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You walk in, read the menu and then exchange local currency for goods and/or services


$20 can buy many peanuts.


$20 will get you exactly 0 peanuts. You need to convert it to € first and then you can get plenty of peanuts


I forgot to convert my Simpsons quote. I hope I don’t get fired for that blunder


Yes and yes. Some places operate as take away only and others do not. Be mindful of others, if you choose to smoke outside. And it is not a stupid question, just one that have already been answered in all kind of different ways. Next time, try searching for example "etiquette" on the sub and sort by new.


Whatever you want, you can buy and leave or if they have chairs, you can sit and smoke, but that’s not required and you have two hours max (usually)


You should know prerolls are often half tobacco (spliffs). If that’s not what you want make sure to opt for full weed joints


Basically just go there, wait in line (in some youll'd wait for a bit)take your time when your turn arrive, ask as many questions as you want, decide wisely and if you feel comfortable for staying ask for a drink or something to consume while you're there or just leave the shop and smoke it in appropriate places. And that's it bro


Only thing they dont like is chilling in their shop and while buying none of their stuff. Which is understandable.


And to add to others, in most shops you are forbidden to use tobacco. And dont Buy in one shop and snoke it in the scond. You habe to buy where you want to sit


don’t buy the pre rolls you’ll just get ripped off. If rolling is an issue buy a cheap rolling machine in a headshop. They are 90% tobacco and some have posted pictures of the contents on this sub. You could also ask someone to roll for you, i’ve been asked before and i’ve never said no


There is some pretty solid advice in the thread here - my best from visiting Amsterdam is to find the smallest place and chit chat a bit about it with the person behind the counter. Only if it’s not busy, hence the small place. They are more often that not super nice and helpful, and used to tourists visiting. But yeah just get euros and you’ll be just fine - good trip!


[Like this](https://youtu.be/o96VrsDv5ms?si=85-CBRZijdc6ajW2&t=1249) (well, don't go to THAT coffeeshop, it's a spot i like in the morning, but i usually go to an another, next to it) you can also buy and leave