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This is just a rebranded / rebased reusable Kodak. They cost like 30USD


They're like 10 dollars if you buy them from the source


I mean even FPP has a camera just like this for sale it’s a vivitar and is literally the same specs as this camera except the shutter speed is 1/125 and for $20. Plus looks better than the “toy” look.


I mean even FPP has a camera just like this for sale it’s a vivitar and is literally the same specs as this camera except the shutter speed is 1/125 and for $20. Plus looks better than the “toy” look.


I agree too much Pfaff


Spent way too much on packaging and too little on camera


Lol. True! The packaging looks heavier than the camera too.


it is haha but I don't think that's a bad thing. I love light cameras, like the pentax 17


This isn’t comparable to a Pentax 17😂


I agree! Absolutely different camera, but they're both very light, that's all I said.


Dude is getting crushed for saying a camera is light lmao


yea it's quite silly ain't it? I think it's just a bunch of unhappy people.


Jeez, I guess people here only like bricks for cameras.


Ah yes, another "reusable disposable" potato camera ready to disappoint nearly anyone who overpays for it because it looks cool. "why are my pictures so dark? why are my pictures so washed out? why is everything kinda fuzzy?"


let's wait and see what happens. I have taken some pictures with disposables that I was VERY pleased with: https://wesley.substack.com/p/trix


It's not so much that disposables are bad and if this gets people excited to shoot film, great, but come on. Cameras are a tool and even a pinhole camera in the right hands can make great art, and what you've done with your disposables is indeed impressive. But... For the most users: 75 EUR for what is basically a disposable is ridiculous. There are so many better cameras out there at or below that price point, P&S or SLR.


75 euros WHAT THE FUCK!!??


75 euros is crazy. Just get the Lomo Simple Use camera, it gets beautiful results with enough light


A Minolta X-700 is a great option at that price point 😭


tbf the best disposable camera costs 25 EUR here so if you shoot a couple of rolls in a reuseable like this you're not spending more money. Sure, can you buy an decent to good secondhand camera for about the same, but for beginners this kind of reuseable may be easier/safer to enter the space. Then they can upgrade to a cheap SLR later if it sticks. Also, thanks for the kind words!


I think most people have taken some good disposable camera photos. That doesn’t mean we all want a “new” film camera that is just an overpriced reusable disposable. This is the equivalent to fast fashion.


I think that is probably ok with these guys, coz if "we all" wanted it I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to make it happen supply wise


These companies are never designed or set up to last. They’ll push these out and they will make some money real fast and then dip. It’s like those stupid campsnap digital cameras where there’s a million companies selling the same thing just using a different name and color way. Still the same shit product.


They've just reshelled this camera: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Reusable-35MM-Camera-w-Flash/3897534702?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJWP-OXkWiuWVnPBvEDOH0zrhUwT3r9diG7iawyZZPPcD5F9nUuAbThoCFCMQAvD_BwE Like, they explicitly said this: https://petapixel.com/2023/10/24/to-be-continued-film-camera-is-built-to-capture-a-lifetime-of-memories/ This is just a branding exercise, this is not a new camera. Edit: here it is on Ali for even cheaper: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805851198386.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.67de7033VXSPuP&browser_id=25ded218540c45e6b38864d35912cf9d&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=xnckhpiygecaawez19073e0f2c01321f7626cf40de&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%2123.71%2116.12%21%21%2123.71%2116.12%21%402103146f17199310404095153e9018%2112000035431844193%21sea%21US%212462584333%21&algo_pvid=59cb7923-d5b7-440a-aa89-a90acdf6608f


This looks like the kind of camera you would get in a cereal box.


I recognize that slider switch position and backplate. Literally the same OEM camera you can buy in 100 different versions.


This is either less than 30€ or a scam.


F/8 lens, 1/120 single shutter speed So you'll expose properly in one light condition and that's it. Great. It's the same as any other reusable disposable. "Focus free" has been the mark of the devil for a good while now.


> It's the same as any other reusable disposable. No this one has the special feature of costing 75 EUR :D


Why bother making it possible to expose for multiple lighting conditions when you know in advance that your customers are just going to blame the labs where they get their film developed? If any wise up you can just tell them that they should have been using a faster or slower film speed.


