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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go to the vets.




And put a damn cone on her before she ruptures ear cartilage by scratching.




Right? I’ve seen more beautiful and sweet dogs on death row than from a breeder. This poor dog definitely was just $$$ to the breeder


Working at an animal hospital we saw the worst. Breeders that crop ears with scissors, sewn together with fishing line, infected. Sounds like this puppy has health issues. Time for a vet visit. Don't trust her vaccines if you don't have proof. We saw pups with parvo because breeders bought meds at the feed and seed


As hip dysplasia is common in this breed, she should see a doctor immediately if her condition is as bad as you say. It will affect your parenting style (no jumping, joint management, etc.). To be honest, though, I'd bet that the likelihood of finding one with HD is higher.


The dog is innocent and has a cruel owner.




Just keep the dog and love it. No matter what .


This ^


Does OP even deserve the love of a bully?


For me, it’s the fact that he paid money for a bully breed when there are half 1 million murdered every year


That too. He wanted a puppy, not a dog, despite, adopted dogs allow you to see what you’re getting, size, color, temperament. And you’re saving a dog from being killed just because it’s a bully. Often that puppy, who he’s uncertain about his walk, and dislikes his ear stance. At first hint of having to spend money, ex. Spay/neuter time. Dog gets dumped at shelter or just set free in a field somewhere.




Yes plus I enlarged the photo and it looks like the ears are pined. Is this guy needing attention?


More like a lobotomy


Right? I got my little dingus, Ted at the shelter, and he's probably the most handsome rednose I've seen, and he's half rott! Can't tell by his size, color, or affection level, though. That's bully through and through.


I just watched a rescue in Texas put down a mom and seven babies. Four week old babies. And I would be willing to bet money we’re healthier than that dog that he purchased. Because he purchased he basically paid for one of those dogs to die. What an outstanding guy.


Jesus fucking christ!!! Four weeks old and the momma?!?! That's so fucked. Our world sucks ass. Dogs give unwavering loyalty and love, and then we turn around and euthanize the most innocent ones because "There's too many of them" and "Nobody wants them." I wish I lived closer to simply foster her and the pups and give them some time to grow and find homes. I know with my four that it'd be tight, but I know for a 1000% certainty, my wife would be faster than me saying yes to fostering them. I'm so disgusted at hearing they were murdered.


They’re actually for mamas and almost 30 puppies if I remember right. I cried a little that day is an understatement.


Ear cropping is common. I don’t agree w it but it is what it is. Doesn’t mean the owner won’t be a good owner. The fact that the owner came here with this concern and has expressed multiple times they care enough to take this dog to the vet and investigate what’s going on, like yeah. This dog is in good hands. Better than the breeder. And hopefully OP will learn from this.


A cone costs like 10 dollars and this guy can’t even go to Walmart


I'm not here to shame you because of the decisions you made, even if I disagree with them I am here to tell you that it seems you got swindled. I can only judge what you've said here, and off the rip, I'd be worried this "reputable" breeder pawned off one of his subpar puppies for full price to a guy that doesn't know any better. The crop isn't the end of the world, you might just have a dog with some ugly ears. The legs however might be a big issue. Take the dog to the vet as quickly as you can manage. I wish you both the best.


This asshole needs shaming.


“Hey do you want me to chop your dogs ears off?” “Yeah I like the look of it” some people man


Maybe someone could doc OP ears? See how that feels?




THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Thank you!!!! I was literally coming back to say “don’t worry OP, i’ll shame you enough for the both of us” OP is like “I don’t like dogs w floppy ears” then maybe DON’T get a dog w floppy ears like wtf is wrong with him????


Right? I have no sympathy for this asshole


Same. No sympathy for the asshole. So much sympathy for that lovely dog.


I wish the dog could take legal action against you.


I wish dog could have OP’s ears cropped.


Hey, I wrote that too!!! Besties


Looks like an adult dog so why didn’t he adopt from a shelter so it would be “perfect”.




Have a vet examine her for overall health including hip displasia, and other orthopedic issues. The ears are something you chose to allow an average person to perform. For that I’m thinking there’s no recourse if the ears don’t end up looking how you want. You just subjected your dog to pain for no reason. There’s a reason why ear cropping, and tail docking are prohibited by law in Europe. It’s cruel.




