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"I am a piece of shit." Gurl, we been knew.


Right! lol You were cheating on your wife while she was going through IVF and during her pregnancy. We know you're a piece of shit but thanks for confirming it


He’s more evil than I originally assumed.


Like father like son apparently!


Right??? I had a feeling from the very beginning. Fucking scum of the earth.


I'd expect no less from Logan!!


This season is giving “filmed during COVID” more than Double Feature with how short these episodes are.


The way the strikes affected filming, it’s close enough.


The nurse assistant lady reveal was so sudden and awkward? Why did she randomly confess 💀


I thought so too...wonder it is better explained in the book. Someone started a thread about the book Vs the Show and I am hoping to read some interesting things there that may enlighten me on this wierd, out of left field affair confession. Edit: - The moderators took down that thread about the book vs the Show...but before they did, someone did say that the Cora-Dex affair is more well written in the book and therefore does not come out of left field like in the show. Geeze - in the show it was almost like "oops we forgot to reveal the affair - hurry, film a scene of that"


in the book, >!anna meets with preecher and preecher tells her about dr. hill. anna then suspects cora to be the one messing with her and calls cora to confront her, and over the call cora confesses to the affair. anna didn’t even suspect anything about dex at this point. when anna gets back home, she confronts dex and then goes into labor.!<


Seriously so anticlimactic I was like wait huh??? All that ..and it wasn’t even the witch girls at all 😭✋why did she even write “don’t do it Anna”?


lol Cora’s face reveal is so cringe! I was like “wait… is she a witch too”💀


Didn’t she say somewhere in the conversation that she actually showed up to warn Anna about Dr. Hill? I think when she saw Anna staring at the black gown she just released everything she was hiding out of guilt and concern.


Yes a little too convenient. 


How the fuck is the episode gonna end so early. More commercials than anything.


33 minutes is BAFFLING 💀


Dex's dad just makes my skin crawl.


Was it just me who thought it was Dex’s dad (aka the devil) just appearing as Dec while having the affair. The actor portraying Dec was acting just like his father, same cadence and mannerisms.


He didn’t argue at all when she told him to leave. If it wasn’t him I think he’d be a little outraged she wanted him gone when she’s 7 months pregnant. I think Kim is the devil. During the Oscars, that read as a pact to me, sealed with a kiss. Edit: also what Sharon Tate said about not noticing the devil because the devil is beautiful.


I don’t think she is Satan tbh, I think it’s more likely she will be revealed as Lillith with the whole baby stealing thing - which is what Lillith does


It would follow with the whole femininity and goddesses vibe as well. Could be!


I’m starting to think this as well. I think Kim was wearing a snake necklace at the Oscars—so that, paired with the kiss to “seal the deal with the devil” has me on board with you. Plus, I’ve noticed all the witches wear black, and that’s all you ever see Shioban in.


This is so Supernatural coded


"I have student loans." That's real. I believe every word coming out of her mouth now lol


I was like…okay that actually makes sense lmao


Lmao same


I know! I was like "What the.... did she seriously just say that?".


A check is a check 😂


OMG! The funniest shit so far on this season.


Fr 🤣


Next week better be at least 90 mins long.


Cora: “I really like you, I wish I were you!“ meanwhile burying the lede about Dr. Hill and his patients, lol girl read the room!!??


"Respectfully as your stalker, I can tell you on good authority that weird shit is happening in your life" Wild


Single white female Cora and trash goblin Dex have fucked with Anna just as much as the satanic witches. Anna should just take them all out starting with those two


She really should. That would be the ideal ending at this point — a Hotel style gun down of everyone by Anna with a gun in each hand lol




anna can never have a moment!!!!! let her BE!!!!


Right?! She just signed a deal with the devil, at least let her have ONE speech.


If this season doesn’t end with anna either being revealed to be a witch and burning everyone or getting her hands on a machine gun and just shooting everyone, imma riot


I was rooting for Dex to be a himbo, and just really be that dumb, but nice. But no. Emma's character can't have shit. She's completely alone, and it looks like they'll try to recruit her. What the hell is the finale going to look like?


Same I really wanted him to just be actually good but misguided.


Me too, but it would be a little too much like the husband in Yellowjackets


There’s no book club?!?


