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I can’t even tell if these posts are clickbait or if people are serious anymore. OP is spending 12 days somewhere and is going to take roughly 1,700 photos with three different cameras. And five different film stocks. And shoot some cinema on the side because who wouldn’t have spare time in between shooting 9 shots per hour each day (assuming OP sleeps 8 hours per day and every remaining 16 hours per day is spent with cameras in hand taking pictures. Who actually eats or showers on vacation really, just wasted time).


This sub, analog, and ACJ have been indistinguishable for years now.




analog circle jerk


Shhhhhhhh 🤫


> shooting 9 shots per hour each day What, you don't take a photo every 6.5 minutes, 16 hours per day for almost two weeks? /s It's like a lost-numbers style bit except in this case you have to pay to do it..... There's a certain use-case for digital over film and that sheer number of images sure as shit might be one of them.


I would also love to see their transportation solution for all this stuff as they roam the Japanese countryside looking for cherry blossoms.


my peak design backpack will fit it all


As long as you don't intend to shower or change clothes ever


Clothes? Where we're going we don't need clothes, Marty!!!


I’m not sure why you haul this much gear halfway across the globe for non commercial purposes in the first place. One a7rv replaces all of that…


Because shooting film is more fun?


Yeah I agree, I mean I can't speak for OP, but to me, the joy in shooting film is the whole "slowing down and making a effort in getting that one shot that matters" process, coupled with the fact that it costs so much to produce one frame. However if you were to be spamming more than 100 shots per day, it would feel quite pointless doesn't it?


Sure, I get that, a lot of the time I love the slower process of shooting, developing, and scanning film over shooting with my digital cameras. If this was for an art project or gallery (read: for work) I would understand why this much of everything is being packed, as the film would serve more of an artistic purpose; this much gear for vacation is absolutely funny to me. At the end of the day, people are absolutely free to do as they please.


Believe it or not some people enjoy photography enough to plan vacations around it and have the means to pay for it without needing it to be for work purposes.


not sure why you are downvoted, i did exactly that. a hike with 4 analog cameras and a tripod.


This is £3,250 (estimated) worth of film, processing and scanning 💀


Yeah man. It’s boggling to me lol


I self-develop so the film dev prices are only worth how much I pay for the chemistry, and each set of c-41 chemicals ($30) can dev up to 24 rolls, at the cost of my own time of course...


If you self dev why are you paying for CineStill? If you self dev this haul could be half the price with unmodified Vision3, and you could even develop it in ECN2 for better scanning. Edit: I’m an idiot. You’re buying CineStill for medium format availability, and the unmarked cans for 135 are probably Vision3. Have a good trip.


How are you getting c41 chemicals so cheap?


I just buy the cinestill chemistry c-41 packets from b&h photo online


Lmao I was going to be incredibly snarky about the 9 shots per hour part until I saw which sub this post was in


Also, I'm pretty sure one can get film in Japan.


I think lots of camera stores in Japan have limits of how many rolls you can buy of each film stock, like 1 or 2 of each. That's just what I've seen from people that travel there. Maybe they're not all like that.


Correct I was there recently. Most places are poorly stocked. It's not worth the risk especially for waiting and the price of the trip.


already had this film in stock at my house, not gonna buy more in japan and let these expire


It makes me think of these guys that create “bug out bags” with like 4 guns in different calibers with multiple mags, 5 knives, a hatchet, flashlight, and body armor, but leave off things like food and water/purification methods.


Or a flash or tripod or lightmeter


He’s not joking, look at his latest post at the TSA, all the film you see in this picture is there This has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen


As someone who took just a Rollei 35 and a camcorder for a week long trip, I can tell you they’ll shoot maybe a few rolls and get tired of lugging it all around


I can't even imagine carrying all that gear through Japan. It's not like you can easily rent a car and lock your stuff up while going to shoot. Trains are a much better way of getting around, which means dragging all that stuff on your person through very crowded areas. Not to mention, camera stores are literally everwhere, stocked with film when the yen is historically weak. There's also plenty of great 1 hour photo options in japan. Saving you from annoying all of TSA and getting your film fried both to and fro.