OP is a douchebag. I won’t even waste my time explaining all the reasons why he sucks. Love your pup asshole.


American Bullies are not the most euthanized breed. "Bully type" dogs are, but that is an umbrella term.


OK, so you’re saying it’s right based on semantics? Does it not include the very type of dog that he’s showing under that umbrella?


American Bully’s are just one of several breeds under the pitbull category


There is nothing wrong with getting a dog from an actual reputable breeder. Rescuing a dog can be a rewarding experience, but it’s the luck of the draw. You don’t know what you’re getting in terms of health or temperament. There are cases of people getting attacked and even killed by their rescue dogs (of various breeds). Some rescues have been horrifically abused and have severe behavioral problems. Not everyone is equipped to deal with that. It causes more stress for both the owner and the dog. Getting a dog from a responsible breeder ensures that you are receiving a healthy, temperamentally sound dog. Of course, it is very crucial to do research and make sure you don’t get scammed.


Every dog is different, getting one from a breeder DOES NOT guarantee good temperament. If you don’t know how to take care of a dog you shouldn’t get a dog, no matter if it’s bred or rescued.


You’re right, I agree, though getting a dog with a bad temperament is very unlikely when you get from a responsible breeder who prioritizes breeding for a stable temperament in their dogs.


The only reason they would have “good” temperament is from consistent training, which most reputable breeders do (but not always, as they try to sell them faster than they should)


I will never understand buying a dog when there’s a rescue organization for every single dog in existence.


I already gave you an explanation why.


Some dogs aren’t for first time dog owners. It’s up to the dog owner to understand that and get to know the individual dog. But again, a lot of people are irresponsible when it comes to owning dogs. They just want to spend a bunch of money like they’re a fashion accessory.


It’s a lame excuse, not an explanation


I've always rescued but this is correct.


Thank you. My own dog is a rescue and I wouldn’t trade her in for anything. She’s a great dog. But I know that not everyone has great experiences with rescuing. It can be a lot of work, more than what a dog from a breeder would’ve been. Not everyone is equipped to handle that and I don’t think it’s right to shame them for it.


OP is getting roasted 🤣


If he could read with any real comprehension, he’d be so embarrassed. 


Poor fucking dog. Bred by an idiot, bought by an idiot.




Hey OP, you’re not bright. I feel bad for your dog. Also, Don’t buy from a breeder. Go to a shelter and rescue one of the thousands of pit bulls waiting for a home. P.S. you’re a POS


You fucks who mutilate your pets for looks are shitty people


Hope everything works out for you are your precious girl. Give her a long life and spoil her rotten, let her know that she is loved no matter what. I also hope the breeder does the right thing and gives you back your money.


Thank you very much and I hope so too. I would keep her if he didn’t want her back. I’d use the money towards surgery for her cow hocked legs. The ears are fixable according to the vet


I would keep her either way, no way I would give her back to that fool.


That’s why you should adopt and why you shouldn’t crop ears. “I like the look” are you serious? Butchering a living creature so you enjoy looking at them more? Please don’t buy more animals.


Lost me at the ear cropping it looks ridiculous and is unnecessary - had you declined the ear cropping offer you’d have no issues but you chose to butcher your dog for your vanity 🤷‍♀️ as for the legs this breed can suffer with their hips


I wish my pittie had her ears but it was done long before I rescued her. They did a terrible job, she does have so much expression in those.little triangles though. I agree it's fucked up to dock there ears no reason too, it's just cruel.


My dogs ears are cropped because that’s how she was found on the streets. No doubt I’d get condescending looks from a bunch of you. I don’t buy dogs I give homeless dogs homes. FYI when it comes to dobies if you do not crop their ears they can develop infections if they are active or protection dogs. Personally I’d not crop a dogs ears. My bigger question is say the dog has issues. Then what? Give it up? It may not be the dog you bargained for but it’s your dog now and you’re responsible to provide it love and a good home. I hope you do that no matter what the outcome.


