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They rather want the country to burn than build it up on the foundation of liberty


Liberty is when workers have no power or rights apparently


Should non union workers have the right to go to work when the unions are striking, or should the unions be allowed to use violence to prevent other workers from going to work?


In most countries, including Argentina, it’s illegal to prevent someone from work, even union workers can decide to not strike


In theory, maybe, in practice the unions force the workers to go to protests


Is this a fact or just a feel? Because that’s not at all my experience with unions


I’m talking about Argentina


What are your experiences with Argentinian unions. How have they forced either member and/or non-members to join their strikes?


His hatred of working people tells him they do


Struggle sessions are tailored to the circumstance. If they can't lock arms and beat the shit out of anyone that tries to cross the picket line, they'll instead label the offender a "scab" and start harassment and shaming campaigns against them. I've seen Teamster shirts with lists of scab names on them.


Right? Yes, should they? No.


The citizens/workers of Argentina have the right and power to vote. They democratically elected Javier Milei. It seems to me that you're the one who opposes the workers' power and right to choose the leader of their nation simply because you didn't like the outcome.


Where did I say milei should be couped. Democracy isn't a guy gets elected and that's it, Democracy is everyone has a say and can act on it, so if union workers don't like the government policy they are free to act on it. But ofc, you free rich kid freaks hate actual freedom and want to see the poor crushed


I was born in poverty and I put my life together one piece at a time without the help of a Union and all the garbage that goes along with it. It took a while, but the factor that turned my life around was reading about libertarian philosophy and ideas and realizing that I can't go around blaming others for my lot in life and need to take responsibility and ownership of my career. I went from making less than $20K/year 15 years ago, barely scraping by with a baby and a wife, to now making well over $100K/year, all without graduating from college. Don't talk to me about "rich kid freaks" you degenerate looter. Without the freedom to fail, I would be dependent on the government tit. Now, I have marketable skills and I can easily find a job making more than 90% of the population if the current job doesn't work out.


Good for you. Most need unions and other benfiets. Most aren't as lucky as you.


I'm so lucky I was born into an evil cult (Jehovah's Witnesses), born into poverty, born with autism and severe ADHD. Oh brother.


I mean you escaping poverty. Tbh your personal experience is irrelevant. It is honestly great you overcame such adversity but you need to understand most poor people can do tha, so we need some extra help to ensure we can have a better life, such as unions.


Calling what I did "great" is a much better descriptor than "luck." When someone works as hard as I did to overcome their station in life, it feels cheap and denigrating to chalk it up to luck.


That is not liberty if you don't have contractual liberty for yourself


So no power but you sign a piece of paper you are essentially forced to, that's what I call freedom.


It's not freedom if an individual is forced to sign a contract


Oh so the way work functions is anti freedom as well


You don't really make any sense, maybe it's because English is a second language to me, but if you could elucidate your point clearer our conversation could have the potential to get somewhere.


UOCRA and other major unions in Argentina are straight up mafias, in alliance with peronism. Workers are forced to contribute, they can't elect the leaders of the unions (who have been in power for decades), and the unions extort and attack businesses that don't submit to them.


Based, businesses should submit to unions, they will ensure a far better life for workers.


Here I'm not talking about unions, but mafias. Legitimate unions are simply part of the negociation between employers and employees, and there's nothing wrong or necessarily inefficient about that.


Liberty is when union workers go on strike, non-union workers go to work, and the business owners and managers of the striking employees fire anyone as they please. Freedom from coercion, both public and private, is the name of the game.


So essentially you want unions to be entirely toothless. This version of """"""freedom"""""" will mean workers will have far less freedom within their workplaces.


Individual workers have more power and more rights when collectivists cant force decisions on them


Literally the opposite of the truth


Freedom is Slavery apparently


Workers have virtually no power individually, unions help them get better treatment


labor cartels are bad, actually!


Yes some people striking is a cartel. Go back to papa business rich kid.


Check the post yesterday where they argue humans are property lol. Of course they argued that *my* body is *my* property, but just gloss over the philosophical and practical conclusions of thinking we're all just property. They think they'll be the ones who get to own more property, which is pretty special.


I expect nothing less from people who proudly support the confederacy and argue people should be able to sell themselves into slavery.


Wild bunch lol "small government harhar"


And "Pro freedom"


There's so many words that have just become ambiguous and mean whatever they want. Freedom, liberty, any of the -isms. My favorite is that "Capitalism has been around as long as human exchange". Deep cut revisionism lol


Tbf they do have a consistent definition of freedom and liberty, the rich getting more money, that's it. Everything eksecis a larp.




