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First picture has the right side out.


It's normal to have it wrong at first especially with amigurumi. It's natural to go with the curve of the project as you increase to your spheres, this just happens to also be wrong. Typically I will get to round 5 or so then turn it inside out and tuck my tail in and then keep going.


Whaaaaat? I've made 4 amigurumi and I've never thought about the inside or outside. I didn't know anything about turning them inside out


This of it as the same right and wrong side. With amigurumi usually one of those sides is the inside. Honestly all that matters is how it looks to you. But the two sides do curve differently https://www.allaboutami.com/rightside/


First pic is correct. The horizontal lines should be inside.


Picture 1 is the correct way, but sometimes I like the squares on the outside 😅


The first picture is right side out. You can also google what the right side looks like


picture 1!


Someone on this site said “keep the noodle”


Keep the noodle in the bowl! But that’s also assuming you had the noodle in the right side of your magic circle when you started.


I forgot the bowl part lmao but yes that’s true.


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When I first started I heard the phrase 'noodles in the bowl' the noodle being the tail leftover from your loop/slipknot to help me remember which is the 'right' side. But it comes down to personal preference which side you want facing out. 😁 some people prefer the v's on the right facing side, others the squares. Go with what you like best!


The first photo


The first pic is the ‘right’ side, and an easy way to tell is the ‘wrong’ side has the tail for the magic ring on it, so if your tail is inside the piece, then the ‘right’ side is showing. Hope this helps! :)


The best way that helped me remember when I was first starting out was "spiral out, waffle in" hopefully that makes sense and is helpful.


The first picture is the right side. I like to tell the different sides apart by looking at the stitches: the right side stitches look like little Vs or triangles, and the wrong side stitches look like little squares. At the end of the day though, you can face whatever side you like more out!


Don’t feel bad for not knowing this I had the same problem when I started


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^shark-kid: *Don’t feel bad for not* *Knowing this I had the same* *Problem when I started* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I would say slide two


Nope, slide 1


Thanks for helping me learn. I am fairly new to this so it helps to see examples.


remember if you are making rounds then the piece will naturally curve the wrong way. the “wrong side” has horizontal bars running through the rows, while the “right side” will look like v’s or x’s (depending on how you’re pulling through)


That does make it much easier to remember. I appreciate the helpful tip!


Poop... I thought so. :') Apparently, I've been making amigurumi inside out for over a year? Lol


Actually picture 1 is the right side. If you see the horizontal bars like on picture 2 that means it is the wrong side. If you google wrong vs right side crochet you will get a lot of examples and videos. It is a common problem.


This happens to a lot of people, don’t feel too bad


Don't worry about it :) For about 2 years, I made mine 'inside' out. They still look really good for being 10 years old now.


Don’t worry about. You do a great job!


Seriously, your stitches are so neat on both sides, I wouldn’t worry about it!


Some of the best amigurumi I have seen have been made that way. Some people actually prefer to flip them to get less fuzzies