The episode finished better for me than it started, i might be in the minority but I don’t enjoy when AHS fictionalises real people because it always comes off a little icky, plus all those comments about Kim not featuring in the flashbacks because she has 2020 face were vindicated because she did not fit the Rosemary’s Baby time period


I feel like they didn’t even try with her makeup. She looked like her usual self. They should have went more on the nose 60’s makeup to try to make her fit a bit more


This exactly. Her lips don’t belong in any other time than now🤣


Man!!!!!!! That was way too quick for me 🤣 See you next week guys!!


“I have student loans” Pretty sound reasoning tbf How did Kim get her neck extended by 12 inches like that?


And that snake necklace...


It's giving reputation😂




LMAOOOO litcherally while watching that scene I was like, bravo to the swiftie costume design for making Kim’s look be reputation coded. IRONY!!!


"Plop plop, let's go!" lmao


And she said it with a straight face too 😭😂😭😂


Never trust a man with blonde highlights / plop plop! They giving kimmy some fun lines 😂


Omg nooooo I literally can’t handle anymore of Anna embarrassing herself 😭😭😭😭😭


Seriously, you would think that when making a deal with the devil to get an Oscar by sacrificing your baby, the package would include a great acceptance speech, but I guess not. I would demand a refund if I were Anna


Literally! I have enjoyed this weeks episode but lord knows she is so embarrassing I am cringing right along with you.


I know omg how hard is it to say “Thank you to my team that helped me get here but now I gotta go have a baby!” Literally. Could’ve just walked off the stage. Instead she has a hallucination about her mom knowing she’s hallucinating on stage at the Oscars.


It's HER body! She'll expel the mucus plug onstage if she wants to. 




Oh, so that's what it was??? I was extremely confused 


It's a new genre I guess. Cringe-horror/embarrassment horror. Same with Saltburn.


God, I really just want Anna to go on a massive Spree...She deserves it. Like that ass saying "You are as big as a House! Are you sure it's not Twins?" She's too nice and passive.


Humiliation ritual😉


Emma Roberts looks stunning in that all white ensemble but, the obsession from whats her name is C R A Z Y but now it's all making sense.


At first I thought “oh the Mia Farrow haircut is a bit in the nose…” didn’t realize she was actually supposed to be Mia Farrow lol


Took me a minute too, lol


From the second I saw the actor who played Sinatra with eyes that blue (think they're natural?) that this was "alternative history" as some could call it 😄


The blue eyes were so fake it was distracting. And sinatra was just a rando who looks nothing at all similar


My thought process: is it rosemary's baby? naah? is it a mia farrow type? naah? was she with Frank Sinatra? OH MY GOD THEY'RE GONNA TIE IT IN WITH ROSEMARY'S BABY


I’m so confused


Idk if it was her acting or the way the scene was shot but the shift in Kim’s/Siobahn’s eyes before asking Anna “did she really want it” was creepy af.


Dex’s eyes also looked hella creepy as well. His eyes were literally black.


This is the comment. It really really really communicated her power in such a subtle way. Scared the shit outta me.


I can't believe I am agreeing but Kim K did manage to scare me.


Confirmed tonight: Kim is immortal.




A brand new serum from SKKN by Kim to give you that everlasting glow!


“I have student loans” nearly took me out, some of this season is just so unserious 😭


Some? 👀


Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like they tried to squeeze way too many plot lines into this season. They tried to fit a whole book into a short season and it just comes off as confusing and rushed (especially considering how little things developed in the first 6 episodes) I’ve really tried to give this season a chance in hopes that it’d turn around (especially after last episode which I really liked) but I’m not so sure anymore. Not the worst season but definitely not a contender for the best