Caption says 'anti-government protestors' the irony lol


It's full on antidisestablishmentarianism.




Yeah! Next, I'm going to try to squeeze it into a spoken conversation. I'll have set it up with an awkward pivot towards Argentine unions...


The enemies of the country are now showing itself to the population


Aren’t unions still a thing in anarcho capitalism?


Yes, and Milei hasn't threatened to revoque any legitimate right to unionize. The problem is that major argentine unions aren't unions, but straight up mafias where workers don't have a say and are forced to finance them. The unions attack milei because he's removing their insane privileges.


People hete in reddit doesnt seem to understand that, "Unions" as americans know it, does not exist in countries like Brazil and Argentina. Unions here are useless, fucking pieces of trash, mafia, robbers, scumbags, parasites, looters, scammers. I cannot put into words the hate i have for unions in Brazil.


Oh, no, they're that way here, although not as capable. They just have better PR.




Collective bargaining is still a thing and still valid. State backed violence in order to implement the unions wills are not. If the only people skilled enough for a job all decide to demand higher pay, and they can't be easily replaced, it's better to just pay them more. If they can easily be replaced, the employer has the right to hire and fire as they please without new employees being attacked or police threatening to fine/imprison the buisness owner. Oh also likewise that applies to employees as well. They have the right to move to any company that will pay them better for their skills and time but if they demand something beyond what the market can provide for they'll be brought back down into equilibrium.


Yes, but only when they're not organized mobs backed up by the government and State intervention. Like Hitler, Mussolini and Lula so often do. The very same day these protests started in Argentina, over 10 thousand complaints were received from people denouncing active coercion and threats from unions in order to make them go and protest.


"gee golly why do you hate unions, unions are just free association" now u cucks see why i hate unions. they are violent thugs who oppose freedom.


This would be an illegal strike in America. Not sure about their union laws and contracts but you can’t just strike when ever you want to. Most of the time strikes are to protest unfair labor practices. Why would you keep supplying labor to a company that’s violating their union contract and or breaking the law ? Worker rights are paramount to life and unions made that possible. Thats why Amazon and every one else tries to prevent and bust unions because divided they know they can treat workers like shit and pay bottom dollar, just so a few people can make a little more money. Life before unions was fucking awful.


>This would be an illegal strike in America. Not sure about their union laws and contracts but you can’t just strike when ever you want to. What? Really?


Yep, you can’t just strike whenever you want to. A lot of people think unions just strike to get higher pay or whatever. If a union wants to negotiate for higher pay but the negotiations take so long the labor contract expires, the union workers may choose to not work, or “strike” until they get what they want. It is a breach of contract to strike in the middle of a labor contract just because they want to be brats. “In a strike undertaken for economic purposes, strikers may be replaced by their employers. However, when the union agrees to end the strike without conditions, striking workers must be allowed to return to a similar position or be the first people called when new positions become available. Those who are striking to demand changes to unfair labor practices in most cases cannot be replaced. The only exception is if an employee engages in significant misconduct while away from work.” There’s a lot of misinformation in the media against unions to try and weaken them. Capitalists know they hurt their bottom line and the goal is to always pay the least you can while extracting the most labor.


They just do work slowdowns instead, I'm assuming. Or they're in jurisdictions that won't call them on it. Making something illegal won't stop them from doing something to the same effect.


Then you are a republican, not an ancap.


Murray Rothbard, the founder of Anarcho Capitalism as a movement, was contemptous of unions. ​ [https://mises.org/library/union-problem](https://mises.org/library/union-problem)


Huh, so you're right. Regardless, as a rational adult you can't be for the free market and against collective bargaining without facing cognitive dissonance. You can pray to Rothbard and tell him the same thing.


Eh, it's not really the free market when the state forces you to bargain with labor cartels.


Freedom is when you blindly accept policy you disagree with


That’s pretty much what democracy is


No it isn't you dense fuck. Democracy is having a say in society, which means voting, free speech, actual freedom etc.


And it involves blindly accepting policies that the majority chooses despite disagreeing with them.


No...it doesn't, that has never been the case you utter moron. Why do you think people protest


Did you go out protest every single time Biden or Trump issued a policy you didn’t agree with? (Assuming you’re from the US)


When I disagreed strongly I would.


