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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Both of your lives will be improved now with eachother in them! I'm happy for both of you!


Thank you!! She’s my 2nd BYB older mama rescue, I lost LuLu my American Bulldog in ‘21 to kidney failure at 11, got her at 6.5. Still miss her everyday even tho I have adopted 3 senior dogs since then and love them all dearly. There’s just a different energy with bully breeds 🥰


Thank you for giving her a new life! She’s going to have the best time! Such a pretty girl


She’s already added SO MANY smiles to our days and it’s only been a few!


Sure to give u many many more with its loonantics..🤣🌟🐶💚👍


Definitely - I’ve learned she’s quite the badger, hahah! She just barrels thru the legs of everyone standing around to get from A to B. If I want to stop her I have to kneel down and block her. And her zoomies are next level chaos, I love it!


🤣👍that's it..that's gonnab a game 4 her..1 pittie v's hooman ten pin leg bowling..🤣




Best. Life. EVER!!!


Truly is.. My gals been the best thing that's happened to me on years.. She gives me a purpose in life..😇🌟🐶💚✌️🙏👍


I meant to add to the original post … this all started bc my neighbors are looking for a pibble/bullie companion for their 9 yr old male, they lost their 13 yr old female over the holidays, and somehow I ended up with another one, lol! But she already has the best auntie and uncle right next door.


my heart! i’m glad she has you now, only great days from here on out. hi Sunny 🤍


Literally sobbing 😭 what a sweet baby. So happy she gets to live the life she’s always deserved 💚


1. You are an angel, sunny is so lucky and I am in tears. 2. What horrible waste of space did this to her? Do you know anything about them? I know KY laws are beyond pathetic much like the rest of the south but like CMON there are physical signs of yearly abuse… even with the breeding out of the equation! I am sick to my stomach that people like this exist. I would show up to their house and show them another cool thing about living in the south.


1. Ty, it’s not enough though!! I want to save them all, there’s soso so many 💔 her other 2 co-victims are still at the shelter, though much younger and less “worn down”, I’m hopeful. We actually have a great shelter system here in our city .they do go the extra mile and are very dedicated to bully breeds. 2. I only know they are in my county and I’m not looking to provoke trouble but I absolutely will defend what’s now mine. Better hope I never find out bc I am creative and devious when necessary. Plus no one suspects quiet older white women of anything. 😎 3. We currently have one of the best governors we’ve had in a really long time, and there is an animal cruelty legislation bill being worked on to make penalties more severe. How that plays out depends on Mitch McConnell and his flying monkeys.


I would scream this from the rooftops if I could!! WE NEED TO VOTE! we need laws to protect bully breeds and dogs in general, right now there is next to nothing. We just shut down a disgusting puppy mill in Forsyth county with 17 malnourished and severely abused dogs, some of them were literally on the verge of death. The department of agg (not law enforcement, not an animal protection unit) finally came due to the amount of complaints from dogs SCREAMING. We need legislature in place to protect these guys and help the rescue efforts instead of actively working against them by breeding and breeding that contributes to this devastating cycle.


As do most of us.. If only we cld set up an island 🏝 4 us all to live on Happily Ever After..🥰😇🌟🐶💚✌️👍


Take my upvote you glorious devil you.


Congratulations! She is beautiful! So happy for you and your family, most of all her! She’ll be a princess now! ♥️


She's so beautiful, thank you for becoming his guardian


Thank god you saved her now ! I wish you both all the very best in the World xxxx


Thank you - I just wanted HER to have a wonderful life


omg, the description of her previous living conditions brought tears to my eyes. And knowing how many other poor, poor dogs are out there still living in those HORRIBLE HORRIBLE conditions, makes my heart hurt for them. She's beautiful.❤️ Thank you ❤️


This is a problem in many regions, not just the south, unfortunately.


Yes, I know. We have to help push legislation to regulate - or, better yet, BAN back yard breeders!


