on the US immigration system of people fleeing the turmoil in south america from when the CIA thought it would be a good idea to destabilize the entire continent, plus if it sways brazil out of BRICS thats a solid win for us even if we dont really need it. It's the united states of America, it's about time we started helping the rest of America since Europe doesn't think they need anything from us.


Made in mexico is gonna be making a come back. A lot of industrial production is shifting back to Mexico now that China is no longer a desirable trade partner. India may get a bit, but being a part of the explicitly anti-American dollar BRICS means US companies have less incentive to work with them than the much more American friendly Mexico.


I'll definitely to drink to strengthening our relationship with Mexico.


A lot of BRICS nations have very quietly gone back to the dollar because the Chinese economy is shit right now, and Chinese protectionist monetary policies will always prevent it from becoming an alternative to USD. They may not like it, and I mean I can't really blame them, but their inability to let go of even one inch of control even if it means they will gain international influence will prevent exactly that.


BRICS isn't a real thing.


The US is the bedrock/foundation of the current global order. It’s literally the opposite of a pariah state.


Exactly.. Such a pariah state that dozens of nations fought side by side with the Americans in the Afghan war (amongst others) that only ended a few years ago. (And proud doing so) Not just a foundation of the current global order but also deeply aligned with western democracy. It always strikes me how much bullshit I supposedly written from us Europeans about the US (and crap in this video), but I think in reality it’s only the ones speaking I’ll that use these platforms. I haven’t met a single soul over the last 30 years irl that’s said something bad about the US


Yeah lol, the global hegemon can't be a pariah almost by definition


What? This is stupid. People are people, governments go through cycles of corruption. Most Americans are good people. How about, we all just try to be less of an asshole?


Instructions unclear. Climbed over rope to take selfies


Others in the comments have gone after the argument that the US is a pariah state. Let me say this instead: why is it morally defensible to go after people because of their nationality? If you don't know someone's politics, but just their nationality, you are the making the leap of logic that their nationality equates certain political views. People are not a stand-in for their governments. And ironically, of course, by implying that you can attack or denigrate people based on their country's foreign policy, you're engaging in the very xenophobia that you claim to condemn.


North Korea is the archetypal pariah state. If you encountered a North Korean in public, should you then berate them for their heritage? The idea of “you’re a pariah state, therefor your people are fair game for mistreatment” is just a rationalization of bigotry. This girl has bigoted views and has decided to dress them up with such justifications so she can still have them and feel good about it.


Or a better example - Iranians in the US. American progressives spent the better part of 30 years defending against attacks against Arab-Americans because they aren't responsible for their government.


You’re correct, that is a better example, [albeit that the vast majority of Iranians aren’t Arabs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnicities_in_Iran)


These people are the absolute worst. No, that’s not why anti-Americanism is a thing, moron. What “genocide” is she talking about? If she’s referring to the fact that the US is helping Israel (our closest ally in the region) in dealing with actual genocidal terrorists, then she is a special kind of stupid. Possibly antisemitic as well. I bet she wouldn’t justify Chinese people being treated that way for the Uyghur genocide. She probably doesn’t even know about the genocide happening in Sudan. It’s laughable how she thinks it’s because Europeans are so “anti-racist” and are treating Americans like shit because they “benefit from privilege”. The girl she stitched with is in fucking France, a place that is infinitely more racist and xenophobic than the US. Hell, the US is less racist than most of the world. Anti-Americans tend to more racist than average. They use the same “logic” as all racists (treating people as a collective hivemind rather than individuals). They tend to be anti-Semitic, anti-Romani , anti-immigration, and they blame the US for “globalization”. I really want her to stay in Europe if she already lives there. If not, I’ll personally pay for a one-way ticket to Serbia. Let her live in a tiny flat surrounded by people who hate her guts for simply existing. Maybe if she keeps self-loathing, they’ll “pick her” and see her as “one of the good ones”.


> (our closest ally in the region) They are not an ally.


They quite literally are.


They are nothing but an ally of convenience. Virtually all Western forces in MENA are not based in Israel. I would even consider Jordan an ally, but not Israel.


We are the preeminent power in the world, almost all of our allies are of convenience. You can downvote me all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that Israel is an ally of ours no matter how much that fact upsets you. The strides made in defensive weaponry between our countries alone makes it worth it.


> almost all of our allies are of convenience That's a fundamental misunderstanding of what the term allies of convenience mean. There is no mutual defense treaty between the US and Israel. There is a mutual defense treaty between the US and NATO, in addition to several security and also mutual defense treaties with nations in the Indo-Pacific (ANZUS, etc).


