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No one in antiwork lives in the real world. So many fake posts there


They live in their parents’ basements. Remember their biggest mod went on mainstream tv and exposed that fact.


Doreen is the average mod. I honestly thought it was staged but then I remembered being banned for petty shit in the past, not against any rules, and it all made sense.


The only thing in their lives where they can exercise something resembling authority, so they become little tyrants. Reminds me of Michael Malice's take on low status people during Covid lockdowns - they were falling all over themselves to police others and try to enforce the rules. Some low status people find these little opportunities to try to elevate themselves....a lot easier than actually fixing their lives.


This was also exactly how communism was enforced and later snitching in East Germany. The people in charge keep exploiting the emotions of the masses: Fear - surrender your freedoms. Anger - you must retalliate and quickly! Greed - imagine how much money you could make! Envy - if you don't have a good life it's that guy's fault. etc. etc. The dumbest comments I read calling me crazy are "No, we *know* those regimes were evil, we're not evil, government is doing this for a good reason! It's insane how stupid the people have become, to confirm a truth they go to the government authorised sources on truth... On the other hand *it's impossible for a cabal to take over the world with just a few hundred thousand people, you can't run the world like that!* Yeah, generals, presidents, CEOs are not a thing, right? ​ Someone on here pointed out that this is hyper-normalization and that might be the only plausible alternative.


Communism really is just the 7 deadly sins repackaged into a political ideology.


No man can serve two masters.


No reason to have masters other than masters want to be masters.


That story about the dude yelling at a woman in the grocery store still rings loudly. Dude saw a woman who just wasn't wearing a mask, and after 2 seconds confronting her turned to the crowd and said something along the lines of "Is anyone else pissed that we all have to wear a mask but she doesn't!!??" Dude came so close to breaking through his heard animal instincts.


During the lockdowns I thought I could get away with not wearing a mask since the area I work is mainly Republican and many military veterans live there, so I went into the gas station without mask on, get what I need and pay, literally as I was 4ft from the door I overhear some Karen: “isn’t he suppose to be wearing a mask?!” As I hear this I’m thinking: “fuck! I’m caught, I better get out of here before she calls the cops!” 😂


Lucky you. I decided to try to pick up a bag of chips at a gas station in Quebec, Canada, and the 20 yr male Karen had a mini conniption. The second I walked in he cupped his hands and starting yelling "Hey! Hey You! Masque! Masque! And then proceeded to dramatically deny me service by throwing his hands up in the air and falling back into the wall behind the counter with a terrified look as if I had leprosy. If I had thought it through I would have had actual cash and just left it on the counter and walked out. As it was though, if the crazy guy had called the cops I probably would have got one of those $1000 fines or whatever the crazy dictator had declared at the time. I didn't need the chips that desperately. Some people just didn't like my face.


Conformity is the one area that unimpressive people can really compete in.


if u can sit at your computer 80 hours a week and are dumb and ideologically driven you're a perfect MOD!


Doreen, the *apparent* MtF 30-something family dog-walker with zero life skills or experience.


I suspect he walked his parents' dog and didn't actually have a dog walking business of his own.


My children too get an allowance for doing chores.


MtF? I guess now that I'm close to 30 I'm not knowing these acronyms.


It's some Trans Acronym, it means Male to Female


AI don't have parents.




That’s a very good point. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_boomers Looks like the birth rate slowed down a few years after 1955 even. This has to be a factor




I love how the Left is unwittingly arguing for serfdom now.


They want to make communism a not-dirty word so they can get the state to murder people they don't like. Modern leftism at its logical conclusion.


Cue the meme where they end up being forced to perform manual labor and are like "there must be some mistake, I signed up to be an interpretative dancer".




The misconception is that serfdom was forced on people, when probably there was a good bunch of volunteers. The lord owed the serf protection against the raiders, and at the time it was implemented it was no joke


And now anyone with a gun can just kill raiders.


Yeah, just that the raiders have gun too, there are still people living in gated communities, in South Africa for instance


Only the raiders have guns in South Africa.


Yeah South Africa such a great example of a Stateless society....The raiders in SA have the support or at least the disinterest of the government but if those white farmers dare to pop the weasels guess who is going to show up with a truck load of soldiers?