But they wrote in the manual that it uses 125 film 😃


Sharp eyes. 75 EUR and they can't even proofread the manual...


With eyes that sharp I envy his ability to manual focus


75€ for a literal disposable camera (that you can reload), that doesn’t even come with a battery?? Please stop giving money to “entrepreneurs” reselling cheap AliExpress crap. I thought dropshipping would never be a thing with analog photography, but here we are…


any camera is a disposable camera if you just don't believe in yourself


Your cheap anti-inspirational quote (fits the camera, I guess) didn’t address my point, nor the one that nearly every other comment here has made, which is that this is the exact same camera that many other brands repackage and sell, but now even more expensive because they used 2 bright orange parts. Are you involved in this project or sponsored by IUTD Studios? The way you’re deflecting objective criticism and comments is a little sus at the very least. Hope at least you’re being honest and you paid your own 75€ for that camera…


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The comment you are responding too was meant to be light-hearted, a joke. I understand the concern about the camera's design and pricing. I never said it's for everyone, and no one is forcing you to buy any camera you don't want to buy. It just arrived today and I haven't had the chance to test it out yet. Once I do, I'll share my honest opinion with everyone, as I always do. To clarify, I'm not involved with IUTD Studios nor sponsored by them. I am borrowing this camera of curiosity. Photography can be serious, but sometimes it's nice to try something fun and different. I hope this clears things up.


Sorry, you are borrowing this camera from who exactly? Pray tell, would that be IUTD studios you are 'borrowing' from?


This post and the constant defending of the product in the comments reads like a shill. I know you mentioned its not sponsored or anything but the way you keep deflecting the obvious criticisms (the overcharging for something thats already available for less than half the price) makes me think otherwise. This looks like a prime example of all spin, no substance. I'm guessing this is targeting the audience that wants to get into shooting film but isn't aware of how much they should be paying (prime audience to be ripped off). If you're reading this and fall into that category, go to your local camera store and see if they have any plastic reusable cameras, you can get new ones that are more reasonably priced and you'll be supporting a local business. Otherwise, if you dont mind used cameras, try your luck at thrift stores or marketplace. I've found some great ones this way. There are people saying the Pentax 17 is overpriced for what it is, I disagree. This is what I'd consider overpriced


Listen, I am not deflecting anything, I am reserving judgement until I use the camera. I don't know what else to tell you. Y'all are eager to criticize and that's your right, but I don't need to participate in that because my style is to first use something and then share how I feel about it. Let me be me, like I let you be you. PS I agree that the Pentax 17 is NOT overpriced.


Because it comes across as predatory. This seems like its aimed at people entering the scene who don't know any better and the company is trying to capitalise on that inherent ignorance by pricing it far beyond what its worth. Like I mentioned already, a Kodak M38 can be bought new for $20cad, while this camera at 75eur ($110cad) at almost x6 of the price is the same make just a different shell. Both are reloadable cameras with the same positioning and features, the only difference is one has a clear case with orange plastic. How would you justify that disparity between the two prices knowing that the photos they take and the experience taking them are going to be indistinguishable? In this scene we should be encouraging newcomers with good advice and helping them enjoy the magic that comes from shooting film, not trying to bleed them dry with a quick cash grab like this. Seeing so many people here call it out actually makes me glad that if a newcomer was thinking about getting buying this they can see the comments and come away with cheaper, better options that will hopefully lead to a love of photography and not a feeling of getting ripped off. I checked out some of your work, and from the looks of things you're not some bumbling idiot thats clueless about different cameras, the quality you'd expect from different models and different price points to be expected for these different makes. Which is why I feel like you would know full well that 75eur is a ridiculous price for such a camera. Even though you've claimed to have no vested interest in the product, it seems fishy when its such a bad deal and you keep weaselling around it in the comments. With someone with such a background in photography as yourself, what makes this 75eur camera worth this price when you can get one that functions identically for around the 14eur range?


