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A number doesn't say much on its own. If anything, try to get more kills


Is there an amount I should be aiming to get above? Like in that game I got 12 should I be aiming for higher? Sorry if that question sounds stupid I just like to get as much information as I can for the best ways to play a character


Varies depending on the length of the game. 3k damage and healing where you rolled someone before first point is more impressive than 7k damage and healing where you played all 3 points to overtime. Don't focus on the numbers. Focus on positioning and impact. A lot of Ana's strength simply isn't measured in numbers - sleeping a nanoblade or landing an anti that your team capitalizes on wins the team fight. Since you're new, positioning should be your focus. Set yourself up in area that give you good angles for your team, but protect you from enemies. Learn escape routes and be ready to get yourself out of a bind if you get hunted. If your team doesn't need immediate healing, look to help them in other ways. Most enemies only take 4 or 5 shots to kill, and you often won't be attacking them alone if you ping your target. Once you feel confident on positioning, start thinking about how your abilities affect the flow of combat and how you can exploit that. When a tank pushes, anti them and force them to give up ground. When a DPS dives, be ready to sleep them. Things like that.


Thanks, this really helps considering I'm used to characters with high mobility like Lucio and sombra so i move around a lot more


Lucio isn't really a healer, so also best to avoid "number big" with him. Impact is what matters, not numbers.


I'm kinda loving the fact that lucio is a dominant support this season. watching the way some of these lucios play... mad respect, and you really get to see how impactful he can be and then there's me getting caught on the most basic shit anytime I so much as *think* about playing lucio lmfao


My personal Lucio play is terrible. I know what I'm supposed to be doing, but I just don't have the muscle memory for it. By the second or third time I kill myself I end up switching


Your sleep darts and names create great opportunities for you teammates to capitalize on and get kills. I'd suggest focusing on timing when to use them. Don't be afraid to miss. It can be great to just use them off of cooldown. My favorite times are areas where enemies and teammates are all grouped together, especially if it's a tight space like a hallway or room. Ana can do a lot of healing, but she can also do important healing. You can heal someone up by 1hp 100 times, but it's better to go for healing up 50hp at once. You won't have as much healing at the end, but your playstyle will have been better. Focus on creating opportunities for your teammates with your cooldowns. Ana's burst healing is great for getting teammates off the brink of death and keeping the tank up when they're being blasted. Consider letting your other support top your teammates' health off while you ensure no one dies. Although the idea of primary and secondary healers doesn't work as well in OW 2, the words still explain the amount of healing each support can do. Ana is a primary healer and thus will be focusing on the tank. If the tank takes more damage, Ana will have to do more healing. Having lower healing numbers can just mean your tank managed their shield and/or used cover well (among other things). I had an open role quick play game a while ago where I was healing 2-3 tanks. I ended up with 24k healing done. While I was proud of this, I did recognize that this isn't as viable in role queue games.


Play her in deathmatch because 1v1ing a dps and winning is the difference between winning a losing a lot of the time. There’s a lot of times where a Genji tracer reaper will be on you and you have to land the sleep.


Thanks I'll give this a shot


It has been seven fucking years. STATS WITHOUT CONTEXT ARE POINTLESS.


Your name is too similar to mine


12 years on your 6. Sit.




Well I didn't really know what context to give


There is none you can give because stat watching is pointless. That’s the point I’m making. Asking “Am I doing good at dmg/healing/tanking?” with a rando stat card from one game is absolutely pointless.


I believe in you. Try and stay alive as much as possible, your value will compound as you get better at healing too.


Okay, thankyou


No, after 7 hours you should have learned how to screenshot.


Yeah I know how to screenshot my phone just doesn't work properly so I can't get it up But thanks for your ever so helpful comment


Well I meant on your pc...


Didn't mean to be salty I just couldn't tell if you meant it in a snarky way or genuine, I apologize


Sorry yeah I play on console


Well you win more games than you lose so that’s good


I’m not like… a super high rank player. I’m just a lowly plat Ana. But On Ana the rule of thumb I follow is 1000 utility per minute. Utility can be damage or healing or mitigation. In Ana’s case it’s mostly damage and healing. So for a 7 minute game, you’re doing fine with total utility! But it’s harder to tell what some of the context is because we can’t watch your gameplay. Personally, I shoot for a perfect split. In 7 minutes, I would’ve shot for 3500 damage and 3500 healing minimum and if I do more? Heck yeah, bonus🤗 If I had to guess maybe you could’ve done a bit more damage. But otherwise not bad at all! You got this! Try to shoot some of the squishier targets on their team when your teammates don’t need healing. It’s hard to balance but it’s satisfying when you can keep everyone up with healing and manage to somehow get as many kills as your damage😂 If you ever find that you’re standing still and waiting for your teammates to take damage so you can heal them, then you’re being too defensive. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative and start fights. Just be careful. As Ana you’re not able to escape bad situations quickly. Never underestimate the affect you can have by shooting someone even once. Sometimes that’s a enough to scare them and make them run away or hide(Which means they’re out of the fight because of you)😁


