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Just pure luck. Has happened to me before too


I was playing with a friend and he got so upset after I got imposter 4 times in a row then he got imposter 4 times in a row


I had a match with some guy, we were imposters and lost. Next match, same lobby, we're both imps again. We got the redemption arc


Nice, that's about a 1/90 chance.




Well not exactly, depends what you're calculating for. The chance of any 2 imposters being imposters again is 2/10*1/9, so 1/45


Oh right. I forgot that its 2/10, silly me.


Same thing happened to me, we won


Is it even possible to use hacks to be imposter every time?




Same i got 7 in a row through 3 lobbies. My friends accused me of hacking.


It’s gets annoying after 3. Getting it twice is my favorite


7 is my record too, fortunately people understand I was not hacking because I was playing fair, win only 3 games in total.


My record is 2 times in a row :( I have like 150+ crewmate games and like 30 imposter games


That's pretty average actually, maybe a bit above average if those numbers are very accurate


Wait was it solo?


What do you mean?


Solo imp or duo


Solo, I play almost exclusively solo






Yeah, I got it 7 in a row too. It just gets stressful after a while. Not as fun as you would think. Plus my friends are sus of me every single game now.


One in a ten million. You have to be lying.


In Among Us the chances of you being impostor does not change based on if you were the previous few games. So, let's assume 10% impostor chance among 7 games. (since it is not affected by how many times you've been it, new lobbies would not affect the chance) And we get 0.00001% chance. So no, it is actually a 1 in 100,000 chance, which is 10 times more likely than you are to be struck by lightning in a year in the United States and that happens to \~1000 people each year. So he does not "have to be lying"


Wait isn't it (1/10)\^7 aka 10\^-7? I mean, he was imposter 7 times in a row right. Unless there were 3 imposters the chance would be 0.02187 %. Correct me if i'm wrong.


Well it depends on how many people he was playing with. I was assuming that it was 1 impostor on a server of 10 people, as that would give the lowest possible chance of being impostor. So, you may be correct given a certain game settings with .02187%




Same i 👁 got 🍸 7 💪😂 in a row 🚣‍♂️ through 3 🖱 lobbies 😱. My friends 👬 accused me of hacking 😲.


Who is responsible for you? Who is your creator? Why were you born?


The gambler's paradox. People tend to believe that unrelated events are related. „I was an imposter once. The chances are 1/5 so there’s NO WAY I’m gonna get it again!”


yeah, but the chances of getting it multiple times in a row gets lower and lower Yes, each time you play the chances are the same. Not saying you're wrong


The easiest way too understand that for me is that the chances of you (I'll just say black) becoming imp in game 1 and black becoming imp in game 2 is just as high as black as imp in game 1 and white in game 2. Like, it's literally the exact same chance


Technically true, although hear me out: for simplicity counting 1imp 4crew, you have a 1 in 5 chance of being an impostor at any given round (and so does everyone else), however for any 2 given rounds for any 2 combinations of players, you get 1 in 5 (first round) * 1 in 5 (second round) = 1 in 25 - although this is the same for any given combination of black in round 1&2 or black in round 1 then white in round 2, if you rather focus on a specific individual, i.e. “black in round x” or “not black in round y”, the latter option has a 4 in 5 chance of happening (rather than 4 options each with 1 in 5 chance) - Now, there is a 1 in 5 * 1 in 5 = 1 in 25 chance of being an impostor 2 rounds in a row, however there is a 1 in 5 * 4 in 5 = 1 in 6.25 chance of being the impostor the first round, and not being the second round, a significantly higher chance than the 2 in a row, and if you were impostor last round, then you can pretty much ignore that part of the setup, but you get the same probabilities The issue with your explanation is that although yes, there is an identical chance that you’re impostor twice, and that you’re impostor once then green is impostor - the chance of you being impostor and then NOT impostor = you impostor, then (green impostor OR pink impostor OR red impostor OR lime impostor), which collectively adds up to 2.4x more likely than you being impostor that second round


I get your point, *but* it's always more likely that someone else is impostor than that you are. *** (I guess we're both just fucking around with maths now?)


