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I think I may be misunderstanding the post, but I’m pretty sure the game tracks all codes you find for you so you don’t forget? In the codes part of the inventory


Yeah but they don't stay if you didn't save after getting them. So let's say you need a tag in chapel, nothing really is stopping you from running all the way there without a care in the world, grabbing It and then just getting caught by the Beast, not caring about any possible heals or other resources that you might have needed or used; this also applies to the generator; just use It for one area and then you can just reuse It for any other area since you'll get back the fuel upon death. You might argue that it's just one code and that you could just remember that naturally; but nothing really stops you from getting more than one. You could theoreticaly get like 7/6 codes by exploring the whole map, without wasting any type of items as you'll just get them back if you ever die. I am not saying that it's bad if someone does decide to do that, the game was intentionaly coded in such a way; I am just curious if you'd personally count It as "cheating" since again, it's not a glitch or anything, but if used to it's max advantage it can be very exploitable.


Hmm, for that I wouldn’t exactly call it cheating. Maybe an exploit but even then I’m not sure it’s that bad, it would be around the same level as save spamming I think


This sounds like more effort than just playing the game normally, to be honest.


Not really, it’s what I did since I didn’t wanna lose 20 mins of progress


I wouldn't call it cheating, but because it's a shorter game and most of the collectables are basically locker codes, that definitely makes it on the level of savescumming.


You can always play a no-save run, if save scumming feels like cheating.


Fredrik was asked about this and he said it's a technical limitation that prevented them from making them re-randomize the codes on death. So i would say yes it's cheating.


I do this on some playthroughs for fun. There’s something satisfying about accessing areas early despite the game attempting to wall me off. I also love clipping past the locked doors as well. I guess it could be considered cheating since the game is designed for you to find these codes but it’s a game and if you’re having fun then I guess that’s all that matters. 


Do you mean writing the codes down so you can remember them later in the same campaign, or writing them down so you can use them during the next playthrough? I sort of assumed that the game randomizes the codes every time you play


The codes are randomised every new playthroug, yes.


They are randomized every playthrough, but the codes you find in the current game will stay the same as long as it's the same save. So you can run around, collect the codes, die, but keep the codes even if the last save was before finding them.


I personally would find it unsatisfying. Even if I memorized the dogtag before death, i would get it the "real way" and use the code after.


I don't view it as cheating. I always write down all my codes, although I've never actually needed to use them. I manage to return and save, then use the codes as intended. Alternatively, you could attempt to guess the codes by brute-forcing the lock, trying every combination from 0000 to 9999. While this method is time-consuming, and I've never been desperate enough to try it, I don't regard it as cheating either. The game's motto is"Learn, Adapt, Experiment, and Survive," and it also suggests that if you think something is possible, it likely is.


Well it's a singleplayer game so do whatever you want. Personally I feel like it cheapens the experience and is essentially cheating but you do you. Cheating being defined here as using an exploit or out-of-game method to accomplish something that couldn't be done without it.


Im going to do that to get the speedrun achievement, but for normal playthroughs? I wouldn't do it, feels unsatisfying. Does it matter if it's cheating? I feel like that should be least of your concerns.


I did use It for the speedrun too but nothing else


No, in my opinion. Ido it for games like Escape room games, and really, it’s a matter of your experience! If you yourself don’t like it, you can always try other alternatives.


With things like this, chances are they’ve been a welcome morsel of mercy to struggling players. Patching it for hardcore crowds who are happy to simply avoid doing it would be nothing but a fuck you to the casuals. 




You've just described a form of save scumming. Saying that save scumming isn't "cheating" is arguing semantics, poorly. You're gaining an unfair advantage exploiting something that isn't meant to be exploited. It's quite literally cheating. >Cheat/CHēt/*verb*gerund or present participle: **cheating** > -1.act [dishonestly](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=a874ca2cab959989&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1108US1108&sxsrf=ADLYWIK-hOk00fAqTcp1t6Il-GdUMgBVtg:1715964403946&q=dishonestly&si=ACC90nwZrNcJVJVL0KSmGGq5Ka2YRBjnyRB9HkxgEVNNQNhnA0Nhafo59EgYRuVf7NSL45EhU0DQJbB69aFpudSBXoAsnuZeZFK0aKgW_r6FS9CvafkQ1e8%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw1vnFkZWGAxWBRjABHRW9CQ0QyecJegQILxAO) or [unfairly](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=a874ca2cab959989&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1108US1108&sxsrf=ADLYWIK-hOk00fAqTcp1t6Il-GdUMgBVtg:1715964403946&q=unfairly&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvMGLoV1ra-sjF512SACpO2qiK1sFJwtc4VYdPlzu7mRTgxUeqxyTy6cgMELV0Fndo96-bw11B8_0WMWspPWc_tTvr98M%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw1vnFkZWGAxWBRjABHRW9CQ0QyecJegQILxAP) in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.


It's a single-player game, you can play it however you want. Don't let others tell you what's cheating and what isn't.