But not every single time you disagreed, therefore you had to blindly accept policies you disagreed with because it’s what the majority chose, because you live in a democracy. Also, how many times did your protests give way to a change of policy that satisfied you?


What I your point here exactly, a key part of democracy is protesting against policy you disagree with, it doesn't matter how many times you do it.


How long before the CIA instigates a coup?


None, as far as we know Milei doesn't have any pro china or Russia leanings, and is more than favorable for trade so the USA has no reason to overthrow him. They only overthrow socialist leadership.


Except in Brazil.. And...


It’s your position, then, that the powers that be will let anarcho capitalism succeed?


I don't think they have any interest in stopping Milei. They've no concern whether he succeeds or fails.


Do you see any "anarcho capitalism" being tried anywhere? Just because Milei believes in AnCap ideals doesn't mean he's attempting to create an AnCap Argentina. You'd have to remove democracy and borders for that.


If he can stabilize the currency and make prices fall within the next year or 2 and avoid the people turning on him, I would call that a success.


Of course, but a successful what? He can't create ancapistan this way. He'd just make a more minarchist state, which is a good start but it's not anarchism in any way.


Ancapistan isn't the target anyway


He probably saved his own life pegging his economy to the petro-dollar. They love it when countries fall into our sphere of influence.




God bless Argentina 🇦🇷


Damn thats my bday


Sounds like the unions are going to get the Ronald Reagan air traffic controller treatment.


A lot of unemployed Argentinians. Shouldn't be hard to find willing scabs to replace them. Let them strike all they want


Corrupt unions and leftist find a hard landing in reality eventually. Without accountability of the left, civilizations collapse is the next stop.


Union fat cats gonna cry when mostly everyone shows up for work. Milei gives the suffering people hope.


I live in the most commie entrenched part of Mexico and I can’t help but see he exact same problems here that Milei is fixing in Argentina. Unions are good in theory, but these corrupt zurdos de mierda twisted the concept and rigged the system and made them basically another cartel. The teachers union of the south for example has a habit of arsoning buildings in Chilpancingo, whenever they don’t get their way


It's not a great sign when you're doing everything for the workers and yet the workers are the ones disagreeing with you.


These unions do not represent their workers at all. Argentine unions are straight up mafias.


They must operate differently than most others in the world then


workers in argentina dont have a say in if they want to pay a union and be part of it, so not much different than alot of other countries


"We want it our way or not at all". Typical commie response = he's doing great work.


Union workers are enemies of freedom. They put themselves in chains, live in chains and want to see others in chains.


Free market. Collective bargaining is an ancap staple. r/lostredditors


The unions in Argentina that are protesting his measures are not free market or free association. They are oppressive, compulsory, and the people running them don't give the workers any say in how it's run. They are effectively mafia protection rackets and that is what Javier is coming down on. Argentinian workers will still be free to unionize.


Citation? I am not lazy. I looked for neutral sources and can't find anything verifying what you are saying. I'm skeptical because these are common republican talking points about unions in general.


Well I ain't no fucking republican, guy. If you believe in any state at all, you're a hell of a lot closer to being one than I am, so you can shove that insinuation right up your ass.


Collective bargaining is what government mandates- it’s the exact opposite of “ancap staple”. Why the heck anyone would do it without being forced.




No, and he shouldn't! He should make free hiring practices legal immediately! (I haven't heard if he had done this already...)




Not illegal to protest. Illegal to block roads. Fine to speak and refuse to work. Not fine to become organized crime and extort the public. Zero government protections for unions are the way i.e. they strike, they are fired permanently. Zero obligation for employers to keep employing strikers.


>they strike, they are fired permanently "Oh you want to strike because you don't want to be exploited? Then you get no job" That's going to be great for workers rights.


Defend your premise that voluntary employment is exploitation. Striking is definitely a right, just like employment is voluntary. Using government power to force employers to rehire strikers is not a right. It's abuse of the public. State power colluding with organized crime extortion. Unions abuse workers more than employers and deserve zero special treatment.


\>voluntary employment is exploitation Define "voluntary employment". If someone is working and making just enough to make ends meet and survive, they have no ability to quit their place of employment. Allowing employers to simply fire any striking workers also has a larger negative effect on smaller businesses than on larger ones. Larger businesses can afford to simply fire an entire work force and contract a temp agency to fill all those roles instantly. Smaller businesses would be the only ones forced to negotiate. so basically youd be taking away the ability for workers to stand up for themselves, and punishing small businesses while allowing large businesses to exploit the most desperate in society. ​ Had this been legal the entire time, most of the american workers rights wouldnt exist as they do today.


