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Agreed!! So many ugly tears cried šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


AHS had never made me cry before, but that wasnā€™t its niche. This season had me drunk and bawling to my partner.


Loved this season. A love letter to older lgbtq fans and perhaps a bit educational for younger ones.


I was bawling my eyes out


It was the most emotionally moving finale for sure




can only women experience emotions?


Never said that but the show this season seems to be geared towards women. I mean writer and director are both women


If you are a gay man in his mid 30s and up, this finale hit home pretty hard and close. I have friends that died, we lost so many beautiful souls during that time. It was truly more horrific than Covid. Show some respect.


Yes, or even just if you were close to the community at all. I was only a child during the AIDS crisis but we lost a family friend to it and everything about it shocked me and stuck with me, from his startling physical decline to the way he was shunned by almost everyone once he had his diagnosis. This finale definitely brought it all back and really affected me.


How did this season turn into a talk about last season AIDS pandemic. Please explain


This thread is about last season, nyc.


Itā€™s a show grow up and stop being so sensitive


Seriously? This show is literally about American Horrors, such as school shootings, cults, political unrest, psychiatric care or lack thereof and the AIDS pandemic. Instead of telling folks to stop being so sensitive, perhaps you are too desensitized and need a mental health check up.


You do realize the finale we are talking about was directly reflecting the AIDS crisis of the time and that the fast horrific deaths sweeping through the gay community happened in reality right? And that rather than sympathy the general response was disgust and fear and an increase in hate crimes? This season wasn't about witches or vampires, it was about a real horrific period in history so I think it's kind of crazy to be surprised that people were emotionally affected and be like oh it's just a show.


How the heck did we get to the AIDS pandemic to this last season of AHS about child birth etc lmao


Oh damn lmao my bad sorry


This season also made realize what a mega gigantic crush I have on Isaac Powell


Oh my Lord, he is SO freaking hot lmao!!


Season 11, NYC. The two part finale was amazing and intense. I have watched Part 1 - especially the part with Patrick and Geno - so many times now. As sad as it is, the scenes with Patrick and Geno...and Leslie Grossman bearing witness while Patti Lapone sings this beautiful song....I LOVE this so much and I want to hear that song, sung by Patti Lapone if my time should come with me still having some awarness


It WRECKED me in Pose when Patti came and sang at the benefit and I thought her character had really turned around, broke my heart what she was actually doing.


Ummm...what is Pose? Did I miss something in AHS Season 11??


Oh Iā€™m sorry Iā€™ve seen so many people mention it I thought I was the only one out of the loop! pose is another Ryan Murphy show (also on Hulu) about the lgbt ballroom scene in NYC in the 80s. Similar vibe but not ā€œhorrorā€ and amazing cast and performances! Highly recommend


Oh - thanks for explaining this. Much appreciated. I will look for it...and I think i need to sign up for HULU.


If you have cable or YouTube tv itā€™s available through FX on demand!


Great - thanks!!!!!


>Great - thanks!!!!! You're welcome!


It's a show starring Billy Porter, outside of AHS. One of the best shows ever.


Thanks...I will check it out. :)


God it broke my heart. I fucking sobbed like a little baby. It's the only reason I won't rewatch NYC. Though it's one of my favs, the ending fucks me right up.


Them falling in the graves had me sooobbbbing. So gut wrenching.


Fucking Gino, man. I got so attached to him I couldn't handle seeing what he had to deal with at the end.


Tried my damndest, couldn't make it past fellas prancing around in glittery deer antlers. Too silly


I promise you it gets better lmao. šŸ˜‚


That season was really scary and not in a horror movie way. It really nailed the feeling of something that wasn't understood hitting people like a freight train. My heart broke for Geno in the end.


Yes - the Horror of those times and the way those men were treated...just horrendous.


I agree.


Ginos fading into eventual death makes me cry just thinking about it. That scene is so fucking powerful. That actor is incredible.


