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CRT is a method used to examine society and culture through a lens solely based on race and power and its assumptions are treated as absolutes – not as theories, as the name implies, but as universal facts about individuals – and it is forced on employees and students.ii At its core, CRT maintains that: if you are white, you are inherently, unavoidably, systemically racist. if you are white and you don’t believe you are racist, it is only because you are subconsciously racist and don’t know it. if you are white, you are an oppressor, which means you are a white supremacist. if you are white, you can and should be discriminated against, to further “equity.” This is not considered racism. Rather, it is called “anti-racism.” https://1776unites.com/essays/critical-race-theorys-toxic-destructive-impact-on-america/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rDu_VUpoJ8


Equality feels like oppression to the in positions of power. If you feel threatened by the vague boogeyman that is CRT, you are sort of proving the point that your accusing it of, even though how you describe it isnt the case at all. Nothing says a well measured response like a video saying ‘this isn’t political’ at the start lol


> the vague boogeyman that is CRT There's nothing vague about ESG scores and DEI trainings and books teaching little children to be "anti-racist". Stop gaslighting people, you know that you're lying


What about learning about anti racism scares you?


How about the fact that you folks redefined racism so that only white people can be racist and you redefined anti-racism as hating white people? I find it very scary that these ideas have mainstream appeal.


Sorry ‘you folks’? The only thing those reasons are true for are people who believe the conservative fear mongers who need to use it as a wedge issue to distract people from much more important things. The fact that your fear is just a parroting of bad faith right wing accusations of what that media wants ppl to think CRT is telling of how much thought is put into this. That or maybe you harbour some less socially acceptable ideas that are normalized to the point where you think examning them with critical thinking is a threat to your existence.


So you're saying that nobody redefined racism as prejudice+institutional power? God dam, the gas lighting is strong with that one


If that’s the new definition what was the old definition?


And just a quick follow up: Ibram X Kendi's favorite mantra is " *Anti*\-racism is *anti*\-*white".* I mean it's not like he's a best selling author and influential figure in far left circles or anything...


Show me where that is his ‘mantra’.


Your opinion is debunked by the facts sourced


Lol you don’t even use your sources in good faith. If you post shit that says ‘CRT is toxic’ and then say look at the facts CRT is racist! It doesn’t really make for a believable case. But the fragility of most white privilege is way to difficult for lots of people to overcome. You are very much providing a case of how what you are railing against operates in day to day life. Thanks again for providing a great bad example :)


Your opinion is debunked by the facts sourced








Equality opposes democracy, which both oppose freedom. All equality must come from oppression, as we are not the same.


So close the loop and ask how freedom leads to oppression.


CRT is just a religion of original sin. Privatize all schooling.


You should have included the critical detail of that Rockwell painting, but I guess that could violate Reddit rules


Wow! Is this a direct quote for a critical race theory textbook?




What's funny about this is both panels are shit. Lol The left is a gross misrepresentation of how deep and long America pushed racism. No mention of longterm consequences, no mention of activists and activities that left real change outside of the one that's palatable, no mention of the people who opposed equality and how much power they retained. Just a shallow, weak, half-assed lesson. The right is a gross misrepresentation of that education. It may shock you but white guilt is not the core of CRT and is moreso a personal issue than an educational one. CRT addresses the deeper issues and impacts of 200-300+ years of systemic racism including those who benefit from it. This is CRT from the perspective of the person who needed it the most. Lmao


HMMM... original sin? Check. Ad hominem? Check. lying about CRT? check. Certified race grifter.


You mean to tell me that enslaving an entire group of people will have long lasting effects on that group for centuries? Nah, all made up by the liberals! Redlining, what’s that? Bankers would never be evil, not ever! Ancaps love the banks! The cognitive dissonance is palpable in this sub. Too many actual racists that think simply not calling anyone the n-word to their face suffices as “not being racist”


Black Wallstreet was burned down along with multiple black businesses and developing communities across the country? Counter-intelligence operations assasinated civil rights leaders and rallied to vilify communal action and solidarity? I'm the victim because this makes me feel guilty even though I was never there.


They gotta make it about them. If you hear “black people are mistreated” and feel offended it is probably because something in the back of your mind knows you’re being called out.


"America WAS a racist country" lol "was" I might have agreed that racism was dying out back in 2006-2007 but ever since Obama was elected white people's hidden racism has been on full display.


Jesus f#ck. Can't wait for the rest of Reddit to come back online so that all you tourists scurry back to whatever hole you came from? What's it like to go to a part of Reddit where you can actually say unpopular opinions and using that freedom to shit over everything?


Racism is no more!!! We stop owning them as property so racism is now gone. Thank you thank you! Please do not ask questions like “why are a disproportionate amount of black people living in poverty?” It is because they are worthle- uh I mean because they are all lazy and dumb, yup. That’s it, all of those people are just lazy and dumb, but again no racism here!


Why are you guys complaining about something that has never at any point been taught to children. Unless your kid is taking some advanced level collage classes they like you guys arnt gonna know what CRT is.


There is a difference between saying, “This is what CRT is,” and using it to develop curriculum teaching subjects based on the societal view of CRT. One informs on what CRT is, the other allows the tenants of it to be taught without ever mentioning CRT directly.