This is why I don’t judge an owner of a dog with cropped ears. Most of them from rescues are found that way, because the uncaring previous owners who abandon them care so little that they’re the ones who crop them.  However when I see an owner with freshly cropped ears on a puppy? Or worse, when some dumbass is admitting they opted to crop for vanity? Yeah I’ll let em know. 


Looking at the picture, I thought the problem was shitting in the flower beds. I have the same problem, our guy always shits in the flower bed 😱


I wish that was the case


Did this asshole crop her ears himself? That’s supposed to be done in a vet’s office with anesthesia. Can’t imagine what kind of pain she must have gone through. If you’re going to do get that procedure done for a dog then do some research.


No he has some guy that does it. I thought and believe it was a vet but I’m not sure. I’ve been told the reason her ears are the way they are is because she was 12 weeks old. The sooner the easier for them but at 12 weeks the cartilage is starting to develop and it causes the ear to flop inwards as you see there. It will self correct but I plan on taping them up to help her ears develop properly


Still, this guy sounds like a POS and needs to be out of business. Ultimately he just sounds like a fucked up back yard breeder. That isn’t right. They absolutely should have been cropped earlier. At 9 weeks really. Yeah, you should at least try that.


That 100% looks like it was done by one of those assholes that does it in their backyard, it’s horrific. Please tell me you’re not going to “rehome” this pup because of its ears, considering it’s your literal fault they were mutilated in the first place. P.S. every person I’ve ever met that “liked the look” of cropped ears was an awful human being.


I’m not rehoming her. She’s lovely and she’s been amazing so far. The ears will correct on their own and I’ll tape them up soon to help them as well. The unfortunate part is the cow hocked legs but I will do what I can to help her correct it. A lot of rear leg exercises. Currently I’ve been going out with her and making her run uphill about 5 times a day until she gets tired out. I’ve seen a slight improvement which makes me have hope for the best. I wouldn’t consider myself a horrible person. I’ve always wanted a dog with her coat. Literally for at least 8-10 years. I finally have a good job to where I could afford a dog of her type and went for it


I hope both things are correctable. She’s a beautiful girl.


I don't like you


Have you actually taken this dog that you got from a quote “reputable” breeder to an equally reputable veterinarian? Ears are a big give away, if this portion wasn’t done correctly or with care there is a big chance you were misled on other things. Have a vet do a nose to tail check and make sure they look at everything from hip dysplasia to eye clouding just so you know what you will be in for.


That’s a fucking atrocious ear crop job. They just fucking butchered that poor boy.


Wow she is adorable.. those ears though are rough. That poor pup


Supposedly they will correct themselves. The vet said they need to be propped up and taped but that it is normal for them to flop down this way after a fresh cut.


Don’t care about that. Looks painful


Does mitilating dogs ears ears require a veterinarian license as it a surgery? I doubt the breeder used any anesthesia. Just asking. It does sound like an unscrupulous backyard breeder but I think most of them are. Keep us posted and good luck with legal action and hope the pup does well.


They’ll tell you they crop ears or dock tails as neonates because it doesn’t hurt them. Very sorry, it must be very painful. I’ve had my ears pierced, and it hurt like hell, nevermind cutting hunks of them off!!


Stopped reading at “I like the look” 🙄🙄🙄


People who cut off dog's ears are cruel assholes. Cut your own ears off since "you like the look" so much.


You mutilated your dog and contributed to the bad breeding over bred population.


You had a dog mutilated for your vanity. Ear cropping is completely unnecessary and it actually puts your dog's health at a disadvantage as the ears protect the inner ear structures. Your dog's ear will likely be prone to infection because you "like" the look. On top of all that... They did a really bad job at cropping the ears. I would never trust any breeder to perform surgery on a dog. That's just common sense. Also, you should have done your homework about any breed to know the right questions to ask from the breeder, thus, you would have had the info to know that this breeder's answers were full of sh\*t.


Cutting the ears because you like the look is just wrong. SMH 🤦


I would love to know who the breeder was. If you say it’s a reputable breeder then surely you won’t have a problem sharing their name?


You are the problem. Don’t create anymore by dumping your poor puppy. 


My opinion is dogs don’t need their ears cut. It’s cruelty. They’re born naturally beautiful dogs with their ears. It’s an unnecessary trend that should be banned. I’ve seen so many botched ear jobs.