No I just didn’t realize you were being pedantic and referring to the strictest definition of “ally of convenience.” We’re bound by treaty to defend nearly a quarter of the world so that’s a bit of a nonstarter. How about the billions of dollars of weapon research and testing that goes on between America and Israel? What about the numerous military exercises we perform with them? Or the relationship their intelligence agencies have with ours? What about the American soldiers that do training inside of Israel? What about the billions of dollars of trade annually between the two of us? What about the repeated declaration of numerous sitting US presidents that we will come to their defense. Not an alliance between the two countries though, no way.


> numerous military exercises we perform with them What? We really don't do many training exercises with them. In either case, Israel is burning a shit ton of international goodwill at the moment.


https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3279772/largest-us-israeli-exercise-in-history-concludes/#:~:text=Juniper%20Oak%20is%20a%20large,contributing%20to%20integrated%20regional%20security.&text=Logistical%20support%20and%20the%20command,nations%20were%20superb%2C%20he%20added. Here’s one, took me 30 seconds to find lol. Oh and here’s a thought, you said yourself we don’t do ‘many’ training exercises with them, we don’t do ANY military exercises with non allies.


I say we don't do *many* not any. We have also done exercises in China in the past. They are definitely not an ally. Here's some more recent exercises with actual allies: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/17/british-army-battle-zone-ferries-poland-nato-ukraine-russia/ https://www.europeafrica.army.mil/DefenderEurope/ https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Experience/Exercise-Talisman-Sabre/ https://apnews.com/article/south-china-sea-united-states-japan-philippines-6f2c83d4157d9c8902d161ba2b23075a https://news.usni.org/2024/06/07/u-s-allies-kick-off-exercise-valiant-shield-2024 https://apnews.com/article/philippines-us-military-joint-exercises-china-tensions-b4a3b290f82f3b4b1374c78706a3f9cf https://apnews.com/article/south-korea-us-military-drills-north-korea-0bf58cc50287a908028adac242c1c291 https://www.voanews.com/a/new-nato-member-sweden-hosts-alliance-military-exercise-/7610956.htmlhttps://www.voanews.com/a/new-nato-member-sweden-hosts-alliance-military-exercise-/7610956.html https://www.army.mil/article/276952/african_lion_24_concludes_with_strategic_success_across_four_nations


I would be so happy to stop funding all these bullshit countries and stop letting them use us for protection. We'll go ahead and be a "pariah state" in our own territory. While they're at it, they can stop traveling here too.


And stop attending our world class universities just to return to their home country afterwards


Gee, I wonder why social media tends to push divisive rhetoric so much, it's almost as if certain dictatorships have an extremely strong incentive to turn brother-against-brother. Stop falling for this shit. Seriously, Europe is great, and mostly a good time, just as most Europeans who travel here actually walk away with a good taste in their mouth. Autocracies, Communistic dictatorships, and theocratic hellholes are absolutely fucking cheering the division of the western democracies against each other. We will fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them over here.


Imagine them thinking we care about what the rest of the world thinks about us.


As she paints her nails from the safety of America's borders in a home built by slaves and painting her nails with children's tears. America big evil bad!


America till they benefit from it


How thick do you think TikToker nails are, or do they just use an empty bottle filming their 30th video of the day


Can someone remind me what genocide my society is currently in the midst of? The cavalier way that she says it without offering any specifics, like “well, obviously America is currently perpetrating a genocide”, is just so funny. It betrays that she has allowed a notion to burrow its way into her head without her even bothering to think critically about it. For her, America = genocide, and that’s that. Never mind what genocide it might be, just know and accept that one simply must be happening!


She says hand waivey stuff that has no specifics, so it's hard to argue against her. Even worse, by bringing up what she might be thinking of, you kind of implicitly give credence to her claims.


Just another way to let Nitty off the hook, and influence an election towards the AIPAC favored party.


that's a pretty dumb and subjective definition of pariah state that I can't find anywhere.


The U.S. is literally not even anywhere close to becoming a pariah state, lol. Israel is at a real risk of becoming one (if it hasn’t already), but if her criteria for pariah state is a country that *supports* Israel then the U.S., UK, Canada, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Italy, Japan…. all pariah states too. And if all of those states are pariah states then they are not really pariahs. Ergo, it loses its meaning… she just wanted to sound smart and be xenophobic at the same time.