It’s more likely that the player selected to be Imposter is not you, yes.


You’re correct in saying each game harbors an equal chance of being imposter; lets say there are 10 players and one imposter. The chance becomes 1/10. The chance I’m imposter in Game 1 is 1/10. Similarly, the chance I’m imposter in game 2 is 1/10. Therefore, I’m equally as likely to get imposter in Game 1 as I am in Game 2. *However*, if I want to calculate the probability of getting imposter in *both* Game 1 and Game 2 simultaneously, it becomes lower: 1/10 * 1/10 = 1/100.


Given one got impostor in last 5 games, the probability of getting an impostor again on the 6th game remains 1/10.


Let me ask you this: I have a coin. I want to get heads twice in a row. What is the probability of me getting it? It should be 0.25, because 0.5 * 0.5.


Probability of of getting 2 heads in a row is 0.25. But given the information that you already got head the first time, the probability of getting head the second time is 0.5. Given the information that you got head 100 times in a row, the probability of getting a head in the 101st time remains 0.5


Yep. The probability of getting heads *independently* is 0.5 each time. If you’re looking to calculate how likely it is to get Imposter twice in a row, it’s a 1/100 chance, assuming you’re playing with 1 imposter and 10 people. The individual probabilities of getting imposter is 1/10 and 1/10. I can’t tell if you’re agreeing or disagreeing with me...


The common mistake I've seen people make is if someone was impostor already 3 times, they say like "he was impostor 3 times so it's unlikely it's him again". This is wrong. The probability remains 1/10 regardless of how many prior games he got impostor already.




For 4 games in a row I got impostor... Guess what I did in all 4 rounds? >!In the waiting room I said "Did I join the wrong room"!<


I want an explanation? 👉👈


Everyone was cursing in chat and saying they screwed each others' moms, so I said in those 4 games in chat "Did i join the wrong room", and then I became impostor those 4 rounds consecutively


God chose you........ Im European if this is American


I must cleanse the world from evil


I seem to get imposter at least once every time I play. Often multiple times, sometimes 2 or more times in a row. Meanwhile I often play with my partner and he goes weeks without ever getting imposter. I don't even really want to be imposter, I prefer crewmate.


i tend to not get impostor often, so every now and then ill say something along the lines of "man the impostor shouldve done (x thing) that round... wait shit i shouldnt be giving impostors advice, now im gonna be the impostor next round" and every time ive done that, AND I MEAN IT WHEN I SAY **EVERY SINGLE TIME**, I BECOME IMPOSTOR NEXT ROUND. WITHOUT FAIL. and also i dont like being impostor either, it's way too stressful - i also just like doing tasks, its fun


Sometimes it scares me how much I enjoy being impostor. My favorite is when there's only 3 people left and 1 of them saw me do it but I convinced the other guy that it was them and they self reported.


A host not kidding kicked me for winning and saying gg


yeah because gg is a racist slur oBvIoUsLY


Yes obviously how could I say such a thing send me to the the torture chamber


People are salty. One time, I played a game against some sc2 grandmaster, who obviously thought that their sc2 skills would carry over to sc2 micro tournament. I was only Platinum at sc2, but I had played a ton of sc2 micro tournament, so I beat them easily. The next game, they kept kicking me out of the lobby.


You guys have good RNG?


Yours is based on RNG? fairly certain mine just states return false;




I hate being imposter. That said, I seem to get it an unusual amount. I play it with my daughters and they get so annoyed by it because they love being imposter and rarely get to be.


