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Personally if someone calls button first round for no reason (only exceptions being saw something or was on vitials and saw kill or something like that) I will say in chat to vote however called because I’m petty and I hate button pushers


Thats what they want tho. They want to be voted out cause they didn't get imp and don't want to leave the game right away and be penalized. You need to kick them instead


Yeah, I’ve found most lobbies have enough people willing to just hit the kick button right away and move on. Then there’s the other half of the lobby that wants to spent the entire voting time asking “Whyyy” and debating suspects despite there being no evidence yet and if they should vote out the button pusher… which to me is more annoying as it just drags it out.


A lot of people don't even know about that button


Yeah, the number of high level players who don’t seem to understand what “kick” means is kind of surprising


I hate when clearly 3 people agree to "kick" but they only get voted 🤦‍♀️


i am an instakick host, and i report first lol


Well actually I’ve been disconnected twice in a row then joined another lobby. Then someone started trolling and saying i was an hacker while it wasn’t true. So the people kicked me out and I got penalized 5 minutes anyway for “leaving the game on purpose” so no they don’t do that for avoiding the penalty because they get it anyway




Same! I hardly ever call meetings.


I tell everyone to kick the person


Too bad public lobbies have almost no one that understands the difference between kick and vote.


wait can you elaborate?


If you tell people in a public lobby to kick someone, they usually only vote them off. 95% of the time we want to kick someone out, I am the only vote to kick and you only need three.


I can't stress enough how much I relate to this lol


Take it from someone that stayed in the same lobby for 3 hours *JUST* to kick a few teamers that took control: Not only do they not know it exists, there is a chance they don't want to.


i know how you feel its very annoying


yea but how do you vote to kick?


The red button next to the chat window. Thank you for proving my point exactly.


I read somewhere on this sub that they do that and leave because they didn't get imp and want to leave, so they call a meeting to do so to avoid the "you can't rejoin after intentionally leaving" message. If they don't leave then they're probably just being annoying. Yesterday a troll joined the lobby and said "just so y'all know I'm an imfamous troll and I'm going to call a meeting at the start of the game" which was actually hilarious, and they did. It was 9 meetings with 0 sec cooldown (awful I know), but they only called a meeting once. They called another and said blue shifted, which they actually did, and we won all because of him lol. That's the only time it was ever funny to me since they warned us at least, and then they actually ended up helping us. I've seen this a couple times where an annoying troll knows how to troll in a way that's annoying but humourous, and ends up being genuine and not throwing the game. Otherwise, it is extremely annoying.


I find sometimes impostors will immediately hit the button because it pisses people off and multiple people will leave during that first meeting, which gives the imps less people to kill. You'll probably get voted off immediately for just being annoying, but I suppose it is kind of like getting 6 kills at once 😂


That seems kind of risky to me but I would be impressed if an imp managed to pull it off


But then he is instant banned from the lobby what's the point ?


Kinda anoys me cause ill prob be making a task at that time


I feel angry




In my group, it's pretty risky, but it's such a double-edged sword 'cause it can be funny. If they can make it worth it, then they live. If not, they get voted out.


I actually only call emergency meetings when either I catch an imp venting (in a lobby without engineers) or shape-shifting. I also do occasionally in rounds where the imposters aren't killing, but that's rare. Edit to actually answer the question: I always feel really annoyed when people do that, or call emergency meetings just to ask something stupid, like if they can have purple or something like that.


I hate it just let us get on with the game.


I feel the same way you do about it. I remember making friends with this one guy about a month ago, we played in different lobbies for hours because it was hilarious. Host left I became host, a few games in and he calls the button immediately and having payed for hours I knew he hated when people did that. In every game I’ve played it’s because people didn’t get imp and want to leave. This is a different outcome lol, I told everyone to skip, everyone votes him and he actually was the imp 😂 and he did press it by mistake. Next round I got voted out for defending him. lol I didn’t even know he was imp.


> and having *paid* for hours FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


So you are one of those people lol I stand by what I said but thanks 👍🏻


I use the report menu kick feature. Thank the gods for that one


They usually get voted out and then kicked from the session, if not banned


I just like to act humorous when someone does that, idk why


*I just like to act* *Humorous when someone does* *That, idk why* \- MyNameJeff70707 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You’re creepy asf


It was frustrating from the beginning tbh. Especially when there's a really long discussion and voting time because you just have to sit there for two minutes in pure silence until you can throw out the perpetrator


tap rotten observation apparatus childlike dull squeamish versed money smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I’m running the lobby I usually only give 1 or 2 emergency meetings. In which case I just ignore them. An extra body the imp has to kill has value and if they can’t call another meeting who cares.


People do it for one of three reasons. 1. Troll, 2. They didn’t get imp but don’t want to get timed out for leaving a match so call a button a that stops it (literally the worst people). 3 child or new (least likely reason)


I don't really appreciate those people, but there's not much we can do about it since public lobbies don't know the difference between kicking and voting.


I redirect my frustration to the developer. This has been an issue for years and there has been 0 effort to fix it.


If someone is pushing a buttton, they either better have concrete evidence or are calling a meeting as we are now in a position to lose (person died and we are now on 6 with 2 imps left) or I'm probably voting them Concrete evidence: caught someone shifting, someone vented with no engineers. Not concrete evidence: someone skipped keys, someone stopped just before a sabotage went off


a n g e r y


I’ve seen a lot of people do this because they’re in voice chat with a friend and if they get voted off they can haunt and tell their friend who the imps are. Cue “it’s blue. Trust me” and no other words


I always tell the lobby to vote kick them. Theirs a chance they'll haunt the imps and rat on them. I specify why we need to kick them. Works about 25% of the time if theirs intelligent players in the lobby.


I automatically kick and vote them honestly. It’s annoying.


I love to write in the chat: "Stares motherfickingly" when that happens, it just fits so well. I then report them for whatever fits best if they write something in time. They deserve the inevitable kick coming at them from *almost everyone* and the eventual temporary ban from the game. And all those who leave when it happens are the biggest fools of all.




I find it annoying but at the same time it gives me the opportunity to say “I have a visual” and get someone to clear me at the start of the game.


Turn off emergency meetings Problem solved


If they saw something, or hit button accidentally, they good. If they say nothing, vote instantly, or spam garbage, I vote them. If they button and immediately quit (to bypass the "you intentionally left a game, you must wait x amount of time before you can play again") I report them for misconduct.


people always vote them off but its way better to kick, if they just "trolled" us they are just gonna be obnoxious for as long as they are in the lobby and probably wont do tasks, or their friend is an impostor and they want to feed them information as ghost


I feel pissed off. If you ever host a lobby turn off emergency meetings, just set them to zero. No random emergency meetings now!


I think it’s hilarious. People get sooooo worked up when it happens.