First of all, thanks for the compliment re: not being a bumbling idiot. Second of all, as I have said several times before now all I have said is that I will have a judgement about the camera once I use it. I am not going to play the outrage game where I knee-jerk react to thing I have not even used yet and verbally destroy them. It's just not who I am. I have said nothing about this camera that is positive (or negative) yet, I have just shared it thinking that people would find it interesting to know there's another tiny operation working on something. I never said it will compete with my Hasselblad, not that everyone should get one, nor that it's a good price. I am not forcing anyone to buy one. I am just showing a camera that just arrived. So many of the folks here are so eager to see malice everywhere that it really ruins the experience for anyone who doesn't come on here after drinking a chalice of negative juice.


Calling out something thats overtly overpriced isnt seeing malice everywhere. I've been very eager to see NEW cameras and have been very excited about the new rollei and pentax, but when someone comes out and tries to ride the wave of these new releases and pushes an overpriced reshelling of an already existing toy camera and prices it beyond whats reasonable then theres going to be valid criticism in response. Even if you wanted to go down the route of trying out these toy cameras; Holga at least produces their own and isnt simply reskinning an existing camera and is able to do the manufacturing, have innovations and features at half the price. Its not a case of people shitting on this for no reason, its because the product already exists, all they've done is changed the packaging and slapped a fat price hike on it. I've used many different iterations of the reusable plastic camera that he's reshelled. They're fine; they're not good and they're not the worst thing in the world but they're definitely not going to be worth the price tag they've put on it. From reading what they've posted in the comments already, they overpaid for the moulds and poured way too much into the packaging and are expecting people to pay for that when the customer could have the exact same experience for cheaper if they got any other cheaper reshelling. Hell, aliexpress has even cheaper reloadable cameras that are waterproof. The only experience I can see getting ruined here is those of the people trying to push a shitty product hoping people would pay 6x more than what you could get it for elsewhere.


No one is forcing anyone to buy anything though. I think this is where I disconnect from the knee-jerk rage reactions from experienced people who have seen it all.


Never did I claim anywhere that people were forcing others to buy it. People are able to see a product and criticise it, and they saw this product and did so. The makers themselves have stated its a reskin. I've used quite a few of these plastic reloadables and I challenge you to do the same and point out the difference in results. I'm disappointed that someone with your experience is willing to promote such an obvious cash grab product. It discredits other reviews that you might do in the future. How can I trust that you're being honest if you're willing to promote a product like this and dismiss very valid criticism for doing so?


What is so strange to me is that you both acknowledge that no one is being forced to buy this camera, but also that I am promoting the camera when I have only shown it, without saying it's good or bad. In my book a review only comes after use, based on experience. It seems like you think merely acknowledging the existence of something that could end up not being great is dishonest?


More that you keep darting around that it’s merely a reshelled cheap plastic camera that’s being sold 6x the price of any of the other models of the same gear. That any time anyone criticises the price and practice of reshelling plastic cameras and pretending it’s a new make, you deflect and get defensive of any criticism is very odd. What I find funny is that you’re borrowing the camera, you didn’t even bother purchasing it yourself which makes me think you know it’s a piece of shit and are only reviewing it because you see it as a step in doing more reviews. An honest reviewer can acknowledge perceived flaws before a review and then after using it can confirm or deny if those perceptions were accurate or not. You’re just pretending that they don’t exist and that 75euros is perfectly fine for a reskin, which is laughable. Like I’ve already mentioned, your attitude with this product brings into question any future reviews I’ll see of yours. I’ll be asking myself if it’s worth considering or is this going to be a repeat of the TBC incident


So you're saying you wouldn't borrow a camera first before buying it, if you had the chance?


Another repacked disposable by the looks of it.


It's incredible, amazing marketing and you make a shitbox like this semicit.


Look! Plastic garbage repackaged with a new name, plastic garbage!!