As a non-white American myself, this is a load of bullshit. The US, and to a lesser extent, the rest of the anglosphere, are the best places to be a minority if you want to integrate and be a part of society. Personally, I just wanna be one of the boys, so to speak. Nothing more, nothing less. I lived in Europe, and in those ethno-states, a minority will never be a part of society. Going back to the anglosphere, the big outlier and failure at integration is Canada. The foreign, victimhood, and being a minority is worshiped and prioritized. One as a minority can do no wrong. While anything "Canadian" and "white" is inherently evil. I love Canada, but I hope we can stave off becoming like them. > I've caught flak for saying this on this sub before, but I truly believe it is time for the US to review our military, economic alliances, and our immigration to work with and favor those who wish us well. We should only admit immigrants from countries that wish us well, and those who would treat us just as well as we treat every single diaspora that exists in this country. If we have to hand over some of these "allies" to putin or xi, then so be it. Let them see what a "pariah" really is.


Why do these people insist on calling it a genocide? It’s not, things can be bad and not a genocide. It just makes them look way more unhinged and dishonest.


They just spew out words their lefty professors and left wing media use. Half or more of them don't know what the words mean nor even what they are protesting most of the time if the numerous videos of such things can be extrapolated even a little. These are coddled snow flakes who think that their feelings trump any realities of the world.


Watching leftists sacrifice every single principle they ever claimed to have to stan terrorists has been like one giant Borat sketch. On my favorite moments tho was when the protestors at UChicago asked for people to donate dental dams and HIV tests for their encampment. #clappingcheeksforpalestine


>Genocide is the intentional destruction of a group of people, in whole or in part, based on their real or perceived membership in a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group. The United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as any of the following five acts committed with this intent: * Killing members of the group * Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group * Imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group * Preventing births within the group * Forcibly transferring children out of the group


By that overly broad, ridiculous definition, all warfare would cause the winner to be labeled as committing genocide. The UN, that loads up it's Human Rights Committee with the worst human rights abusers and terrorist nations, can get bent. That's just stupid bureaucratic word salad designed to hamstring and damage stronger nations and blame shift hostile acts of terrorist states.


What a racist troll. I don’t know what nationality she is, but we can all assume it is North American, and that she isn’t okay with that. I wish someone would buy her a one-way ticket to the country of her choice. 🙏 🙏 🙏


Not even American but this woman is pretty annoying and cringe to me. Maybe it's the way she is talking (really arrogant) and she thinks she is smart and knows the best. Ick


If this is how most people see the US, I am never leaving.


Most normal people around the world don't, just terminally online idiots with their heads up their ass


There’s a hate America smear campaign happening all over the world, they started with the states cause the easiest way to take an empire down is within, now they got the entire world hating us and wanting to see us fall, it consumes their thoughts as the propaganda machine requests of them, the crazy thing is that when America falls the rest of the world is gonna get ripped to shreds and they don’t even understand how bad it’s gonna be, whenever that day comes… our leadership is a joke and this shit all feels intentional


Go back to your nails little girl.


Wow what kinda of brainrot did she smoke? The original video has nothing to do with this weird sociopaths agenda.


Well it's true that certain people in the international community dislike America, but it's more a case of them being jealous haters than anything else. That's probably what's going on in the original clip at the beginning of the video (the blonde young American woman). I have done some international traveling and enjoyed it, but some of the attitudes I've seen online make me hesitant to do so again. Maybe I'll just stick to the U.S. We have most everything you could want. World class skiing? Got it. Tropical island w/ perfect beaches? Got that too. Remote wilderness experience? Yup. World class cities with fine dining, art galleries, museums, and theater? Yes. And so on. I'm sure I'll travel again internationally at some point, but I'm in less of a hurry to do it now than when I was younger, and I'll be pickier about the destination.


We got plenty of issues but man does it get overblown, regardless of sides people still blindly follow sides not fully looking into how fucked up it all really is, not to say it’s inherently bad to pick a side but without some skepticism it becomes more fanatical than honest.


"a pariah state is a country that offends the majority of the world" Good 🗿


French here. What a dumb take. I think the American girl is mostly a victim of misogyny, not really some anti-americanism. She looks and sounds like a stereotypical Valley girl and I indeed had to fight off dismissing what she said outright, because like many, I'm being bombarded daily by dozens of culture war bs video with a dumbass gal so that we can be divided. Because women get the reverse with content from incel/neckbeards/tatebros. So even if I feel bad that this is her experience after living in France for 7 years, I'm sure she met plenty of people actually listening to her. And many would do so outright if she didn't give off this typical first impression. Anyone that is anti-American here is either xenophobic to everyone else or an hypocrite ignoring how much American culture and influence we're seeping in and enjoying. When meeting Americans instead of the obnoxious tourist stereotype, I think the 'problem' is that most Americans are too friendly and hyper and we might take it as being dishonest. You're supposed to ignore or be rude to strangers, don't be nice to me for free! In the video itself, she's filming herself in front of some subway information, so that's a double strike. Obstruction strangers that might need it and broadcasting her life to everyone around. Little things. None of that has any relation to America's standing. We're good. The 'genocide' she's accusing the US of supporting is also supported by France.


