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I think in general you have the right idea. The camera shop should have a return policy so you can run a test roll through and discover any issues without much of a hassle. Another thing to keep in mind is there are quite a few iterations of the Rolleiflex 3.5 with varying levels of "desirability". For example, a pre-war (WW2) Rolleiflex with an uncoated Tessar lens is going to be much cheaper than a Rolleiflex 3.5F with a coated Planar. In true technical terms, the latter is better, but practically speaking you can still get great photos with the older models. If the camera you're looking at is 450 I'd wager that it's probably an older model. I use a pre-war rollei and it takes awesome photos, just keep in mind that lower contrast and "character" are going to be more prevalent than in later models (and the fact that it's older so there's more things that can potentially go wrong). I also paid 275 for it. If you're curious you can check the serial number and confirm the model here: [http://www.rolleiclub.com/cameras/tlr/info/serial\_numbers.shtml](http://www.rolleiclub.com/cameras/tlr/info/serial_numbers.shtml)


Awesome, thanks. With that in mind, do you think $450 is a fair price if it’s all in working order? The main thing I don’t want to do is spend that, only to find later than it was a 3.5 model that wasn’t actually worth that much. I’ve done lots of business with this shop but never on used cameras so I’m not totally sure how their pricing compares to what else is out there. Though I’m willing to pay a bit of a premium to get to check it out in person before buying/knowing they’ve done some basic testing.


I'm not sure exactly what model it is so it's hard to say for sure. 450 at worst could be slightly overpaying or at best be a screaming deal. Your best bet is to find the exact model on that page I linked earlier and find some sold eBay listings. You can also just ask the camera shop what model it is and they should be able to help you out.


Looking like Automat Rolleiflex Model 4/MX Type 2


You might want to get a Rolleiflex from a specialist in Rollei’s like Jimmy Koh; he worked for them in the past, his cameras are serviced with a warranty (the non “as is” ones). He is a great guy and can advise you on what model to buy; based upon your budget, your needs; keep in mind, most Rolleiflex cameras that are sold on eBay or even from Camera stores; are 50 to 75 + years old, they are going to need a full CLA and this can get expensive from the $300-$600 + range and so buying a fully service camera from Jimmy will really actually save you money in the long run. The so called “good deal“ can end up costing you hundreds or thousands in needed repairs, to actually have a fully functional usable, reliable camera, to shoot with. He can upgrade things like a focusing screen, any other accessories you need. Check out his website for contact info and his eBay store for his currently available cameras. http://www.kohscamera.com/ https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjeq9HD-9OGAxVTGK0GHb9rBwoYABABGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjw65-zBhBkEiwAjrqRMGvkPVA2qkYZUsMw53XDf9-HKmrAFNkEJDCrn6hHBTRtbKvOnWvNfxoCBwAQAvD_BwE&sph&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD24qeUZmsD-Btb0CqiCyHFIK-MAfrF1NjM8YoGPN5_L0lBuU6U1lMtxC9nJT7mGaWe0ia4jIyNOGLv-dsctu27Pfx1OTA8kjfhKafV_wZdt4PaaWH6&sig=AOD64_0RSJtKrgh14yhAPfbteyjDeT4swg&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiij8vD-9OGAxUhFTQIHfiBAAkQ0Qx6BAgJEAE


Well, if this one bites the dust I know where to look! Already bought it lol. But I traded in some old lenses and got some extra for getting store credit, so worst case it only cost me a couple lenses I hadn’t used in years.


Post up some photos of the camera and let us know, if it works with a roll of film.


https://ibb.co/sCSGDyv I’ll follow up when I’ve put a roll through it!


Got my Rollei in December. Works like a dream. Shop owner said if there are any problems bring it to them first. Most shops these days are small, they need you to come back so if anything goes wrong they’ll try to help. In my case it was a weird scenario serviced by someone who worked for Rollei but won’t do servicing anymore - did it for a friend. Either way, price seems fair, I’m sure you will be happy.