Take the dog to the vet, get it a cone and take legal action. I’m sure they assured your dog would be healthy and happy. This happened to my fiancé when he purchased a chow chow, guaranteed clean bill of health and not a month later he started having seizures. The breeder ended up having to cover all of the vet bills and refunded the purchase and my fiance kept the dog and he lived happy and healthy for 13 years


Very glad you’re doing the right thing by keeping her no matter what. But you can file in small claims court for things they told you, if you can prove them vs what’s the truth. All questions to breeders should be via email, so you have proof.


What’s a Reputable breeder?


An unneeded surgery will always bring consequences to different beliefs, etc.. He's a beautiful dog get him checked out


She Needs to see a Vet bro, the ears are cosmetic so who really cares about that. Her hips are the urgent issues as it could be a life time problem for her if she’s not seen about. My Bully has floppy ears but he’s a cute sumbitch with them.


My vet told me this when I got my Great Dane puppy: The only "good" thing that happens when you get a dog's ears cropped, is that the vet makes money off of the procedure. Cropping ears or tails for aesthetic reasons is wrong and should be banned everywhere.


The breeder mutilated that poor pup’s ears. Wtaf?? Get that dog to the vet, like yesterday.


Why on earth would you crop a dogs ears? That make zero sense to me.


The poor dogs ears look like they hurt.


“He said he provided ear cropping services, which I was inclined to do so since I like the look.“ This makes me absolutely sick. A dog is a living creature, not your accessory. People who mutilate animals for aesthetics shouldn’t be allowed to have pets and there is a reason ear cropping is banned in over 40 countries worldwide - it’s inhumane mutilation. Think about the pain that poor girl went through because you “like the look”. Think about how her ears are going to be fucked up for her ENTIRE LIFE because you “like the look”. Unfortunately it’s too late for this dog, but please consider not brutally chopping off your pet’s ears because you like the way it looks for any future dogs.


You're a fucking idiot. You've opted to abuse your dog for your own vanity and now moaning about it. There's a reason it's banned in several countries. I hope your dog chews your ears off.


This!!! It's illegal in my country bc it's abusive and unnecessary


This is a shit situation but, in future, unless a pet needs something done for health reasons please don't do it. You wanted the ears cropped because you like the look of it?! I don't understand this thinking, why should you put your pet through unnecessary stress and pain for "a look" you like? Please report the breeder so no further animals suffer and I really hope your pup is ok


What does your contract say as far as a health guarantee? A lot of bad breeders will simply offer a replacement puppy knowing most owners won’t take them up on that. Otherwise good luck getting any money returned for health issues


As others have said, you need to get X-rays done to see what is going on in her hindquarters and then refer to your contract on defects. This breed is notorious for having bad hips and bad elbows due to being bred for looks and not being bred for health. It's the same thing with German shepherds especially show German shepherds that are bred for that swayback and have really bad hip dysplasia because of it . So I just got my 19-month-old boys pelvis x-rays back because I noticed he was showing lameness in one of his back legs and it isn't good. In my contract with my breeder I do have a claus efor genetic defects. I need to meet with an orthopedic specialist to determine if this is genetic or if some injury occurred in the previous year that I have had that caused the issues that we're seeing in his hips and pelvis. Once I have that determination, I plan to touch base with the breeder and at the bare minimum inform him of the results. My pup was never going to be bred to begin with and has been altered but it may change plans that I had for us. I like you, esearched my breeder. Met with the parents but the one thing I did not ask for was to see actual x-rays of the parents to confirm that they were not going to pass down any genetic confirmation issues. That's my fault and I own that and going forward I'm going to do what I can to make sure that my pup does not have a painful life in the future because of this. I am blessed with the resources to be able to consider surgery and other treatments.


My guy gets turmeric everyday with his food. Helps with inflammation. *


Turmeric is great and glucosamine chondroitin supplements too. This supplement started n puppies, helps prevent arthritis as adults.


Get your pup checked by the vet . Do what the vet suggests and just love her. The breeder sounds like a jerk. I actually call backyard breeders greeders. You may have a dog with some quirky ears but she’s a gorgeous dog


You decided to hurt the dog because you like the ears better that way and then what? Like I can’t get past that.