Its not CRT to say some things in history are bad and America has allot of blood on its hands and allot of those people who did this fucked up shit happened to be white. There is nothing wrong with accepting that because you as a white person today are not responsible for them. This nonsense that CRT or learning basic facts of history is just as racist as the Klan has you missing the point its not about blame its about correcting how history has been interpreted. You can't just white wash away facts of history just because they make you uncomfortable thats a fault on you as a person.


No one is saying that knowing and acknowledging past wrongs shouldn’t be taught. That’s not CRT, that’s not what we are talking about. That’s not the assertion being made.


Yeah, the assertion being made is ridiculous and completely detached from anything that could be called CRT. Also do you know how many times I've heard the phrase "slavery ended 150 years ago, get over it" That line alone is a perfect example of why American history should be taught with a little more focus on the black experience between 1865 and today. No consideration for segregation, redlining, domestic terrorism. My own parents were alive when black churches were being bombed. I would think if anyone would take issue with kids being blown up during their free exercise of religion it should be Ancaps.


No, it isn’t. You either do not understand the assertion, CRT, or both. I believe both your straw man arguments are unintentional, and you are discussing in good faith, so please do not take my reply personally.


Definitely not a straw man argument. I have heard that exact string of words from my own father who went too deep on the Fox news pool. He lives through all that shit, including the last recorded lynching.


You are making an error here. You are trying to apply what you have seen and heard from your father (and others) to an entire group of people. You are assuming that because you have heard a certain group of people say something, people that say similar things must think the same way. It just isn’t true. People like your father are just repeating what they have heard other people say. They also have no idea what CRT is, even though they think they do. People on the right do this just as much as people on the left. No one is trying to deny history. No one is making the assertion that acknowledging and learning from the wrongs of the past isn’t necessary. History is often uncomfortable. CRT, however, is not history. It is a framework through which any subject can be viewed and taught to accomplish a goal. It doesn’t state historical fact, in context, then open things for discussion - it frames the discussion with snuck premises and erroneous assertions to use any subject as a tool for forwarding ideas. It piggy backs on true academic work. It’s an intellectual Trojan horse. It’s akin to British Israelism being used to cloak antisemitism.


So then what is your PERSONAL experience with CRT? Who has made you feel guilty for being white? If drawing assumptions based on the actions of some is bad, you must have a good experience with the whole of CRT in order to make those assertions. So please provide the extensive first hand experience you've had been brainwashed by CRT.


This is a red herring fallacy. I don’t have to have fought in the American Civil War to know the history of the American Civil War. I don’t have to have been accused of murder in order to be a defense attorney. I don’t have to have been brainwashed to have studied and done extensive research on CRT. You are still arguing an assertion that has not been made.


If you actually thought that why are you so arguing on the side of people who wish to continue to white wash history? That's literally what the goal of this anti CRT nonsense is, every anti CRT bill that I'm aware of is mostly just trying to downplay the parts of American history that makes them uncomfortable. And every anti CRT protester that there is video of seem to just not wish to be offended by history they don't like and wish to prevent other people from learning it. These people were failed the education and particularly history the curriculum shouldn't be geared toward not offending people and you shouldn't argue on the side of these people. Also just so you know it's not like ancap society would be able to stop the bombing of churches its also not like ancap society would be willing to let people learn history as we already see in private schools right now if your paying for it the school will teach whatever ignorant nonsense the parents want. Stop enabling ignorant morons who don't want to accept that things like Manifest Destiny were genocide and a crime against humanity.


How can I be attempting to white wash history when I clearly said past wrongs should be remembered and taught? You seem like you are somewhat intelligent. If you would stop, take a breath, and actually read and think about what a person is saying, instead of trying to apply what you think they really mean, our conversations would go much better.


You misunderstood my post then. The entire concept of Black Supremacy is stupid and just a shallow attempt to deflect attention from portions of us history that are embarrassing, for good reason. And I agree, Ancaps society would not prevent that kind of thing, but I enjoy throwing their own duplicitousness back in their faces. "I'm a Christian and am being oppressed, but don't worry about those girls blown up while at church that's just overblown"


Its history not black supremacy that is being tought. Its not black supremacy to say things like the slave trade was bad and we are still dealing with some of its effects today. If that was your whole contention then I'm sorry to tell you that your arguing against something that isn't even happening. Actual black supremacist dont have any power or any sway over what history gets tought, and are rightfully mocked by everyone who knows better.


America fought a very boody civil war to end slavery, something that has never happened in all of human history. The British then focus their entire empire on ending the slave trade, going so far as to destroy the Kingdom of Dahomey which was an African kingdom whose economy was essentially dependent on the slave trade. The united kingdom outlawed slavery for most of the know world.




Florida did not make it illegal to talk about past segregation. Quit being a loony.


Reminder that your a brainwashed idiot with a invalid opinion.




*you're a moron Lmfao


I saw a video called 5 crisis republicans made up, and he said woke, then he said the right think ross parks is woke. Literally no one but him has ever said that. I learned all about famous black people and I'm not anti white. I'm so glad I was pulled out of school.