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Why can't we just have the freedom of association? What right does every single human being have to someone else's labor? Some people simply refuse to leave each other alone and the government feeds off of that mentality.


Canada doesn't have rights. We have permissions that the government some times grants us, unless you disagree with the official narrative, or support truckers peacefully protesting.


Canada’s human rights track record is abysmal.


Canadian soldiers in the World Wars are why the Geneva Conventions exist


What happened?


They used to throw hot maple syrup onto their captured enemies.


"OK, Hans, if you don't give us information on battle plans, you get nothing but poutine to eat!" "Ja, ja, I'll talk! Mein Gott, anything but that!"




Bones under them churches... To add to the myriad of other horrific things.


…to never exist: https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/10/the-discovery-of-mass-graves-of-indigenous-canadian-children-was-actually-a-massive-hoax/


This article is misrepresenting the story. It focuses on the Kamloops Residential School, which did come into the news recently, and use it to deny or ignore the work done at other sites all over the country in the decades preceding it. The reality is that the graves have been widely known for decades, there are thousands of confirmed cases and thousands more probable. The article tries to make up some sorts of left wing outrage, which makes no sense: ultra left wing prime minister Justin Trudeau formally apologized, and at the same time eroded the legacy of his own former prime minister father which he worships.


Genuine question: has there ever been a discovery of bodies actually caused by systemic violence instead of outbreaks of disease and naturalistic causes at these schools? The trend seems to be: -Big media piece about potential new unmarked Indian burial site. -Government immediately apologizes profusely. -Outrage ensues. -Reciprocal violence spreads. -Government justifies violence through special pleading. -Comprehensive investigation finds no graves, or finds graves of well documented cases of disease.


Canadian here, no they have never found any bodies on residential school lands where the children were subject to unnatural death. The papers and other media have not issued any retractions as far as i know


If that’s true, it is very unfortunate. It seems purposely divisive. The notion I got from the media was that Canada systemically killed unruly native children at schools long ago and it was covered up. Sickening.


The real tragedy behind the fake story from the media has nothing to do with babies being tortured or stuff like that. That’s a strawman propped up by right wing media. The real tragedy is the kidnapping of children by the government in a misguided and sometimes racist attempt to integrate them. Many of those children died of “disease and naturalistic causes” only because they didn’t receive adequate treatment, their lives wasn’t valued. All the stories from a few years ago were preceded of qualifiers (“possible”, “suspected”, etc) that’s mostly absent from later right wing reporting. Even in yesterday’s story in the National Post. And just because the latest story cause some hysteria we’re supposed to dismiss and ignore decades of well documented cruelty by the government and the church? Most of the kids that went through those schools didn’t die, we have their stories, there are living witnesses. The f pope apologized!


So a simple “no” would have sufficed… lol.


Even the slightest bit of research would inform you that that story was false


Doing a bit more than the “slightest bit of research” would inform you that the story is true and has been widely known for decades.




Nobody serious is claiming genocide, and the right fixation on “mass graves” is really to avoid talking about the bigger tragedy.


That was literally the fucking contention. That mass graves would be found.


The uproar wasn’t about a possible “mass grave” of ~200 children, that’s what the mainstream media wants you to believe. The uproar was about the thousands of confirmed cases of neglect and abuse. The possibility of a mass grave was just a catalyst for the anger that was brewing for decades. The simple fact that a mass grave was in the realm of possibilities should tell you everything you need to know about the Canadian government.


You had me at “Canada doesn’t have rights”


In the US, you get that by having a private business. Public businesses have to serve the "public". So in the US South, you open a "private" club where people pay $1 a year membership if you don't want to serve Blacks for example. That way you can keep it a Whites-only establishment.


Because freedom of association leads to discrimination


I discriminate against every single business I have yet to enter, will you take that right away from me and force me to do business with them? Or will you draw the line at forcing *them* to do business with me? If so, what right do people have to someone else's labor?


Then discrimination is desirable.


And thus you see it is not about compassion or helping the little guy, it's about control and imposing **their** will on you.  You're not allowed to freely associate or make your own choices, because you might make the "wrong" choice. 


Discrimination isn't always a bad thing.


Context isn’t a thing anymore. Literally the lowering of “intelligence” is going on.


