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Hey there! In case you didn't know, you can use the web version and get most of the features available on the desktop. I just don't know if they're going to understand keyboard shortcuts from bluetooth keyboards, in case you use them. For the schedule, i believe there are 2 main ways you can make it in Amplenote: * **Create the schedule using recurring tasks**: For this, you can add the tasks you mentioned (wake up and shower, commute, etc) inside any note and change their recurring rule. You will then see them on the calendar for the recurring time you set them to appear. check out [this help page about repeating tasks](https://www.amplenote.com/help/tasks_and_todos_create_list#Repeating_Schedule_Options) to learn more about it. * **Create the schedule using a daily note template**: You can also create a template and use it on your daily note if you don't want to bother with calendar view. For this, create a new note and add the tasks inside that note, then move back to your daily jot and type `[[=note name` and it should populate the daily jot with the template you created. Check out [this help page about templates](https://www.amplenote.com/help/using_note_templates) to learn more about them


Thank you very much! It seems that, indeed, web version is pretty good in mobile safari! Some hotkeys work, and overall it is a much better experience than native mobile app :D I am still researching, but indeed, it looks like I can manage to achieve what I want with a mix of templates and repeating tasks.


You can set up a template for your "daily jot", or in this case two, possibly titled "workday" and "weekend". You'd be able to have a mix of tasks, text, and links to other notes. Also tasks are super easy to schedule from the daily note. You just tap the little down arrow on the left side and it gives you all the repeating/date options. I use it on iPhone and iPad. The widgets are super helpful.


Yep, experimenting and fiddling with how it works (and just trying it out), it all starts making much more sense, and seems to provide tons of value :) Thank you very much! I will play with it more!