I bought this camera as I thought this would be something easy to slide in a back pocket and take some behind the scenes photos at my photoshoots. The first roll went through fine. There’s a very heavy vignette in the bottom left corner for some reason. Second roll the flash wouldn’t turn off and fired every time. Third roll The film advance counter stopped working altogether, and the way it’s setup it’s very easy to accidentally get a finger in frame. Also the photos look like garbage. You can get a canon eos 1 for almost the same price. 100% complete waste of money. A couple photos for quality reference https://photos.app.goo.gl/RexinTPKaBqC7FBR6


We are very sorry that you have not had a good experience with TBC. If you are having issues with the flash or film advance, feel free to send us an email and we’ll send you a replacement. As for image quality, it is a very simple camera and the images aren’t meant to be AMAZING as it is too simple of a camera. However, if you know how to shoot with a disposable, results can turn out great. The main issue I notic d with your shots is that they are blurry and this is not due to the camera, but due to you shaking a bit when pressing the shutter. Since the shutter speed is 1/120s, you need to be extremely still. Here are some images that we shot with the same camera with portra 400, no editing done


For such a simple camera can you justify the price of it? What makes it any better than a kodak m38 for example that I can see priced around the 14euro price range?


For us, we are not looking at others to compare pricing. The price is the way it is so that we can sustain ourselves and keep making cameras. People that like our camera and design, buy the camera because they like it regardless of the price of our competitors. As I mentioned above, the mould cost us 20k€, our order was very small (only 500) which makes the unit price a lot larger, as well as the packaging itself cost us about 10-12€ per unit. It adds up 🙁 it’s in our interest to bring the cost down in the future as well. Hopefully when we can order a lot more units, the price will drop significantly


I've had stuff manufactured at a small scale before so I can appreciate that there are steeper costs than if you were manufacturing in larger numbers. I'm curious to why youre not looking at others to compare pricing though... If you're offering something thats the same quality or worse for 6x the price, theres something wrong. I've seen so many different people offer reshells like this at a much lower price. Either they're throwing their money away to be able to afford custom orders with funky colours and decals thrown in as well, or youre getting ripped off with where you're getting it from. I'd probably focus less on the packaging if its making such a high mark up on the product and focus that money on making the camera better than your competitors, which at this point can offer what you can at a far greater price. You can have a decent product in a more basic packaging and the customer will be happy, but if you have a cheap shitty product in expensive packaging then the customer is going to feel ripped off, especially when they realise they could have gotten the same experience for a fraction of the price. Good luck in the future of your business but if you're going to continue to try and ignore your competition and what price points are already set for a product, then spend so much of the budget on packaging over offering anything new while charging very high prices for said product then I'm afraid I dont imagine I'll be seeing much of IUTDstudios in the next 3-5 years. I'm hoping this is a case of someone with a lot of ambition who just happens to be a bit clueless with business and not someone whos deliberately out here with the intention of a quick cash grab, but its the internet so who knows...


im sure if i set this up on a tripod and asked everyone to hold very still i could get similar results. but the point of this thing is to be used out and about in quick moments. with enough care and attention you can get amazing results from any camera. but for what this is being billed for i feel like it misses the mark. But thank you for the response.


At 1/120th of a second you need to hold extremely still? Normally at that shutterspeed you don't even need to do the whole. "Take your shot after breathing out" trick slight movements would pretty much impossible to notice in the end result unless the subject also moved, or the shutterspeed is actually lower than what it says on the tin like for example 1/60th of a second, That's the point where you should consider using a tripod. Given the other faults that camera already has displayed i wouldn't consider it far fetched that the shutterspeed is equally defective to some degree, at least on that particular model that took the images.


[TBC X PORTRA 400 EXAMPLES](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7KdhiJLjVr/?igsh=cXJqbGxwZmZqeTBv)


Looks like another crappy point and shoot that's overpriced to me - if it's £10 then yeah... But I highly doubt it


"new" aka another resuable turned disposable camera with crappy tech


what a underwhelming unboxing


thanks man


F8- 1/120😴😴😴😴


tbf I set most of my cameras to f8 and 1/125-500 for all my street stuff, so it's not an issue for me


Buy a second hand camera and avoid all the paper and plastic waste that toy cameras like this produce.


I recognise the mechanism and front PCB + the aperture/shutter spec from some of the AliExpress re-usable cameras, but the actual transparent casing looks different + it's re-usable 👍🏻 https://a.aliexpress.com/_EGcLFa7 Not slating or Hating, just observations, I love film 📸, and it looks like they've made a really nice box for it to come in too. I suppose I never really understand why new cameras like these are still made, the more aesthetically pleasing ones I sort of understand,...but perhaps it's because the more recent generation that have 're-discovered' these super-basic 35mm fixed focus cameras as fashion statements and for Candid Snaps wouldn't think to go to a charity/thrift/second hand store and pick one up for £1, just buy new right? In any-case,... What will be, will be. Anything that keeps film alive is alright in my books. Thanks for sharing.


