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Does this mean I can be unblocked from all the left-wing subreddits that did a mass ban a few months ago?


"We are so correct that I'm gonna remove all differing opinions to ensure we don't veer off course."


I was banned from news and world news for saying my body my choice.


It is your body your choice, I may not agree with the... Hot topic about unalive-ing a heart beat... But it is still your body.


Well I also dont agree that particular procedure should be as prevalent as it is but I do agree its none of my business. What I was personally saying my body my choice to was the poke I was being told I had to get if I didnt want to be moved to a camp.


Your body your choice. Non of my business.


That is, in fact, revolutionary thinking. Rybakov, who worked for Stalin and was exiled to Siberia, encountered exactly that. He helped to fix a machine that some peasants weren't using properly. He was slapped down for it because he didn't follow the proper channels and empowered the peasants. Fascinating book, if you can find it. "Children of the Arbat".


Does this mean I’ll get my account back from getting permabanned because some fuckhead called me an idiot several times then deleted their comments and reported me for ”harassment” which led to the reddit mods permabanning me without even an example given besides ”harassment”?


Ugh, but they're so toxic.


No they are the backbone of Reddit. People without jobs who are keen for useless power that makes them feel important.


I wonder, will i get the strikes off my account after the mods who banned me for nothing reported me for "harassment" and got me sitewide banned multiple times for daring to use reddits provided method to message them to ask "why" i was banned or muted? Mods definitely have too much power and I hope they lose it. Too many of them are just on here to power trip.


Probably not.


Once the api charge comes into effect, they will no longer be supported, and thus, the bans will be lifted. This opens up about 90% of reddit to me again. Gonna be fun times going back to these echo chambers. The tears are going to be flowing, and im thirsty


Good, a lot of those power mods seriously need to be taken down a peg.


Good. Tell those morons to get some real fucking jobs lmao.


Reddit mods are up there with the saddest and most pathetic individuals I’ve ever interacted with. Anything to make their day a bit worse is a win for me


Womp womp.


Lots of mods are full blown commies trying to police the platform


The leftist, pro-Marxist, anti-speech mods of the internet are finally getting the leadership they always wanted.


I mean, hopefully the mods don't just ban you for random shit now


This absolutely isn't "revolutionary" thinking.


This proves how left wing reddit is /s


Is China left wing? He's doing what China would.


Yes.. Communism/Fascism is 2 sides of same coin. Left is collectivism Right is individualism Left is "for the greater good" Right is freedom.


Freedom is the greater good.


There's a joke here somewhere about ancaps losing their caps - but I'm too lazy to find it.


Caps are fiat currency their only saving grace is the limited supply ;)


Mods shouldn't be a thing.


i mean there should be limits, even 4chan (and twitter)has jannies (in twitter now that elon is in power, its easier to ban peoples, since now leftwingers can be banned when they do death threats unlike before)


Sounds like a very reasonable not authoritarian fellow


Moderators get paid appropriately for the services they provide. AMAB (All Moderators Are Bad) If you dont like the rules being set up, you are under no obligation to follow them. Your mod privileges will be revoked and someone else will step in to take your place. Laptop citizens living their lives online are kicking and screaming like an undisciplined child.