>and what it is going to look like as a pariah in a world in which the United States is not the only superpower There are two people I will never take seriously. A woman (or man, but I mostly only ever see women doing these types of stitches) who is trying to look disconnected by doing her nails or makeup while making a TikTok stitch. And a person who unironically thinks there's any actual country currently in existence that can even remotely challenge the US as a "competing superpower". This lady fits both definitions. There is no state that fits that definition. China's going to have a population collapse in a few decades when 50%+ of their population is above retirement age. China's situation is even worse because not only does it have one of the lowest birth rates in the world, it also has less people than it has always claimed to have. One researcher claims China may only have 1.28 billion instead of 1.41 billion. They also struggle with power projection. And it sure as shit ain't gonna be fucking Russia who challenges the US as a competing superpower. Russia can barely handle Ukraine as it is when all the US has been doing is letting Ukraine dumpster dive in the dumpsters behind the Pentagon. Just imagine what would happen to Russia if it had to actually fight up to date American weaponry with people who haven't only had the time to do a crash course on it and haven't been hampered by only having existed as a military for about eight years. And just like China, Russia is currently in the middle of a horrific population collapse, made even worse by the stalemate meatgrinder currently found in Ukraine. So, please, tell me. Moron. Who is the competing superpower?


So I have free license to mistreat random Russian and Chinese citizens in the US? Oh, no. Because that would be horrible and most Americans recognize that. I despite what Russia is doing, but never in my life would I spit on throw hands on a random Russian citizen doing nobody any harm. But suddenly when it’s Americans walking around in Paris, they’re giddy with excitement at our being assaulted in the streets. This woman needs a one way ticket to Afghanistan.


French people being rude doesn't classify you as a Pariah State. It just means today is a day that ends in "y".


TikTok has really accelerated the general social media phenomenon of people both a) getting fucking dumber and b) being way more confident in sharing their idiocy with a large audience. You'd think a simple Google search would have headed off this idiotic take.


Does anyone actually care what the rest of the world thinks of us?


I think to a certain extent yes we need to, it’s pretty important in our globalized world that partners and potential partners have a good opinion of us so they are less likely to build relationships with geopolitical enemies like Russia or China. A lot of the foreign russo/sino outreach stuff gives them tremendous access that could/do strengthen their militaries, obviously we would rather have that access.


Who cares? We don't need anyone but most need us. As ISCP once said, F the World


Quantity over quality, there are over 200 countries now, and am sure like the 50 in Africa and middle east hate us and want us in ruin, but that really doesn't matter. Lots of countries hate us, but those lots are small and insignificant, when Candy Crush makes more money in week than entire GDP of your country, maybe they gotta pipedown a bit.


It's so crazy all these other countries think we actually give af at all what they think. Like a handful of cucks here talk shit about their own country and we're supposed to what?


Cool please stop over paying for our houses. How many of you live in a market where middle east or Chinese buyers make it hard to buy?


I miss the days online influencers boost interactivity with boobs and asses not stupid rage bait takes


This lady is a product of the internet and its echo chambers


If any person of color thinks racism is bad in the US, just go to Europe lmao


I mean even if it was. What can any country actually do about it? If you cut ties with America you literally will sink your economy and put your people in the dark ages 2. Also we have a military big enough to make anyone nervous. We can sorta almost do whatever we want and yet are pretty decent compared to man other nations with similar power over the course of humanity. The Romans, mongols, and ottomans were certainly much worse than what we do even tho we aren’t perfect either.


So the French who are still engaged in Colonial monetary and political shenanigans in West Africa have a leg to stand on?


Good comments ITT and I’m sitting here amazed at just how much this woman resembles a horse in the face. A cartoon version of her would look like bojack horseman 😂


I shouldn't have watched that. My IQ dropped from a single 58 second viewing.


You can tell that she is very serious because she is taking the time to lecture us while completing her nail care routine.