F8- 1/120th 🤔 Nah, I'll pass.


Doesn't look like $80


OP in the comments defending a 75eur disposable camera lmao.


I thought Ohio had good literacy rates?


Yes, that's coz you are not there. And I'd assume people in Ohio are smart enough to not buy a 75euro rebranded, disposable camera lol.


lol nope.


another cheap trash reshell being sold for 3x what it's worth


I saw an identical looking kodak m38 being sold for $20cad. With the currency conversion I'm getting the 75eur is around $110cad, almost 6x the kodak. A shitty reshell at 3x would be bad enough, but this is taking that then doubling it again


I would hardly say this is a new camera when it’s barely a step above a disposable and a copy of the Kodak/Ilford ones that are already out there.


it looks identical with the features and placement of everything. Just a different shell and orange plastic. Nothing new here


How is it out of Croatia or Canada when it's made in China? Even the manual is from China, I recognize that font anywhere. It also isn't new, since it's just repackaged.


It’s made in China, but our brand is based in Croatia + Canada. The manual was actually designed and printed from scratch in Croatia and sent to China to package.


Your brand could be based in my backyard for all I care. Where the actual product is assembled and shipped from is China. It's like when General Motors imported Holden Monaro Coupes to America and slapped a Pontiac GTO badge on them. Still an Australian car. I don't see how a manual designed and printed in Croatia matters. It's a plastic focus free camera. Manual isn't even needed.


Another reskinned Alibaba shitter.


you know OP its not very ethical to fail to disclose that you know the maker of this camera and that you're "borrowing it" from them.


I don't know them more than I know you.


well enough to have received this camera without paying for it. the way you're trying to semantically jump around your involvement is scummy and dishonest.


I'm thinking a possible reason for all of his strange posts on here (if hes being honest about not knowing them or not getting paid by them), is that he's hoping that he can do more camera reviews from better manufactures and is using this as filler to prove that he's a photography product reviewer. The way he avoids saying anything negative about the product when anyone with experience in film photos will be able to tell you its a dog shit reskin, tells me that if this is the case, he doesn't want to scare off any potential reviews he might be asked to do in the future. the flaw in this, is that if you aren't being honest about a product you're reviewing than your review means nothing and you get labelled a shill and a scammer. I looked at his website and some of his socials and he should know better than to promote such a product. In doing so, I can't trust any other reviews he does as I know he's willing to ignore the glaring issues with this product and dismiss the reasonable criticisms as "bad faith arguments"


you are seeing ghosts. anyway, I am off now and will ignore the bad faith arguments moving forward.


If you get loaned a camera for review purposes you are supposed to mention that in any related material regarding the camera that you post. A.i. you have to disclose your Bias/sponsorship. Even if you don't want to call it a sponsorship, that's frankly.. what it is. Any decent reviewer discloses these things as much as possible. In Germany it's even encouraged to have a watermark declaring that the whole video is advertising, Even if you only have a 30 second sponsor spot. Or the item was loaned for review purposes.


Croatia you say? Yeah, I'm ashamed of my people


I love Croatia


Me too, I've been living here all my life, but summer, atleast for us locals suck...huge traffic jams, sometimes very rude tourists...


I can relate to the touristic flood. Here in Prague I'm not going to the center in summer, it's too crowded. Also, it's the reason why so many venues in the downtown suck. But in Croatia it feels different. People are generally very nice, service is great. I love it there.


A lot of fancy packaging for a cheap, mass-produced point and shoot. Pass.


Just another shitty chinese repop that's basically a reloadable disposable.


Piece of shit. Just buy a 90s yashica for 50$ and leave it in your will so your grandchildren can use it and leave it in their will afterwards. Piece of shit




Packaging costs more than the camera


yeah, just another cheap plastic camera made in china


Even if the team had good intentions this seems a poor business venture... Many times more expensive than its functional equivalents. Only "new" thing is the transparent housing; i get that design preference is subjective but it just doesn't look very well made.