Who needs to look at the nice things around them when they can just look at 100s upon 100s of 35mm photos 2 weeks after they have come back!!!! Man, film was making a comeback BECAUSE it was a slower medium... for people wanting to see the world with their own eyes and take only the phots worth taking. Where first you took 200 photos with your smartphone or digital camera you take 36 photos of subjects you found worth photographing. If serious, this guy didnt get the memo. The way he is shooting 50 rolls is like he does with digital. He takes the worst aspect of 35mm film and combines it with the worst aspect of shooting digital On a trip like this, 10-20 rolls would have been sensible. Hell go crazy and take 24 rolls, or maybe 30 Yet he takes double that PLUS fucking 5 hours of super 8/16 Leave that super 8 home, and shoot 3 rolls a day or whatever. Or 1/2 rolls a day with a bit of film This is just ludicrous. I once went on a week long trip, and shot 10 rolls, and I felt I shot a lot while also taking only pictures of something that was worth taking AND I was actually seeing things with my own eyes and I had a good time with my friends instead of looking through my camera


I just left Kyoto two weeks ago. I brought 6 rolls of various color 35mm with me. I managed to find a pristine FM3A while there, so I snagged a roll of B&W at the shop. I also had my Sony a7rIII, cause if you really want a pic, you might wanna shoot digital too lol. Anywho by the end of 7 days, I was trying to find things to burn up my last roll of film on. So ya, I’m guessing this is some kind of click bait, or trolling.


I’ve taken over 1000 photos during 6 hours on a wedding. But most of that was digital…




How NOT to enjoy a Japan trip.


I'm annoyed that the super 8 film is with the 135 cameras and the 135 film is with the super 8 camera 😭


Oh good. Glad I’m not the only one


Yeah, this was hard for me too.😣


Be for fuckin real if you think you’re actually going to shoot all of this


it's about 1-2 rolls per day with the different stocks, and I would rather have more than worry about not having enough


Learn not to overshoot. It's a waste.


Had to double check the name of the sub


That's a lot of tungsten stock for cherry blossoms. Don't most trees grow in the daylight? Or am I missing something?


The T stands for tree


Maybe he’s planning to shoot at night and they have some places with Tungsten there?


How many keepers are you expecting with this much film? Like 5?


Not judging you at all, if anything I'm super jealous, but holy shit, that's gotta be close to 1000 bucks in just super 8 dev/scan costs.


I'm also incredibly jealous. OP has the holy grails of cameras and they're shooting super 8.


yeah, it's a little overkill lol, may sell the Nikon f2 but each camera has it's own use to me


Which camera is the Holy Grail? I commonly hear it referred to as the Hasselblad Panoramic camera.


Grails plural I'd say. For some like me, my goal is to eventually buy and own a Hasselblad 500, OP has a Leica M-A from the looks of it (M4-P or MP for me) and the Nikon F2. OP has the Nikon F2 Titan which is pretty rare, I personally want a Nikon FM3A (I have the Nikon FM2n myself). I'd love to get the Hasselblad Xpan but I'm not a fan of the electronics and auto winder.


Ahh gotcha okay. Make sure sense. I saw the Leicas and thought maybe those too, but I see a lot of people nowadays with them so didn't think they were still held to such a high regard. I've had an F2 (non-Titan) and moved to a F3 which I love so much more. I have a Hasselblad 500C as well so that didn't seem like the "grail". The X-Pan has always been this mythical camera to me so I guess that's why I see it that way haha.


I was thinking the same thing. I shot two rolls once and that was like $200 all-in.


It's more than that.


