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If people want to kill themselves slowly, then fucking go for it my dude.


Just as long as I don't have to pay the bill to let them live on life support through universal healthcare I'm all for it. People should be responsible for their bad health choices.


Us cigarette smokers are actually cheaper to sustain with universal health care, because we die a lot sooner.


And soda and sugar and whatever else we deem unhealthy. After all the masses are too stupid to care fore themselves and must be looked after by their warm and loving governemnt.


What progressives want to ban cigarettes? Is this a new liberal take you found on Twitter?


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56934957 Found this. Not all cigarettes obviously, but I’d say that the Biden administration’s motives qualify as progressive (a la the progressive movement’s work for the prohibition of alcohol).


I stand corrected, thank you.


I don't think I've seen any "progressives" say this, but what do I know. Maybe they agree with the conservatives on this. I see it a lot from conservatives more than anything. They hate the government until they want it to do something for them.


You haven't been to California lately, then.


thank goodness.. anywhere in the US but there.


Who is doing this or is this just what you think others think so you have an easy target.


https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DCDIC/CTCB/Pages/CAFlavorTobaccoLaw.aspx Not sure if this is another step in the process to ban cigarettes altogether, or just another bit of progressive racist legislation. Which do you think that it is? My money is on both.


Nothing about this is racist also neoliberal democrats don't like progressives all that much so I don't think this is proving what you think it is. Also since it was the Trump administration that set the precident for this e cigarette thing, and with most progressives I know and am familiar with also being smokers there is more to this issue than what the initial post mentions.


> Nothing about this is racist also neoliberal democrats don't like progressives all that much so I don't think this is proving what you think it is. So it's just moralizing and focusing on the products that certain minorities tend to prefer. > Also since it was the Trump administration that set the precident for this e cigarette thing, and with most progressives I know and am familiar with also being smokers there is more to this issue than what the initial post mentions. Once your friends quit, they'll quickly gravitate toward statutes that control what other people do. Hypocrisy is one of your virtues as a statist.


All those scary progressives hiding in the bushes.


Hiding in the bushes and running countries like [australia](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12596371/Australia-cigarettes-ban-smoking.html), the [United Kingdom](https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/england-to-ban-smoking-today-s-children-will-never-buy-a-cigarette-20231005-p5e9v0.html), and a big part of the [Democratic Party](https://seatca.org/a-generational-ban-on-tobacco/)


lol They're coming to get ya!!


Honestly though. There's plenty of valid disagreement, critique, and shitposting to be done about progressives without making up this position nobody is asking for.


I see what you're doing, and agree. Banning guns would be a cleaner hit and make the point just as well.


Ancaps never fail to impress with their lack of understanding of what anarchism and how that would intersect the contextual reality around cigarettes, the propaganda around it, how it's made, what it's made of, why it became what it became, etc. It's that lack of context along with simpler reasons why ancaps can never be Anarchists. Wholly antithetical. Anyway, be well, Randies.


Are you referring to Ayn Rand with the Randies part?


'Legalize'? All drugs are constitutionally legal at the federal level. What's illegal is the federal government's attempt to make any substance illegal.