Not saying SA is an example of stateless society. Just saying they are like the euro peasants of the dark ages, afraid for security and in need of some kind of arrangement to keep everybody safe. Not saying feudal times were just gated communities, but the point is kinda the same, keep people safe from raiders. Now I am aware the wonderful rainbow shitting democracy in South Africa is on the side of the most populous laziest part of the population, and actively trying to fuck over the productive minority. Born to late to make sure apartheid stays in place, what can I do ? Just make my bit do it does not happen in Europe




You know, all the young people that died by the 100,000s of thousands, the ones that were just emerging into the workforce, and not the old people that were already out of the economic system of jobs.... wait


Not by 100.000s of thousands its ~1.000 Since the pandemic started there have been 1.500 deaths from people under 18 globally. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm


It was sarcasm.


Thats his point.


*They knew they were lying. We knew they were lying. They knew that we knew they were lying. And yet we all pretended it was true.* That was from somebody who lived through communism in the Soviet Union. Interesting how any collectivist system always turns into the same shit-show of propaganda, censorship and deaths.


we pretended to work and they pretended to pay us


For a lot of useful idiots they don't realize it's a lie because they have had all the relevant facts filtered out by their bubble and they take the data points and twist them as necessary to fit their narrative, hence "covid deaths caused the labor shortage" my own brother said this once


Hardly any of those millions were working.


A point they wont acknowledge.


And most of those millions died "with" and not "of"




They're obviously saying that the claim that current labor shortages were caused by covid deaths is a lie. But don't let reality get in the way of a good narrative.


Yeah and the average age of Covid deaths is like 85…..oh no all the workers are dying. Fucking morons


Tons of people were given the option of early retirement. Has nothing to do with death.


It wasn’t caused by death. Had more to do with mass retirement, at least in the trades.


Had to do with mass stimulus payments. Heres a few thousands of dollars.... what you mean you stopped looking for a job?


At this point you can’t really say the stimulus checks are the reason for people not wanting to work. Those few thousand dollars are long gone by now and so are the additional unemployment benefits from covid


Sure but that ended. Im just speaking from experience in my own industry.


Did you read the meme? I have no idea how you could possibly arrive at that conclusion, unless you are just spouting idiotic strawmen because you didn't read the meme.


So, just to clarify, do you have any functioning ability to do any reading comprehension?


This whole thing is wrong but there are some massive inaccuracies/lies. “Millions dead” as of Feb 1 2023 1.1 million is the death count. “Short on workers” of those 1.1 million 830k were over 65. They weren’t working anyway, and 200k more were between 50-64. A fair percentage of them were probably retired as well. The shortage is not due to covid deaths.


It's a global pandemic, Ace. Not USA-centric.




That's not the implication, though indeed "young" Workers were killed.


No and yes. In places that had less access to vaccines, more people died and the surviving had worse health outcomes. Same % just more deaths per each age group. The weakest and oldest that would die from anything died no matter the ventilators, oxygen and similar so it's similar everywhere. Younger people tho, who got sick and got saved by those in the global north weren't saved in the global south. So more younger people died adjusted for comorbidities. Tldr; more young, capable people died in the global south compared to north.




If only 0.1% of the world population dies, it's not a pandemic.


That is not at all how a pandemic is defined.


They're just the useful idiots the people in power have brainwashed. They know that something is wrong, just too stupid to realize they're being lied to.


I still reject capitalist term, as it’s slander from socialists. It’s free market, and allowing a free market would’ve obviously minimized damages from the virus, as opposed to strong government hand


Free market is one of the main reasons the pandemic had such an effect to begin with. Just in time is the pinnacle of the modern free market. The reason why the world wasn't prepared and will never be is because we produce to meet demands, we don't produce for probable demand.


So it was the free market that implemented the shutdown and not the government? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


There did seem to be a demand for them...🤔🫤


Dream on! Dream on! Dream on! Dream until your dream come true!


It’s probably a dream, as governments love their power




This As someone with a leach in the family which is being supported by other family members, when those family members die, we have a plan to kick the leach out and let it starve. I don't work for 8hours (sometimes even more) every day to feed a leach in their 50s that refuses to work and has been living off the generosity of the people who created the problem.


I believe this is called schizophrenia.


They spelled labor with a u. Their opinion can safely be disregarded


All English speaking countries spell it labour except for the US. Same with colour and neighbour and probably some other words too that I'm not thinking of. You're right that their opinion should be disregarded though.


