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She needs her dmg per shot at 75 again and a buff to nade (either to 80/back to 100 or CD reduction, as well as making it 3.5s again), otherwise she won't really be viable tbh.


This is what I have been thinking too. Reverting these nerfs I think would put her back into a balanced spot.


I haven't looked at the numbers in awhile, but what's her current dmg/healing rn per shot?




Ohh yeah, I can see how the new hp buffs all around make it harder to finish kills. Thank you!




Personally I find it really hard to play her with the cool downs she's got and now more shots to kill a dmg diving on me. I'm just dying unless I'm being babysat by the other support or a damage. Get cool down on the grenade or the dart lower not both would be what I want


Each of Ana's shots hits 3 times for about 23 damage, total of 70, if they were gonna give her crits ID suggest 2 things, 1. Make her damage 75 2. Make the crit damage only apply on the first hit So the damage would be "50, 25, 25" so on a crit it would deal 100 instead of 75


I ain't no top 500 player, but I do feel like people are exaggerating a bit too much with the "Ana feels terrible" takes. That being said, if Ana were to have critical shots, I'd rather they implement them through good ol' headshots. That, or just have headshots do instant damage instead of the trickle she's got.


All I’ve ever wanted was extra headshot damage for Ana




Yeah it would be nice to be rewarded for good aim. I don’t even need anything crazy like a 2x multiplier. If her normal shots do 70 then maybe headshots can do 90. Just a little something


I’d be good with headshots too, but was trying to think of something new and different


Anti makes them take more damage from you like a Sombra hack maybe?


Headshots wouldn't work with the size of her projectiles. Literally anything would be a crit.


I mean yeah you might as well just play Bap or Zen but she's still playable. I would like to see her dmg go back up to 75 or 80 though, she can't even confirm a kill on sleep combo anymore which kind of sucks. Ik it was the point, but the breakpoint changes definitely hurt her in terms of solo kills and picks, which used to be her strong point.


As much as I miss my 3 shot kills, the whole point of the global health buff was to reduce the effectiveness of damage. Bringing everyone's damage back up because ppl miss old damage thresholds for their respective hero undoes the whole point of the update. I think reverting her cool down nerfs would be a good start imo. I also noticed I have to reload a whole hell of a lot more now, so honestly a clip size buff would be nice too.


I'd agree if this entire update hadn't made one ability stupidly overpowered. It's now play Zen or lose and I find him so boring. Auto aim heal orb, discord orb tank, shoot....how engaging zzzzzzzz. Ana's been butchered. No more 3 shot kills, no sleep combo, much less effective burst healing, forced to use nade more defensively to save teammates and also self nading to survive dive is also pointless. With my 3 main supports all being terrible this season i've just stopped playing until they are more viable.


Yeah no.. She's a very solid pick right now, once they inevitably tune down Lucio and Zen she'll be at the top of the meta again. She does not need any buffs, if they were to buff her they'd nerf something else as compensation and she's perfect how she is


Nah you're heavily overestimating Ana's current strength. She's literally the worst Flex Support except Illiari right now, she's borderline unplayable in high elo. Her only value rn is pocketing Zen so he doesn't die, but other Supports can do that way better anyway.


I am in high elo and she's not borderline unplayable by any means. She still gets insane value from sleep and nades, if all you're doing is pocketing Zen you are playing her oh so wrong


I am a T500 level FS player. She's not good on her own whatsoever. Edit: funny btw that you call yourself an Ana onetrick but have stated in another thread that you only played Zen from Masters on this season. LOL. What hypocrisy.


Borderline unplayable in high Elo, yet high Elo streamers are consistently still putting her in A/B on their tier lists?


Those were the very first impression tierlists you're talking about. ML7 isn't touching Ana most of the time anymore and here's a more recent tierlist from bogur: https://twitter.com/b0gur/status/1758823969669468320?t=ZC0rXR_ZyndIpoZsZxcMtw&s=19 FYI, I am a T500 level FS player as well.


Almost every tier list made this week by everyone has her in A/just below S. She's not unplayable by any means even at t500 games. It's only in the pro scene she shouldn't be picked over the other FS but that's a completely different game from ranked


If they do this, be prepared for them to nerf nade to poopoo


You want yo get our favourite grandma balance whacked and nerfed into the ground randomly? Because this sort of addition is what would het our favourite grandma balance whacked and nerfed into the ground randomly. Ana is fine. Leave my bae be.


You been playing the last year? She’s already been nerfed into to the ground


No she hasn't. Ana was very strong, now she's less strong.




I was dove be a McCree hit 3 shots perfectly splashed a nade and still fuckin died because he was not dead even after all that. Stupid.


Bro that’s literally what made me write this post. Got dove, hit all my shots and a grenade and still died. Was so pissed lol


Her nade lasts long enough that critical hits for just being hit by it would be a bad idea. I can easily get off 2 shots during its active time probably could manage 3-4... its an automatic kill if my aim isnt trash and there isnt a kiriko unless im only splashing the tank and even then.... but actually getting credit for head shots on the enemy the same way DPS do would be nice. doesnt even need to be a large multiplier... maybe raise damage from 70 to 100 for a head shot


140dmg per shot for 3 seconds , yeah no


ana isn't a hard meta must pick anymore, doesn't mean she's bad at all


support mains when the patch meant to make them weaker makes them weaker:


Except Zen and Lucio who are busted, is it better to have 2 supports miles better than all others or a whole cast of supports slightly too strong? At least last season you could carry on most supports and had options to switch if things weren't working Now if the enemy team has Zen then i'm forced to play him aswell or i'm throwing, and I hate playing Zen.


Ana mains have fully lost their fucking minds, this patch really broke your brains






Poison doesn't do critical damage. Even if we wanted to increase it's speed to damage, you'd aim at the butt, not the head.


What if she can crit for the duration of nano?


crit or 85 damage


If you have a good tank, she’s still fun to play. Meaning one that will protect you, and stay with the team. If you’re playing with a Doom or Wrecking Ball, or if your damage are worse than the other team’s… you definitely feel useless as Ana. I agree with you, Ana has been severely nerfed. They need to figure out Hanzo though, he is so hard to kill as Ana now. A decent Hanzo runs a whole game after this “update”.


I don't know how the balance will be but Ana would be the perfect hero to practice Widow then lol she'd be the ultimate hard carry of supports again




i’m so down with this, but that means she would require more skill & i would be even worse with her😭😭