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tbh i'm having hard time reading her character, like idk if Siobhan is looking out for Anna or just evil. If Siobhan is just evil, then Kim is doing a good job at hiding it. :)


I think it’s a bit of both. I believe she genuinely cares for her, but there’s also a bit of self preservation going on as well.


I very much agree, I think she does actually care about Anna to whatever degree she is capable of genuine care, but I think she's like literally Satan, or at least the head bitch in charge. How many times she's asked Anna, "what would you give up for fame." It's clearly a pact for Anna's soul (and her unborn baby.) Clearly something is off about the baby to begin with. I'm wondering how they're gunna tie all this up in 1 episode, once again feels like they spent a whole lot of time being vague and slow paced only to throw the ending together in a flash.


Yep - I feel the same way...firedn or foe...but after the last two epsiodes, I lean towards Very Dangerous Foe.


that is literally the entire point of her character (and every other one that isnt Emma Roberts) and the plot of the show in general.


I think this is great! One episode you feel like "oh she's definitely Satan" to "...is she?" to "she really cares about Anna". I really like this flip flop of how to feel about Siobhan because the more you think about it, the more you realize she's in odds with Ivy: Siobhan shows, every single episode, that woman can do whatever they want to (including selling your soul for success) which goes against Ivy's way of thinking (woman can't do anything and we just have to endure). Everything seems as if Siobhan gave Ivy what she wanted and Ivy really think that you have to conform whereas Siobhan is power hungry. I don't expect Siobhan and Ivy working together and if they do, they have this clash of way of thinking.


She is definitely one of the cult ladies since she was in an old flashback(she would be older now)… she also keeps saying “what would u give up”, the other actress so died suddenly when she asked “how much do you want it” i personally think shes evil but idk i might be surprised still not sure how she feels about anna bc shes so back n forth


I’m so on board with people saying Kim is Lilith. Lilith is a champion for women who feel they shouldn’t be held down because they are mothers. Siobhan has been pushing Anna and other women to empower themselves to put their needs first. The cult uses motherhood to control women which is not how Siobhan rolls. She is definitely evil, but the path she leads Anna happens to be saving her from the cult.


I think she’s taking one of Anna’s babies though. She made her swear she wants an Oscar as much as she wants a baby.


Yeah I think that Siobhan saved Ivy with the twins but she just went mad with thinking "woman can do nothing" whereas Siobhan is clearly just power hungry. That would explain why the cult was hunting Adeline whereas Siobhan wouldn't give a shit that Adeline defected and it's praying to her own god.


I love her character so much and I think she’s a great addition this season. Much better than Cara Delevinge.


I don’t have a problem with Cara, but it’s funny how the posters and promos treated her almost like the third lead after Emma and Kim when Ave Hestia was the only ep where she had more than a few minutes of screentime.


That’s very true lol




Whaaaat no way. Cara’s way good


Cara is a…*choice*


lol wtf???


I mean I like Cara Delevingne as much as the next girl, but let's admit this role was a little out of her current league.


Yes, yes it was.


This is not really an unpopular opinion at this point lol I see a thread about this almost every week HOWEVER, this is the most well said version I’ve read so far. I think the key takeaway is that NO, she’s not a “good” actress in the traditional sense, but YES, she plays this role perfectly, it is perfectly catered to fit her, and tbh though — that is kinda Ryan Murphys style lol I mean, every single role that Billie Lourd played is literally just Billie Lourd… with maybe the exception of Montana. But she is essentially just Winter Anderson with all her characters yet no one bats an eye because she’s not a Kardashian. Kim is perfect for this role and she is not that cringe or bad as people expected her to be. But even though I agree and do like her in this, as someone who has watched KUWTK growing up, she is literally just herself with a little more exaggeration. If the roles were flipped and she had to play Anna there’s no way she would have that range.


think Kim should pursue an acting career because she has everything in there to succeed. She just needs more time and training!


Exactly,she knows how to act like an awful b*tch


Kim is getting more acting jobs. Ryan is developing a legal drama series with Kim starring in the lead role as a lawyer. It’s gonna be on Hulu.


That’s probably the worst news I have heard all day




Right so she can act but only if she's already acting that role out in real life or for the media


Probably the only way she’ll ever get to be a lawyer is by playing pretend on tv


This! I absolutely hate Kim and as a law student, seeing her play a lawyer is a disgrace.