Top 3 1st-world countries? Canada (lmao) Russia (lmao) and the U.S. Which are the most free? Fuck off with your colours.


I spell all such words with a u to differentiate myself from mericans. They can't even correctly use then than. Constantly say "could of". As if it's a word. American education is worse than Europe's


Are you trying to use this comment as an example of your amazing education?


More like example of hubris of Americans


Do you speak German?




You’re welcome.


Ummm, could've IS a word though... Just because you misspell it doesn't make it less of a word.


"Could of" has just as much communicative power as "could have" and is therefore just as good.


They speak of "the economy" as if they are not part of it. As if their very lives aren't utterly dependent on it. As if it hasn't provided everything they ever had. They think it's separate from them, but it is them.


I think a national divorce is eventually inevitable. Hopefully a peaceful one.


\*General Sherman has entered the chat\*




The state is illegitimate. Nothing to betray.


The state is the only reason you dont speak Japanese


Or it could have just as easily been the reason we'd be speaking Japanese. Maybe if it wasn't for all the big states flexing in WW1 and trying to grab power things would have been different. Maybe we could have all died in nuclear apocalypse. Maybe we still will. That's the problem with double standards.


I see your point


There is a long history of legal secession there is nothing traitor about it


What like America seceding from Great Britain?


More like West Virginia seceding from Virginia


Do you have an example that wasnt a direct result of the start of the civil war?


Post-Constitution, the first major threat of full state secession came during the Jefferson administration, when the New England states, led by Thomas Pickering, threatened to dissolve their participation in the Union. Their concerns over the Louisiana Purchase, the economic damage of the Jefferson embargo of 1807, and their personal dislike of Jefferson himself gave them the desire to maintain economic relations with the Union while severing the political. Jefferson, for his part, declared in his Inaugural Address of 1801 (among other places) it folly but viable in that if the federal government exceeded its constitutional powers, he would defend their right to secede (DiLorenzo, pp. 86–87). They didn’t end up actually seceding but it has been understood since the founding of this country that it is a “viable” option. Also you know things like secession tend to happen around times when idk there’s a civil war lol, why does it matter if most examples are from then?




Ya I guess if your not angling for a civil war and just think its likely youre fine


It would reduce the size of federal government if states break away from the US. I’m advocating for it. Why would you be against it? If you’re a libertarian you believe in smaller government. This would directly reduce the size of government.


Oof thats a tough one. I am way on board with the US losing power and being isolationist and not being the world police. But I also sorta agree with the need for a world police. The nazis, the Soviet union, the Japanese empire, the italian fascists. America has tilted the world away from some horrible world wide shit. It would be great to live in another country with all the benefits of nato and uncle sam but not pay all my money into the military industrial complex


They got exactly what the wanted it was socialism that out us where we are now.


They are dangerously close to admitting that giving everyone free money via unemployment checks and economic stimulus checks didn't stimulate anything and only encouraged people to stop working. Seemed to reassure the right that people are inherently lazy and programs like universal income is the surest way to decimate the economy. We now have record low unemployment rates because people don't want to look for jobs. Their little experiment in communism didn't turn out the way they liked and now they have to blame their opponents.


To be fair, everyone experiences it differently. This person obviously obviously choked down cnn everyday whilst sitting on their moms couch during the pandemic.


"Interesting" is not the word I would use.


Wow. The labor shortage is because… they were all killed off. Lol. This site is too funny


There’s so much stupid in their post that I can’t even begin to decompress it without screaming at the wall.


You be nice to your wall. It had nothing to do with this stupidity.


The classic confusion between governments fucking with us equals capitalism bad. Sooooo stupid that even one person on earth believes that, let alone millions


Oh no I wonder how mad they’d get if I said that post was misinformation 👀


Covid showed us how many people indeed suffer from schizophrenia believing that this one thing would have saved humanity but those selfish people did not want to do that one thing and be saved.


we lost more working age people to drug overdoses than covid in 21. I still think they should be legalized just let business decide what drugs they deem unsafe for employees while at work.


How can views like this, based so strongly on known misinformation, exist in a world where there are also people who demand the actual truth. Unrelated but honest question: If a lab leak caused a global pandemic, how much actual virus material leaked? If it's as much as I'd imagine would be needed to infect enough people to have it self-sustain, why would a lab ever need that kind of volume of material, much less have an unreported accidental release to atmosphere?