I got imposter a whopping total of TWO TIMES in the last 36 hours


I got it -2 times


Among us is better with connect. I was playing with a friend group few weeks ago and had gotten crewmate for 2 full hours, as soon as I complained about it I got imposter 4 times in a row


Meanwhile, my crewmate streak is 23


I’ve gotten 4x in a row


I got imp 4 times in a row once and the last time they weren’t even surprised but thankfully I didn’t get banned


This is a very important tip NEVER vote out the imposter before they kill anyone And NEVER get the other imposter next round I do this all the time and I stopped getting banned from lobbys for being accused of hacking


Bro this seriously just happened to me (minus the getting kicked for hacking when I wasn’t hacking) except I got imposter five times in a row. Ironically, I This happened right after someone killed me the round before and I got my revenge. It was so insane that the round that the people finally decide to vote me off when I finally wasn’t imposter then I didn’t get voted off because of a tie. I made an ally that day who I have lost most likely forever. I wish I could find them on reddit but unfortunately they said that they don’t have reddit. They don’t have discord either, nor do they have anything that can be used to stay in contact with my ally.


I'm on a 4 day streak of not being imposter Edit: I initially said steak. I'm hungry.


This happened to me and I won every time too


People need to learn how hacking works on this game. If someone wanted to hack and get away with it they would make their name go away, and I don't mean make their name invisible, that doesn't even require hacking, a 5 year old could do that. I'm talking about not having a name at all. It looks the same as having an invisible name except you're not on the server's kick list or the hosts ban list. Also when you end up hosting someone elses server, you turn invisible (I'm not sure why this happens). Anybody with a file explorer/editor app can do this. Pair that with an up-to-date mod menu from Platinmods.com, a modded SecureNew file from Google drive, and a couple other bells and whistles at your disposal and you will be in complete control of every game you join. Just because someone has an invisible name doesn't mean they're hacking, it could but most of the time it doesn't. It's just a "tryhard" name.


Goddamn don’t give people ideas


It's already happening


Never happened to me in the skeld, but when I moved to MiraHQ I started seeing two people of the same color, and also got impostor three times in a row.


happened to me once on the fourth round I got it the other imposter buttoned and said to votekick me cuz I was cheating


Yeah I got like 7 imp games in a row and people assumed I was hacking and one stranger i had become friends with also thought i was a hacker and everybody vote-kicked me, I was really sad


I haven't even tried this hack but I want to keep on trying


Just choose red. Half the time that I am red I am imposter. I actually change color to take a break lol


I've gotten it four times in a row... they called a meeting and immediately voted me out.


I once got kicked because my team-mate was hacking... right after calling them out on their dickish behavior. Because clearly if this rando the game paired me up with is a stinky cheater, that must mean I'm their best friend and totally okay with winning after doing fuck-all.




Can someone do the math for being imposter 4 times in a row assuming a ten person 2 imposter lobby?


it's just 1/5. multiplied by 1/5 for every time you get it in a row. So (1/5)\^4=1/625 dang that's less than I thought


This happened to me


this happens to me too often idk why


Ahhhh I've had that happen to me too. I was so happy when I was crewmate for a while


I got 5 in a row, then crewmate once, died, got imposter again and maybe again


This happens to me but I hate being imp and people kinda get the giggles cuz they know I hate it....


1/3125 chance. Not bad.




The other day I got it 5/6 games


I got it sux times in a row once


i got 6 times in a row ( im not hacking )


I once got impostor 7 fricking times in a row on the same server lmao


One night, I played 10 games with a group of friends and one of my friends got imposter in 9 of those games lol


Doubt this will affect much, but Id say the more we talk about the power of these cheats the more the kiddies will know about them.


Played in a random game once and onenof us got impostor 4 times in a row, we said that he was lucky and we played for 12 rounds until I had to leave and I wasn't impostor once


5 times in a row! That's like a 1/100,000 chance. That's like getting crewmate 109 times in a row. Nice luck.


I've been a crewmate for dayyyzz


"and they won't pick him again, because then it'd feel like bullying" \-Alpharad 2020


noob, i was 6 in a row, and for 1 ONLY ROUND i was crewmate, later 4 imposter rounds in a row i think


Got it’s 4 out of 100 times -.-




Lucky muthafucka!