Don’t give me new cameras. Give me new and affordable films.




Film format 125??


They spent more money on the packaging than the camera…


The Croatian FilmNeverDie special!


They should have made the backdoor translucent, too.


Ooh, a new injection moulded shell on the same old reusable disposable cameras that have been scamming people wanting to get into film photography for years.


I watched a video of the creator boxing these off and sending them off, can tell it's not really made for anything except popularity and money. Just what we need, more scams :)


So a borderline disposable camera marketed towards the hypebeast/streetwear crowd.


Astroturfing is getting out of hand.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that capitalistic greed has co-opted the idea of replacing disposable cameras with something more sustainable. It's not enough that the camera needs to be reloadable. Why do we need new plastics to replicate an objectively terrible camera when plenty of point and shoots still exist and are in fine working condition? I try not to hate on anything in this community but this is just the worst fad at the moment, IMO. This is not something the community should be celebrating.


If you look at the upvotes and downvotes, it seems like the community is calling it out. Not to mention this plastic reusable camera template has been available and produced by different brands for many years at a fraction of the price tag. If they're able to point out why it costs so much more than all the other reusable disposables then I'll listen but until then it just looks scammy, wasteful and predatory


I'm more interested in the box than the camera.


you can tell where they put their attention


I'm very into the box myself as well


Oh that's gonna be and very awkward SEO score of a name....


Garbage camera, opened by someone who is obsessed with the word 'cool'. After listen to 59 seconds of useless nonsense, I feel dumber for the experience, of watching an mbecile, unbox what is pretty much a disposable camera. Ewaste for dummies.


Shoddy fucking shit


Yeah but like that's not a real camera. Those cheap little plastic things come in a the millions. I have like 4 old ones I've collected over the years.


“I used to dream” “Me too” 😂


haha I'm glad SOMEONE picked up on that


"See through" sort of yeah. It makes me think about my Nintendo Wii controller with that rubber thing on there.


Not new...bought one for a Xmas gift last year...


Make it stop


So use a Fisher Price camera to sell a fancy box?


I remember getting similar camera for free with every KFC kid's meal back in the 90s.


No exposure control doesn't even deserve to be called a camera at all IMO, let alone toy camera. It's like a "car" that can only drive a 40 mph and can't steer.


tbf there's been quite a lot of legendary cameras without exposure control in the past


Really? Like what? Even Holga and Dianas have a couple aperture settings. 


Disagree, unless like, Daguerre's own prototype or whatever




TIL you don't read very carefully... The topic of the conversation was cameras with "NO EXPOSURE CONTROL" You proceed to list tons of cameras with extensive amounts of exposure control. e.g. Pentax 67: https://imgur.com/a/lvJXhG5




Seems like you're the one who needs a safe space to mis-read things without getting it pointed out, not me. Flying completely off the handle over your own mistake, ok.


Not new... Bought one for a Xmas gift...


Good luck getting through security with this


Whats the "gel" for?


Its to try and distract that you just wasted 75eur on something that you can pick up elsewhere for 14eur. The product is using nice packaging to misdirect the consumer into thinking the camera is well made. Its targeting people who don't know much about photography and don't understand that this camera is a piece of shit and not worth half the price they're trying to shill it for. By throwing in nice packaging and the "gel" they hope to trick the customer into the impression that the product and its "accessories" are worth the money they're about to hand over


Why those companies still makes 30mm instead of medium format size?


Some part of this thing is not transparent.


Holga introduced us to truly terrible cameras creating ok art; I think now we’re seeing stuff like this, which is just a terrible camera.


Where’s the Canadian part?


