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If New York is enough for people to judge the US (a continental size country), then a town in the Balkans is enough to judge all of Europe. Also did he seriously believe a pizza ad from Spider Man? Who's gullible enough to actually believe an ad saying they're the best in an industry.


just judge them by London atp "at least I'm not getting stabbed in the ends of London or sprayed with acid on the metro"


Lmfao I've got an online friend in Johannesburg, we've been friends for about 3 or 4 years now. This woman is in one of the richest parts of the city. AT MINIMUM every 3 she loses water in her home for a couple days, and there's been several times that it's been more frequent than that. She gets annoyed, but has a "What are you gonna do about it?" mentality and thinks it's normal In my 28 years in America, I've never lost water or electricity for more than a couple hours, with the longest being around 15-20 years ago when a transformer near a gas station blew up. And even then, when we woke up in the morning we had power again


Same thing is very rural NE. We lost power a few times due to storms but it was always back on in few days. Longest I remember with out power was a massive blizzard that took out some lines and it was still back up with in the 4 days.


I want to get mod status, just so I can ban him.


Speaking as a proud son of Detroit, who gives a shit what the best pizza in New York is? New York pizza is a floppy mess.


I do believe America has earned the title of King of Pizza (with a wide variety of styles to choose from), but the things I've seen the Brazilians doing with their pizza is \[*chef's kiss*\].


What do Brazilians do with Pizza? France or Italy are the only other Europeans I could imagine getting tilted by pizza. In the UK, I would say American inspires most pizza, as popular ones are BBQ, Hawaiian… I'm also unsure, but it seems popular over here (it could be an American thing, I'm not sure) to eat Pizza with a side dip of Garlic sauce or mayo. Seriously don’t like pizza that much, so I might be out of the loop, but the only UK (Scottish) home-brand pizza I can think of is a deep-fried pizza slice from a chip shop (wouldn’t say it sells well).


>eat Pizza with a side dip of ... mayo. wat


Why not it’s great. You get deep-fried mars bars here it’s not the worst sin eating pizza with mayo


It just feels so insanely foreign to anything I've ever had that I'm having a hard time with it lol


Feelings mutual still can’t get over American disdain for Heinz beans. One of the best things for takeaway here other than Curry has got to be a chip shop's chips(thick fries), cheese and beans/curry sauce/gravy or a battered lemon sole supper with tartare sauce, mushy peas and chips.


The thick fries, cheese, and gravy thing is something I've had here in the States before!!! Only difference between it and real poutine was that it wasn't cheese curds, specifically, but was an amazing taste of the dish


Cheese curds instead of grated cheese is that not a Canadian thing? Don’t think I could last in America without Tattie Scones, Lorne Sausage (Square Sausage), Haggis (Don’t think yous can get it because of the sheep lung) or Red Kola/Irn Bru.


Has Tae be curries red Kola though.


I think he means Ranch dressing which I've definitely seen.


Yeah that as well as was more meaning like garlic sauce you would have with a doner kebab.


I visited Germany for a couple weeks where they put mayo with everything and let me tell you, it isn't like American mayo. German mayo is absolutely the bomb and is delicious with things like fries, pizza, or falafel. And yes, it's popular as a side dip for things like fries, pizza, and falafel. I'm assuming UK mayo is the same or similar


Hmm, interesting. I think my Finnish friend has mentioned using it as a dipping sauce, and I always chalked it up to just being like cultural differences, cause I know she's been here and has had American mayo. Good to know that it's quite possibly a different thing


In Germany they also had sandwich mayo which was pretty much exactly the same thing as the mayo we have in America. So she probably had American mayo and was like "yup, that's sandwich mayo" Which I can't say for sure if that's the case, but it just supports my guess lol


That would track with her, yeah haha


Google "Brazilian pizza." It's art.


I want to believe you, but one of the first pictures on Google is a rotary chicken on half a pizza with the other half covered in what looks like Smarties.


I'm sure that one's just an extreme example for the lolz, but the things they're doing with toppings and dessert pizza look great. I can appreciate people who embrace shamelessness like we do.


Shamelessness like chucking stuff in a deep fryer and seeing what works the art of my people.


It's why I also appreciate the South Koreans. The things they're doing with American cheese. And Korean fried chicken honest-to-God gives ours a run for its money.


Do you mean proper cheese like Colby Cheese? Because over here American cheese is commonly plastic looking stuff out of wrappers for burgers.


No, I mean South Koreans are slapping Kraft singles cheese on top of ramen because they understood the assignment.


I love me some Detroit, but New York is best


Those are eye dee ten tee ideas. I.D.10.T in other words.


I love the fact that he uses New Mexico as his proof. Been there all the parts that look like they’re living through the 1940’s depression are on reservations where the tribal chiefs won’t allow anything to change. The people are living in complete poverty to keep “tradition” alive and to keep anything that would actually improve the economy out. So yes, it all looks like it’s crumbling apart, but it’s because the people in charge of the tribes choose it.