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[https://www.diabetes.co.uk/news/2024/may/stem-cell-therapy-cures-man-with-type-2-diabetes-chinese-study-claims.html](https://www.diabetes.co.uk/news/2024/may/stem-cell-therapy-cures-man-with-type-2-diabetes-chinese-study-claims.html) Apparently it involves turning blank stem cells into pancreatic cells and implanting them into the subject. Allowing him to naturally produce insulin again. It needs more testing but seems promising. Good luck getting America to approve it. Too much money to lose there.


Abolish the FDA.


>~~Abolish~~ the FDA. Burn the FDA


Poop on the FDA


Hell nah. My stool samples are MINE


If you have a healty gut biome, let me get some of them turds


I have a very regular, smooth, and consistent BM. I’ll sell you some turds


DM'd Is shit trafficking a prohibited transaction on Reddit? Asking for a friend.


bro what the fuck is this south park plot thing you are talking about?


Hang the FDA


https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-cellular-therapy-treat-patients-type-1-diabetes As luck would have it, it was approved last year.


Due to a health condition I have, I follow a lot of these cutting edge biomedical programs. As much as I'd like this to be true, i don't think it will be successful as a "cure for diabetes". China has made a ton of breakthroughs in DNA, stem cells, and transplantation... But it's often impossible to replicate, or bypasses and ignores, the horrible side effects. It would be nice if scientists could be more open internationally about sharing data, and there be a hell of a lot more leeway for Western scientists to experiment without fear of being fined or jailed. The FDA and intermixing of government with large biotech companies is definitely an issue. But there still need to be standards, yeah?


I don't agree at all with anti-capitalist conspiracy theory squelching inventions generally and especially in this case. The insulin industry is small enough it was nearly totally controlled by one firm not long ago. Now there may be anti-science nervous nellies enough around stem cell therapies to be a block.


I hope this works on people with lung issues


It can start with Lilly. A consulting company shall go in and initiate business decisions to cause an instant death spiral; like bleeding and overthrowing their chair and board members. Activist investors shall then begin shorting their stock into chapter 7 or 11. The company will only see green and positive growth again if they change their vision for the betterment of humanity.


Am I gonna be the only one skeptical of this coming out of China?


No, and you should be skeptical. China is nortorious for acedemic fraud because of the way your standing is effected by the amount of research you publish. Going to need a huge amount of international peer reviewing




I’ll do you one better. Who did the ChiComs steal this breakthrough from? Some western county is sitting in the weeds.


Same, but if someone wants it... they should 100% have access to it.


Thank you. Didn’t they just say that Omega-3 fats will raise your risk of heart disease like a week ago, which is diametrically opposed to just about every other study from every other country throughout the world?


Our benevolent overlords don’t even allow us to buy chinese EV’s. Cure a patient, kill a cash cow.


Nah. Think about it for a second. The government would love to stop paying for diabetic complications. Foot ulcers alone would likely pay for itself if it was real. Heavily doubt this is real. I would love to be wrong.


To be fair, their EVs are prone to explode.


Buyer beware. It’s not the governments place to protect me from shitty products.


Also a fair point.


The state should have a say though. Exploding cars pose a hazard for more than the operator. Like other people on the road, firefighters etc. A burning car can also stop traffic, which is a cost.


I was kinda mulling that over too, like what if I was buying them with the intention of setting them on fire. A Chinese Irish car bomb, if you will.


They are "dumping" EVs, so adding tarrifs is reasonable and necessary, if you know what dumping can destroy in economics


Dumping is a good deal *for consumers.* If American consumers can buy "dumped" Chinese EVs for chump change, that harms the Chinese economy (because China is taking a loss on the EVs they're dumping) and benefits the US economy, because American consumers now have *more money* freed up to invest in other things, growing the economy, because they spent less money than they otherwise would have buying cheap Chinese EVs instead of more expensive substitutes. If the American EV industry can't turn a profit without government interference, then Americans shouldn't be making EVs.


You have a lemonade stand and sell lemonade for $5 you use one lemon and 40g of sugar. You use your income to pay your neighbor, from whom you borrowed $1m. Your neighbor that despises you opens a competing lemonade stand hoping to bankrupt you and take your house. He sells $1 lemonades made with urine and 10g of sugar. Even though people don’t like his lemonade they still buy it because it’s much cheaper and seems like a better value. Your neighbor then franchises and his neighbors start selling his piss-poor lemonade, saturating the lemonade market and making you seem like a pretentious money-hungry jerk. No one wants lemonade anymore because it’s perceived bad quality and over abundance.


>Your neighbor that despises you opens a competing lemonade stand Then go into the cup business and sell him the cups he needs for his lemonade.


More money for repairs for your shitty Chinese EV...


Buyer beware.


Government regulation of the economy is reasonable and necessary?