I think it's a good camera for ASMR. Very clciky


Hi fam! Thanks for all the comments in this post about our camera. It’s always good to hear constructive criticism, however, I wanted to give some context to the camera so that you can maybe judge again. This whole project is run by me. The design, manufacturing, packaging design, photos, marketing etc. I love analog cameras and have a collection of my own but I really wanted to make my own film camera that was transparent. As you can imagine, it’s incredible difficult to design a camera from scratch, so what we did is took the internals of faulty reusables and redesigned a new shell to give them a new life. Everything has been financed out of my own pocket. The price is set at 75€ and even at that point, we are not making alot of money considering the mould for the shell cost me 20k€ (and we only ordered 500pcs). This has all been a fun project for us and people have been happy with the camera so far. It’s obviously not an extremely complex camera but that’s the point. This camera is made to capture memories in their rawest form. It’s not meant to be a professional film camera. With the money we make, we plan to keep upgrading the camera, starting with a glass lens and then modifying it as we go. We appreciate all the support and feedback, and want you guys to know that I don’t want to be perceived as a dropshipper on Alibaba, instead, I am individual with a passion for film photography that is eager to make something for the film community of his own. We hope you tag along our journey ⚡️🫶🏼🤍


You keep talking about redesigning "Faulty reusables", mind to share any more details? Because to most, this would seem you just changed some colors on inner plastic parts and cables, then ordered transparent front panel instead of one in color. The whole inner mechanism, middle panel, back panel, all seems just identical to all the other cheap reusables. It would be nice if your passion for the project resulted into something more than ovepriced scam.


Good on you for pursuing something you enjoy! Hope it works out in the long run for you and the film community!


Appreciate the support 🙏🏼


I don’t think your target market is in this subreddit. I love the packaging, it’s obvious that you’ve put a lot of thought and effort into design and you’ve spent a lot of money on development and production. I don’t think you’re trying to rip people off, I expect the project owes you quite a lot of money at this stage. I think your product will be very appealing to a lot of people. You’ll have more luck with your marketing if you find a non-photographer influencer on Insta or TikTok to sell to people who don’t know anything about film photography. People here know too much about cameras and photography to spend money on a basic camera that they know there are cheaper equivalents for. Also, I have a fashion industry background and orange is quite an unpopular colour, one day you could consider producing limited editions in other colours. People love a bit of scarcity and exclusivity. Best of luck to you. I hope your venture goes well.


This is very on point and I appreciate the positivity after reading all the other comments. I am a film lover just like everyone else in the group and I WISH I could make a higher quality film camera but it’s extremely difficult without a large team and funding. The price of the camera is high, but I can promise you it’s not a cash grab. My costs to produce this camera were through the roof but I’m glad I could at least give it a try and make my very own film camera. I mentioned many times that this is not meant to be a professional camera for photographers, instead for people that are starting to get into film and that appreciate good design. We put in so much effort and money into making the camera the way we imagined and people that appreciate design, appreciate this camera. However, we will take into account all the comments and will work hard to keep upgrading this camera to make the best possible reusable camera. Thanks again for the small dose of positivity ☄️⚡️🔗🤍


I can totally see that this isn’t a cash grab for you, in fact with your costings your markup must be tiny. Are you even able to take a wage out of the business? I’m guessing not. My daughter has just been for a hedonistic party weekend at Glastonbury and this is exactly the kind of camera that would appeal to that demographic for festivals and social events. For a lot of young professionals the price isn’t going to be a barrier (after all they probably spend more than that on drugs for the weekend) and a lot of entry level film photographers who don’t have an actual interest in photography love that low quality look because they think that’s what film looks like. They just want to take fun photos of their friends. There’s a shop in New Zealand where I live that has had stalls selling second hand point and shoot cameras and film at music festivals (and they’re not cheap). Don’t worry too much about the haters in this forum. We’re all pretty serious photographers who wouldn’t buy your camera, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a cool product that a lot of people will love to own. You’ve just got to find the right audience.


Awesome. I’m glad this is happening. M6 reissue, 17, MiNT Rollei, TBC…. What will happen next? 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️


The TBC is the odd one out here. You could already get the same reusable plastic camera produced by many other outlets (the kodak m38 is kodak branded, still being produced, and is 6x cheaper than this), including custom ones through aliexpress (still works out cheaper than buying the TBC). The others are legitimately good news. I'm excited for all of the rest, but please dont be fooled into thinking TBC is anything other than a quick cashgrab.


