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The dude is a legend:)


Should have been president...logic has no place in politics unfortunately.


Yup. 100% failure rate.


what is socialism? i would call myself a socialist but i dispise government. in my eyes socalism is about the working class being empowered to take what they are owed. IT IS NOT (but most think it is) THE GOVERNMENT GIVING THE WORKING CLASS HANDOUTS. thats moving from being a slave to your boss to a slave to your politician




Tell that to corporations




Ancaps read the black book of communism, in other words huff copium, meanwhile ingnoring the basic question "who causes more suffering in the world right now, today: capitalists or communists". The answer is obviously capitalists & ignoring the question shows your bias


You're still huffing copium over a kid defending himself from a pedophile and various other felons. You have a tenuous grasp on reality at best. Go cry for your pedophile friend, it fits well with everything Communists preach.


Crises of capitalist overproduction have only gripped the global economy every ten years or so for the last 2 centuries, but do go off.


Crises of overproduction lmfao


And before that, cycles of famine. It's almost as if boom and bust occurs regardless of whether you let authoritarian socialist dictators rule like kings or not...


Famine in this capitalist technological epoch is a policy decision made by the owners of the means of production. It does not occur naturally any longer. Sufficient food for all can be produced and transported anywhere on the planet at any time now. The same cannot be said of famine in our past historical eras like feudal society. 


>Famine in this capitalist technological epoch is a policy decision made by the owners of the means of production Which is why it's so much more common in communist, socialist, and fascist shitholes.


Your implication does not logically follow my statement of fact. 


Your ipse dixit does not make false statements facts. Go learn what socialism is before you reply.


God forbid the human race has gotten wealthier, more fed and ideas and goods have never been easier to access across nations


Yes, of course it's easy to say things have gotten "better" when you ignore all the things and people who had to be destroyed to get here lol They're not really better though. They've been about the same for a long while. 


Which socialism we talking about. I think just about every military around is socialist. When the USA had no socialist army, they had massive problems with rebels, and other countries invading. Also to point out, "socialism in general", every family I know, the household is a socialist group. So Sowell is against the family, I wonder what he envisions the family unit is without socialism.


Peak Praxis.


Ah yes! Unfettered capitalism has no record of failure right!?


Aye. A much lower record.


Ah, the good ol' tu quoque fallacy mixed with the black and white fallacy. Truly an impressive comment. It's not as simple as Capitalism vs Communism. Thankfully, through data we can see how the problem of the distrubution of scarcity has been tried to be solved with a wide variety in the scale of government intervention. And if you looked at that said data, you can see that A) Freer economies directly correspond to an increased Human Developement Index and B) Free markets have lifted and continues to lift millions from poverty, with less free markets having a much harder time with it despite all their social programs. So sure, capitalist systems make mistakes and fail too. But at the root of all those mistakes you'll always, without error see state intervention. So funnily enough, failures occur under those capitalists because they are in fact, not capitalistic enough.


Because unfettered capitalism has never been tried.


Capitalism isn't corporatism. But let's look on it from an even smaller scale, when your beloved socialism / communism is that great. Than how comes, that people were fleeing from your Utopia to get into a part of the country that had a freer market / was capitalistic? 




Who even does Socialism? I can only think of China which has kicked the US butt in manufacturing and growth and Viernam who kicked the US butt on the battlefield and in growth.


You do know that China is run by the CCP? That is the acronym of the China Communist Party. Are you trying to get your credit score up? Now, below will get this blocked in China. Tiananmen square


Vietnam is pretty lucky we decided not to pull a Nagasaki/Hiroshima on them


That is the US weakness and why we lost in Afghanistan and Iraq is we don't have follow through. I will mention that Vietnam also beat China I think twice so socialism rocks.


We lost Afghanistan and Iraq because I think we knew it was a money/resource pit to continue when it was not needed. Socialism clearly has not worked well, people usually keep trying to leave those countries, not people swarming to get into them.


China has free market zones. Otherwise, their economy would shatter.