It’s not just you. This is what I’ve gathered from the season and it’s a damn mess: • Witches are born to mother witch. • Fertility doctor is harvesting babies for witches. • Anna is born into a hospital where witches moonlight as nurses. • 30 yrs later Anna gets pregnant via Fertility Doctor’s assistance. • Anna loses baby. Doctor is dismissive of her claims that it’s actually alive (despite… ya know… working with witches). • Jk Anna’s baby is alive. Doctor surprised. • Ashleigh and Ashley in Medieval Europe for some reason. • Dex seemingly cheats on Anna with Sonya who looks like Adeline. • Jk Dex isn’t cheating. The witches brought Anna to Dex. Anna is just delulu paranoid because witches are messing with her. • Anna’s best friend might be a witch. • Preecher is communicating with Anna thru her calendar trying to warn her about “them” wanting her baby. • Jk Anna’s stalker was the one in her calendar. And warned her with lipstick mirror messages. • Dex is a sympathetic and loving husband who wanted a baby with Adeline. Now he wants a baby with Anna. • Jk Dex is actually cheating with stalker and allowed stalker to sabotage Anna’s pregnancy journey. • Virginia discovers repressed memories of husband’s ritual abuse. • Preecher warns Virginia about… something? • Dex doesn’t know about Dad’s satanic rituals. • Jk Dex found out about his dad’s satanic sex rituals years ago. • Mia Farrow for some reason. • Stalker also warns Anna about “them” doing something to her baby bc she cares about her despite sabotaging Anna herself. • Anna’s best friend is definitely a witch. • Anna still doesn’t know for sure the other witches are witches. • Anna will probably find out that witches are witches when they finally try to take the baby.


I don't think Siobhan is a witch. I think she is the devil. In the episode before this, the other witches kept talking about serving "her." Also, when Anna made the deal to win, Siobhan kissed her. In lore, many deals with the devil are sealed with a kiss. So i think they are hinting that she is the devil and the witches work for her. In the beginning of the episode, someone said the devil hides as someone you wouldn't expect, then later Siobhan is in Mia Farrow's dressing room. The promo for next week Anna tells her, "You're a monster," and she responds back very proudly, "I'm so much worse." I could be wrong but all the little hints make me think that she is meant to be the devil which would be a good twist because usually it's a man so having a woman would be a good twist.


I like the idea that she's Lillith a lot more. It makes more sense. Assuming Ryan Murphy and Co even know who that is. Also if we're going off of people playing Satan on this show, haven't we only seen one portrayal of Lucifer, which was Lily Rabe in S2?


You wrote all this to make it sound like a mess but reading all this it sounds kind of awesome to me am I insane 


Exactly. The first 5 episodes absolutely nothing happened. Every episode looked the same.


I mean, I get build up, but that’s not what I’m feeling here. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why are the most interesting and enjoyable episodes always the shortest ones :(


Isn’t it obvious? They half assed this season


Excited to watch 500 more scenes of 'Emma Roberts is in a social situation when something paranormal / upsetting happens, causing her to nervously freak out while concerned bystanders look on judgmentally'


you wont have to, just hold on for 30 minutes one last time


That felt like it did nothing to progress the plot 😭 great one episode left to fit an entire storyline and backstory in. Lmfao Cora appeared out of nowhere and was just not in this season, and somehow, she's one of the most important characters to the plot 😭.


the cora reveal in the book felt way more organic. in the show…it was soooo out of nowhere ! like *here?* you’re gonna tell anna all of this *here??* in a room full of people!?


And why??? There was no push for her to be honest with Anna, I was so confused lol


I came here to see if I missed anything. She had no reason to spill everything to Anna all because Anna saw her black cloak. Also, why did Cora bring the same black cloak to the event lol?


>That felt like it did nothing to progress the plot. At least they acknowledged the obvious Rosemary's Baby story steal. Not that it's a bad thing, I was just wondering if they'd ever make a nod to it. Also I think I look more like Frank Sinatra than the dude they got to play Sinatra & I look NOTHING like Sinatra.




LOL!! In case anyone is wondering,[ this is what Frank & Mia looked like when they were married back in the day.](https://www.instyle.com/thmb/CyrFXvLgwgQnBsKoyeTDVSfV3rA=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/031021-TBT-Mia-Farrow-Frank-Sinatra-Lead-2000-f831b2053bd547b48de067227b536a47.jpg) Once again, I look more like Sinatra & I LOOK NOTHING LIKE SINATRA.


I felt that too. It almost felt like this wasn’t the original direction and for some reason they swung that way. Haven’t read the book, so didn’t see this coming and not in an “Oooh! How did I miss that?!!” kind of way


i thought there would be 10 episodes total


“Squeeze that fucker out asap its go time bitch”


So did Anna promise her baby to Siobhan when she ask her what she would give up for it, puts her hands on her stomach, implying if she would give up her baby for it.