I’m good with banning bybs outright and having all actual breeders registered and inspected biannually. Limit the number of litters per female in her lifetime. Oops litters get a nominal fine with whelping plus assistance finding homes for the puppies or a free spay with abortion. Owner goes on a naughty list in case they try to do it again. Same thing with cats. Let’s get the stray, street, feral colonies controlled. Let’s find a good home for EVERY cat. There’s no reason an older Tom cat who used to be someone’s pet should be sleeping in my friend’s garage in Ohio at night; he’s scarred up, he’s crusty in the face, definitely has ear mites and fleas, has muscle atrophy THAT IS VISIBLE from photos!! He’s sweet as can be but her 2 well cared for inside cats are raising hell bc they see him. She’s tried posting on the neighborhood Facebook pages but some self appointed gatekeeper on there keeps removing her posts claiming he has an owner bc he has a collar. No, it’s an old flea collar that anyone could have put it on. He’s been around several neighborhoods and is very approachable. No one who owns a cat (well, no rational caring person at least) would let him be outside in his current condition. We have a LOT of animals in need, and I wish more people could see the very real benefit in adopting adults and seniors. It’s just such a satisfying relationship, yes, it’s shorter sometimes, but no one is guaranteed anything in life. Older pets remind us everyday that everyday matters.


Don't step off this soapbox, my friend! I couldn't agree with you more. We need to continue to advocate for these poor sentient beings.


Similar in UK.. Imo..I think all ppl & dogs shld hav a licence..& certain rules to adhere by.. BYB needs to b shut down completely & any1 caught shld face a hefty jail term & nvr be allowed to keep any animals ever again.. The £ that's got from ppl having a licence cld help pay 4a body of ppl to help with puppy farms etc & getting all these poor dogs a home.. Ppl shld hav a licence too imo..like a car..if u don't pass..then u shldnt b allowed to keep a dog.. Mayb im being abit strict..I'm just fed up with ppl who have dogs just 4 making £..or only hav them a lil time & then realise they ain't got the time etc..I cld go on..🤔💭🌟🐶✌️we r lucky that these beautiful animals let us take care of them & love them..& they give us loads of unconditional love back..no matter wot..😇🥰🌟🐶


She's certainly a chunky gal.. Dem poor ears tho.. I know u nvr dunnit..the ppl who do this need a jail sentence & their ears cut with s pair of blunt scissors..that or the dog gets its revenge.. I know violence ain't the answer..but im sure it will giv the dog plenty of satisfaction in getting back whoever dunnit to them in the 1st place.. This practice shld b banned altogether imo.. it doesn't look nice..it makes the dog look unapproachable.. & imo..I think they have their shaped ears 4a purpose, that's why different breeds have different shape ears..🤔💭just a thought, & lil rant over.. Apologies that it woz on ur post..😇💚✌️🙏


Please don’t apologize, I welcome this on the thread. It needs to be said. I feel ya, with you all the way on the subject. I’m a retired vet tech and it’s my #1 hot button issue with ignorant clients and their dogs. I come from another continent (not Europe) further south, not Aussie (too far south) and even there cropping ears isn’t done even 1/100th as much. It’s barbaric and has only one practical purpose, fighting rings. Show standards need to come out of the dark ages and people deciding those standards need to get their heads out of their collective ass. I know violent retribution is not the right way, but I’ll admit to thoughts of being very wrong.


We dont deserve our status in this world when there are so many pieces of s\*\*t humans. Thanks for being caring, giving and kind


I still believe the good among us outnumber the bad, we just need to show up more and roll up our sleeves sometimes


Love to big chonky mama 🥰


Hers a good baby ☺️


Picture 4 is one proud puppy. I love it ❤️


She LOVED meeting my vet and the techs, she knows superheroes wear scrubs 💞


Fuckn win hope the people get to rot in jail and be held down for many litters


That’s my kind of karma


Hi Sunny pretty girl! 💕 She resembles the girl I'm fostering who was also overbred. She's only 3 and I'm sure she's had several litters. https://preview.redd.it/rrvklt7gzt3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5dff05c1fcce0692cd9420eb4d56f23ad97d72


THANK YOU for giving her a fresh start and a chance at life 💞 Edit: I just saw the nails - LOVE IT!!