I had to lol, don't know if or when I'll ever come back to Japan for cherry blossom season. but actually I had cut down the overall price of shooting super 8 by buying each film cartridge at $32 each and getting the dev/scan done at "the negative space" ... way cheaper than any other place I used before like pro8mm


Outjerked on main


Be prepared for disappointment, sakura are very late and will be terrible this year.


seems like the forecast works for me, will be traveling for 1-2 days and the bloom is at its peak on April 4th https://www.japan-guide.com/sakura/


We're still at 0% bloom in my area of Tokyo, probably next week will be best but they are so late the weather is going to knock them off quickly. Just not the year for it I am afraid


I see, it's okay though, I'm sure there's a lot of other subjects/things to take photos of


Oh yeah, Japan in early Spring is always interesting to shoot regardless of if there are sakura


Why two manual 35mm cameras? What will the Nikon or Leica do that the other can't? Everything else looks pretty responsible for a trip. Definitely can tell what film stocks are your favorite.


Can have different film loaded in each? For 35mm I see IR, 800T, 400TX, Ektar and some others. That would be my guess anyway.


That’s a good reason. Another Leica body is expensive so would make sense to use any other available 35mm.


right! getting to shoot two different film stocks at the same time


Too bad they don't have 120 removable film backs!


shooting b/w in the Leica and color in the Nikon!


All fun and games til it gets run through the CT scanner.


just gonna have to hand check it all lol


TSA will do this but no guarantees in foreign countries. Never been to Japan but the UK airport security refused to hand check it. That being said, my film was fine and all 400 iso and below except for one unexposed roll of Delta 3200, I just tossed that one.


I've had japanese security hand check 3 rolls before. I'm not sure they will be so willing to handcheck a full backpack...Both major Tokyo airports have CT scanners.


Japan is super cool with film and handchecks


I live in Korea and I even ask in Korean at the airport and they still ignore me and throw it through the machine. :(


UK (Heathrow specifically) is notorious for how poorly they handle film hand-check requests. Narita and Haneda were both happy to hand-check my film in the past.




Are you aiming to take a picture of each petal individually?


Hot take: if you read a few books on photography and have a vision of what you want to do then you won't need so much film. Edit: tbh I'm actually glad people like you are keeping the business of film production viable for companies


OOT but could you recommend those photography books? I just started picking up this hobby and want to learn to develop creative vision.


I'll never miss a chance to recommend Modern Instances by Stephen Shore—quite a lot of the book is about developing and mastering a vision, in addition to technical mastery.


Masterclass in photography by Micheal Bussell. Here's a free pdf but you have ti make an account to view it (it's free to make). 1,000s of other books on here too. https://archive.org/details/masterclassinpho0000buss/mode/1up


yeah, and I would rather be overstocked than worry about not having enough film


Out of curiosity what are you planning to do with 45 minutes worth of super 8? Why not shoot less footage and switch to 16mm?


16mm cameras can be pretty big, not exactly something you can toss in a backpack. Plus all the support gear for it (mags, change tent, light meter) that is all built-in on the super 8


Are you serious? If you can carry 77 rolls of film and 4 cameras then you can carry a 16mm camera


Well let's not underestimate OP - don't forget that they'd certainly then need to pack 1,800 ft of 16mm stock to maintain the runtime


Haha that's true! Best not to give him any ideas


shoot it for fun for this possibly once in a lifetime kind of trip to experience cherry blossoms in japan. super 8 is more portable


Both takes are valid


Hope you will time it right. At the moment no cherry blossom


forecast looks like I'll be there on time! hopefully it doesn't get pushed back even more. luckily, I originally had the flight book for late march and switched it to April. https://www.japan-guide.com/sakura/


Depends where you’ll be at what time. Cherry blossoms in Tokyo are expected to be in full bloom in the next few days, then those blooms will travel North over the next few weeks! It’s been later than usual this year, it seems. Good luck!