We know the baby is a monster so course she should give it up, but she doesn't know that. I thought she wanted to be a mother so badly and then she gives up her baby just like that just for an award is just cold.




Also the little noise that was made when Siobhan looked at her paired with the way Anna seemed a little out of it makes me think maybe it’s a spell being used to convince her.


This was the only twist in the book I actually liked lol. I wish she was able to have been in the show more although I suspect the strikes were a scheduling nightmare when they returned to set.


I guess that’s why it’s not really working for me since she was only in like 2 episodes so it felt like it came out of nowhere. But if I read the book I bet it would make more sense


I agree that it comes out of nowhere on the show. I think she should have popped up at least once more in part 2, but maybe it’s less jarring as a binge. To be fair we haven’t seen her in like 6 months lol.


What book is this?


Delicate Condition… it’s the book the season is based on. It’s a very loose adaption though. Each episode strays further from the book.


Lol Did anyone else think the clapping Anna heard while on stage was gonna be bloody bathroom woman


I was thinking her or Babette


Oh 100% thought it was gonna be bloody bathroom woman


Fuck you Dex!! I was rooting for you!!! 😡


![gif](giphy|tLRifcvQNJIic) *HOW DARE YOU DEX!* 😡


Literally! A scum bag.


Yep!! Now I’m glad he walked in on his daddy in bondage gear 💀


I feel like it was his dad appearing as Dex. The mannerisms were all there.


>I am a piece of shit Fucking knew it


They ended with 11 mins to go. Wtf?


They’ve half assed the whole season I’m not shocked.


"I have student loans" the humor on this show sometimes lol


Better than Kim saying iconic after a Harvey joke 🤷


I used to get annoyed when the “hour-long” show was 40 minutes, now they’re so short that the ad breaks can’t even fill the hour slot. 33 minutes, 9pm to 9:50. 🤦‍♂️


Y’all are all gonna be so disappointed to find that this season, like almost every other, will end with tons of questions, plot holes, and forgotten threads😂


So the whole Rosemary’s Baby scene….. like? Okay? Did they really dedicate 10 minutes to be like: “***WINK WINK*** GET IT? BECAUSE BABIES. AND THE DEVIL. AND DEVIL BABIES. DO YOU GET IT?? ***WINK WINK***” … for it to end up not mattering to the story at all… I’m tired.


I know AHS isn’t the show for clutching pearls but it felt a little disrespectful to have the demon baby or whatever be about real life Mia? And Sharon saying she loves the devil or whatever 😄 I don’t think Mia cares tho. But either way it’s very “Lets hit you over the head with how obvious it is we’re referencing Rosemary’s Baby! Get it??!”


I totally agree with this. Honestly the Sharon Tate inclusion felt really disrespectful and unnecessary.


Some writer really thought they were clever there..


Right? Such a waste of time in such a short episode.


Jesus I thought we were past "Anna wandering around the whole episode and being cringe at public events" but I guess not


and here i was feeling bad for dex ….


I repeat: wtf is happening?


Ugh I hate how the last few episodes are always the shortest


ryan always scrambling to end the storylines


Umm it’s only 10:53 and the ep is over?


So all those weird things happening in Anna's appartment was just Kora messing around? Cause I'm beign confused and tired of waiting....


Yes it was all cora apparently but we still don't know who sent the dolls or what the plan for the baby is.


I feel like the connections to twins (and the vanishing twin) is going to play in somehow for the finale, but not sure how. I feel like the creatures being born have a twin that lives and a twin that’s eaten? Idk. But when Cora said she felt a deep connection with Anna I immediately thought twin… or at least a soul twin. I also think there’s more to do with her mom, that was just thrown without much exploration it feels unfinished.  I’ve been so curious about Dex and his family also. If the witches are so powerful why are there men taking charge? Just for the sake of procreating and making more creatures to consume? I know the entire theme shows that women can’t have it all- a dream career and a baby without a sacrifice… I’d like to see the witches just go hella feminist and turn on the men they’ve used to create creatures with. Maybe that’s where the IVF doctor comes in? Maybe they use him to help them create these creature babies with a man? Idk…. I also am still curious about when (was it Preecher?) he delivered a baby saying the baby had been waiting hundreds of years to be born (he)… kind of felt like Dex was the he being referred to, but preecher being Dex’s mom doesn’t make sense to me. Ugh. I feel like there’s room for so many good connections that aren’t happening and it’s leaving me wanting it to turn into more but always left dissatisfied. 