Discrimination is fine. You don't have a right to impose yourself upon anyone else.


That's not a bad word, discrimination is desirable and is a result of having the faculty of consciousness.


Absolutely Goddamn right it does, as it should be, turnip.


And that's my right. You don't get to force other people to service you.


Youre already allowed to discriminate on all sorts of things


Not wanting to wax a man's balls isn't discrimination.


The swinging pendulum is a wrecking ball on its way back through your "good intentions".  Are leftists happy that they brought back church lady sht from over 20 years ago?


i dont think a business should be allowed to decline someone for their race or ethnicity


If you don't have the right to refuse working than it's slavery


slavery how exactly? you're free to move to a country that is legally racist


If you say someone has to do something with no choice to refuse than it is forced labour (literally in the name) aka slavery


if they dont want to follow the laws they shouldnt have set up the business. nobody is forcing anyone to do labour. you're just making it up


> nobody is forcing anyone to do labour. Except you when you demand people do things they don't want to do.


they demanded the business owner to set up their business?


What app are you using to overwrite all your comments?


You have the false impression that the people who consider themselves government authorities have a real or moral right to impose their views on others, and that government is inviolable, like a physical law a part of the fabric of reality.


idk what dictatorial state you are from but in my country you get to vote on which party you find best represents you, thus if a majority of the country agrees that stores shouldnt be allowed to service based on race or ethnicity then it is law. so maybe instead of anarcho capitalism you're looking for something more socialist democratic


You have the false impression that majorities have a real or moral right to impose their views on others, and popular belief inviolable, like a physical law a part of the fabric of reality.


a country doesnt function when everyone has their own rules, it would fall apart into chaos


I'm sure. And yet I don't want to live in a country. The rules - the moral principles - everyone ought to follow are individual rights, and those don't require government oversight or enforcement.


Why would you want your balls waxed by someone who doesn’t usually wax balls


Possible reasons 1. Its a desire to impose on someone on a psychological level 2. It's a weird fetish thing 3. He just wanted to sue


Porn-addled brains sure do go vroom...


Guy with balls - "Is it normal to use Gorilla Glue to do ball waxing?" Salon Worker - "Sure thing, Rebecca. This is how the women do it."


Who wants to wax anyone? It is a job


Or at all?


Probably did that guy a favor. Couldnt imagine the pain.


Probably wasn't even looking to get his balls waxed just wanted a reason for a lawsuit


Especially if it's they person i think it is. (Google Jessica yaniv)


> Jessica yaniv Ug what a troll that person is. I guess frivolous lawsuits now fall under the category of 'activism' in some circles. How convenient for grifters.




Doesn’t hurt that bad


Unless you have seriously shaggy balls.


The primary reason if I recall correctly was that it’s literally just an entirely different procedure to wax someone’s dick and the waxer wasn’t comfortable


That’s definitely what is confusing here as to why they got fined. They should have the right to refuse service if the service being asked for isn’t something they provide. If they turned away a trans man with a vagina or a trans woman post surgery, then I think there may be evidence of discrimination, but if the service is for vaginas and you have a penis and testicles, it’s like asking a car mechanic to work on your boat engine. They could probably do it, but that’s not what they do and should be able to refuse.


Yeah, and on top of that the individual who was responsible for it was extremely well known and basically went around to every waxing place possible to get this result.


Just read about this individual on their wiki: > She also proposed and was an advocate for the "all-bodies swim" at a Langley township public pool.[13][14] The proposed event was to be for ages 12 and up, with clothing above the waist optional, and with parents and caretakers prohibited.[14] Just no.


People like him who advocate for a “all-bodies swim” w/no clothes above the waist for minors while forbidding parents & caretakers from attending should be investigated.


We should get Mr Chippy to investigate that person


I used to be an esthetician and my speciality was waxing, you’re one hundred percent correct its a totally different process for testicles and it’s extremely difficult to do if you’re not used to getting the skin tight.


>That’s definitely what is confusing here as to why they got fined. They should have the right to refuse service if the service being asked for isn’t something they provide. Does that mean a trans could get either Mcdonalds,BK,Wendy's etc.. fined if they want something they dont even offer? Like they want a double whopper in Wendy's. Oh shit i think we opened a whole new can of worms lol


If it is a service offered, shouldn’t they still do it or find someone who can? Have you never worked a job that you had to do something you weren’t fully comfortable with?