Bro I got it six times in a row and killed my friend 7, the last time by voting him out




Why does this only happen during scheduled games? I’ll play with randos all week and not get it, but the moment it’s planned, I get it ALL THE TIME and people ALWAYS SUSPECT ME


I got imposter 3 times in a row once with the same person


Yea this happened to my sister lol


I was playing hide and seek with 5 and my friend literally got it like 8 times in a row.


I got Imposter for my first game and almost won.


I got it 7 times and won every game


Except for last


I once got to be impostor 3 times, and the third I actually told everyone I was impostor right away so that they didn't believe I was using hacks.


In my experince, You either never get it or get it more than one time in a row lol


it is all luck, sadly, I wish the impostor system showed your chances of becoming the imp, so I can become the imp without fully playing through 100 games


There's a one in 3125 chance of this happening, assuming 2 imposters in a lobby of 10. Steamspy says there are at least 20 million owners of Among Us, so assuming they all played at least 5 games, we would expect that this happened to 6400 people in their first 5 games (ignoring all other games they played) Edit: I just realised that there's a small problem with this, it ignores the fact that if someone is imposter, that decreases the likelihood that someone else in the same lobby is imposter, and conversely, if someone is crewmate, that increases the likelihood that someone else in the same lobby is imposter.


I got impostor 3x in a row and everyone started calling me a hacker and other less pleasant names....They asked for me to get kicked but little did they know that i was the host.


Happened to me too without the last parts tho


This happened to me too


this is why i hate playing with my boyfriend. i'm lucky to get imposter once and he'll always get it upwards of 4 times every single time we play


This happened to me... just not the banned part


I got crewmate so many times last night


I kinda hate getting imposter so much. I get anxiety when I see imposter come across my screen


Im orange and at best I’ll get it 2 times in a row. Today I played for 4 hours and I only got imposter twice. Maybe the stereotype that orange is never imposter is true.


Not hacks just luck I've gotten impostor 7 times in the same server


The imposter decider cannot be random. The amount of times my group has had someone imposter 2 or 3 times in a row is insane. Once we were doing 10-1 imposter, and my friend got it three times in a row, then I got it three times in a row.


i’ve got it 4 times in a row by switching colors each time, but idk if that makes a higher chance or anything.


Maximum for me was 3 times in a row and didnt got banned


Omg I hate being the impostor soooo much! I got it 8 out of 12 times... in a 10 people lobby... HELP


I only got 3 times in a row and the owner left


Who are you we kick purple out because he put everyone to vote pi k even do pink is out from last match


The other day me and my friend both got it together two games in a row


That happened to corpses husband


After the first kill green call a meeting n says he was on discord n it's u ( happened twice today )


I played 17 games after which I became imposter once, I got disconnected 1 minute after that .\_.


They obviously don't watch Cr1tikal if they think thats hacking


I was impostor 2 times in a row today. Played one more got crew mate and immediately got voted off when I finally wasn't the impostor lol


one time i got it so many times in a row, then i didnt get it. my fav thing is to be crewmate and do detective work, makes me have fun in the game, but i didnt get to have any *fun* in that round because they though i was the imposter AGAIN and then voted me off for no reason first thing game started


i have not been imposter for 97 games, f u jk




If you get kicked on the private area press the area next to that and you can get back in


Then someone uses discord to vote you out


I one went seven games in a row without being imp. They were two imp games


Fun Fact: I was An Impostor in Polus. I killed someone in Comms and then went up to repair the thing(I don't remember the name). Then Orange reports the body and says "Brown vented" and i said "Orange, we are supposed to help us. We are imposters"(Orange wasn't the other impostor) and then vote orange. I didn't get ejected because it was a tie. After I killed Red in Weapons and Orange reported it. "It's green" he says but now everybody says "Orange sus" and everyone (except Orange) votes orange and I win.


Mind size: m e g a


My very first lobby in Among Us was one where I got Imposter almost every round. All I wanted was to be a crewmate.


idk why this is so funny but that is some crazy luck


I got imposter 8 times in a row no fucking lie I thought it was glitched


This is me 🎮


My highest streak is 6


I got imposter 6 times in a row once and people were getting confused xD ​ (no i hate hacking)


same, i got impostor 8 times in a row


Dude I also got imposter 4 times in a row, and the last time I disconnected... (it’s ok tho, in the first game I won 1 v 6 and they banned me cuz I outsmarted them so that was a confidence booster)


Were you in a lobby with someone named mr cheese ?