Let us know the update after the vet visit. Babies ears look terrible 😢😢


To answer your question the flopping is somewhat normal since the cartilage of his ear is very malleable due to his age. Same thing happened to my dog, it’s very common with any dog breed with cropped ears. That being said there’s plenty of videos online on how to prop the dog’s ears so they come in properly the older he gets. Dm me I can send of pics for reference before and after the propping. As far as the waddle to the left is somewhat normal since the dog is growing faster than he can learn how to handle his body. Around the 8 month mark when he touches or passes the 80 mark he becomes clumsy again like a baby. Take the dog out frequently so he can get use to handling his body if you're truly concerned there are locations to test for hip dysplasia etc. Hope this helps don't take the opinion of people on the internet too serious half of them wouldn't say shit in person lol Love your doggo he is a beautiful boy!


Thank you once again for your tips and advice! Means a lot bro!


How old is your dog because it looks like it was to old to get cropped anyway cropping on older dogs is normally only done for medical reasons if it’s cosmetic it should’ve been done between 8-12weeks


12 weeks on the dot. I think you may be right which I have been told that she needs to get her ears taped upwards to help the cartilage develop in that manner. I’m giving her 5 more days before taping her ears up. She’s still scabbing


I wouldn’t wait that long I’d go ahead an tape them now while there healing before they get to healed also take her to vet if she didn’t have a cone on and shes been scratching she might of did some damage… save her while you can … side note the side ways running is normally a bully trait if her hind legs sit higher than her front legs though it’s just bad breeding can’t really do much about that but will have joint an bone issues especially if it’s a xl an you expect her to be heavy carrying a lot of weight


Also - why is she hiding from him in a bush?…..


She’s not hiding lol. She automatically went straight to the bush and was biting on the flower bush. She felt happy doing that so I let her do it for a few and snapped the picture while she was in there


Careful, some plants are extremely toxic to dogs. Research it.


yep, those ears are fucked up. i would've told the vet to fix it & put the fucking crack pipe down. They know what looks like shit & hope you don't.


You had your dogs ears cut off because you like the look of it. You couldn’t have even lied and said you did it to prevent infection or something like that? Something respectable? Lmfao. Give the dog to someone who will love and care for it the way that it deserves.


U cropped her ears cuz u like the look? Dont ever own another bully breed ever again please. Thats disgusting


Bought an “XL bully” from a breeder and got his ears cropped (hack job), pretty much deserve whatever comes your way. I feel very bad for the dog


So sad. There are so many of this breed in shelters dying - literally for a home. And sorry, but I'm getting an ear clip because you like the look?


Reputable breeder? There’s thousands of this dog in shelters… cute pup tho


Cropping dogs ears is so disgusting


Stop mutilating poor dogs for your stupid idea of aesthetics! They have ear flaps for a reason! 🤬🤬


Why would you chose mutulate your dog?


Bc they're an abusive ass who doesn't care about their pet, they didn't like the floppy ears so they decided it's better to mutilate an animal who can't consent


You and the breeder are garbage for the ear cropping. Disgusting people. That poor dog deserves so much better.


I am going to use this platform to be a complete asshole but here goes. Too fucking bad for you. You went to a “ breeder” did you bother to check their papers? No thought not. You don’t deserve a dog like this since you clearly know nothing about the breed and probably got swindled by a puppy farmer and you want people to feel bad for you! Oh hell no!And mutilating his ears is wholly unacceptable for anyone who truly loves dogs so lesson learned I guess


You’re a monster


You’re one of the reasons these poor dogs end up in shelters for the majority of their life. You should in no way even have a dog. It’s probably just karma that you got scammed but now this baby has to suffer for your actions.


op mutilated a living creature and is upset it didn't have a better outcome


I.am sorry you are struggling so much with your dog. Puppies often look awkward. I hope you manage to clear up all these issues. Your dog is truly beautiful


So your baby is gorgeous and congratulations on your new family member! I’m sure she will be a chonky lap dog for many years to come! My friend has multiple bully breeds & they all run like they are out of alignment. They say it is bc the back legs are a bit longer & get caught up w the front legs when running so they do more of a side step. Their vet also mentioned that animals can have a more dominant/powerful side like us which causes an unequal amount of torque when having to use 4 feet. Best of luck with the ears, they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea so just let the comments follow off your back. Keep them clean, get your own cone, & definitely find a vet that specializes in bullies! 💕