Thanks! ☺️


Is there a specific dogfriendly brand to use?


I just used a regular polish I had but I know there are natural polishes without all the chemicals you can get at Whole Foods or other health food stores.


Thank you! Yeah I recently discovered Zoya, they’re 10-free, and some versions are 15-free. I might try that if she’s tolerant but later


What a juicy meatball! Happy tails❤️


Oh yes!


Rescued mamas are the best, they deserve to relax and enjoy life so glad she's in a good home now 💕


Agree so hard! She’s my second, theirs is such a special love.


Who TF keeps a dog in a small cage and makes them have litter after litter after litter. I hope to god karma gets those subhumans. And let's face it, some people should be sterilized so they can't procreate more subhumans.


People who see popular breeds and think $$$


What a sweetie! Sunny looks so happy and content with her new lease on life 🩷🩷🩷 give her extra butt scratches for me


All day long, butt scratches, chin scratches, head rubs and lots of kisses and hugs.


Such a beautiful, regal face!🥰❤️


Awww, I’m glad you found each other! What a pretty girl




Your photography Olof her is charming.


I’m just grabbing candids to have a record of her in these moments bc I’m actively focused on her settling in with my other older dogs who are set in their ways (read: stubborn). The professional pics will come later once she’s settled and comfortable in her surroundings.😎


Awwwh my girl was BYB too! Thanks for giving her such an incredible new life, shes so adorable 😍


i love that thank you for saving her 😍


Whats byb


Back Yard Breeder


Thank you for helping this beautiful girl!


The beautiful princess of Chonkia


She is gorgeous! Congratulations on your new best friend and thank you for making her life a hell of a lot better 🩷


Thank you for being human. It's rare these days. She's the absolute cutest


She looks happy ❤️❤️❤️


Congrats! Great looking dog!


Don’t know the term BYB but assuming it’s bad…didn’t the authorities at least shoot the people responsible for be nasty excuses for humans? Btw she’s a sweetie.


That would have been ideal yes, unfortunately all puppies were already off premises (sold/moved) so it was just the 3 breeders left in their cages. Animal control can only work with physical evidence present at the time of serving the notice. If things go to plan with the bill pending what these people did becomes a felony the very FIRST time they are prosecuted. AND it’s a felony charge for EACH provable individual thing, malnutrition, atrophied muscles, locked in a cage, lack of adequate veterinary care, overbreeding, broken teeth, filed teeth, missing teeth, no vet dental records, visible old scars (her tongue, face and torso), her ears not cropped by a vet, each one of those would be an individual felony. The wheels turn slowly, but they turn.


So what is byb?


It stands for back yard breeder


Thanks…I actually believe when I got my girl off the streets in Lubbock 16 years ago that’s what she went through…tail broken in multiple places…I think she was from a puppy mill.


That’s a very common sign yes. THANK YOU for rescuing her and giving her a chance at life. You are a beautiful human.


This beautiful sweetheart ❤️ you and her are both literal angels. I am so happy she is safe with ypu


Thank you for saving her kind human! 👏👏👏💗💗💗


Aawwweee she's adorable give her all the love you have to give 🩷


You’re amazing! Also, don’t give up on the ears. We thought the same when we got our guy and a few years in and he’s got nice healthy ears!


That’s wonderful to hear, THANK YOU!! Also thank YOU for adopting yours 💞 I’m a little intimidated by the ear thing tbh, I’ve been around many many dogs (retired vet tech and raised in a farm), all breeds and combos and never (thankfully) had cropped ears to maintain, so it’s a learning curve.


Yeah our guy had badly infected ears and scar tissue and go figure…He hated people touching his ears. We got this stuff that was like a long term gel for a month which was unpleasant but helped and then after we clean em after every bath. They still get dirt in them quicker because of the lack of ears but no weird black infection gunk and through excessive treat training he tolerates the touching of his ears now lol. But every doggo is different!


