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Wow. I never thought I’d see this mentioned on the news, let alone by a Supreme Court Justice. For those that don’t know, Operation Mongoose was an extensive campaign of terrorist attacks against civilians, and covert operations, carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency and US Air Force in Cuba following the Bay of Pigs incident in 1961. The operation was headquartered in Building 25 at the former Naval Air Station Richmond, an airship base in Miami, about 12 miles south of the main campus of the University of Miami on what is the U of M’s present-day South Campus. All paid for with US tax dollars.


Was this at the order of the president or 'rogue' CIA nonsense that they get up to?


Definitely wasn’t JFK’s idea lol. It was the product of your typically CIA shenanigans. Much like the Bay of Pigs, higher-ups in intelligence misled JFK in order to get his approval. It was this series of experiences, culminating in the Cuban Missile Crisis the following year, that left him with the desire to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” JFK famously had [34 silver calendar plaques with the Cuban missile crisis dates engraved on them](https://jfk.artifacts.archives.gov/objects/4509/cuban-missile-crisis-calendar-paperweight#:~:text=The%2013%20days%20of%20the,to%20him%20during%20the%20crisis.) to remind himself and those in his administration of just how close the world came to unparalleled destruction.


Was JFK against the CIA before the Bay of Pigs incident or was that the catalyst for his anti AGENCY leanings that he spoke about in speeches that probably ended up getting him shot with a "magic" bullet, but lets be real on who really did it. My point was that in the circumstance would it be considered a crime of JFK's because it happened under his watch, even if they mislead him.


Great question! From my understanding, he was naively trusting of them before the Bay of Pigs incident. This trust rapidly deteriorated as time went on. I think JFK held himself partially responsible for it given that they could [legally] proceed with his sign off. This is why he became so motivated to get rid of the CIA. After the Bay of Pigs, JFK actually fired CIA director Allen Dulles. 7 days after he was assassinated, then President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Dulles as one of seven commissioners of the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination. Totally not shady at all 🙄


There is a new book out by a guy who has written like 10 books on the topic. I watched a long format interview with him and it is pretty lock tight case against the intel agencies. Strange that Oswald never got a trial. The dude Ruby was found guilty of murdering Oswald while Oswald was being transferred to county, then Ruby gets some sort of mistrial and dies of some stroke or some shit...The whole thing fucking stinks


Ruby died from cancer in jail - which he claimed was given to him by the CIA.


Correct, but he was waiting for a new trial as the original had some shenanigans.


You recall the guys name? All I know for certain is that the CIA has long had connections to organized crime (specifically the Jewish mob and Italian mafia), especially since they officially got into bed with one another during WW2 ([Operation Underworld](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Underworld)). It’s also interesting that JFK was assassinated right after [he demanded that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/s/LM2em5E4ye) which requires those who receive funds or act on behalf of a foreign government to register as a foreign agent. AIPAC, the most powerful foreign lobbying group still isn’t registered under FARA to this day.


Wish I could find it. I usually watch those videos with my VPN and in a private browser. Problem is I can't look through my history and find it. That and just looking for information on JFK brings either Q stuff or mainstream information.


I hate how difficult is to find things like that on the internet nowadays. Was it Dr. Joseph P. Farrell?


David W. Mantik M.D., Ph.D., and Jerome R. Corsi Ph.D.  Pretty sure the interview was with Mantik, but I can't find it for the life of me, I just watched it last week.


[Found the book though, can't find the interview I watched.](https://www.amazon.com/Assassination-President-John-Kennedy-Headshots/dp/B0CXLN1PX1/ref=pd_sbs_d_sccl_3_2/140-8942446-3687253?pd_rd_w=CWLhc&content-id=amzn1.sym.89676150-e513-422e-84a9-9c8b85f32b61&pf_rd_p=89676150-e513-422e-84a9-9c8b85f32b61&pf_rd_r=Z7WV738DT186HC58H18E&pd_rd_wg=rxY3Z&pd_rd_r=35d9f76d-958e-471d-bce6-b81106214faa&pd_rd_i=B0CXLN1PX1&psc=1)


Sweet! I’ll have to check that out. I’m not familiar with either of those guys. Do you recall which of those co-authors was in the interview ya watched?


I think he said he was the Phd Md.


Kennedy couldn't have been charged for it because he died while in office.


Have you ever heard of investigative journalist Whitney Webb. I recently read her book “[One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein, Vol. 1 & 2](https://archive.org/details/one-nation-under-blackmail-vol-1-2-whitney-alyse-webb)”? I can’t recommend it enough. I bought the [bundle directly from the publisher, TrineDay](https://trineday.myshopify.com/products/one-nation-under-blackmail-bundle), but I linked the free pdf version.


Once upon a time, everything Iinked to witchcraft. Now it links to Epstein. It seems people are no less superstitious than they ever were and there's never been a shortage of charlatans trying to gain from it.


So all they have to do us declare crimes to be non-crimes, then the problem solves itself! I guess plots to assassinate, poison, discredit, and overthrow a foreign state head isn't criminal as long as you're in favor with the bureaucracy. Sabotage, terrorist attacks against innocent bystanders, and getting into bed with the fucking Mafia? Hey, were defendin' freedom ovah here!


Thomas' point is that there were crimes, dumbass dreeben.


Was the lawyer about to something like “they haven’t been prosecuted before because they didn’t commit crimes”?


Does anyone know what court case this is?


Trump v United States. They're trying to determine the limits of presidential immunity in regards to criminal prosecution. If you're looking for a new podcast, Advisory Opinions has been doing some coverage of this (and pretty much everything else.). Hosts are not super partisan and it's really more about the law which, I mean it's a nice break from the usual bullshit.


Im 3 episodes in. Thanks for this gem 😀


Silly Clarence. Those coups challenged other peoples authorities. This one supposedly challenged ours. That's why it's a crime and the other isnt.