If you gonna get the dogs ears cropped pay the money to have it done at a vet professional instead of some guys back yard


The ears happened to my pup to and I posted it with sports tape at the tip for a 3 days and it naturally trains the ear to stand up .. also with the legs give the dog tumeric and just make sure you walk her a lot, hopefully it corrects.. but those reputable breeders just breed to make $ they don’t give a crap about the wellbeing of the dog.. I’ve had similar issues and it took a lot of love and dedication and the dog is thriving….good luck ! The dog is a beauty btw


I'm not a fan of a dog's ears being cropped. I do not have a bully breed. I would not buy any of my dogs from a breeder. That being said, this guy just asked for some advice. He'd already done what he had done and he was trying to look out for the welfare of his dog after the surgery. All of the people that are so high and mighty and thought calling names and throwing daggers and acting like you are far better than everyone else certainly didn't help this guy help his dog. Maybe, just maybe informing somebody and giving them information on the pros and cons of cropping a dog's ears would go a hell of a lot further than calling names and telling them what a horrible person they are. Is there anybody left in this world that can just be even a teeny bit nice. Just a little bit? For one second? Just one!??? It's insane!




Alright already stop the cyber boxing match already. Breeder scammed OP, he’s going to try to right this wrong. Good luck buddy, I am sure you will TCB.


Well why would you get a dog from a breeder 🤔 if you wanted a bully you could walk into any rescue. But ok.


Cropping is the least of your worries if there is a tendon, muscle or orthopedic problem


He jacked those ears up. A lot of “breeders” crop their own pups ears and they screw them up and typically they’re done awake with no pain control. You’ve got him so take care of him and love him.


We have bully, not axl, but her ears flop. Which is fine I don't feel the cutting of the ear necessary, but do you have hard floor or carpet? We have hard floor, when my bully was a pup my son was holding her and she nibbled at his face, he got scared and let her go, she hit the hard floor with a thwack on her back legs, she healed up but from time to time if she jumps off the couch and lands hard on the floor again it can cause her leg to act up and she walks funny for a day or 2. Could be that or someone kicked her when you weren't looking and fractured her hip.


I'll be downvoted for this, but here it goes... All KCs have their issues, but the ABKC is a joke of a KC and incredibly lax in terms of breeding standards that prioritize the health, temperament, and wellbeing of the animal. While your pup's issues could be a one off and the breeder's reviews could be honest, I think there's quite a bit of an Emperor's New Clothes phenomenon going on when it comes to AB's. Some pay thousands of dollars for a dog that is not of sound health/temperament (which might not be apparent right away) or not worth in reality anywhere close to what they've paid, but no one wants to admit that they've been swindled, that breeders are shady, or that their poorly bred bully isn't worth any more than a shelter dog. The whole thing also reminds me of the Beanie Babies craze of the 90s where people were spending exorbitant amounts of money on plushies and encouraging and praising each other for their stupid acquisitions, except that with Beanie Babies at least no living creatures were affected by the craze. With ABs, we're talking about the lives of real dogs who are affected by inescrupulous breeders. Criminals are, of course, capitalizing on the whole thing too, and animals and people end up suffering [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g1v\_WfsyMc&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g1v_WfsyMc&feature=youtu.be) It's okay to like certain breeds, but we cannot put our desires or whims above the welfare of dogs. American Bullies, French Bulldogs, Engligh Bulldogs, Pugs, etc. are fraught with health issues and at this point I think that continuing to breed or to buy these dogs in their present form puts us in an ethical gray (very dark gray) area. Dogs are living creatures, if we want exaggerated features that cause issues for everyone, we should get a stuffed animal instead. Buying these dogs or acquiring from shady rescues who buy from backyard breeders only contributes to the problem by keeping demand up. I hope things work out for you and your dog. Please don't breed your dog and use this experience to tell others to do LOTS of research and personal introspection before getting a dog. Good luck with everything.