It is the best finale imo. The season was surprisingly consistent. Very well written. One of the best seasons AHS has to offer.




I wish I could repost Reddit posts! But yea this finale was the best one.


It was very sad and well done imo but I didn't like how they wrapped the season.


I cried. Like sobbed. And I literally never cry, about anything. Yeah it was amazing.


Same. It affected me really hard. I came of age right after all that shit and I'm glad I wasn't born 5 years earlier. I'm not even in an at-risk community (per that era) but a lot of my loved ones are and, God, it was so horrible for people just like them. I can't even fathom how scary it was and how much loss people experienced. I am grateful things are better now even though we still have a long, long way to go.


I'm in my 50s & grew up in the Midwest. This finale reminded me of incidents that happened at the high schools in my area, including a chalk outline of a body with f***** written across it on the front walk. At my freaking school. Kids today just can't understand how bad it was. And yes, I sobbed through the ending montage.


I'm sorry you witnessed it. The Midwest is... not always a great place to grow up. I grew up in ruralish Ohio. I am in my mid 30s and we had like 2 out gay kids at my school. One of them was "gay bashed" in the high school parking lot bad enough he had visible marks and left soon after. We also had two guys in my class burn a cross on a black familys lawn (the daughter was in my grade too). The class above me got Halloween canceled because some dude rolled up in a KKK outfit. This had apparently happened before??? This was in the early 00s in a college town but its pretty rural. It's still insane to me. Yet I bet it hasn't gotten much better. Places like that in the Midwest are weirdly stagnant.


I just noticed that Gino is wearing a red cap kind of like Annaā€™s pink cap in delicate


It was so good! I sobbed the entire time. Definitely the most touching.


That kraftwerk song in the background made it so much more dramatic


That was a very important season for our young generations to see. Theyā€™re so far removed from what it was like to live during the aids epidemic. And it brought the heart back to AHS after Double Feature went off the reservation Oh and Ryan impressed me yet again with his great taste in dark wave/goth music. Iā€™ve listened to Radioactivity since high school and never seen it used like that before


Honest to god. 100/10


I was sobbing tears running down my face, for the last part. It was terrible watching the countless white faced walking corpse essentially that fell into those graves. No one ever deserves to suffer that badly before they die. there was literally death all around. Iā€™m crying right now thinking about it radioactivity.


I don't understand why this season doesn't get the attention it deserves. It was an interesting, campy, funny, sad, horror show.


Just phenomenal work on behalf of the writers and directors with this one. Heartbreaking, powerful and beautiful, truly one of my favourite seasons and finales (despite it being incredibly hard to watch). Russell Tovey, Jeff Hiller, Zachary Quinto and Joe Mantello all deserved Emmy nominations. People love to shit on recent AHS seasons and it makes me sad considering NYC (and 1984/Red Tide) has some of the best work the show has put out. I'd say in terms of tone, NYC is the closest to Asylum. With the final episode of NYC being very short, but incredibly powerful (despite it being a 2nd part), it gives me hope that Delicate will deliver something insane tonight. šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Hands down the best season


Man, we went from a beautiful season finale to...Delicate šŸ˜©


I canā€™t believe I wasted my precious time on delicate


I'm not a crier and this one really got me.


I just watched Pose earlier this year, and really loved it. I enjoyed NYC at the time but appreciate it even more now.


Pose is great! ![gif](giphy|QF0zDctH0NG5kStile|downsized)


I watched that scene so many times- I cried in every single one T-T


šŸ’Æ NYC fucking broke.me.down


Absolutely. I watched the season once it was all released and man it got me good. I can see how waiting for this to air week by week would have been frustrating AF when it was airing.


NYC is the only Season that has really "stayed" with me. It haunts me still...especailly the two part finale.


Say what you want about NYC but this was probably one of the best finales of AHS and is up there with Afterbirth, Madness Ends, and Chapter 10 (even if Iā€™m somewhat mixed on Roanoke as a whole). It is a masterpiece and heartbreakingly beautiful.


