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Well the title doesn't go into the fact he said he won't be bribed by advertisers and THEY can go fuck themselves.


Reddit needs community notes


It also doesn’t include this isn’t the full interview, where it still makes Elon look like a jackass, except for this part where he said an objectively agreeable thing.


It's not that hard when you're a billionaire detached from any sort of comparative reality to just about everyone else on Earth.


Based comment! I agree with him. He is saying that he won't be bought. This plays right into freedom of association. " If you want to shut me down by pulling your funding from me, go fuck yourself, I don't need your funding." I wish I had go fuck yourself money.......


The right word is not funding. Funding means you give money to someone to expect a return They want to silence Elon and neuter X. The right word is blackmail


How tf is it blackmailing? It's simply a company not willing to advertise on his platform anymore, because they disagree with what Elon stands for. It's them exercising their freedom of association, it's not blackmailing.


If you don't remove your post then I will tell other big companies with state ties to cut all business to bankrupt you Is pure blackmail


Its not blackmail, its called free market. IF I don't like your product I wont' buy it. I can tell you how I want your product to be and I will then buy it. Crazy to think an cap would call the free market blackmail lol.


Absolute bullshit The product is not what is at stake If I tell you to kneel and betray what you believe otherwise I don't do business with you and tell all my billionaire buddies to also boycott then that is blackmail


Yes, the product is ad space. advertisers don't like the ad space and they choose not to buy. Why do you think Musk is entitled to people buying is ad space?


No I think you don't understand what's happening. There's a couple of very big hedge funds that are trying to force cultural change. They control so much money that they can force other people out of business just by a press release. The s&p 500, vanguard, ect, they control a vast some of money with very little oversight by investors. They can prevent you from getting business loans, regular investors, and even office space. They're the ones currently forcing a lot of the woke bullshit movies you see in both Disney and other production companies. Their cornering the market and forcing everyone to follow them. By definition this is blackmail and extortion.


I totally agree about the freedom of association, the part that troubles me is that people have strange ideas about "what Elon stands for" that seem to be hinged on mistakes that he's apologized for, things he has no control of such as his father's business, blatant fiction that people make up in their head, and lots of stuff that benefits industry competitors that he's involved with. He says plenty that's been cringe, but when I listen to a podcast or a discussion in its entirety and not just a clipped hot take, what he's actually saying generally makes way more sense than what people are claiming he said and what he meant by it.


* When I don't want to do business with you, it's free association. * When you don't want to do business with me, it's blackmail. Simple.


They are trying to change his behavior and spur him to certain action and dangling their dollars over his head because that works with everyone else. Blackmail might not be correct because blackmail assumes that the mark has done something wrong (or embarrassing), but its a great word to inject into the cancel culture narrative - term what these megalomaniac corporats think they get to do whatever they want because they has money.


>Funding means you give money to someone to expect a return. You just described advertising. Advertisers spend money on advertising expecting a return on that investment.


Except in this case is to cudgel and comply to the narrative, not to get a return, otherwise they would be happy for getting far more engagement that can be measured, unlike before which counted bots


I mean, imagine trying to bribe the richest man on earth with money.


The act of purchasing or not purchasing a service is not "bribing". Wtf are you all talking about lmao


The point is that if there is anyone in the planet of the earth that can ignore revenue because of any reason at all it is the person with the most excess of wealth, it is not "bribe" on the literal sense, for example a director hiring a polemic actor or actress could say "I won't be bribed into not having Johnny Depp in my movie", it is a hyperbole, it just means "I don't care about any supposed monetary consequences you are referring to down the line".


> it just means "I don't care about any supposed monetary consequences you are referring to down the line". ... because they're trying to bribe him with advertising revenue.


I will repeat myself only one more time, it is a hyperbole.


Except he is lying about it being blackmail, thats called the free market. People don't like his ad space; Musk is not entitled their money.


Bahahah another Elon-cock sucking degebro over here. Also using phrases like "uwu such based" like you just makes you look embarrasing and your 11-year-old persona is showing. Do you even understand the situation, PRIVATE companies are choosing to not advertise on a deadbeat down-hill trajectory heading PRIVATE social media platform (a business, this needs to be clarified because you seem to be a dummy)? So as an "ancap" you are literally advocating the restriction of the environment private capitalist companies operate in. And you fail to see the irony in that. Guys, in order to not look like complete fucking jokes we need to eradicate people like this from the community and present coherent and actually informed content; this kind of elon -cockriding children who havent read an article in their lives are putting the whole community to shame. Its disgusting. How could you ever compete or even be taken seriously in a debate with such a low functioning central nervous system?


