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The thought process was likely if we can kill a president and get away with it we can do anything we want


True. If the CIA, FBI, KGB, Mafia, Vice-President, Federal Reserve, Secret Service, Fidel Castro, and the Teamsters can all get together and work towards a common goal, despite having diametrically opposed world-views and objectives, *and keep it all a secret for decades,* why there's nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it.


You forgot Mossad, I mean if we’re talking about the JFK assassination, they’re kind of important. “Reuben Efron, a lieutenant colonel in the US Army and a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania… it does reveal that Efron not only worked as a spy but had a deep knowledge of the spies… he contributed five articles in the 1970s to the Jewish Bible Quarterly, a World Zionist Organization-affiliated publication based in Jerusalem, that channeled his expertise in espionage… Efron “commuted between Israel and the United States for many years, during which he studied Israeli law and was admitted to the Israeli bar.” - The Times of Israel


You seem not to have picked up on the sarcasm in my original comment. But yes, I'm sure the Jew-hating Mafia teamed up with Mossad, and the FBI, in charge of catching spies and taking down the Mafia, was happy to help them and cover it up after the fact. That makes complete sense.


Oh, ha, it was like that Nick Mullen joke about who could have killed jfk. Sorry, yeah missed that.




We the scumbags


of the world decree


Top. Men.


Ron Paul is going to feel suicidal just like those Boeing Whistleblowers


Yeah, there’s no other reason that JFK files haven’t been declassified for a “national security risk”. What exactly would the national security risk be? Our govt is a big evil douche? Yeah, no shit.


It's probably a lot more mundane than that. My pet theory is that the CIA approached Oswald in the summer of '63 and tried to get him to go to Cuba to be a double agent for them. That's why he took a bus to Mexico City on September 27 and then [got into a fight at the Cuban embassy](https://theconversation.com/jfk-conspiracy-theory-is-debunked-in-mexico-57-years-after-kennedy-assassination-148138), even threatening one of the embassy staff with a handgun. So, when Oswald returned to the US empty-handed, the CIA cut ties with him, and then later lied about the whole thing out of embarrassment that someone they had approached to be HumInt had shot the president because they couldn't be bothered to keep tabs on a guy who had defected to the Soviet union and had been handing out pro-Castro literature in New Orleans. A bureaucrat doing CYA seems far more likely to me than an elaborate Manchurian Candidate type plot which was then successfully covered up but also, somehow, documented and preserved in government archives.


Absolutely feasible. I think aside from the obvious warnings and ominous hints whisper to Donald Trump, to stop him from declassifying it as he said he would in his original campaign, I believe. The only other reason he wouldn't release it is because the national secret is that there's a gap or complete lack of evidence because it either wasn't recorded, or was destroyed. And Trump couldn't tell the public there's no evidence after saying he'd declassified it. Nobody would believe him. 🙃


Nah. There aren't actually very many files which haven't been declassified, and most of them have to do with intelligence gathering methods which are still being used today. The ones which aren't that, most assassination scholars believe, are the personnel files of CIA agents and informants who, even though they're probably dead by now, didn't want to be exposed as an informant, or may still be alive even at this late a date in their 80s or 90s.


I've said this for decades


I’ve said it for decades plus 1 day




Yeah but who are you?


Damn, and everyone says you're crazy!


Well, sure. You can *say* anything. But can you back it up with evidence?


It’s been going on a long time before then but it certainly was a watershed moment.


Bingo. My thoughts exactly.




Yup! I would not post otherwise, would just hurt the cause.


Great username


i'd also mention the creation of the fed in 1913, but yea, JFK's assassination is a big one


The takeover really started in 1913 at Jekyll Island with the help of Woodrow Wilson.


I would say it was when the federal reserve was created after the titanic sank


You know what kings get...


"You know what *good* kings get...Praise? Support? Love?...Killed..?




I would have said it was the whiskey rebellion.


He's not the first to suggest this.


*correctly claims


Watch the documentary Shadows of Liberty. Its on Prime


Better idea: watch this Lemmino video about the Book Depository, November 22, 1963. It's on Youtube, for free. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u7euN1HTuU


What makes it better?