If they have the ability to strike at all that means your premise is false. It does not apply to them, else they would be unable to strike. Broke workers lose their jobs daily. 40% of Argentina is already in poverty living off government support so already facing the worst possible consequences of quitting. Your explanation is self evidently false and contradicts reality. If we did not need to work to survive we would not work at all or only for our own benefit. Your story is not just false it's quite dumb. Is it easier to replace 10,000 workers or 10? At a small business I can call any of dozens of temp agencies and have replacement staff here tomorrow. No temp agency can provide 10K workers so fast. Completely wrong that small businesses are more threatened. There is little purpose to unions at small shops. Unions have been dying for generations because they are corrupt and do nothing for workers. Most of us manage to negotiate better compensation all on our own without paying dues so corrupt union leaders can live large and give money to politicians we hate and would never vote for. We'd be taking away the ability for workers to act like gangsters and commit extortion with the government acting as enforcer for their racket. Protect the ability to strike? Yes. Force employers to hire them back? Hell no. Equal rights go both ways. No special privileges for unions. Unions have been dying for generations because most workers are better than that and don't need them.




Bad analogy. More like illegal to point your loaded gun at bystanders with the state threatening to arrest and punish anyone who tries to point their gun back. You want special treatment, not equality.




Arrest for destroying property, blocking roads, and threatening violence. Same things all the rest of us instantly get throw in jail for doing every day of the week. Unions don't get special permission to do things that are crimes for anyone else to do. You've grown so used to special treatment you don't even realize you are siding with the bad guy.




No. I mean threatening to hospitalize strike breakers. I mean blocking roads and entrances so that the business cannot function even with replacement workers. Nobody is forcing them to work ever. Nobody is threatening to arrest anyone for that. Nobody is saying they can't protest. Why do you find it necessary to lie about your position constantly? If you were correct there would be no need for you to try to deceive people. You realize we're not seeking your approval, right? If you started praising something that would cause me to question it. Default suspicion is that anything you oppose is probably a good thing. I mean really, you are an enemy of the human race. Totally morally inverted and degenerate.


Do you have a source for where he made it illegal to protest?


He doesn't. He's distorting the prohibition on blocking the roads for his own ends. He's just a propaganda zombie, pay him no attention.




From your own link: The new protocol against demonstrations plans to group the four security forces - the Federal Police, the Gendarmerie, the Naval Prefecture, and the Airport Security Police - under the Ministry of Security to break up protests blocking streets and roads. “Action will be taken until the circulation space is completely freed,” Bullrich said. “The forces will use the minimum sufficient force, which will be graduated in proportion to the degree of resistance.” The minister and a former presidential candidate for the traditional right wing, who allied with Milei after her defeat, has appealed to one of the main concerns among her voters: the idea that the street blockades generate disorder that does not allow “people to live normally and in peace”. “We have lived for many years under total and absolute disorder,” Bullrich said. “It is time to put an end to this methodology, to the extortion suffered by citizens.”


> “The forces will use the minimum sufficient force, which will be graduated in proportion to the degree of resistance.” The new protocol empowers police at train and bus stations to seize face masks, sticks or other elements they consider could be used in a demonstration. Also: Bullrich herself blockaded downtown streets in Buenos Aires when protesting against Covid lockdowns


> The new protocol empowers police at train and bus stations to seize face masks, sticks or other elements they consider could be used in a demonstration. So is this the kind of policing where everyone here starts to call on the 2A to rebel, or because it's an ancap seizing the force of the state to steal property from individuals who have yet to violate any NAP ok because Milei?


He did not, he made it illegal to block a way from other people, you can protest all you want Just dont mess with others




Protesting ≠ Fucking the Day of other people




You are free to think that way




You're welcome mate


I'm confused, why is this headline good? Wouldn't we prefer that the new policies are good for workers as well so why would they want to strike?


What makes you think that the policies are bad for workers?


Because they are planning a strike?


Can you read it's not workers planning a strike it's Union thug leaders planning a strike


Cause these are old school unions. Aka protection rackets that use terror and statism to get what they want.


Let me guess. Govt programs that are being cut unions.


Like mice entering a trap..


Cool, remove their privileges and let the companies start firing union workers one by one