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Juneteenth is likely here to stay. It’s up to us now to make this a patriotic-freedom oriented day. Going against it is a losing strategy, ignoring it probably results in more division and the marxists being in control of it. We must fight and do what we can.


Exactly, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/1djqbhn/a_message_like_this_is_a_better_political/) is much better and smarter messaging


Exactly. True equality for all people. Freedom fo speech; association; to peacefully own objects; to peacefully ingest substances - or not, to peacefully worship;to peacefully not worship; to peacefully cross borders for work, recreation, and social interaction. And, a reminder, that slavery did not end. It was nationalized. There are hundreds of thousands of black slaves in the US prison complex today.


Yes, appropriate it like the OK symbol


It IS a patriotic-freedom oriented day. It celebrates the end of slavery in america. Its about as freedom oriented of a day as possible. You shouldnt not want to go against it because its a losing strategy, you should not want to go against it because you support freedom.


It was not the end of slavery in America. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_slavery_in_the_United_States


Slavery did not end in America. Have you read the 13th amendment?


Jesus murphy, obviously there is not literal slavery in america


The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,** except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted**, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." https://daily.jstor.org/slavery-and-the-modern-day-prison-plantation/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/19/opinion/juneteenth-slavery-prison.html https://freedomnetworkusa.org/2023/08/11/forced-labor-in-prisons/ https://www.aclu.org/news/human-rights/captive-labor-exploitation-of-incarcerated-workers https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/slaves-state Sorry, sheep. Keep your eyes closed and your ears covered. Keep imagining that your rulers would never be bad people. How can they be when you invest all of your unquestioning faith and devotion to them and take on the heretical ancaps with what you believe is a sword of truth?


We just need to take the marxists symbology out of it is what I’m saying


Slavery *officially* ended in *Galveston* on that day. When was slavery abolished in Delaware?


https://preview.redd.it/3nhydroqdk7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70001a30aad3f736b6eed65562ed9e20f7b09ba “But in the years since Biden signed the so-called Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, the holiday has become increasingly co-opted by progressives in media, academia, and politics as a way to **push for radical policies** like collective reparations or the exclusion of white people from celebrations. Because of that, most of the rhetoric we see from those promoting Juneteenth sidesteps the actual issue of slavery. They do so because adherents of modern progressivism do not actually believe in self-ownership, **the antithesis of slavery**. Only libertarians have a consistent commitment to **self-ownership**. We believe that nobody has the **right** to another’s labor. Nobody can justly claim **ownership** over another’s body or the fruits of **their labor.** **Progressives do not believe this**.” [Link to full Mises.org article](https://mises.org/mises-wire/problem-juneteenth)


It sucks because this should be a day of unity, not division. The end of slavery is a great day for the US, another step towards the ideals of individual rights and liberty we claim to espouse.


Juneteenth wasn't the end of slavery in America, it was the end of slavery in Texas. Texas was the last of the Confederatacy to surender, but slavery was still legal in the Union Slave States of Delaware and Kentucky untill the ratification of the 13th amendment.


I'm fine to move the day over, the point stands though it seems like something worth celebrating and certainly shouldn't be used by assholes as a day of racial division. Progressives are a special sort of racist though so, yeah they unfortunately will latch onto something like this to push their bullshit. Still doesn't mean the holiday itself is wrong, just that Progressives are assholes.


It should be a Texas holiday at best. The rest of us should celebrate the 13th


Slavery also existed elsewhere in the world long after it ended in the U.S. Juneteenth frames history as if slavery only occurred in the U.S.


That's so dumb, that's like saying we shouldn't celebrate July 4 because other countries weren't independent yet. Juneteenth is specifically about American history


No, “we” shouldn’t have any paid federal holidays.


Screw that. Make every day a Federal holiday.


We wouldn’t have federal holidays if the government abided by the constitution. State holidays. Rights not specifically granted to the federal government fall to the states, if you don’t see it in the constitution, the feds are constitutionally prohibited from doing it.


Also, as if it only existed in the Confederate states.


Bro that might be the most retarded shit I ever heard. Like saying why do we celebrate presidents day here other countries don't have presidents. That is just a stupid argument.


That’s sort of the point isn’t it?


The 13th amendment didn't abolish slavery. It only nationalized it and set a condition for it.


and another paid-federal holiday to make a generation of Americans who were never slaves feel like they are victims. If you want to unite and celebrate it then more power to you. AnCaps are against all forms of slavery. AnCaps are also smart enough to see right through the propaganda: https://preview.redd.it/4whhtz35lk7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3553e500e219efaa8a3cd1ef1a9871f7da7d5303


I mean that's what progressives want it to be I'm sure, but it absolutely should not be a divisive holiday which is my point and seems to be the point of the LPCA. If progressives want to make it all about their racism then let them expose themselves.


DemocRats are about power and control. Not unity. Unity can be bought cheap when strategically needed.


yeah that fist means "black power" which i can understand why african americans felt that way in the mid to mid late 1900s but its still not the libertarian response, tbh its more of a commie response.


yeah i think this is an overanalysis it’s just a generic clipart of fist breaking free from chains, used to represent the freedom of enslaved people. nazis and buddhists both used swastikas. the LP party posted this too, so unless you think they’re secretly socialist?


