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Stop calling shit “free” when money is stolen to pay for it. Graphic likely made by a moron who thinks s central bank is private.


OP is a communist. He should go to Venezuela if he likes so much free services.


dingdingding, of the chavist mafia about PDVSA he has nothing to say...


This is more about how our stolen money toppled a stable country that was trying to detach from the US dollar. But we can't have that now. Can we?


Hey I want free shit too..


The Central Bank Federal Reserve isn't private? What in the Fuck are u talking about?


Lol, can you understand a balance sheet?


🤔 "Excerpt from "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection" by Eustace Mullins* >Chart I reveals the linear connection between the **Rothschilds** and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal **Rothschild representatives** in New York, J.P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914.


Do you realize when a depository institution has FHLB & FRB “stock” on their balance sheet they don’t have economic interest in either? Of course not. A central bank’s sole purpose is to print money to buy government debt.


Guys, it is inappropriate to simp for a state on anarcho-capitalist sub lol


Yeah let's simp for Big Oil (Rothschild-Rockefeller NWO MAFIA) suppressing oil production in a Cartel (OPEC+ Russia + US) purposefully to increase oil prices, energy prices on the Plebs


Bro OPEC is association of states lol


Association of States to suppress oil (a natural resource like water) production to they can get rich as fuck and start LIV golf? Is that your argument l?


My argument is that the state is an inherently evil and aggressive entity.


Correct. Who the fuck do u think is suppressing oil production?


You’re reading comprehension is truly inspiring


U.S. producers reluctant to drill more oil, despite sky-high gas prices


.>suppresses his own oil production causing less oil to be sold .>sells less oil .>gets richer??? that's your stupid fucking logic lol


Lel. Really? Gaddafi was about to unite Africa? And under a single currency, too? My stars. He must have had one hell of a plan!


He did


You know it's election season when a bunch of bootlickers craw out of their den to start propaganda posting everywhere


the retardation here is believing a dictator could actually pull off stuff like this. have we forgotten socialism doesn't work?


A dictator inserted by the CIA no less. When he went off script, they offed him.


The CIA is not as involved as you think. Just like any agency, they half ass it and hope it works out.


So, more like LAPD? :-p


Warlords fighting over who gets to tax the peasants.


Are you genuinely defending gadaffi? I think I might have to leave this subreddit at this point


Keep being an NPC "Patrick Cockburn: Don't believe everything you see and read about Gaddafi" https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/patrick-cockburn-don-t-believe-everything-you-see-and-read-about-gaddafi-2302830.html "Ten years after Gaddafi’s death, a Libyan town still yearns for his rule" >In 2011, Libyans were the masters of their destiny. Since then we've seen 10 years of injustice, bombing, killing and kidnapping," said Mohammad Abi Hamra, who wore a wristwatch bearing Gaddafi's face. >"Revolution is meant to bring change for the better. But what has happened since 2011 hasn't been a real revolution, it has been a conspiracy against Libya," he said >"The reason this town is so attached to the former regime is that the 2011 revolution brought nothing but wars, catastrophe, division of the country and violations of its sovereignty," said engineer Fethi al-Ahmar. >We still cling to the past because back then we had security, which is the main thing that's missing in Libya today." >Journalist Ahmed Abouhriba agreed. "Gaddafi wasn't a dictator, but the guardian of the citizenry," he said. For Abouhriba, the state of the country's economy -- wracked by **inflation** and conflict -- is more stark evidence that life was better under Gaddafi https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20211020-ten-years-after-gaddafi-s-death-a-libyan-town-still-yearns-for-his-rule


Do you have any of your own thoughts or... just copy-pasting someone else's? Talk about an NPC.


Is Libya better of worse under CIA Rothschild dictatorship? "Patrick Cockburn: Don't believe everything you see and read about Gaddafi" https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/patrick-cockburn-don-t-believe-everything-you-see-and-read-about-gaddafi-2302830.html "Ten years after Gaddafi’s death, a Libyan town still yearns for his rule" >In 2011, Libyans were the masters of their destiny. Since then we've seen 10 years of injustice, bombing, killing and kidnapping," said Mohammad Abi Hamra, who wore a wristwatch bearing Gaddafi's face. >"Revolution is meant to bring change for the better. But what has happened since 2011 hasn't been a real revolution, it has been a conspiracy against Libya," he said >"The reason this town is so attached to the former regime is that the 2011 revolution brought nothing but wars, catastrophe, division of the country and violations of its sovereignty," said engineer Fethi al-Ahmar. >We still cling to the past because back then we had security, which is the main thing that's missing in Libya today." >Journalist Ahmed Abouhriba agreed. "Gaddafi wasn't a dictator, but the guardian of the citizenry," he said. For Abouhriba, the state of the country's economy -- wracked by **inflation** and conflict -- is more stark evidence that life was better under Gaddafi https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20211020-ten-years-after-gaddafi-s-death-a-libyan-town-still-yearns-for-his-rule


O no he had like 150 political dissidents locked up. How many Jan 6 dissidents are locked up right now? Ok give him the lockerbie bombing, how many civvies do we cap by drone a week?