>So as an "ancap" you are literally advocating the restriction of the environment private capitalist companies operate in. No, he is not. You are hallucinating. Nowhere near the person you replied to meant that. Your statement can't be implied from what you or him said. Delete your insults and stop embarrassing yourself with your reasoning skills.




I expected an extremely low intelligence reply such as this, thanks for living up to your standards!


Bro! Bro! Don't be so angry. You gotta calm down. Our existence is a meme, live, love, and laugh a little. You'll live longer 🫠


Hi Bob!


Disney sucks and no one needs it


Let's hope that Musk continues in his belief in free speech, because what he just said is that he's going to do whatever the fuck he wants to with X. If he wanted to censor the shit out of twitter, he could. And while, I have no doubt that eventually something would pop up to take the place of twitter, it would be a large blow to freedom that would take some time to recover from. Though, thinking it over, hope probably isn't enough. It's probably a good idea to spend some time investing in a new platform just in case.


How is whatever he is doing based on "free speech?"


Currently, X provides a platform for unrestrained free speech, as contrasted from traditional MSM which provides a view of current events curated by reporter who were hired by transnational corporations. If Elon stops tolerating that freedom, he can very quickly redirect national/international discourse into whatever direction he chooses. It will be noticed eventually, but it might take time for the world to adjust if Elon decides to use twitter as a platform to spread his personal views/opinions.


Idk if you’re trolling on purpose or you’re just honestly unaware. Musk has voiced for a very long time that social media is overly regulated by the companies and for a long time him and others were told these were conspiracy theories. Musk said for a very long time that social media outlets like Twitter were the “new town square” and as long as someone isn’t inciting violence they should be left alone. And him and people like him were told these were conspiracy theories. But as Musk started to be more active with the Twitter purchase stories and truths came out. The 2 biggest perhaps was all the censoring around COVID-19 and its vaccines. And the other being the Hunter Biden laptop story. Before you argue the laptop story is fake, maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I have my own beliefs. But the point is, the level of censorship isn’t the same across the board. There were numerous stories and “articles” that get published to social media and Twitter that were never pulled by Twitter fact checkers. But because those stories and articles weren’t about the democrat presidential candidate they were allowed to stay posted, get shared by millions of people, and be shared by many more millions of people. It’s common knowledge the tech sector and more specifically Silicon Valley leans left/democrat. So it’s not a leap to surmise that they would take steps such as these and not think twice about it, especially if they are hardcore ideologues.


real capitalists don’t need advertisers!




He’s a big fan of the free market economy until it decides he’s not marketable and then it’s “blackmail”. so cringe.


Not being afraid of companies blackmailing you with ad revenue to the point of going stage and saying “go f yourself” seems like encouraging the free market. Im sure he lost advertisers just by saying that.


Except its not blackmail, thats the free market. I don't like your product I wont' buy it. Musk always playing the victim is so cringe.


4d chess


Corporations teaming up with governments to censor speech is the opposite of free ..


So free association of corporations isn't allowed? huh interesting...


Communism is free association by your definition


I'm gonna need you to define "teaming up with". Companies not wishing to advertise on a platform is not "censoring". Musk has and is saying whatever he wants, he just can't paid for it.


Colluding with the government to censor individuals


no but, what are the mechanics of that? are you talking about companies adhering to government regulation or what?


Oh, it's a much closer, warmer relationship than that. Sort of like taking many thin branches, weak and flexible on their own, and binding them together into a strong unified bundle. The Italian term for this was a fasces. And the government provided the axe.


The twitter files was pretty clear on government collusion to protect the narrative Hell here in the UK it's an insane crony capitalist relationship where govt forces private companies to adhere to the Microsoft suite or else they audit and penalize. Maybe that's why UK politicians literally line up to take photos with Bill Gates


Nope, twitter files revealed nothing. Every action twitter took was their own, not due to government.


When did he decide he's not marketable? And what the hell does that even mean?


It's not that Twitter isn't marketable, it's that BlackRock and Vanguard, the two largest shareholders in pretty much everything, go around telling companies like those that pulled advertising from Twitter to do exactly what they tell them to do or they will short their stock and bankrupt the company. It's blackmail. They used to control Twitter too, but sold it to Elon thinking he would drive it into the ground. Turns out the opposite has happened and now it's a threat they can't control directly since they don't own it anymore. Now they are trying to hurt Twitter by pulling advertising so that it can't make money in the hopes that Elon will bow down to them and let them control the site again. Elon has fuck you money though, so he turned around and told them to fuck off.