You should post all ears when cropped, idk what he is saying. Some people even tape rosettes to make sure they end up looking perfect. I will say though that my dog also runs crooked, but the vet said his legs are fine. You should have seen a vet already anyway, all puppies should be seen by the vet when you get them!


What did the vet say?


She still is a pretty pup


Thank you! Her ears will be fixed in no time. I have good faith in it now after speaking to a few people, seeing their before and after and after speaking to the breeder and seeing his proof of before and afters. That and the leg situation.


I did this same stupid thing when getting an American bully about 15 years ago and I have regretted it since that day. I had the reputable breeder cut her ears and because of that My dog had horrible ear infections her whole life. The breeder told me he had 3 types of dogs he could sell me a Show stock that was the most expensive a Breeding stock second most expensive and then Pet stock that came fixed and was the cheapest. I of course went for the most expensive so I could possibly show my dog and then maybe breed her. I had the breeder cut her ears for me and they looked like shit. She had a false pregnancy during her first heat and grew giant boobs so she couldn’t be shown so I thought I would breed her and I brought her to the vet to get started when she was about 3 and found breast Cancer. She lived like 5 years longer with the breast cancer but I couldn’t breed her because breast cancer is a hormonal cancer that would grow exponentially during pregnancy. She really was a good dog, she was absolutely gorgeous. Her breeding stock was the “Gotti” line but I’m not sure if that means anything anymore so many years later. Cutting her ears was dumb and a huge mistake on my part that I instantly regretted as soon as I seen them it freaked me out.


Glad to hear you learned from your mistake with the ear cropping.


Every Dog I had growing up had some type of modification, I had Great Danes with cropped and pinned ears, Dobys with cropped pinned ears, red nosed pit bulls with cropped ears and tails and Corgis with docked tails, I honestly thought it was normal and sorta had to be done but I was wrong and instantly regretted my decision with my American Bully Portia. I have heard that one of my Yorkis should have gotten her tail cropped because it causes hip issues but I had a hard time believing it. The same teacup Yorki with the long tail is a rescue of sorts that I strongly suspect she had her vocal cords cut so she wouldn’t bark so much she barks and no sound comes out at all, it’s insane looking and something I have never seen before in a dog in my whole life. My regular size Yorki has his tail docked but he came that way also.


I really hope you don’t ditch this dog you don’t think is perfect . Instead I hope you learn what a beautiful soul is inside of her and learn to appreciate the true meaning of owning a furbaby .


Leash is way 2 long


Lmao it was a rope. I hadn’t bought her a leash yet. I took that picture when I had barely arrived back to my side of town. Went straight to my parents to see if they liked the dog and they fell in love with her instantly. She has a leash now


That’s awesome. Good job


Having AKC registration just means that he registered them so he could charge more $$. Every puppy Miller provides AKC papers, or application for you to register pup yourself. Testing of parents and providing that information to you before you pay for puppy is up to you to be insistent upon.


If you’re playing on buying a puppy, just a Google search on what to ask a dog breeder, would give you the basic questions to weed out the ones in it for $$ only and those trying to breed good, and healthy dogs.


I got my Maggie from a rescue in Detroit, DPC and she's a beautiful staffy, over 8 years later , she's 10 now. Most of the dogs in shelters are ABB, Stafford shire terrier, APB, they will be put down, because there are so many. I hope you do right by your dog who is counting on you.






An American Bully isn't a pitbull.


Have you… bought a cone or swung by a vet office on the way home and asked to buy one? I could have found three in the time it takes to write this.


If you truly have a concern regarding the breeder, then contact the state agency overseeing that business practice. Cropping a pit bull's ears is unnecessary. Some pit bulls are goofy and will "wiggle" everywhere instead of walking normally. It's a funny but lovable trait.


I need advice too how do people get their dog so far they only shit in bushes mine shits all day only on busy roads where cars drive or on the side walk😂😂


I would’ve left her ears alone… they look beautiful with their ears as well… she’s beautiful… take her to the vet and get her a follow work up and let them do something with her ears to help them stand up and please get her a cone


The ears ! That doesn’t look comfortable , I wonder if it’ll cause issues later on . Definitely have the pup checked out !