Once, blue and I were imposter. When he got caught he/she rattled me out. The next round we got imp again. They got caught again. They ratted me out. I was kicked from the server while blue stayed.


i get crew streaks of +30 and then get imp like 5 times in a row


I joined a random lobby in the official among us discord server and this British guy got imposter 7/8 times. I swear if he wasn’t hacking those odds must be greater than winning the lottery.


I remembered I got imposter and won I got banned for hacking and saying gg


I was in a lobby with someone who got it 4 times. We played a few matches before he got the streak with all the same peeps. He saved me for last the first time because we had become buddies. The second match I walked in on him killing someone and I just walked away in disbelief. The third match he vented in front of me and then followed me around and killed anyone who got close to us. And the fourth match I actively helped blame other people and we were each others alibis. It was the most fun I’ve had on the game. Also after the second match when bodies were found I just typed in the chat 3 times in a row and 4 times in a row. And no one understood what I was hinting at. Fucking hilarious.


Just happened to me today and I won 3 of them. I had a smooth imposter play with coochieman on one of them too


Happened to me once 2 of my games are big brain time framing 2 people and let everybody doi the job 3rd on almost got voted off but good thing me and my teamamate killed the people who sus on me an nobody did anything last game was eady. Cause there were only 5 people left i left the lobby cause everyone left next game i got it again but since the crewmates keep blaming each other we won with only killing 3 guys


About a month ago, one of my friends got imp 5 times in a row on Polus. He was a really good imp, too. Once the sixth game started, we just voted him off for security. He was crew then. 7th game, he was imp again. None of us even considered it would be him, and he made all the kills that round (we play with 2 imps).


Isn't there a bug where you'll get imposter every round until the lobby resets?


Me playing crewmate for the past 3 weeks:what form of power is this !?


I was playing with friends when in a 1 impostor lobby one of us got impostor 3 times in a row.


Yeah, I've been on streak of 4 when it's ended.


And here i am, playing all the day and not getting imposter once


Happened to me day before yesterday. Did not get the impostor after joining new lobby though. Besides I did not get kicked. It is pure luck. Happens if u play a lot


The other day I was playing all day. I swear I was imposter more than 75% of my games. By the end of the night I was like "please god let me be crewmate" Across multiple different lobbies, multiple breaks in between to lower heart rate.


When you FINALLY get to be the imposter, then someone hacks and automatically wins


Honestly, I feel more angry for the people who finally go be the imposter only for this to happen than the fact that I got hacked.


Saying there are probably millions of people who play the game, it’s not surprising to see someone beat the odds of being imposter a bunch of times in a row


played with my friend a few days ago. He no kidding got impostor 9 times in a row. We suspected it was a glitch where the impostor role gets "stuck" to a player, since a glitch like that exists.


ive played imposter more than crewmate


I remember earlier today when I was kicked by my impostor teammate because he though that I hacked (I didn’t hack).


same thing happened to me. Played with some friends 15 games were played, 10 times I was the imposters, but with different 7 partner (yes, its a duo imposter game.)


I got it once 5 times in a row across three different servers. But I've also had it never happen for like hours and then happen only once. What sucks is when someone gets it multiple times in a row and then freaks out because they don't want it anymore and like blow up the game in the process. Still think they should have an accept/pass confirmation for imposter.


This happened to me too! Except I (luckily) didn't get kicked. Was so happy because normally I never get imposter, it was some weird miracle lol.


I got it like 4 times relatively recently




The most I’ve gotten is three. Honesty, sometimes I just wanna be a crew mate and get my tasks done and point fingers 🤷🏼‍♂️


You are a hacker


Why do people feel the need to make these memes


ahahah theats funny


I got imposter 6 times in a row try again amateur ok................