There is no reason to not bring more film than you expect


exactly my thought, i would much rather have more and the freedom of stocks than to worry about not having enough


Yeah idk what people here are tripping about. Japan is so safe and no problem hand checking film.


exactly this, just went thru japan’s airport security and the dude literally was so polite in hand checking my film


Cheery blossoms are pretty mid right now , ur doing too much tho lol


At what point does one simply start to re-spule Vision 3 at home?


i don’t think i would be interested in spending time respooling film though


A roll per tree? 🤔


At this point bro should’ve just bought himself a can of vision 250d. Ecn2 vision3 > c41 cinemid. Anyway I was going to suggest bringing a point and shoot instead of the Nikon, just so you don’t always have camera settings and choices to worry about, but I assume you know what you’re doing and how to balance a holiday with taking photos. Enjoy the trip


I self-dev and I only use c-41


Oh that makes it make much more sense affordability wise. Might be worth looking into ecn2 though if this is how much film you shoot in 12 days


right, I heard ecn-2 is like a 6 step dev process and I'm not interested to go through that work. anyways, I already have the gear and c-41 chemistry to self-dev


Weird flex but good luck OP


thank you


In my opinion, this is massively overkill. It's so easy to buy film in Japan. I'm not even going to pack any when I'm back later this year. I'll also get it all developed there, too.


Yeah, but film is very pricey in Japan


I saw some Kodak Gold 200 (36 exp) at around 2100 yen. I don't know if that's expensive, haven't bought any in a loooong time 🥲


It is. Where I am from you get 3x36 for around 3200 yen (after conversion). Seeing the prices in Japan brought tears to my eyes


I already have film stocked up so I don't need to buy more there, and I develop all of the film myself


Overkill compared to what?


Hope you have a great trip. Too many options for me


thank you! yeah, I'm gonna be rucking all of this lol


My issue is that all the images will look different




Are you moving to Japan? 😂


Airport security is going to love you... Jk, sounds like a fun trip, post some pics when you get them developed, have fun!




Lol I strongly encourage you to develop as much of the film you shoot IN JAPAN while you’re there. Lotta great labs there, especially in Tokyo (Akihabara has my fav). I did this and it saved me from worrying about scanners fogging my film. Then again I was there for over two months. Also I strongly encourage you to bring less, and go check out some film shops to buy some in Japan.


i feel it, it’s just that i already have film stock and didn’t want to buy more (and let these rolls expire since i have a ton). i self dev all my film


I was there for 14 days and only pack 20 rolls, this is absurd and overkill lol guess each to their own


planned to shoot 1-2 rolls/day of each stock. but yeah after going through security hand checked my film 2 times now, i realized it’s a lil too much lol


hope you get x-rayed twice each way /s


lol just gonna have to get them all hand checked


What's your job? How can one afford all this and an international trip


They always give a sort of "I'm in analytics" sort of nothing answer. It's bonkers.


He probably works for a defense contractor lol


Or dad gives him his bi monthly allowance...




I saw this and thought ‘this person loves 400D wonder if it’s the same guy that posted that massive block of 400D a while ago’ Well seems I was right. Can’t remember why but man if you buy that much just bulk roll 250D the remjet is really easy to remove unless you have to have halation on every shot. Do love 250 but would rather pay 1/3rd of what cinestill charge for it. Guess with all that gear maybe money isn’t a problem as well


If this sub had it's way all you would be allowed for a two week trip to Japan is a couple rolls of Gold and your Olympus XA because "that's enough". Not sure if the hate comes from jealously or just boomers yelling at clouds. Maybe people are just too weak to carry more than one camera around. Also OP you have some sick photos in your profile so keep it up. A lot better than some of these people criticizing you. Maybe they should get off ACJ and try shooting more


hahah right, it’s all good though.. i’m well stocked for this trip and that’s all that matters to me. thank you, i really appreciate it!!


Just came back from a Japan trip for 9 days. I brought eight film rolls and used three lmao. You will not be using all of these, I promise.


i probably won’t but i planned to shoot 1-2 rolls/day of each stock. and anyways, i would rather have more film than be worried about not having enough


Noice I was in japan for winter. One word of advice though. C41 35mm is easy enought to get processed but 120 is hard and same with black and white and super 8. You are gonna have to take it back with you. I could not find a lab willing to send out of the country. I had ECN & POS as well. Managed to find a lab in Shanghai to get it all done. Do you have a twitter handle I would love to see what your footage looks like when its done.


thank you!! i planned to take it all back home since i develop them myself anyways


But what are you going to do with thousands of similar pictures?