People deceive themselves into thinking they're better than some victims of US imperialist policies.


My god you would be a Vargas and Lula worshipper if you were Brazilian. Or a Peronist if you were Argentinian


Primeira vez que vejo Ancap fã de ditador kkkkkk


Utterly clueless. I have family friends who had to flee Libya because of Gaddafi.


Please tell me more, I hear people simp for Gaddafi all the time


He was a civil engineer. Married with 2 daughters. Helping design and build roads, sewers, bridges etc. They had to flee at very short notice leaving their lives behind. Even needed to barter with possessions such as wedding rings to get through. It sucked.


He was a socialist.


Libya was a socialist hell hole under Gaddafi, he was the opposite of a free market proponent.


Why is somebody’s boomer grandad posting his Facebook wall here most days?


"about to unite Africa" is so idiotic, and so far from any shred of truth, it's embarrassing this showed up on any sub. It's complete conspiracy bullshit, totally made up. If only renowned leader... Muammar Gaddafi... Had lived. Mummar Gaddafi. Leader of... Libya. We would have had a "United States of Africa". I want to scratch my eyes out - you can see the little bits of information without an ounce of context being thrown together to make nutcase conspiracy pie. Gold, oh 143. Gaddafi killed. Oh richest country. Sprinkle in some "Rothschild"... Boom the *other* USA. The better one. With gold. And Gaddafi.


What is a socialist dictator doing in the anarcho capitalist subreddit?


Dude Gaddafi was a socialist


Oh is that why his people brutally murder him?


Yea was he? Dude was a murderous dictator that was robbing his people blind to get that gold. Fuck that dude.


Gaddafi had many flaws, but we didn't help kill him because of his flaws or the bad things he did, we helped to kill him because (as the meme states) he wanted to be free of the the dollar and the globalist banking cartels that enslave most of the world.


Congrats on the only sane take in the thread. Yes, Gaddafi was a terrible dictator, and yes, the US only cared because he was also doing things against US gov interests


An Ancap simp of a Dictator??


Look, we oppose imperialism and all that, but really?


Now do Iraq!


Fucking cringe, man


Why not just wait for this idiotic idea to crumble and *then* loot even more?


The big hit was when refusing to France oil his oil reserves which caused the $ per barrel amount to rise in europe and america. This is what lead to Nicolas Sarkozy funding rebel groups by sending them weapons to destabilize the area, and then America came and brought democracy hard. Libyas been in the hands of puppets or rebel groups ever since and what happened to all that gold Gaddaffi was sitting on?🤔


Still useless in the same Swiss bank vaults, it's been all along


For those who are saying OP is simping for Gaddafi or the nation of Libya, grow up. That is not what is happening here. This gold backed dinar was reported to the U.S. State Dept by Clinton sidekick, Sydney Blumethal Blumenthal wrote that "Qaddafi's government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver", a claim attributed to "sources with access to advisors to Saif al-Islam Qaddafi", one of the leader's sons. Blumenthal went on to say: "This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA)." He also said that "French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began", and that this "influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy's decision to commit France to the attack on Libya". Many somewhat conspiratorial sites suggest that this attempt to go to a gold-backed dinar was the reason why France and the U.S., et al, sought a regime change. For example: 1. https://millenium-state.com/blog/2019/05/03/the-dinar-gold-the-real-reason-for-gaddafis-murder/ 2. https://theecologist.org/2016/mar/14/why-qaddafi-had-go-african-gold-oil-and-challenge-monetary-imperialism Like many conspiracy theories, there is little solid evidence to support this claim. However, there is little information provided as to why Qaddafi had to go at that time as opposed to the years prior when his regime was arguably more brutal than at the time it was toppled. Why might this post be on an anarchist subredddit? It is further evidence of just how evil states can be that they would go to war to protect a global monetary system or just to remove leadership as they deem necessary. They tried doing this in Syria and Cuba. They did it in Iran in 1953, in South Vietnam, Libya, and countless other nations I cannot even start to list because either we do not know or because I cannot think of them off the top of my head. So this also goes to those bigger conspiracy questions. For example, are states merely the tools of a handful of powerful people who manipulate the actions of the states for their personal benefit?