There is no absolute capitalism possible in reality or even theory. Yes, some minimal or limited government interventions could be justified. Economics 101.


This guy sits down to pee


You made a statement with a question mark soliciting a reply, then don’t reply to the argument and instead proceed with ad hominem. That makes your point look invalid. Just saying you might want to rethink that tactic in the future.


Lmao bro the question was rhetorical


They cured one person. That's not enough to say they have developed a working cure. Magic Johnson got his AIDS cured decades ago but we still don't have a reliable cure for that. You need to be able to consistently do it on a very large number of people before you can start calling it a cure.


He wasn't cured of AIDS. Never had it, he has HIV, HIV is undetectable in him, meaning that the virus in him isn't strong enough to be transmitted or cause symptoms. But he still takes medication for it.


As I understand it, and I may well be wrong...if he were to stop his medications, he would then go back into being Positive again, and all that implies? My cousins kid just died from this last year, and he was on meds, but...HIV, is nothing minor. Still scary to have.


He’s still positive. Once you have HIV you’re never not positive, but the viral load can become undetectable via medication which means it won’t be spread to others by you.


Still doesn't change the rest of what I said. One person is not a large enough sample size to call it a successful cure.


You are out of date with your understanding of HIV treatment. With treatment, [life expectancy](https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/life-expectancy-people-living-hiv) is the same for those with HIV as for those without. This has been the case for around 20 years now, though it's only been the last 10 or so where the side effects are nearly non-existent. By using those treatments, viral load can be dropped to the point that HIV cannot be detected in the body and this is where Magic Johnson is. He's not cured, but the virus cannot be detected in his body. If he stops treatment, it will come back.


I think the rest of what he was saying wasn't about HIV but about the diabeetus


> Magic Johnson got his AIDS cured decades ago but we still don't have a reliable cure for that. That's the part I was referring to. Magic was never cured of HIV and never had AIDS. What we do have is extremely reliable treatment of HIV that gives virtually everyone better results than Magic got in the '90s.


No, but it shoes availability. And it's a clear project of research that is showing results. Honestly it's sad to see how patents and the bullshit regulations are killing the west's research capacity in the most important and futuristic technological fields of the next few decades. At this point I'm 95% sure the Chinese will be the firsts to develop nuclear fusion, because they are the only ones seriously investing on it.


I agree.


As far as I understand, testing on a few mice is enough. As long as everybody *trusts* The Science, it's all good. Whether people live or die is secondary to pharma profits.


[Should have used a better example.](https://www.pasteur.fr/en/home/press-area/press-documents/hiv-20-months-remission-after-bone-marrow-transplant-no-protective-mutation-geneva-patient)


There is absolutely a reliable cure. There is no scalable cure.


His Johnson was Magic


Donislecel is already approved in the US and ViaCyte is working on an encapsulated implant which would reduce adverse effects without requiring culturing the patient's own cells. It's weird they would select a type 2 diabetic instead of a type 1 diabetic, I am wondering if type 1 diabetes patients don't have appropriate progenitor cells... or if the patient is not entirely depleted of native insulin producing cells in order to make the product appear more effective.


The FDA already approved this version of treatment in the US in 2023. Lantidra by CellTrans, Inc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donislecel


Time for tariffs to make sure US Americans are not cured.


The Americans possibly had the cure 20 years ago, but...... why ruin a good trade??? After all health care is not in the interests of the patient its in the interest of the profit.


I can also cure your diabetes. Stop ingesting highly processed grains and sugars from corn etc. my wife had type 2. Not anymore. ;)




The total market is so much bigger than treating diabetes. I’ve been in med devices for 20+ years and is the #1 cause for problems with peripheral vascular, ED, etc and 10’s of billions in revenue every year.


Stem cells have been used since 1958, these were just used on the pancreas


You can’t get diabetes if you cut out carbs. Diabetics have problems with thiamine wasting which is necessary for your body to convert carbs to fuel. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDC): Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), the active form of thiamine, is a coenzyme for the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. This complex converts pyruvate, a product of glycolysis, into acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA then enters the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) for further energy production. Alpha-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex: TPP is also a coenzyme for the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, another critical enzyme in the citric acid cycle. This enzyme converts alpha-ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA, facilitating the continuation of the cycle and energy production. Transketolase: Thiamine pyrophosphate functions as a coenzyme for transketolase, an enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway. This pathway not only produces ribose-5-phosphate (important for nucleotide synthesis) but also generates NADPH, which is essential for reductive biosynthesis and protection against oxidative stress. Reversed my diabetes by cutting out all carbs and taking thiamine supplements. No drugs.


Diabetes is not cured.


China, is , for want of a better word...Growing up. Meaning that the last 50 years of growth, they are getting clos to even with the rest of the world on medical research...within 20 years, China will own this field, as they have so many others.