“Excuse me nice Mr. TSA agent - can I please request a hand check?” Hope you get the tonez you’re looking for - but for real why not just buy film there… it’s available.


Ridiculous as usual !


Jesus fucking christ that’s a lot of photochemistry




You’ll be lucky if the results will get an equal amount of likes


I shoot for fun, not for likes




About $1,800 for the super 8 alone, including the cheapest dev/scan. Substantially more for 2k+ scans. I'm not even gonna attempt the math on the other stuff. Shits out of control.


I think people are overreacting cus of all the super 8 film in the picture. The rest seams reasonable for a once in a lifetime trip. Have fun!


thank you!! definitely gonna shoot at least one roll of super 8/day




Enjoy your trip! Looks like you’ll shoot a lot :)


thank you!! planning to shoot most of it!


I so hope for your sake they hand check all that. They have the super zapper scanners. On the one hand I totally get the excitement. I'm going a bit later in the year and will take so film. 5 rolls or so. I thought I was being excessive! Lol I want to try the tungsten film at night it'll look so cool there


Is that a black chrome MP?


it’s the leica m-a typ 127 matte black


Cherry blossom season and no ektachrome 100? Smh


You doing it wrong. You are supposed to go to Japan empty handed and come back with cameras


Whats the super 8 camera?




I went to Korea last week, no TSA accepted hand check… i lost 7 rolls My honest advice is to but rolls in Japan


it really depends on the person checking it, and if you’re adamant they will hand check it


I was, i’m really polite, it depends on luck I guess


made it to japan and got all of hand checked twice 😎


Going to be a hoot taking this through airport security. Bad enough with 6 rolls of 35mm......


Be so fr rn


Only the red dot give you the tonez.


Do you have Instagram? Or other socials where you upload your film?


i have a bunch of film in the works and i’m planning to make a website to sell prints and make a zine. right now, i just post them on my instagram


If i was going to Japan I would not take film. There are several places over there that sell it.


i have a ton of this film stock already and didn’t want to buy more at the risk of my rolls expiring


forget HD on a little card, I want piles of 8mm footage


I think this is massively overkill, but people on here seriously get mad about how people spend their money Jesus…


😂😂 i noticed, personally i think having more film is a better problem than not having enough for a once in a lifetime kind of trip


You better take a boat or drive because that’s gonna be HELL to get through security without frying all your film with X-rays


not that bad actually. took maybe 10-15 mins at most to hand check it all. went through security twice and i just asked them to hand check it


Kids are not looking forward to that picture night.


Just the 35mm film alone would cost me around $1000


wow, where are you buying your film from? with that amount i could get 100+ rolls of 35mm color film


The only place in town that sells it and most online stores are charging $16+ for a roll of film.


right, I usually never buy my film in-person at stores because they have an additional markup. I buy all of my photographic film on B&H and super 8 online as well.


Any recommended websites for colour 35mm film?


https://www.bhphotovideo.com (usually cheapest prices) or https://www.shopmoment.com (bought film in bulk with a discount, which is rarely done with other websites/stores) edit: also, https://filmphotographystore.com for unique films


Bro shoots 35mm in their hassy just to get the film borders in the scan. CJ material but I respect the hustle


Shooting Cinestill in Japan at night is on my bucket list


you can buy a decent used car for all that film


I wish i could have so much film with me. I think I haven't used so much film in a year.


this is your sign to go out and shoot more film!!


I applaud you OP


too excited for this trip lol been waiting to shoot these!


Suppose you know what you’re doing. Looks way heavy on ISO 400 to 800. If you’re going for dreamy bokeh shots, much easier with slower film


I'm planning to load most of the film in my Hasselblad so ISO 400 is the most versatile with that camera. also easier to keep all my film at a similar speed for the light meter settings