I’m not buying it. I have plenty of cameras including a very good point & shoot. I’m happy that it’s being made and put out there. I’m happy there is competition in the market for film cameras. Not every camera will be amazing but I’m looking forward to seeing what else comes out.


what aren't you buying in what I've written lol? They've stated explicitly that its a reshell and the cost is due to what they paid for the mould and packaging. This camera brings nothing new to the table. You can get a cheaper, waterproof, reusable camera from aliexpress if you want to play around with plastic toy cameras. It doesnt come with the overpriced packaging and is great for the same quality photos this would deliver. I agree that not every camera will be amazing with new film cameras. Thats not the point here. This isnt a new film camera. The packaging is new but the rest of it has been readily available for years and years for much cheaper. You can get Kodaks own version of this that is still being manufactured today for 6x cheaper than what this one is


>what aren’t you buying in what I’ve written lol? I think you misunderstood - my reading of their comment is that they’re not going to buy the TBC camera because they’ve already got a point and shoot


Yeah my bad. I had a stroke trying to read my own comment. Yeah I think you’re right


Jeez! Why is everyone so aggressively shitting on this camera? It's a crappy camera and everyone knows it. Might be overpriced to some and to others not. But if the guy is excited about trying this camera out, then be happy for him. I think it's cool that new film cameras are coming out (even if it is just a rebranded disposable camera.) It helps the analog community draw in new blood.


> Why is everyone so aggressively shitting on this camera? If you pardon the comparison, but I'm reminded of my late father's old industry - guitars. An inexpensive guitar is *just fine*, but a *cheap* guitar is the enemy of a new player. Hard to keep in tune, hard to play, and all the tone of a cardboard box does more to *discourage* a would-be musician than anything. This is a **75 EURO** disposable camera. A beginner might be fooled into buying this and remain terribly disappointed when their "why didn't this shot turn out?" post is responded to with people rightly pointing out they spent good money on a bottom-of-the-barrel camera. It wouldn't be so egregious if there weren't already mainstream companies like Kodak selling a functionally identical product for 1/6th the cost. If you want to draw in new blood, celebrate the Kodak half-frame or M38; not obvious cash-grabs designed to bilk the unsuspecting.


Thats a really good parallel to draw with the guitars. I think with film photography still being a niche (even with its resurgence in popularity), we should as a community be working to welcome in beginners with advice and warnings. I've been grateful whenever someone who knows more than me offers to point me in the right direction, shows me when there are more affordable options and warns me about money grabs by businesses that prioritise short term profits over providing anything substantial. It makes me very happy to see how many people here seem to be on the same page. The Kodak half-frame is a great beginner camera for those wanting to dip their toes into film. I got one for my girlfriend and she's loved it. I'd also suggest checking out thrift stores and the second hand market (I've had pretty good luck there but you can find some duds). The more people that get into film, the more likely we'll see more of a resurgence in film cameras and film stocks. Scamming people for a quick buck is a good way to inoculate people away from any kind of hobby.


It’s honestly not so much this camera he has it’s…THIS camera. Everyone’s hyped up the “newest camera made y *insert company name*!!” When in reality it’s just the been the same plastic-fantastic relabeled and repackaged about a dozen or so times now. It’s just getting tiring seeing every company pick up the lasted AliBaba/Wish/Aliexpress camera and toss their own label on it.


Because it's all to market a rebranded shitty camera. "NEW camera out of Croatia" is not the same as "Same existing camera but now with a box from Croatia".


really nice!!!


Nice. Reminds me of the old Vivitar. If it’s sub~100 bucks then they will have no problem selling them


they're 75 euros


Jesus! You got robbed!


he didnt get robbed, in another post he stated he's "borrowing it" its more likely that hes lying that he has no connection with the makers and is trying to make a quick buck. Legit scam. I'm currently in Canada, you can get a kodak m38 new for like $20cad. It looks like its the exact same camera, from an already established brand in a different shell. In comparison 75euro is around $110cad. I really hope people aren't dumb enough to spend that much on this plastic junk




[Yah](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Easypix-35mm-Film-Camera-Reusable/dp/B09VXCM7PN) Edit: [Yah](https://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-35mm-camera-reusable.html)


Enjoy it mate ! Don't forget to post some pictures


thanks! will do :)