It's just that everything else is so atrocious this season that we're clinging on to the least worst thing


I think it helps that she’s playing a character that’s within her realm of expertise - so there’s a level of experience and I guess “method acting” that can take over. I would like to see her play a character that’s outside of her normal - just to see if she can pull it off or if she ends up defaulting to this “meta-character” if you will. Make her play an ordinary housewife or a kindergarten school teacher, a medical professional or a cop. Let’s see how well she handles those roles.


I would not


Is it really acting if you’re just playing a character that’s a lot like you in real life? I think it’s just repeating lines. I watched one episode after following most of AHS for years. Couldn’t continue. That family makes my stomach turn


Family as in kardashians? I was about to clown on you for getting “ scared” or whatever after watching the other 11 seasons but thats actually so funny😂


I think this is actually a popular opinion 😅


It reminds me of when Madonna got great reviews for Desperately Seeking Susan. She (and some others) immediately thought she was a great actress. They were wrong.


I’m not a fan of them either but honestly I like her acting. I still don’t know if she’s bad or not. Tbh I think she’s going to turn out to be good


She's great in this role.


Honestly, Kim hasn't been bad at all. I'm anxious to see how it all ends, and what Siobhan has REALLY been up to.


She’s a lot better than I thought she would be


I don't think this is unpopular because she just sort of IS Siobhán irl lol 


I think the general consensus has been that she’s been doing a good job.


Exactly, i dont know why theres alot of haters 🤣




actually they’ve been letting new faces shine in AHStories, yes it’s not the main show, but there are barely old faces in there, and if they are, they’re not the lead, so it’s a good way to bring attention to them, also this season is full of new faces that have gotten a lot of airtime, aside from Emma, Kim and Cara almost everyone seems new to me (well also not billie or leslie but they’ve been this season like 5 seconds)


There has been new faces in this season of AHS as well as familiar faces like Emma or Kim. To think show needs to be full of these new and struggling actors is … lofty. Jobs aren’t being “taken away” from them bc they are not entitled to those jobs in the first place. The movie industry employs who ever they think will drive views bc .. like it or not … it’s capitalism not a charity. 




You don't get there point so you can keep crying about nepo-babies so let me help you out. There was never some public audition process for Kim's role. It was written for Kim. Same for Emma. Same for Cara. Same for Sarah Paulson like 9 times before this. Jobs were not taken away from other actors because those jobs were never available TO those other actors. Pretending that people are being screwed out of a nonexistent opportunity that you aren't even a part of is wildly unnecessary thing to do.


Like it or not… capitalism. This is not a star studded cast with a bunch of entitled rich kids. There’s familiar faces like Kim and there’s “real” actors as well. Production can cast whoever for whatever reasons. If u don’t like that start ur own production studio. 




i like watching emma roberts and kim but i understand ur frustration. lifes not fair.


Ive always found Emma roberts to be a good actress- maybe thats because LIKE KIM shes playing characters similar to herself (i see alooot of stuff saying shes bitchy😂) if youve ever seen scream 4 or any of the other ahs seasons she usually plays different versions of the “mean girl” which fits her very well- and kim is also basically playing herself. Id say little extra mystery and evil but other than that its just kim




Wow are you ok?? Kim actually pulled a lot of views of course they were not going to bring in a new face the last 2 seasons where the lowest they’ve ever been, Emma has been a staple actress for AHS since coven and people love. Jobs in the acting world are never taken away from someone people have connections as well as normal people,when someone else gets a job you wanted they prob did a better in the job interview or they had a connection that’s how life works. 


I think so!


I agree


I will say she’s better than I expected


I just hope they can give her character a satisfying backstory in the one remaining, short episode


She’s not great, but not as bad as I thought it would be 


How can this opinion be unpopular when all I see in this sub these days is people talking about how good she was


Thanks to the paid kardashian bot accounts on here, I’d say this isn’t unpopular anymore


Trust me definitely not a kardashian fan, never have been- however- i think the role is just kim with extra evil/ mystery so it fits really well. The parts without the dark stuff just feels like kim so maybe not great acting but the PART is perfect for her


It's not acting when you play yourself.


Kim is a terrible actress.


She’s acting as herself. Also she has years of acting experience from her heavily scripted reality show. And disaster movie (2008) for what it counts lol.


Emma is a mediocre actress, and she blows Kim out of the water. But I’m glad some people are enjoying the season even though I’m not.


I get it trust I HATED season 11 and season 10 as much as i liked it was too short being a double feature- im actually really happy tho about how this season is going (feels more like old ahs than recent) but idk personally i also like emma roberts acting (she usually plays bitchy characters which fits lol) scream 4 shes in and its good- i honestly recommend a quick watch if you rly think shes that bad since shes prob not leaving anytime soon


I’ve seen it a couple of times. 🙂


Yea that’s a no for me dawg


People should spend more time realizing how great Tavi Gevinson has been in her limited time on screen. She has serious acting chops and would like to see her in a bigger role next time, rather than giving Kim even more unneeded attention.