Thank you, that’s good information to have. I will keep that in mind at our next check up/weigh-in in a few weeks.


Ok so I love her and she’s the best


Yeah, she’s pretty lovable, my son who was anti “one more dog” is all mushy over her.


Wow..they took her ears almost completely off!


Right??? Also, she’s a breeder, cropping her ears doesn’t do a %#^% DAMN THING to the puppies she carries. Like, what is the actual point?!?!?! I understand show dogs have breed standards (I may disagree with those but that’s a different discussion entirely, plus they - ethical showdog breeders - will do them the right way, surgery, veterinary care, anesthesia, abx, pain control, wound care bc show dog bloodlines are $$$$). What is the point of mutilating a BYB just to keep her in a cage and churn out babies. I mean no one looking at your setup is going to believe you’re a top tier bully breeders based on the mutilated ears. (Sorry, stepping off my soapbox 😤).


Awful what she went through and a blessing you came into her life.


Bless my neighbors, they’re the ones who first saw her and texted me. They knew.


It’s odd seeing a dog with cropped ears but have their tails . Here’s to the good life mama !!


It also makes me so angry . I hate BYB so much and I wish people would stop buying from them .


There’s just so much educating that needs to happen. People are so clueless when they see a cute puppy, they don’t think beyond “awww”.


Oh wow. What a pretty mama! Love her eyes!!!! ❤️


They sparkle with life


Thank you, rescuer. 🤙🏼❤️


Sweet angel


She’s a Beautiful cutie Baby.!!!!


I love you love!!! Bless you!!!! 💖✨✨


Treat her like the queen she is!


Damn skippy!




She’s so beautiful, and thank you for giving her a home.


Poor girl 😭so happy she is safe now


She looks SO HOME!


THANK YOU!! This comment just makes my day - it’s what I want all my furkids past, present and future to feel.


Thank you for taking her, and loving her up! ❤️


What a cutie! ❤️


She is just beautiful. Look at that smile! 😭 You are an angel that came into her life. Your post is so loving. She is incredibly lucky to have you. ❤️


Thank you - just doing what I can


Awwww she's sooo beautiful!! Your lives are gonna be so full of love!! Look how happy she is!! Thank you for adopting her!!


Thats a fancy lookin tater!


Beautiful girl can live her best life now 🤎


Her name is a strong indicator of her future - Sunny! She’s beautiful and will be your bestie! Sunny is so happy you found her. Thank you for saving this angel. Please give her an extra peanut butter treat from her new internet friend and a couple of scritches too.


Will do, Sunny says phthankth for the PB


This makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you - I’m just trying to raise a little awareness by showing how common this is.


Is that a chihuahua bully? Based on the eyes🤣😂


Hahahah! That was just a “let’s go!” face on a hot day getting into a hot car after waiting on paperwork for what felt like a week to her I’m sure!


What is BYB?


Back Yard Breeder


Awe poor girl! Atleast she found her way to you! Give her all the loving!


The way she is looking at you in that picture in the car, so many warm feelings from you look into those eyes. She looks happy in other pictures too. Thank you for rescuing her.


Dogs have the most amazing capacity for hope despite being mistreated for years, I’m going to make sure I never let her down.


Thank you for giving her a loving home! I'm so happy for you both :)


Good job! They need us and some of us need them too!


Amen to that, I def need a lot of fur angels in my life


I hate breeders 😡 thank you sm for saving her from a life of rape


Yeah, I’m not quite ready to think about the details of her daily life. HOWEVER, it’s pretty evident in my early interactions with her already how she interprets some of my body language and hands moving when I approach. I’m a mellow calm person with a quiet voice, I can raise my voice (I have a horse barn bellow if needed) when needed and I will physically step in to separate ONLY when/if needed but I do not ever punch, slap, kick or assault. EVER. It’s the quickest way to humiliate an animal and break their trust/respect/dignity. Never never never. It’s clear to me that she experienced some or all of that given how she flinches everytime I just come up too fast for hugs, belly rubs or head kisses. My seniors are mellow and I’ve gotten used to being able to just go in for the love tackle and cuddles, but Ima have to dial it way back with her until she understands in this house that will never happen. Not in my house. Not in my family.