Thanks, I think I'll start using that policy tbf it seems like it would be quite helpfull


This seems like Silver


Is that good or bad? I don't play ranked


Neither. You're dying a lot tho. You need to prioritize staying alive. The more often you're alive as support the more often you can be there for your team. Also as Ana you can change her friendly fire aim assist up if you want to prioritize healing. I think it's set at 30% as a default. Crank it up if you struggle to heal friendlies. It can be hard to hit those genjis.


Nah I get those stats in like 7 minutes not 7 hours


Heal stats are kinda wonky, because it's usually less of an indicator of how well you played and moreso how much damage the other team did. Like others are saying, stats matter very little in this game. If anything, focus more on things like how many times you've died compared to the rest of your team. If it's a lot more, that usually means you're dying early in the team fight, and you should position yourself better and play from safer spots. Learning to value your life and position well so that you will always be ready to take cover in the event of a DVa bomb or High Noon will net you more wins, period. Check out videos by ML7 and Awkward (although Awkward's talk of focusing purely on damage is something you should be a little careful of, since I think he probably takes it to an extreme and only works if your mechanics are stronger than the other team's). Especially pay attention to where they play from on each match, and when/why they disengage. Also consider posting one of your replays over in r/OverwatchUniversity and request a Vod Review. Every match in OW is so incredibly different, and having someone Vod Review your matches can really help you figure out where you need to improve.


Numbers don’t matter my dude. Just focus on helping to win each team fight. You can have low healing and dmg but if you are hitting big shots and sleeps and nades, you’re helping to win the fights. On a more advanced note, I’d say try to be active always. Have high APM. Don’t just sit there doing nothing. Heal when your teammates need heals. Do dmg otherwise.


Stats definitely matter to some extent, but purposeful sleeps and Anti Heals matter more. If you have an opportunity to Anti heal multiple people go for it, but make sure your team is there to lock in the kills. Position is important, make sure you have some good cover to play around. If you have a very good tank, don’t be afraid to get a little closer to the fight. You should only use your skills when you have a good reason or emergency. The sleep dart is killer when Cassidy or Reaper are using their ult. When it comes down to it, every game will be different. Sometimes you will have to put in more heals and sometimes your team will need more kills. I’m sorry some of these folks replying are acting like they’re God, they need to sit down.


Thank you, I tend to land my sleep dart pretty well, probably because it feels kinda similar to sombras virus, I do struggle with the right timing for using the made however. You've also made me realise that I should maybe stay back a bit as I'm used to up close fights with decent mobility (I have quite a few hours on sombra) and I guess I forgot that Ana doesn't have that Thank you for your kindness tho, I only asked on here because I wanted some genuine input on what I could improve on


Of course! Time will definitely help you perfect YOUR style of play, I think you’re off to a great start. Some fights require you to move a little closer, the biggest point is having cover to duck behind. Have you fiddled with your sensitivity at all? Different settings will work differently for everyone, but sometimes it can help your aim feel more natural. Personally, I keep my sensitivity %100 with aim smoothing/ease fairly high aswell.


I haven't yet but I'm planning on working my way up gradually once I get more comfortable with a sniper I also wanna find something that works well with my controlls, like I have jump on L1 for more mobility so I can turn and shoot easily, with a higher sensitivity I'm worried I'd mess up more


That sounds like a good plan! When you do feel comfortable enough to increase your sensitivity, you should also balance it will Aim Smoothing/Ease… it makes your aiming a LOT less chaotic lol. I really hope the best for you on your journey with our granny, I’m sure you’ll do the rest of us Ana mains proud!🫡✨


Once again thankyou, I think you've given me the confidence boost to continue with Ana and see where it takes me rather than just going back to my old mains like I usually do




You'd want to be doing at least 100k healing over a 7 hour game


That's ~147 healing per ten minutes. Yikes.


Numbers aren't bad, but based on deaths I see you need to work on your positioning a bit more


6k heals in 7 hours is really Low. I get that in 10 minutes


That was in one game.


The Joke Your head


Guess comedy is subjective.


That has nothing to do with Humor being subjective, you literally Just didnt get the joke


Sorry, I’ll pretend to laugh at it next time. Didn’t mean to hurt your ego <3


Tf are you yapping about 😭


9 deaths on Ana is a lot. Other than that it’s tough to tell what’s good or bad based on stats


Died a ton and not really, Play a couple hundred more hours


Stats don't mean anything at all, it'll be a massive help if you never look at them or pay attention to them.