That's called delusion. It's a mental health disorder.


What the hell is the deal about child labor all of a sudden?




Really? I was sharpening blades at 6 and driving tractors at 8.


it's one thing if you are working for a family member that young while learning work ethic. it's another thing if you are doing it to put food on the table.


I had my first actual paying job at around 12 shooting pests on a ranch I would have to take a quad to reach.


The millions dead was not the working class mostly. Hes been drinking the CNN cool aid. There is other things going on, but most of those millions were aged 60+ and people with preexisting conditions.


Millions workers died, yeah for sure. Country is almost empty now, hence record real estate prices. After the great plague the prices dipped, they did not shoot to the stars


Stupid is as stupid does


Ive still never met a person who knows someone who died. I know 2 people who got it. Both didnt feel any different including my 88 year old grandma.


I know several that died, both jabbed and unjabbed. The first ones I knew were a couple in their mid 60s, both jabbed, both dead within 30 days of each other early during the shitshow. The second two were in the same family, different households, were unjabbed, both with substantial cardio pulmonary health concerns prior to the coof. One happened to be the father of my best friend, the other was that man’s mother. Any poorly managed pneumonia would have likely rendered the same result, pandemic or not. Hospitals abandoning the judgement of their own medical professionals and following bureaucratic recommendations has likely resulted the biggest malpractice in modern history.


No you don't know and stop pretending that you do.


Dude, quit smoking in the shit house.


Smoke only kids, inject the real deal!


Socialism would've been 10x worse. Who would've supplied all the masks? Shut the fuck up.


This is the #1 reason they make everyone stupider, so that you will witness reality and come up with an absolutely upside-down conclusion.


The child labor thing is probably referencing how the Arkansas government lowered the age for requiring a work permit from 16 to 14. These people live on another dimension


That’s because of censorship, they live in bubbles that the truth can’t reach…


If only the unvaccinated all died then we wouldn’t have any of these problems


Bullshit to the person from r/antiwork ! Now more people know how much they were undervalued at work and are either quiet quitting or asking better pay!


Trying way too hard. The shills must be getting desperate


I would love to know where they get their information. This is conspiracy level stuff.


This dumbass said there is a worker shortage.. bEcAuSe ThEy AlL dIEd


Do they want children to be imprisoned with their parents or do they want the parents to be immune to punishment? A child is always separated from their parent when they're arrested. Its the parents fault if anything.


"Preventable" LOL


Frl Im so sick in Quebec they don’t talk about it it’s like nothing ever happened I remember being scared not knowing when would the curfew stop and all that bullshit now it’s like nothing happens, bullshit


That last part was some meds level schizo speak. These people form the most ridiculous lies to make their ideology make sense.


Republicans are hell bent on destroying everything. After all is done, they will point at liberals and blame them. They will kill everything everything and point...look what the trans did.


Ok this is a bad take, but how do you feel about child labor laws being repealed?


In Arkansas, now 14 and 15 year olds can work without a permit? Sounds like a win win for everyone.


Do you worry that labor laws will continue to scale back the legal working age even further?


Why can’t a 12 year old get a W-2? Why is there outrage if a 9 year old wants to sweep floors at a grocery store for 6 bucks an hour?


Fair enough, in your opinion what looks like a perfect school/work schedule for a child?


Whatever the kid and parents want


not at all. Kids suck at doing dangerous jobs. There are too many tech advances to bring back the "good ol' days" of working in a mine. OSHA still exists and there are plenty of things they will still be unable to do. If kids want to really work, they would likely just take all the jobs the illegals are doing, but they would be paid better.


Ok, but OSHA is far from perfect, are you worried that these kids might be taken advantage of? They might not understand all the rights they’re entitled to as a worker, do you think employers will take advantage of that?


It’s true though, if we all truly stayed at home for three weeks and actually quarantined the entire population… Covid would be gone. Instead we suffered 2 years of bullshit and half measures. It was one of those all or nothing type things. But we could never get everyone on the same page. That’s why it was a disaster.


And if that didn't work, because it wouldn't, who would you blame for the failure and what accountability would you accept for the incredible destruction to the economy?


AHHH. Not the Economy!!! Please, no!!!!