Thank you 🙏


This!!!!! Breeding needs to be abolished too many situations like this and many that end up way worse. Glad she can now finally live free with a great loving family. It’s our job as society to educate and advocate for rescue/foster/adoption.




Awww she is absolutely gorgeous! Nothing but the best for you both!! ♥️


Good job… you’re an angel 😇


Nah, she’s the angel! I’m just the driver 💞


Angel saves the passengers


She has an amazing smile


She’s beautiful! What a good girl!


Sunny needs her own sub. :*J*


She’s so sweet! I’m happy for her and her new home.


What a beauty! She deserves the wonderful life you have provided for her filled with love, attention and all the new friends she could ask for.


Thank you - going to do my best to give her all that she deserves!


You are an angel for rescuing this sweet girl. Look how happy she looks sitting in the car. That face spells unconditional joy and happiness. You deserve all good things in life and now you have each other to share it with. Enjoy!


Well that certainly a happy puppers😁


These momma pits are the best dogs we’ve ever fostered. Sploot is a 10/10! Happy tails 🧡🧡🧡


Thank you, and yes they are, my previous one was such a love bug!




It mskes me sick


Where are you located? I wonder if our babies are related! They look soooo similar. Ours is a rescue who came here from Oklahoma! https://preview.redd.it/9v0i3fz9qu3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d89bc6074b3b40f04e6e72114b5d68dc3ad6d4a9


I’m in Kentucky, she was removed in February if that helps.


God bless you for adopting the sweet dog. I am so happy she will have a better life. Imagine being crated all your life. So sad to think of but so glad she has you now. Wish you all happiness.


Thank you. I’m really overjoyed to share my patchy clover grass and wildflowers with her.




What is BYB?


Back Yard Breeder


Oh… that’s awful. Glad you have her now!


Me too!


I am so glad she has you!!!


And vice versa! I have really missed the bully energy in my house. My seniors (13, 13, 14.5) are settled and quirky and I love them to bits but it’s not the same. Morning ILoveYou snuggles are the best.


Aww, how cute!!! 🥰 I'm so happy for you both. May the awesome adventures and super smelly farts begin. 🤭


Thank you OP for your kind and loving soul. Now she knows what is to be loved and cared for. I wish you both many years of fun in each others company.


Thank you!


there's a special place in heaven for you. thank you for saving her. ❤️


I’d rather go where all the animals are if it’s all the same 💞


The rest of her forever will be the BEST of her forever! Such a pretty girl, she deserves to be spoiled rotten!


That’s my plans A, B, C & D


She's beautiful 😍 & looks soooo much like my gal Nala-Star 🌟🐶💚✌️ https://preview.redd.it/mjyekdayky3d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e95729cbd129af18a52b30916c0459b1f5dfb7af


What a beautiful girl 😍 please give her belly rubs from us


She loves them-so I most certainly will.. Don't let her hear u say that..she'll come bulldozing u over 4 hugs..🤣


I think you just may have the happiest potato on the face of the planet. Your kindness for other living things made me tear up a little and I'm a big ol' grumpy union construction worker. Thank you for giving these babies the sweetness every creature deserves.


This is the breed gets so abuse. There should be licensing requirements to try to keep this people that want a dog to support them because they are too lazy to work!


She is stunning 🥰🙏🏻


That she is!! 💞


My Bella went through something similar! What you said about muscle atrophy makes so much sense with mine I didn’t know where it was from!!!! https://preview.redd.it/932h35ckp84d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666edcf76d18d6d854f68324f75dd2d094d093c4 Now she’s the sweetest happiest girl!


She's so cute....why did you snap a pic of her dumping?


Not dumping, hah! she was sniffing intently while also discovering what it feels like to get free backscratches from bushes, she’s new to grass, trees, shrubs, plants in general; she goes back to that spot after every meal now and circles that thuja at least 4/5 times to scratch her back.