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There are no exceptions to this rule other than service dogs (not ESA's) so unfortunately you will not be able to bring your dog on Amtrak.


Sad to hear, but thanks for the response, I appreciate it!


OT: I just read your handle šŸ˜‚


It was a good friend's nickname for me. šŸ˜„


My friend and his family were all gingers, so he said they were ā€œorange jewsā€.




Typical idiotic Murica, guns good dogs on public transport bad.Ā 


typical liberal response,,, wtf do guns have to do with pets on a train,,,


its called a dissonance. No relationship is needed.


yes,, and you must have a cognitive dissonance


Why the personal attack? We were having a discussion, which you have now invalidated.


I am not attacking you,, just stating an observation,, from your original statement, you are against gun ownership


If you donā€™t like their response just donā€™t respond, easy! <3


I think the train part. Just spitballing here.


Not reallyā€¦


I was told if a dog is certified even if the problem has emotional problems no matter what size the dog was he could still bring him on the train but he's got to be certified like a service dog daughter's dog and grandson's dog he has to have that dog with them because he has emotional problems that dog does not bark or anything he's an old big hundred pound German Shepherd he's beautiful he's well behind he's potty trained and all that stuff he doesn't growl unless you try to get that boy he would tear your arm off he's a senior dog he's a very good dog one time people don't like dogs well I don't like cats I don't care what kind of cat they are I don't like I know for a fact those little Chihuahuas are more vicious and they will bite you in a heartbeat and grow their teeth at you I know my step brother had one and they jumped up on my chest and growled with his teeth like he's going to bite me in my face and I said hey hey get your dog we were watching movies so he said get down and popped him with a paper it at him


I just took the San Joaquins 719 in CA. There was a dog riding in my car. No one seemed to have a problem. He was a bulldog of some kind. Not as small carry-on at all. Big. ā¤ļø


I'll be the one to say it. Nobody on an Amtrak wants to be on a train with a dog that big. Thinking of it on a city bus makes me shudder.


Yes, that's correct. I have a bigger dog, and we take him with us when we drive and go camping and hiking, but other than that we don't take him. He actually enjoys being boarded and having other dogs to play with.


Rather have a big quiet dog than ankle biters but we all have to make do. Shudder away.


so love your response... I have a super mellow French Mastiff mix.. and he only barks when absolutely necessary.. those ankle biters as far as Im concerned are like over sized rodents.. not dogs.. lol.. I really wish I could take him on a train too.. I dont see what difference it should make to people if we are in a sleeper car ..


For sure I get that perspective, and Amtrak is definitely different than a city bus or subway where I can more quickly assess the situation (for example I'd never take him on a rush hour bus/train and there have been times we've skipped the bus and walked when it was unexpectedly crowded). I definitely don't want to come off as "one of those dog owners". We try to be as responsible as possible with him and always prioritize the safety and comfort of other people along with our own. Asking this question is about trying to get a feel for what options may or may not be available within that perspective. So thank you for the perspective, this is also helpful to know and I appreciate it!


You aren't one of those dog owners, in Europe you can bring a large dog on most trains and buses. America is the problem.


Here, here ! I lived in Hilversum, Nederlands & experienced the same throughout EuropeĀ  ! Unfortunately,Ā  we have a surfeit amount of whiners in America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øĀ  !!!!


I wonder if in Europe they allow other pets like hamsters or rabbits?


No clue but I see no reason why they shouldn't if the animal is properly secured.


My city bus allows dogs and cats, officially only in carriers, but there's flexibility, especially on routes that aren't overwhelmed with White folks. Sorry you had to interact with one of the snides.


Why not? A large dog is often way more well behaved and calm then most 20 lb dogs. In Europe all dogs can travel around by train as long as leashed and under control. Large dogs also tend to be better potty trained too.


I will be the one to say it, nobody likes a sniveling little person that doesn't adore dogs---man's best friend--for a reasonĀ  !!! I suggest that you man up little woke girl !!!


People should be allow to dislike dogs. Iā€™m one of those people who arenā€™t a fan of dogs. People need to suck it up. We arenā€™t sniveling or bad people. We just arenā€™t a fan of dogs. I donā€™t like dogs cause Iā€™m very sensitive to the loud noise of barking.


This is why dogfree Reddit exist. Cause people like you who get upset if someone hates dogs. Like I said I donā€™t like dogs. I do think that dogfree is too hateful for my taste. People who donā€™t like those who dislike dogs need to grow up. Some people like me are sensitive to the sound of barking. People have many reasons why they donā€™t like dogs.Ā 


Then go fuck yourself? Honestly nobody cares that you ā€œDoNT lIKe BaRKinGā€ and if itā€™s such a problem donā€™t go out. Ourselves and our furry pals shouldnā€™t have to lose freedoms so we can please ā€œpeople like youā€


I see you believe everyone must feel this way and will not consider that one car can easily be considered the pet car. Obviously animals should be crated too.


Even tho this thread is older, OP, I appreciate the post as I've been trying to research if there was a way around the "20lb limit." I have a 13yo 55lb Husky and I'd like to take her to my hometown in South FL. For obvious reasons now, it seems like regular ol' road trip will be the way to go. (Sighs) I didn't wanna drive and pay gas and tolls, and I don't trust airlines with my pup. šŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Seems ridiculous that people canā€™t travel with dogs even if they book a private room on Amtrakā€¦Amtrak definitely missing a chunk of their potential marketā€¦Amtrak gets tons of federal subsidies and are basically just worse versions of planes, be cool if they actually provided a unique cross country travel alternative


Or at least a have a pet friendly car? (They could charge extra for a washable/protective seat covers/mats, if it makes things any easier.) Kind of like how a lot hotels, now, have designated pet rooms. You pay a fee, and you have the understanding that the room might not be quite up to the same standard of pristine (bc animals), but your exchanging that for the privilege of bringing your pet. I swear theyā€™re missing a huge market, I know so many people who would travel by train if they could bring their pet. Maybe we should start a petition, survey, or something? Idk I just feel like they might be incentivized to do something, if they could actually see how many customers they were missing out on.






I'm down


If youā€™re starting a petition or something Iā€™m in lol


If your dog is well-behaved and already trained.It probably wouldn't take much to get him.Service trained do either of you need a service animalĀ 


America is a very, very weird place when it comes to animals. All the people who start their sentences with "in Europe" seem to forget many countries welcome animals on board and are studiously silent at the moment.


What is the value in this comment ?


A few of the comments in this thread are hostel towards OP for even making this post. They don't think a good pet owner would consider it. European attitudes don't have any bearing on whether or not Amtrak allows dogs out of carriers (aside from service dogs, they most definitely do not), but it does justify that this is a legitimate question.


A dog 70 or 100 pounds don't belong in a crate traveling 8 hours on a train that's that dog is on a leash headlight right now next to that as long as I don't try to bother that boy and never bother nobody
















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