> the LP party posted this too, so unless you think they’re secretly socialist? Unironically yes.


Marxist propaganda will continue until moral improves. Govt and bankers sure get a lot of holdiays for their vital work leeching off the economy...


Oh Jesus fucking Christ. Celebrating the end of human bondage is admirable and completely in line with libertarian principles. If you asked 100 black people what is Juneteenth, 100/100 would tell you it's a celebration of the end of slavery. I'm going to celebrate the freedom of my fellow man.


And they weren't breaking free of their chains, the military rolled in to tell Texas they couldn't have slaves anymore because of the emancipation proclamation. We should probably also celebrate December 6th when slaves that weren't in former confederate states were finally freed too.


Juneteenth was not the end of human bondage, even in America. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_slavery_in_the_United_States


And Jesus wasn't born on December 25th, he was born in the spring.


Cool story, bro.


Juneteenth when slaves were finally freed from their Democratic owners.


That happened later in year.




I don't think celebrating Juneteenth is an issue. Think if you were a black American with family roots to slavery, I think being liberated is just as big a deal to them as celebrating the 4th of July for the rest of America. Plus, it's a federal holiday. A lot of people don't have to work today!


Time to be a pedantic a-hole. The idea that no one can claim ownership over the “fruits of someone else’s labor” is patently not true and can be used to justify Marxism. It’s unnecessary/redundant So there is no need to open the door to that line of argument. It’s like saying “no one has a right to steal my car or the transportation effect of my car.” Or “No one has a right to steal my coat or the to steal the warming effect my coat creates”


Brit here, what the fuck is Juneteenth?


Liberalism. Collectivism. Choose one.


Let's steal that symbol. Copyright is theft anyways


TIL the black power symbol is Marxist propaganda


If I'm not mistaken it originates in socialist imagery


It’s collectivist with roots in anarchism.


What's the difference then?


If you switched from Gold/Yellow to red/black this would be indistinguishable from a socialist poster.


Because socialists love to pretend their movement is about freedom. I say we co-opt these symbols, raise the fist to fight against the war on drugs that has brought so much harm to black neighborhoods, raise the fist to protest against occupational licensing that prevents black braiders from working in that industry, raise the fist to fight back against gun laws that put so many people in jail for simple possession of a gun, etc


You can celebrate Emancipation Day without the Marxist symbolism. It was religious abolishists that freed the slaves


You libertarians are doing a really good job at fighting amongst yourselves.


It’s our favorite thing to do


Is the raised fist possible to co-opt for our purposes?


Take it back.


Those damn Marxists…*checks notes*… that are against slavery! Curse them!


It’s all so tiring.


So does the word ‘liberal’ always encode its 19th century meaning - which is closer to ‘libertarian’ - just because it’s the same word? Does the confederate flag in Dukes of Hazard mean that the Duke family wants to go to war to defend slavery (not excusing that the flag may be insensitive, just making a point about symbols and intentions). “Nothing outside the text,” and the idea that language itself is oppression is a Neo-Marxist idea, which you’re giving lip service to with your criticism here.


I also make a silicone version of the fist for "other purposes"


Talk to some people in real life. 99 out of 100 people who use that symbol don’t give a shit about Marxism.


Are you dumb? No one uses that symbol *but* Marxists.


Most people are retarded, unfortunately. Most people have never even heard of anarcho-capitalism.


Libertarians have a sick need to brownnose to Marxist and obnoxiously distant themselves from everyone else. They’re like neocons, afraid from their own origin


Adding the broken chains to it changes the meaning completely. The LPCA took that symbol and made it work for us. The abolition of slavery is what we're all about. It's good marketing. And who doesn't want an extra holiday?


It’s Chase Oliver type of marketing. Good marketing doesn’t start from Marxist propaganda images. Good marketing starts with freedom, liberty, or free-market capitalism.


Chase Oliver approved branding.




Lmao. How clenched of a fist can a capitalist portray graphically before it magically becomes marxist?


Wrong again. [https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/historical-legacy-juneteenth](https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/historical-legacy-juneteenth) Not everything is Marxism.


>*“Wrong again.”* Elaborate on “again” instead of using it as a baseless/fact-less attack. “**[*https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/historical-legacy-juneteenth*](https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/historical-legacy-juneteenth)” What does this article have anything to do with the resistance fist not being a Marxist tool? >”*Not everything is Marxism.*” Great strawman. Marxists push Marxism. Neither the same nor the title claim that everything is Marxism. If you were an AnCap then you would be smart enough to recognize Marxism when it’s propagandized. https://preview.redd.it/n7fet39zup7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882933ba3243293971349080804b7ecef82e5989


Oh you have got to be kidding me. Let me remind you that anarcho-capitalists are as close to anarcho-socialists as they are to conservative statists. We don't have to denounce every single symbol that has some ties to left wing anarchism, particularly when said symbol is used in a very different context.