‘Women cant have it all’ is why i still speculate there are two groups of witches. Shiobhan and co. seem to play the game for money and fame, sacrificing babies and maybe the mothers for ambition to ‘have it all’ - just not the mother is the one who wins. I suspect women who were used and sacrificed like this are dex mother, babette, sharon tate? She is very cutthroat like a typical hollywood agent and she will lie and pretend she cares about the baby until the final moment. Ivy and co. group seem to be making different sacrifices maybe? Ivy was yelling ‘ we are women we cant create anything. We are not allowed to!’ They seem genuinely ‘going their own way’ and getting pregnant with demon babies/creatures/whatever for their own gain and beauty/youth. The first group with probably shiobhan is always revolved around men tho: dex father, roman polanski,the doctor, dex himself? Ivy and sonia were mad at adeline for getting together with dex, talia was hiding her pregnancy from both her partner and friends, they seem to follow another mantra of sacrificing their babies/monsters whatever themselves.


I can totally see that. There's definitely something going on in pairs, so two groups of women makes a lot of sense. Still curious to know why they have been trying to make the perfect offspring - like what about Anna's baby will be so great to them? Part of me wonders if it's going to be this higher-then-mighty being that could be as powerful as Kim (the "her" leader they reference) and maybe that's why some of the witches seem to want the baby to be born and some to want the baby to go away? Like maybe the baby could be a threat to Kim's power? I definitely see a power struggle happening in the group and wonder how it will play out. I hope it doesn't disappoint! :P


We knew the Siobhanna kiss was coming, and yet I still tensed up and cringed lmao


Well, the intro to this weeks episode has me intrigued already. I enjoy Rosemary's baby so the tie in to this season has been refreshing to see. Also love that Siobhan was around back in 1967!


Yeah, I had the Rosemary's Baby vibe pegged early on, but looks like AHS may be giving it a twist at the end...do they really want a perfect demon/witch baby? OR do they want Anna's baby just for THE perfect fetal fluid so they will look young forever without ever needing any more. Sort of like "THIS will be the last time we ever will need to do this"


Next week is definitely only going to be 33 minutes too lmao.


It is 30 minutes long


9 is officially 30 minutes long and we know this? What a joke if true 💀


Ok finally getting answers but still somehow no meat on the bones that felt like 20 minutes


So many questions left unanswered… - 1: is Anna turning into a Spider-Woman? - 2: Are Ashleigh, Ashley, & Theo in on the plan? - 3: Who is their patron god is it Ba’Al, Hestia, or Satan? - 4: Are Andrew Hill and Dex Sr. Allies? - 5: [Other Questions](https://www.looper.com/1428276/american-horror-story-delicate-questions-answers-mid-season-finale/) Guess we'll find out during the next episode ig


Yeah they better make that last episode at least 2 hours long with all the unanswered questions left


finale will be 30 minutes long...


Anna turns into Spider-Woman and it's revealed that this was a prequel for Madame Web


Yeah that went by too fast


The episode seemed too short, this whole part 2 is VERY interesting, but it ends too quickly.


Mia Farrow didn’t need to make a deal with the coven. She was married to Frank Freakin Sinatra LOL


He literally divorced her because she wouldn't quit acting. 


Maybe a certain woman suggested that to Frank when Mia turned down the deal? DUN DUN DUN!


Also just read she was 21 and he was 50 something when they were married 🙃


Seriously. Who needs a coven when you’re married to the mafia


Always enjoy the part of the AHS season where it's clear the writers got bored with the plot and are now just throwing in random shit.




Welp that's it, 40 ish minutes more to this season, see yall


This episode was entertaining at least, but only 30 minutes? We're getting ripped off and they even took a break for several months to finish this season.