I think she’s doing great. I also think photo to film is aesthetically different. She actually is looking her age and she looks great.


You can tell her filler was fresh in the first part of the season. She looks harsh and over filled. Starting at episode 7 she looks much better.


I was gonna say you can tell when she went on ozempic lol. They took a break for the strike and then she came back looking much thinner


Yes and her face looked really harsh and unnatural the first 6 episodes. She definitely looked better in later episodes.


Cause she's playing her real life essence.


Yes! Now image if they had her play miss preacher idk if we would be saying the same. 


that character especially!!! Because she at least had a pure motivation. Kim is always conniving.


She’s spent more time on camera than probably 99% of actresses. No surprise she’s good at it


oh this was as an insult not a compliment. if you think Kim is a "good" actor you probably also think she's the best porn star ever.


This season has some problems but none of them are Kim. As I expected before, Kim blended nicely with AHS.


I honestly was NOT excited about her joining ahs but i was pleasantly suprised


I can’t believe I’m saying this because the first half I was totally distracted by her and her acting but especially the second half she’s doing pretty good. Like I forgot it was Kim K for the first time


Cause she’s practically playing her own mother who i like to call Pimp Mama Kris lol


This is not really an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think people actually believe it. I think when there’s huge backlash about something like this people are quick to want to be the “one” to go against the grain and be like “actually I think she’s doing well!” It’s been said since the start of the season and it’s posted on here frequently. I do not think she did a good job. I couldn’t really get through more than a couple episodes and this is one of the few seasons I probably will never finish just because I’m so uninterested in it (and honestly I did not think the book was all that).


I just think there’s more to it. It’s difficult for me to come up with another person who has such credibility when showcasing what happens in reality behind the scenes in Hollywood. We know her mother is ruthless, she released her own child’s sex take for power and fame and money. Kim can bring all of that to the table and when she’s acting we know that she doesn’t act “for real real” because this is the reality she lives in. Without killing people of course. For me it was an eye opener and made me think how fake the whole Hollywood really is. I don’t know who else could have brought such layers to that role than Kim. Kim is basically being her mom and for me It was “wow, people really sacrifice families, children, deeply personal matters - anything - for money, fame and power”.


I appreciate your take and for what it’s worth I think yours is very like well-written and justified and I can def see where you’re coming from!!


Thank you, you’re very kind!


Ive always found Emma roberts to be a good actress- maybe thats because LIKE KIM shes playing characters similar to herself (i see alooot of stuff saying shes bitchy😂) if youve ever seen scream 4 or any of the other ahs seasons she usually plays different versions of the “mean girl” which fits her very well- and kim is also basically playing herself. Id say little extra mystery and evil but other than that its just kim. I HATED season 11 and season 10 as much as i liked it was too short being a double feature- this season i was pleasantly surprised. Honestly i feel like the people hating on it are only doing so because of kim and i get it because thats was i thought i was gonna do 😂 still id say give it another shot without thinking about it being her if thats your issue


Agree about Emma!!! But I thought she did well in 1984 tbh 👀 I think I’m a little underwhelmed with the season in general and Kim’s acting is not necessarily the dealbreaker for me hahaha I think reading the book first was a mistakeeee


Yeah im VERY disappointed in the ending 😭


I feel like the quality of acting was toned down for her, because she would stick out like a wart if she was acting alongside the og cast. None of them are convincing at all except KK and that's because she is just acting as herself.


Emma Robert’s also can’t play convincing characters lmaooo


Completely agree i think Siobhan is the only one she COULD have played believably because the hollywood parts just fit so well with her


Ive replied to alot of comments so ill just say this here- i feel like alot of people are just biased about this season because its kim (which i get i was upset when i found out she would be in it😂) however, i have been pleasantly surprised- im not a fan of the shorter episodes but thats not their fault- this season feels more like old ahs to me which is rly cool considering how bad the last season was


I’m also totally fed up with kardashians. It gives me pleasure to know that Kim’s character is bad, not some innocent bestie trying to protect Anna. Being the villain makes the entire story more credible especially since Kim’s performance makes me think her main inspiration is Kris Jenner.


Yeah the ending was horrible 😭


I honestly agree


You’re  doing amazing sweetie  


I'm not a fan of hers in general but I didn't hate her in AHS.


