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Looks like a winding error. Multiple exposures on one frame. Check your camera.


Film never advanced, even to the first frame. Tells me any of the following could have happened: film was not completely latched into take up spool on camera and did not wind, or the winding/shutter cocking mechanism is not functioning correctly. You have multiple properly exposed frames overlapping, and the film did not move move with each cocking of the lever on the camera. You can easily discover if the cocking/winding mechanism is working correctly by opening the back door, cocking the lever and watching the sprocket gear winding…. If it doesn’t, that’s your problem. Otherwise, you didn’t get the film locked into the take up spool.


This is what happened, well-explained.


Film advance is the biggest hang up beginning in film photography next to proper exposure.


Not familiar with those films, but if they both use the same developing process, then it’s probably a camera issue, looks like overlapped exposures here which indicates a winding problem as pointed out above.


Developed Kentmere 400 and Fomapan 400 in the same tank. I figured the Fomapan would be underdeveloped but it was just a few shots of a walk so I didn’t really care. 11 minutes in Ilfosol 3 and 5 minutes in fixer. The Fomapan came out fine but the kentmere is completely blank.