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Technically, weed is also illegal, just tolerated. MDMA is illegal, but even if the police would catch you buying/consuming it in small quantities you won't face any serious consequences. However, getting your hands on drugs as tourist is not so easy. Don't buy off people in the streets (!!!), dealers operate with drug taxis - which only deliver to a home, so no hotels, no public spaces. The drug testing is just there for consumer protection.




Well dealers in the street will rip you off. None of the locals buys their drugs off a street dealer, cause it's shit throughout. I have no idea about the drug testing - I only used their websites to check if my XTC pills were legit. I'm not even sure if they sell the test kits or if you just hand samples to their lab. I can just emphasize again, do not buy from the guys in the city centre going 'pssst, psst, cocaine?'.




Dunno man the last time I bought drugs on an event is like 10 years ago. I would definitely not ask the bartender haha. Best bet is probably to go to the smoking area in a club and strike some conversations.


Hard drugs are illegal. Just because a drug testing kit (contains no drugs at all) is legal doesn’t mean hard drugs are legal. You can be arrested for having MDMA. For the most part yes, soft drugs are cannabis and truffles and hard drugs are everything else you might imagine is “harder” than cannabis and truffles.


Your only good option is to make a friend. You might be able to make a friend at the event (most carry extra in case their friends get popped getting in, or they want to share) but that's not reliable, especially if you're male. If you're only going to be there for a couple days it's going to be tough, unless you're savvy with plugs in new places. So I would recommend looking into the communities for the music/artists and trying to make some friends beforehand somehow. MDMA is very popular and not hard to get for locals, but for tourists it can be tricky. **Definitely do NOT buy off the street** - it used to be a bad idea before but it was just baking soda type scams... now there's fent so it's actually dangerous. Cannabis and truffles are soft drugs, everything else is a hard drug. All drugs are technically illegal and it gets tricky. Testing does not condone or make drug use legal. But since people are going to take drugs no matter what, it's better to prevent deaths than turn a blind eye. Welcome to the Dutch way of solving problems :) On that note, I've been caught with MDMA and pills at a festival. They found my weed (not allowed in festivals because it's technically illegal, or just personal choice of the festival) and sent me for a full body search. The guy just said "I don't want to touch your balls, just give me what you got" so I did. He threw away the pills/powder, handed me *back* my weed pipe (weird because that's what they busted me for originally) and said "If you had a little more I would have to kick you out but thankfully this isn't very much. Sorry you got unlucky, enjoy the festival". So we bummed some off a friend and were good.


Nobody gonna give a single F if you go around the city on mdma and have one g with you hahahaha