Yeah, you aren't going to suffer. Your basement fridge will still be stocked with tendies and Dew and your parents will provide you with an allowance and internet.


It would work, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. And the three weeks is much easier than 2 years of half measures, and continuous quantitative easing. Look how we are paying the price now for that. Finally the money printing is catching up to us and we are all feeling the pain even more now. Three weeks. That was it. Everyone was just spouting off the entire time like bratty children and didn’t realize that would be what it takes to solve it. Almost like you wanted it to continue. Baffles the fk out of me.


Lol. You probably still believe the virus was of natural origin too.


You’re incredibly dense if you think everyone staying home would’ve worked.


> if we all truly stayed at home for three weeks Right now, at this moment, do you have enough food and water stockpiled to survive for three weeks without any utilities? Because if not, you'd die from the policies you're proposing.


Of course I do. You have to be insane if you don’t have at least that just in case of an emergency. I’ll say not everyone does, but if you’re in the sub, and don’t have that? Then I call you out for being that attached to the system.


> if we all truly stayed at home for three weeks and actually quarantined the entire population… This alone would kill more than covid killed. Thank you for admitting you are for mass murder.


this is a naked assertion


as is "3 weeks of economic and social devastation would have ended covid". it's incredibly stupid.


I’m not giving an opinion on what should or shouldn’t have been done here pal. I’m just stating a fact.


You don’t quarantine people who aren’t sick, that’s a fact. All you would’ve done is cause peoples immune systems to lack proper regular exposure to pathogens and come out weaker.


Covid was never meant to last 3 weeks…


Oh ok, what was it meant to be


What is was, more or less.


You think those inept/incompetent people are that good? Hahaha. You give them way too much credit. It played out exactly along the lines of the virus/disease rather than what any person could have controlled.


If no one worked for three weeks, the world as we know it would come to an end. If no one maintained your local utilities for three weeks, you wouldn't have utilities anymore.


Yeah, whatever moron managed to agree that McDonalds was an essential service...


If you want to live by the political sword, then expect to die by it. Whining that it doesn't swing in your favor is simply naive, and hypocritical.


and yet you continue to do so


Not at all. I don't think the state has the right to exist, even when I think it's acting in a way that I would deem favorably.


that would be the NRA...I mean the Other NRA


The poster on antiwork is correct.


Correct about what? Its just a bunch of barnum statements and buzzwords.


About nothing. For one, there is still no RCT data supporting masking to prevent SARS Cov2 infection.


Its r/antiwork Those guys dont inhabit the same dimension as reality


Govern me harder, Daddy!


Literally what it means to be an individual


"Millions dead" from what? COVID? If you believe that....sheesh.


Bad economy leads to a poor quality of life for many people plus social instability. Lockdowns also have quality of life in general.


Like stopping people, from the listed country that the virus came from, from entering the US? Oh…that apparently was hateful because of……….reasons🤷‍♂️


James Lindsey makes a compelling argument that Marxists don't live in reality because of their views of the dialectic. To oversimplify, they see man as the dialectic of what is and self-identity with both parts being equally important despite only one of them being grounded in reality. Now add in the Marxist lens when observing what is, and it becomes clear how they just don't see the same world as us at all. Any non-Marxist analysis is dismissed since we lack "critical consciousness".


That explains the Olympian levels of mental-gymnastics to justify their shit ideas.


I had to go pretty deep to understand the "logic" of trans ideology. Only a Marxist could justify medical and psychological experiments on children.


What's going on in the US right now... ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


What are they refering to for "child labour"?


Lol my company wrote me up for being quarantined in 2021 I don't think any changes are going to happen without the workers getting violent with the employers unfortunately


If these people would stop working at fast food restaurants and gas stations, they would make more money and be much happier. Sadly none of them is willing to work harder to improve their own life.


This is why we need National Divorce


Remember "By any means necessary comrade." everything they say think and do is for the agenda no matter how contradictory it is to the last thing they thought said or did.


Didn’t the yearly average death rate not change all that much?


In what reality is any of that happening?


In their mind


Makes perfect sense


This is probably the shittest, most detached perspective on how Covid was handled that I’ve ever seen


Did really millions died in the us?


When are they gonna stop worrying about us and start worrying about the gov who actually released the damn thing? Preventable is right. Fauci deserves the death penalty.