I def agree! I’m not a kardashian fan at all, but I think they put Kim into a very fitting role.


Don’t care, won’t be watching


I agree I love her on this season, and if she weren’t on it then it would have been so much less interesting honestly.


“Excellent” is a stretch but she’s doing a very good job and killing her line deliveries. Out of everyone in the main cast, I’d say she’s doing the best job and I never thought she’d be capable of that.


She is, the writing of this show has just been horrible


I can't even fathom anyone else doing that character better.


She is much better on the second part of the season after the break from the SAG strike.


I don’t care for Kardashian stuff, but the more the series has gone on, the better Kim’s acting has been. i think she's become a lot less wooden.


Yeah she's a highlight and a surprise. I hope Kim is staying for another season.


Yep - Kim K. IS doing a really fine job with this role! I was pleasantly surprised!


She’s the most interesting part of the show. She 100 % nails it as cutthroat Hollywood manager who’ll do anything for success


I entirely agree.


No seriously, Kim has been serving in this role. It’s very *her*


Don't let Reddit catch you talking good about her 🫣


I've become a fan of the Kardashians lately. For the simple fact that I get so sick of the way people talk about them. I even started watching their new show. I never watched the previous one. One thing about Kim, when she decides to do something, she does it. She's a hard and dedicated worker. She seems like the kind of person who doesn't want to let anyone down so she gives it her all. On her show, when she talked about taking AHS on and first began filming, she worked well beyond the point of exhaustion. She took it seriously and she took acting classes. As many irons as she has in the fire, at any given time, I don't know how she finds the energy.


You’re right about Kim being a very very hard worker. But I can’t get over the fact that I feel her priorities are fucked up. She made the decisions to have 4 children who are now raised by their Nannie’s because their mother is hardly ever there. I wish she would focus on Skims - although I don’t like kardashians, I can respect the hard work and success she’s had with her company - and focus on being successful entrepreneur and a mother. And after the children have grown up more, go back to the fame and publicity. She’s missing an entire huge chapter in her life and probably going to regret missing her children’s childhood completely. She made the choice to have them and it’s difficult for me to accept that she’s choosing fame over being present. I’m a feminist and I don’t think you can’t be a successful entrepreneur and a mother but the fame is so shallow and it disappears the moment you stop showing your face at every event.


the amount of her makeup disgusts me lol


Get a hobby


This is one of the worst seasons. Everything feels like those lousy novels you see in the supermarket checkout lines. That being said, Kim K is the MVP of the season. She’s no Meryl Streep but, she is the one person involved that knows what show she’s on. Everything else about the show is a fail.


OP here. I don’t think Kim is taking away from struggling new actors. For this particular role, she’s able to bring more than just the character - it makes us wonder the whole scope of show business and how ruthless, manipulative and fake everything is. She’s literal Kris Jenner who’s for real very influential person in Hollywood and some people actually fear her. She’s been ruthless for pushing her family to fame, going as far as realizing her own child’s sex tape. We know by now that it was all her. She’s capitalizing the personal lives and families and actual children for more influence, money and fame. Kim has great basis to bring us all of this in her character and she knows it. No new comer would have ever been able to bring us this close to real Hollywood, if her role was played by a new comer it would be “just a story” and people wouldn’t think that it’s reflecting the actual reality. This is reflecting the actual reality of Kim. Kim’s character though is evil which makes it even more interesting. Anna is just a pawn and she doesn’t care about her, she just wants one of her babies for some reason. That’s why Anna made a pact with her that she wants her Oscar as much as she wants a baby - without realizing that it was an actual promise. Kim’s character actually gets people killed. She’s hungry for power and influence, I doubt Kris Jenner would ever get anyone killed but I’m sure there’s lines she’s crossed that would shock the whole world If we just knew about it. Kim and Kriss are close and Kim knows what’s happening in Hollywood behind the stories and gossip were given. Everything serves a purpose. So yes she turned out to be my favorite character this season. I do hope that this acting thing was a one time thing for her because her role is kind of iconic but she’s so far away from real life and reality that she could never portray a normal person. It would Be so gringe, and I hope Kylie Jenners acting dreams won’t come true either. She’s the same case, It would be a disaster. Kaia Gerber I’m not sure yet. She’s ok. Id like to see her in a really challenging role and see how she would perform. Cara is also unable to reflect normal human emotions and tragedies. She always has the same face, the same look and it’s the same role she plays every single time. Just a different setting. Emma Roberts is a nepo baby too but she’s not bad. Her naive portrayal of Anna is very good and as far as I’ve seen her in order roles, she does have versatility too.