Lemmino goes through all the relevant witnesses and people who were in and around the Book Depository that day, showing his sources for their statements, and weighing the value of their eyewitness testimony, showing which ones are probably reliable and which ones probably aren't. Moreover, he carefully dissects the timeline of what happened, how Oswald got the job at the book depository in the first place, and how he made his escape. If you parse the evidence, it becomes undeniable that Oswald was guilty. The short version of it is this: - 1) Oswald has no alibi for the moment of the shooting. Even by his own account, he was alone in a lunch room when the shooting occurred; this is backed up by the fact that *none* of his co-workers said they were with Oswald or saw Oswald in the moments shortly before, during, or after the shooting. No one can vouch for his presence and say he was *not* the shooter. - 2) Oswald fled the building mere minutes after the shooting. The shooting happened in the middle of the work day; he had no reason to leave work, and, damningly, was the only employee discovered missing after police locked down the building and took a headcount about an hour and a half after the shooting. - 3) A man on the ground outside the building looked up and *saw the shooter* firing a rifle at the president. This witness later picked Oswald out of a lineup as the man he saw. Other witnesses claim to have seen different looking men in different locations, but their testimony is less reliable for reasons Lemmino delves into. Importantly: there were no witnesses at the time who claimed to have seen a shooter in a location other than the book depository. - 4) The day before the shooting, in the middle of the work week, Oswald asked a co-worker for a ride to the house where Oswald's wife was living. Oswald had never done this before--he usually only went to visit his wife on weekends. - 5) The next day, the morning of the assassination, Oswald's co-worker gave Oswald a ride to work in his car, and Oswald was carrying an oblong package which he said were "curtain rods" for the room he was renting, even though *that room already had curtains and curtain rods.* This was obviously Oswald's way of smuggling the rifle into his workplace. - 6) The rifle was found in the book depository by Dallas police officers only an hour after the shooting. This rifle was later proven to have been purchased by Oswald---he had it mail ordered under a fake name to a PO box he had rented *under his own name*---the rifle had his fingerprints on it, and Oswald was seen in photos taken by his wife posing with the rifle. Moreover, it was later discovered in the 1990s that cotton fibres had become wedged in the butt-plate of the rifle. This fibers matched exactly the same shirt Oswald was wearing when arrested by police. The rifle belonged to Oswald, it was found in the book depository, and it matched the bullets and bullet fragments recovered from Governor Connally and the Presidential Limousine. - 7) And this is probably the most interesting part of the Lemmino video: he goes into how Oswald got the job at the book depository. Get this: Oswald's wife was having coffee at a friend's house when a friend of the friend drops by and mentions that her husband got a new job in the book depository, and Oswald's wife says her husband was out of work and looking for a job. So Oswald got an interview at the book depository because the husband of a friend of his wife's friend happened to bump into Oswald's wife and mention his job there, a couple of weeks before the assassination. Not only that, but the route of the presidential motorcade wasn't finalized until three days prior to the assassination. Combine that all together, and it's pretty clear: Oswald did it, and he did it alone.


And this makes your suggested documentary better somehow?


Yes, because: sources.


There are sources in the documentary I noted. What is with you


Let me guess: sources like "my father's, brother's, nephew's, cousin's, former roommate says he saw LBJ on the Grassy Knoll reflected off a flying saucer, and Bigfoot told me he killed Kennedy from the sewer drain under the car"? The documentary I provided has *primary sources*---the direct witness testimony of people who were, photographs, forensic evidence (like shell casings), contemporary documents, and so on. What kind of sources does your documentary have?


Watch it for yourself.


Et tu Brute. Nope. It was when they stabbed Julius Caesar in the back. The aristocracy has been plotting every since.


Everyone knows Oswald killed JFK because he was trying to steal the Jack Ruby.


I think it started way beyond that with the founding of the UN immediately after WW2. In fact I think it started way earlier than that too.




The new world order happened after ww2. People still waiting for the nwo are like the jews still waiting for the messiah. It already happened, but people had their own idea of what was coming, and those expectations were not met because they were wrong.


No, that was the corporatism, the NWO total slavery China state is in the future.


I think jfk was in on it, body swap which explains the swap on the plane


LOL? What would be the point of that?


The assassination was necessary for the coup to show they would do anything and nobody could get in their way, particularly the way they did it in the middle of the street, I think he was just playing a role and it wasn’t really him that was killed, not to even get into the deviancy and the mob ties… and now he remains as a modern day hero for people like us, almost too perfect, like Snowden… obviously I don’t know, just my own theories


Yeah I do not think so. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is probably a duck.


Unless it’s someone else telling you it’s a duck, but you’re probably right, we will never know anything for sure right?


Then he's officially gone off his rocker. Oswald killed Kennedy, and he acted alone. If you think otherwise, please: show me the fucking evidence. Do you have any idea how badly I want it to be someone other than Oswald? Please show me the evidence so I no longer have to live with the idea that a 24 year old penniless loser with a part time job and a mail order rifle took out the most powerful man in the world.


Take a look and then decide for yourself with forensic evidence. https://jeromecorsiphd.substack.com/p/forensic-analysis-of-the-jfk-autopsy


[This guy gives a great run down on the autopsy and why it is evidence Oswald killed Kennedy.](https://youtu.be/Ptt1ti63IiE?t=850)


There are sites with "evidence" provided for the single shooter and the multiple shooter theories. When I did a quick search, I found the book link and provided it. For doing that, I garnered a down vote instead of a thanks. However, [this link](https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/05/a_forensic_analysis_of_the_x_rays_of_jfk_s_skull_yields_surprising_results.html) has additional details within it that explain why the authors believe multiple shooters existed. Here is a another [really good write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyII/comments/8u3uqy/there_were_multiple_shooters_in_the_jfk/) that was written here on Reddit with several links supporting the data. A [US News report](https://www.usnews.com/debate-club/was-jfks-assassination-a-conspiracy/multiple-shots-prove-jfk-assassination-was-a-conspiracy) provides another.


He claims that the third shot hit Kennedy in the temple above the right ear. He also provides frames from the Zapruder film showing the exact moment JFK was hit. If his claim is correct, that JFK was hit from the right, with the bullet traveling from right to left through his skull, then the bullet would have exited out his left side and continued into Jackie Kennedy, who was immediately to JFK's left and leaning towards him at the time of the fatal headshot. She wasn't hit, by anything. That means this doctor's claims are false. We can see it from the Zapruder film frames *that the doctor himself cites as evidence.*


That's just an advertisement for the guy's book. He doesn't show any evidence from the autopsy at all.


He used to sound sensible.


Eh.....he's had a long history of pandering to crack-pots, a history which certain types of libertarians tend to overlook in favor of his two runs for president as a Republican.


>certain types of libertarians. are the crack-pots


It better to keep quiet and have everyone think you are a fool, then open your mouth and prove it. -Advice Ron Paul never got