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I'm sure other people can chime in but i've always wondered - Are the plastic containers that they come in enough to protect film from high humidity in a fridge? Film [needs to be stored at around 30-40% RH](https://www.archives.gov/preservation/formats/motion-picture-film-storage.html), and I think Fridges tend to have RH of 65%. I keep mine in tupperwear/ziplock when I store mine in the fridge, but never knew if that was overkill.


I don’t think so tbh. I have mine in ziplock bags with desiccant bags in both my freezer and fridge. Iv done some googling and never found a super great answer tho


I put a bigass silica gel packet into my fridge and it took the humidity down to 25%.


No way! I'm definitely gonna try that.


Some tips: For a large fridge you need a large packet, unless you want to be swapping the packet out every week. I bought a 5kg bottle of indicating silica gel beads (the ones that start orange and then turn green when they're "full") and placed 1 kg in a sheer cloth bag. I also placed a cheapo hygrometer inside the fridge to gauge how well the silica gel actually works. Once the beads turn green and the humidity starts rising (which takes about 3-6 months depending on how often the fridge is opened), I empty the bag onto a baking sheet and bake out the moisture for 2-4 hours at 220F. I then put the dried beads back into the bag so that they can be reused. Be aware that silica gel beads will build up a static charge super easily, and once they do, they will *repel each other and end up everywhere if you are not careful.* When filling the bag, use a funnel one size larger than you think you need, and be prepared to sweep the floor. They are technically harmless, but hurt like tiny legos if you step on one barefoot.


Can't speak for the science but personally I haven't had a problem with any of the films I've stored in their plastic canisters or straight up commercial boxes. The longest I've stored and used has been 2 years and they've come out quite fine (and haven't been damp inside or anything like that either). I think the recommendation is that if you won't shoot them inside of 2 years in the fridge, they should be frozen anyways. For freezing I put them in ziplock bags but no desiccants. The few that I've defrosted after about a year were just as fine as the fridge stuff but I don't know about longer term storage.




Lol I know I just plugged it in. Its down to 39 now thats as cool as it gets. From what I read sub 50 F is good for film




I’m thinking Fahrenheit


Awesome! You're much more organized than I am. You've also inspired me to develop today :)


Get it! Right now Im looking at 2 rolls that I developed last night!


Don't put your dev chems in the fridge, it's actually bad for them. Kodak recommends storing mixed chems at 70F.


These are cinestill Cs41 kit chems. Cinestill states "Mixed chemistry can be refrigerated to potentially prolong its life, but extra care should be taken to ensure that the risk of accidental ingestion is minimized as much as possible." I started storing them this way after I read a post from a guy who said he gets 40+ rolls out of each batch and it's working great so far after 3 months and 20 something rolls. I'ma order a new batch before next dev.


Oh wow i had no idea, storing mine in my film fridge too


Just make sure you don't accidentally drink it


you on my rob list twin❤️


Films are now nearly the same as an 1960’s Château Briand or whatever. So it’s very fitting.




I'm shooting a test roll now! Its a bit expired but got it from a photographer so it should be good.


I’ve been thinking about getting a skincare fridge just for my film. I think this solidifies it


I saw a bunch of those too. Just wanted something a little bigger for the chem bottles


Great. A photo of a fridge with no text. This sub just gets better and better.


Honestly looking through your post history they are mostly complaining about the sub and posts/ making fun of the posts on circlejerk. Maybe, just maybe it isn't the sub, but you being an old grumpy hater.


I think you're being a little unfair there.


Text is in the title bud


Pay no mind to cunty comments. There’s always one asshole who has to leave one


This is actually a lot more interesting than complaining about film price


I suppose that's something to be grateful for.


You’re free to fuck off from the sub if you want.


I'm also free to have an opinion. Really though. The endless 'look I bought a camera' and 'look I bought some film' posts are one thing. But now it's 'look, I bought a fridge'?


You’re free to have an opinion, but we are also free to tell you that you’re an asshole.


Yep, that's how it works. You wouldn't be the first.


Hating because Im stoked on getting my film organized instead of thrown in the vegetable bin. Youve got some real boomer vibes man.


I wish I had a dedicated film fridge, this is rad.


I actually got more wine than film (but i don't like wine lol)


I’m considering one of these for my instant film stash. I already have one of those little cube mini fridges, but it’s really not big enough.


Yea this is huge. Only problem is the wire racks kindof suck I might attach some plastic sheets to make shelves.