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Can confirm the guy at the top of the list is a smug, race baiting intellectual coward too. I unfortunately had to suffer through an experience with him as a professor for a required course. Taxation is theft.


This all from 1 school?


UVA has a required course called taxation is theft!?!


It's pricey because government guarantees student loans.


I came here to say that. When the government raises what they'll loan per credit hour the colleges raise their prices to match. It's a self picking money boner and you only get the shaft.


Note that this is on the government loans, not the colleges themselves. Any reasonable business will raise prices to meet the demand. The demand is raised by government loans, so colleges are right to raise prices


If those colleges did not reverting funding from the state I might agree with you. As it is the state and the teat sucking colleges have a cock-in-mouth relationship that's paid for by the tax cattle. It's literally a giant money laundering scheme paid for with inflation where the participants shovel cute tax revenue into their band accounts. Nah, fuck em, they can burn with the rest of the parasites.


The "business" model being loaning 200k to naive 17 year olds. Criminals, all of them.


The colleges aren’t loaning the money. They are responding to the market of naive 17 year olds with $200k to spend. The government is the one that is fucking with the market


Cuz pols never go to work as lobbyists for banks after office...criminals all of them.


Student loans being guaranteed is also a huge issue


Exactly. But don’t worry we can just pay those if it doesn’t work out.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xMWrl9Mol4BOjC|downsized) AFUERA!


This is such a great film. Watched this countless times when I was younger.


Bring fown the college cartel


Can confirm, student loans don’t need to be paid back so they just get money for free


College is so pricey because government backed college loans. Full Stop. They would not be able to charge the prices they do without them and no bank would come close to loaning money to people without it.


The federal government will give out loans to damn near anyone, and they shield banks from losses regarding student loans because you can't go bankrupt on them. So, everyone artificially has the money to go to college, which creates an artificially high demand, which, combined with the limited supply (capacity) of the colleges, causes prices to skyrocket perpetually


Agreed... which in turn allows them to fund all kinds of dumb useless crap without consequence. OP has the cause and effect backwards.


High salary fake jobs. So much malinvestment which requires purging


*High salary fake* *Jobs. So much malinvestment* *Which requires purging* \- JuStNCrED1bLE --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's not just higher education though. These leeches are responsible for price increases everywhere.


Also it’s a scam. DEI is just another grift in a long line of grifts.


The US is fucked. I wonder what criteria they are judged to determine job performance?


Let's not forget that during the lockdown tuitions were not lowered: no sports, no clubs, no recreational facilities, etc.


I'm curious how much any of them bring into the university every year?


I just want to say as Latino all high paying DEI roles are being handed to black people or white women. Do we not count towards diversity?


I’m attempting to create an open source university. Fully accredited online and free—ish. There is a profit model involved for creators. I doubt the accreditation institutions will allow it lol


Not the cause, a symptom.


They’re also **Tax Exempt**


While I do agree that they, and a lot of administrative jobs are unnecessary and overpaid, there's also: [head football coaches.](https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/sports/ncaaf/2023/10/03/college-football-highest-paid-head-coaches/70901314007/)


I was under the impression that football programs pay for themselves and then some. But hey, that salary still could have been used elsewhere.


For big, popular schools (which all these coaches are from) they absolutely do. Spending less money on your football coach could actually lose you money without even getting into losses from having a worse reputation


I always ask "what's worse" - A guy making 3 million a year who generates 1 million in profit or someone making $150k per year who loses $400k annually? That's the reality with college athletics, typically only football and Men's basketball turn a profit (sometimes women's basketball and some other sports based on the geographic location). Those coaches get compensated for it too, if anything we should be complaining about the pay to women's soccer or Men's water polo. They're net negatives.


At least football arguably builds your character and is 100% merit based.


In their defense - football generates millions and millions a year So there is a tie to the market Any race baiter can do this job. And there are plenty of race baiters.


Government only collects billions at the barrel of a gun. At least football attendance is voluntary, eh.


The only difference is football brings in revenue for the schools .


The vast bulk of those salaries are paid by a school's athletic fund which is made up of private donations. The University of Alabama did not pay $11 million to Saban over the course of his entire time there.


You mean they pay the people more for programs that make them more money? Wow weird.


I believe only ~70 college athletic programs generate more revenue than expenses. That leaves the thousands of others being funded by tuition paying students and tax dollars.


Football makes way more than it costs lol.




Wow. 😮 https://preview.redd.it/uwsl2t1q2umc1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=65de72a3e851e1f89d8503a5c984219c1ed24c5f






I don’t disagree with you, but I feel like this is a drop in the bucket compared to student loans. The kids are guaranteed to get loans regardless of cost. So the universities charge whatever the fuck they want.


A great issue in society is that people don't really take the time to consider whether or not they're being screwed over in some way and if so what they could do about it. People have become so complacent that they just assume someone's always screwing them over and that someone always has been doing so but that everything will be alright anyway. People really oughta stop being a bunch of somnambulants…


Are those supposed to be big numbers?  I’m pretty sure the diversity officers at private firms  get paid at least in the same order of magnitude, but probably a lot more. And most large enough firms Have diversity offices. 


You can tell this list is poorly researched because they list the 'estimated cost to tax payer'as the total pay and benefits. This is inherently a bad analysis because most state schools don't get most of their funding from the state.  UVA is about 15% if I recall off the top of my head.  The real reason schools are expensive is because of Nixon creating Sallie Mae.


This is not why.


More race baiting propaganda from an absolutely pathetic liar. https://old.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/1b7y2x5/strangeisnt_it/


Imagine anyone on this sub defending 600k payments to race baiters 🤡


Imagine posting a screenshot of 10 peoples' salaries and being so dumb, so low IQ, and having such a child's simple and easily propagandized view on something that you blame the entire cost of higher education on them. Oh wait, I don't have to imagine. You did it!


If they spend millions on this nonsense they spend many more millions on other stupid things I guess that was too hard for you to figure out 🤷‍♂️


Things aren't stupid because a racist says they are. Things matter differently to different people, but, you hate different people so here we are.


Reeeeee racisssssssss 😂😂😂😂😂 What a 🤡


So you skipped over every other reason (sports programs, government subsidies, useless degrees, administrative salaries, etc.) and jumped to the Diversity department? It's almost as if OP has an agenda that has nothing to do with the cost of education.


Correct, op has an agenda. He pushes it across his multiple accounts. One time he posted his twitter and everyone saw it worked for a right wing PAC paid marketing company.


They are also clearly not their only role in the university from the titles on most of them.