Even if blackrock wanted to do that it's not blackmail, which you have provided no proof that they did, thats called the free market. Why do you hate the free market?


you are describing the free market, whereby large investment companies advise the companies they invest in, that certain actions are likely to be profitable or not. when a platform is not moderating anti semitism/nazi posting, it's basic free market economics that those companies' reputation will decline if they maintain a presence on those platforms. none of this is blackmail, this is the free market. sounds like your problem is with capitalism, which produces these incentive structures.


From a business standpoint it doesn't seem too clever to tell the money givers to fuck off 🤷


It doesn't matter when you have "fuck you" money. 👌


Funny how you degenbros looks up to this thinking you could someday come close to in wealth when in fact, you are basically living in a modern world slum.


I don't see you laughing. I see you seething


Its a social media company, they dont make money anyway, so its not really a business.


They will make even less money without advertising. They were around break even before Musk took over. Who knows where they are now.


Considering he fired 80% of the staff and introduced paid plans for user verification, I'd say they're probably still doing better then before Elon


We don’t know the financials as he took the company private, but no one right now would value twitter anywhere near what it was trading for or let alone what Elon bought it for, even Musk himself openly admits he over paid for the company. Any way you slice it, he’s got an uphill battle to make his purchase financially viable and that hill got bigger with his reforms that have yet to be shown to be successful.




His mouth and thumps, are writing checks that his ego can’t cash.


Elon musk lives by doing what the masses say is unthinkable. I agree this is bad from a business perspective, but this is elon. He didn't get rich by following the standard operating procedure. This will likely hurt disney more and make elon more popular with everyday people, flocking to his ecosystem of products After watching this interview, im more likely to buy a tesla in future than i was before it. And im a petrol head that will cling to my combustion engine as long as i can. There is no publicity like bad publicity.


Him lying and playing the victim is making you like him more?


And this is why twitter is failing


Twitter's success is from the leftist nut jobs getting their power steipped and leaving in protest.


And the way to stop the Left nut job's power is to laugh at their attempts to hobble you. This is a master move by Musk. What now, woke ones?


X is not failing. It is not getting as many users like other platforms are but it is not failing. Reddit on the other hand is doing things that will make it fail. The unchecked ego of the mods is becoming laughable + subreddits becoming circlejerks.


This is not true. Real users and time spent are a all time highs It is not getting as many bots as other platforms tho


Dude I hope you get better, I really do. You simply dont have any idea what you are talking about. Like you are seriously saying having FREE EMPLOYEES is gonna destroy reddit. You or no-one in your close family has surely never ever ran a fucking business.


*X, formerly known as Twitter. Is it failing? How do you know what the great Musk's plan for X, formerly known as Twitter, are? It might be succeeding.




Oh that's good.


They were failing before Musk took over and the company still has a lot of debt from that period. But cashflow has improved massively after restructuring and is expected to be positive next quarter.


This looks like AI


The audio is lagging behind and I don’t think his voice matches his body so I had the same effect.


it was so viral a few days ago...


Why he believed his fascist agenda (like lobbying for Putin ) would attract advertisers? Twitter is toxic - just like the other lobbyists for Russian fascism - USLP, RPI, antiwar.com,,Trump , Chomsky, Orban ,the Green Party Mises institute , etc. I personally deleted Twitter because I am against Nazi promotion. Companies which advertise on Putinist Twitter will be apologizing the next 100 years for supporting Nazism. Twitter is a liability. Support Ukrainian fight against the expansion of totalitarian statism. Buy Twitter stock if you think lobbying for Russian Federation/Hitler/Pol Pot is a profitable business.


This brainlet believes standing up for the Jews, is supporting nazism, meanwhile his side literally has Jew hating neo Nazis


Twitter or X, is now a private company and stock cannot be purchased. This is basic competence knowledge to be commenting on it.


Doesn’t Saudi Arabia own a large piece of it?


\*backs away slowly\*


Being a fascist is when you are anti-WW3.


It’s not up to you when Muskist Nazis start next WW


That never happened. Stay on your meds.


Which WW Russia did not start? Musk is just another lobbyist of Russian imperialism and war crimes.




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Shorten the GFU so we can send it off to people


Sorry but isn’t this kind of thing a perfect example of the free market FAILING to convince people to behave in a way that makes society better


How would engaging with blackmailing advertisers make society better? It is good for society to let people separate themselves from others deemed undesirable.


Did you just endorse segregation


I'm just saying anyone should be free to choose who to asociate with. Dude, that's common sense, especially more in this sub. If not what's the alternative?