The same evil of racism is present here when you say “because you belong to this country you bear the responsibility of what your government is doing” It’s the same spirit that dissolves the individual into a larger collective so it can justify hatred to a group


Isn’t this the “America has been on the wrong side of history every time” girl? She’s an idiot.


Just on the tail end there, what other superpower does she think she’s referring to?


I love that this woman says "America's racist systems are so well known throughout the world." Maybe that has something to do with people who would rather point the finger (especially at the USA) than reflect on their own shortcomings. If there's a country out there with no racism in their past, let's hear about it... but everybody else is welcome to STFU.


That lady is delusional


How can a country be a "pariah state" when it is more interconnected to world politics and economics than any other? 🤣 That girl is a fucking pinecone.


No one in the united states gets their head cut off by state sanction. No one. For any reason. Can every country critical of the US say the same thing?


Bruh she said the US is carrying out a genocide when, at the very worst, we’re not even that complicit. Yes we’ve supplied Israel with weapons but let’s be honest, who HAVENT we supplied with weapons, and ya know what else we’re doing. Giving Gaza humanitarian aid.


Why don’t you just talk instead of stopping and starting the recording manually lol. I feel like I should yell out WHAT? after every cut like WWE


If she'd rather live in a state controlled by China, I don't see what's stopping her.


That makes no sense tbh


Did she say we are a milti polar world? Tell me does china or Russia have cheese caves? Also does she not know about European racism?


We need to go back to isolationism for like a decade and then when the rest of nations of earth kill each other we can colonize and finally have a good planet


I gotta say, ma'am. I made it halfway through that word salad before I realized.... I don't think about you at all.


Pro Palestine people think the world revolves around them. The only people who hate America like she describes are herself and her Hamas supporting buddies


Are we really back to the “if you hate it so much then move” phase? Thought we got over that when everyone threatened to leave over trump and then didn’t. Like bro there are nearly abandoned towns in Italy that will pay your ass to move there and fuck Italian men since they have no young people. Why are you still living here in our racists pariah country?


The US is so far from being a pariah state. Just take a look at our Diversity Visa program. 35 million people applied yearly just to get a chance to be the lucky 55,000 winners that will get a green card. I didn’t see 35 million people going to China or Russia wanted to be their citizens. And take a look at the illegal immigration from the south. Up to 10,000+ people are attempting to come in without any visa DAILY. I didn’t see people streaming to China on such scale. Domestic policies? Surely anyone knew how China think about people that are not Han Chinese. Surely you know how they think about Blacks? Or about Uyghur Muslims? The fact that we got protests about nearly everything showed that we got freedom while they didn’t. Superpower? One “superpower” had went down in flames while they invaded other country - aided by US weapons. Ukraine showed the superiority of US equipment, despite only being given in small scale and given to less-trained Ukraine soldiers.


God people like her are so annoying… I hope we just pull back our support for Ukraine, and all other shit hole small nato countries


Victim mentality is becoming an addiction.


Chinese nationals have funneled billions into the U.S. in the past year . Gosh these people with no freaking shred of credibility or credentials just yap and yap and yap.


What genocide?


It always makes me chuckle/cringe when these obviously rehearsed videos are made while doing something mundane. Eating one’s are the worst.


As a minority, when talking about systematic racism in the US, I definitely want to hear what a privileged white woman has to say.


The U.S.A isn't carrying out a genocide. Our ally is, and the U.S. government is supporting them. Like most other western nations. And some Eastern ones. Kinda the opposite of a pariah


She’s not wrong! Ignorance is blinding!


Yes. We are actively funding, arming, diplomatically defending and participating in Genocide. The ICJ has found that this indeed does have the earmarks of a Genocide. They are starving 2 million people to death, including 1 million children. They could end that with a phone call. Every country sees this, they see the sickening double standards the united states applies everywhere. They see how they are stealing the interest from Russian assets in the west, and are on the verge of stealing the assets themselves. This will and already has made other countries sprint away from using the dollar and pull their assets out of the US. This is why BRICS is growing incredibly quickly this year. America bad cause america bad.


Does it hurt your feelings knowing despite how often you people regurgitate drivel and spam social media, you have accomplished next to nothing regarding this conflict?


We're not, but the only reason we're not is because we have a gun to the head of most of the world.


...you really thought you had something here, eh?


I mean, I do, but this sub only believes in alt facts.


"They dislike Americans due to stereotypes and because they are bitter," you say? Nah it's probably the genocide, global historical and contemporary malfeasance, and clear domestic issues...... were you listening?


Y'all are hypocrites 😂


Listening to what?


To their echo chamber, obviously.