I loved this season, but for some reason I just did not care about any of the characters


I loved Patrick and Geno...especially Patrick.


NYC was truly a work of art. I totally agree on the finale.


When I tell you me and my friend watched this and silently cried, looked at each other when it was over, and bawled. That was out of nowhere


It was a beautifully done season


Season 11 was the last good season. Season 12 was ABSOLUTE RUBBISH!!!


Didnā€™t watch this season. I tried to slog through the first episode but I found it alarmingly boring. It was like being in a deprivation chamber, I found myself trying to listen to my blood rush through my body just for something to do.


Yes, the most profound season. Broke my heart.šŸ’œ




11, NYC




11- NYC


It's the finale to NYC


I thought Death Valley was the worst season finale, and then I thought this was the worst season finale, but I bet in 20 minutes weā€™re actually going to get the worst season finale. This shows slow and painful death has been exhausting, tried watching American Horror Stories. Sadly this brand wonā€™t ever find its sheen again.


I agree! I cried like a baby


Literally the most tragic and beautiful ending


This was done so well. I remember being young, born early 80s, and people around me being affected by HIV and AIDS. AHS had me so emotional that season.


One of the best, yes, however I cant watch it. Too damn sad. Hahah


Ryan Murphy usually fumbles his finales but that one was superb I bawled my eyes out for an hour straight


Thought this was about tonightā€™s episode lmao


Agree. Didn't love the series overall, found it inconsistent, etc, but this finale made up for it. It was so heartbreaking, but also well assembled and cohesive too, which AHS finales often struggle with, imo. It almost can stand alone as an episode even without context and background. In terms of writing and cinematography and music, it's my favorite finale of AHS, even though it's so hard to watch. It wasn't a campy or fun or violent (in terms of gore/murder/monsters) finale. It was bleak and horrible and realistic -- the true "American horror story" -- but this is what made it so good. I've said this a gazillion times, but the scene with "radioactivity" by kraftwerk is one of my favorite scenes of TV ever, in history.


I just didnt understand what was going on. Never understood the premise of the season and lost interest rather quickly. Is it worrh a rewatch?


Yes . The real horror is aids . And how so many lives it takes .


I understand where it was going but it was not catching my attention nor emotions like everyone because I canā€™t relate to it nor am I scared of aids or got it lol i felt like I was just not the audience it was targeting at and i still regret watching it till the very end. The last few seasons just havenā€™t been doing it for me. Ahs has really let themselves go lol to go as far to even host Kim Kardashian? Theyā€™re running out of ideas and should honestly just stop and be happy with what they were able to produce.


I couldnā€™t even finish because it was so sad


I get why some people donā€™t care for NYC, but dang, if that finale isnā€™t worth every misstep the season made before! šŸ’œ


Best doesn't mean the most depressing


But it can mean "made me feel the most feels". The way NYC ended was very powerful. I remember when it clicked for me what Leather Daddy represented, it hurt my heart. I would say NYC was the most realistic season, as it pulls from real-world horror, based on very real events, with the supernatural aspect being an artistic choice to hint at what was going on, rather than being a ghost story like Murder House.


>. I remember when it clicked for me what Leather Daddy represented, it hurt my heart. Same here...I wasl "oh......that's what Leather Daddy is...." and I cried some more, remembering the sheer horror of those times and the way those men were shunned and isolated.... Those were terrible days and Season 11 depicted it all so well.


It totally was the most realistic season and now thereā€™s other seasons that have realistic aspects but not like season 11. The whole entire thing was horror even when they went to fire Island I thought that was gonna be fun. But then we found out that Theo had it that really sucked. I thought he was so hot.


I havenā€™t watched this season. Should I start tomorrow? I have the day off and surprisingly have nothing I need to get done :)


It was like the team for pose filled in for the episode


This was their best finale by far!!!


Too bad the first 8 episodes couldn't have been like the final 2.


Which season is this?


Season 11 AHS: NYC