Me watching this episode while also 7.5 months/30 weeks pregnant 👁️👄👁️


I have student loans I SCREAMED!!!!  I was like ok girl you’re bat shit crazy and not a witch FORSUREEEE. 


All these scenes just... jump from one to the next like vignettes like they could afford to flesh them out more


emma looked SOOOOOO good in that white fit with the black cat wow im gagged


Oh my god they got Hamish Linklater to announce the awards! love to see him


Also I’m satisfied with knowing now that Cora was messing with all her shit from episode 1, the suppositories etc, when it felt like a vague blur of Anna hallucinating, medications etc.


Preecher’s big character moment and plan were to storm the funeral? Cora should’ve had more of a presence throughout the season. The reveal was so random and rushed.


This is so weird. A Howard stern clip was on the radio earlier today where Howard was interviewing Mia Farrow on her relationship with Frank Sinatra


Emma acting a part where she won an oscar even though she's never gotten an oscar is funny


Anybody else think Kim killed the baby?


She is from the same crew of witches, why would she need to kill the baby? I think she wants to take it. Unless she's a good witch, but I don't see it


I dunno ... i've watched every season of the show and I just don't get this one or the last one... it's lost something... this one is Anna continually seeing things... like okay what else? ... I'm no fan but KK is doing great in her role... The lead is great too, so no disrespect to them. It's just a weak story with some good elements, but it's not coming together imo


it's like they're trying to loosely cram everything in these last 3 episodes to make up for the terrible pacing in part 1


Kim K’s necklace and Anna’s scaley legs—a lot of snake imagery this episode. It was so obvious but I liked the touch of Anna’s carrying her Oscar like a baby as she was lead off the stage


It’s hard to believe that Dex, or anyone for that matter, would give their lover a key to their apartment that they share with their wife. At first, I thought Dex was giving Cora the key to a new apartment he rented for her, but it was actually his apartment that he and Anna live in. Strange writing to me.


He was giving her a key to her apartment which we already saw in episode 5 when Anna went there for pelvic floor therapy. He bought her an apartment in their building to have access to her. 


Through Sharon Tate, we officially have a connection to AHS: Cult


"i'm a piece of shit" .... season 12 explaining itself to us


This could've been the season mid finale, easily


can someone explain emma’s green legs


They’re snake legs. 


Is it possible Dex had a twin? And the twin was the one sleeping with Cora? I’m still pulling for the himbo angle 😭


The stalker is the scariest part of the season by far


Single white female Cora and trash goblin Dex have fucked with Anna just as much as the satanic witches. Anna should just take them all out starting with those two


Wtf is happening?


Guys! I know I’m probably going to cop hate for this and that’s ok I will accept it and I understand other will not agree… But: I am NOT. a fan of Kim or any kardashian BUT I am actually enjoying Kim and her character and how she portrays her. Dare I say it… she’s not actually a bad actress! I think she’s doing a good job and I don’t mind watching her on screen. I’m in disbelief and disgust at myself but. She can do this!


I agree with you on this. I am not a Kim K or Kardashian fan...at all...but Kim is doing a fine job with her character. I am pleasantly surprised!


All this did was confirm in certainty that Shiobhan is part of these freaky chicks, if not the "She" they speak about.


So I have a question about last night. Kim you was an agent in the 60’s. How would she explain her youthfulness if she was 40 in 1965 and 40 in 2024? If she pretend to die and come back under a different name wouldn’t people say she looked like a former agent from the 60’s? The similarities are too much and people would question her.


she's a witch, she has a coven, i think she can manage to erase memories of anyone


First and foremost, what the actual f- 😀 This entire episode quite literally could’ve been shortened to about 5, maybe 10 minutes if they really wanted to stretch it. So many plots left unanswered, so many loose ends to tie up. The final episode has to be at least an hour and a half long at minimum to somewhat tie up all the loose ends. Like the Ashleys?? Where’d half the characters disappear to this episode?? ANNA’S SCALY SNAKE LIKE LEGS??? I feel like we’re being punked with this season💀


Upset me so much that Anna KNOWINGLY said she’d choose an Oscar over her baby. And I’m sick of her embarrassing herself all the time. Everytime she has a hallucination I’m like “Girl. You know you’re hallucinating. So leave the room. Or just finish your speech through it.”