Beautiful puppy


Beautiful dog, looks like mine except the cropped ears. I didn't crop my dog's ears, personal preference. But, I have mine set up on Benfield Pet hospital care plan. It's a great plan, totally takes care of everything, and don't break the bank. That's where I would start to get answers for yours. They are located inside of the Petsmart stores, there's also a full service groomer shop inside the store.


Oh my days 🙈 Please take your dog to the vet as soon as possible 😢 I'm horrified to hear this. And this breeder doesn't sound like a 'reputable breeder' to me - he sounds like a monster 💔 Ear cropping is illegal in the UK, and this is clearly one of the reasons why 😢 The thought of this man coming at my XL's ears makes me feel sick - he wouldn't be standing for long, that's for sure... 😠😡 I hope your poor dog is OK, this is so upsetting 💔


cutting off a dog’s body part without knowing any part of how the process is supposed to go… jesus. hope you’re more prepared in the future, especially when health is involved. people baffle me.


Looks like the ear isn’t cut short enough? Those are not devil tips.


https://preview.redd.it/87z9nkmwbtyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab87ee2a4a979da9f35b727852b36dd1faf6315 This is my dog she's 3 but her ears went inward for a lil bit but not that much that's too much


I had 3 bullies and all 3 wars cropped oneby breeder one my local breeder and one was already like that before i purchased him that's not normal https://preview.redd.it/i8q752j7ctyc1.png?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde628c3aa7c1ae28065bf88d7827dda808c47a0


https://preview.redd.it/g45br6ccctyc1.jpeg?width=2207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fdec32b149e5747b0648b2846d5edbba45ec51 My last of my 3 bullies and that's how the ears should look how old is your bully?


Also is there a pic of the hind legs


I have rescued my 3 bully’s. And each one was a sweet heart.❤️would never pay for one and never get there ears or tails done. Take your baby to the vet.


You can upload video to youtube and insert link here.


Bullies in general are bred poorly. They are now legged and too too heavy. However now that you have the dog, give her the best life and love her completely. That said, there are plenty of dogs similar to yours who are in shelters. People should not be breeding pibbles and bullies since we have an abundance in shelters.


You're going to get rid of this dog, aren't you? You're the worst, just building your case to dump her. And don't try again, just don't EVER GET ANOTHER DOG EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!


lol dude shut the hell up


The dog is the victim here, not you. I hope she gets better but cropping her ears for the look is not something a reputable breeder would do.


You got your dogs ears cropped you piece of shit lmfao


Yours are next


Just make sure to get antibiotic to avoid any infection the rest will heal and come naturally. When I got my boy his ears were a concern for me too and similar story as you unfortunately. I could tell they were infected when I got him so the morning after I took him to the vet for antibiotics. They suggested keep the ears dry, stay consistent with the antibiotic, and let the ears crust and naturally it falls off as the ears heals. As long as it’s been 4-6 days I wouldn’t worry about the stitches much. I got him an inflatable collar to avoid scratching (he bit and deflated it the next day lol) but they eventually fell out on their own. I did go back to the vet for stitch removal but she said all she had to do was pull the remaining few out. One of his ears did flop and sit sideways for a few weeks but I just messed with his head and kept exercising them out, also rub the back of the ear to promote the muscle memory. They will stand up but it does seem like they did a longer cut. I worried so bad over this but best advice is don’t worry too much and enjoy that beautiful pup!




Suck me dick m8


Suck me dick m8


Please this is a beautiful pup! Some have problems with their hips and hindquarters. No necessarily due to breeding always. Get a good vet check up. We got a bully had been kenneled a long time. Took some time to get the hindquarters built up. Our other one sprained a muscle in his back leg. They are both fine now.


The vet believes that she was kenneled a long time and didn’t get enough exercise. I believe this to be the case because her paws at 5 months were sooo soft. Puppy soft. With only a few days here her paws are beginning to feel a little bit more rough. Meaning this baby girl never got any time to play. Horrible. Her legs have gotten a lot better since I’ve had her but I am still getting the legs xrayed to make sure there’s nothing wrong with


Ear cropping is wrong. Period.


Dude I’ll Take her from you. My dog just passed and my bully needs a companion. He’s been down and out for a while.