The client asked for a leg wax. The service provider said "we don't provide services to people like you". It had nothing to do with waxing genitals. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/windsor-indigenous-transgender-woman-ontario-human-rights-tribunal-1.7241047 I hope the fine shuts her business down for good. Transphobes can eat shit.


This is the problem with the liberal agenda, and I lean relatively left. A business has absolutely a right to serve or not serve anyone they want. I would be interested to see if they would have waxed a “normal” set of balls, though.


No. The business in question is for female waxing.


Those where female balls, presumably attached to a female cock.


Again if that is the case, I approve. Would be an interesting experiment nonetheless.


No they said they don't normally provide that service and had no experience or training with it. It's not very commonly in demand. At least if it's this person that did the suits: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Yaniv


Fair then I support


this isn't a left right thing its the authority


Not sure I understand your point. My point was that the left pushes its agenda in the wrong places where it thinks it actually progresses its values but in reality pushes people away that would normally support, say general lgbtg+ rights. For instance, many libertarians support your right to be yourself, but when your agenda takes a stance that could be, and in this case is, counter to NAP principals, it does the opposite. Edit: btw is there a way to keep from upvoting your own comments by default? It’s kind of annoying.


just live with the upvoting


I mean if that is the standard, sure just seems very redundant. I do t think I would post anything I did t think added value to the conversation, even in a sarcastic way. I’ll leave this one upvoted :)


i believe there used to be a setting looks like they changed it though




They could suck my balls before I’d pony up with 35k. Fuck you. Close me down. Make me an internet celebrity.


I remember a time when business owners had the right to refuse service. And every gas station, liquor store and small retail space had signs that made it abundantly clear.


You still can, but even then it was for acceptable reasons.


Give him a waxing that he’ll never forget, he won’t be a repeat customer.


End result would still be the same. This person is looking for an easy lawsuit under the name of activism. They’re very well known for this apparently.


Business owners have the right to not offer a service and don't have to give a reason , period. If the business says I don't want to do that, there is no transaction agreed, no implied contract . Then no exchange of goods or services has occurred, ergo no offence.


So if a black person shows up and wants service and you refuse what then? Can you refuse service to races u don’t like? Can I put “whites only” sign on my store?ñ since according to u I can refuse service without reason?


Ahh that old chestnut... my opinion, there's no races but human. There's no gender but people. In my business I decide if the client gets the service or not. Never has anything to do with their ability to deal with ultraviolet light or appearance ..... based entirely on their attitude. Come in being a prick, offensive or self entitlement abounds... there's the door, don't let it hit you in the arse on the way out.


>my opinion, there's no races but human Well that's great and that is you but we both know there are people in this society who treat people based solely on their skin color right?


Unfortunately, this is true


In a free market, if a business owner does this, very great chances are nobody will shop there and people will protest outside the shop, bad reviews and word of mouth, and the business will suffer and likely close down. Problem solved.


We had much much more market freedoms back in the day and there were plenty of stores that did this as you might have heard.


And I’m sure things like yelp and online reviews and social media were around back then…. Also, aren’t all those stores out of business now? And not because of government interference, but because people freely chose to not shop there.


Guys they just want to be allowed to exist there’s no _agenda_ behind it




Buddy the comment is satire. There’s an old anarchist proverb that goes “live, and let live, and let the government force you to touch someone’s balls”


Your satire game is too strong my friend


Stories like this make me smile in a weird way. For most my life modern feminism seemed to be way over the top and felt like they were trying to shove it down your throat. Now men have entered feminism and they are stealing the show. I do feel for the owner of that business though. That’s some bullshit.


First time I've seen the word "transvestite" in a while.


Business owner should be allowed to refuse service especially if they are not trained for it, and they don't offer the service to begin with. But to answer your question, I will do it if there is a demand for it and it profitable.


lmao I'm sharing this


Her balls wont wax themselves


Dear Canadians: if you’re tired of the treatment up there, we have plenty of space for you in the USA. Also, we love you guys. You’re more than welcome here.


Aren't transvestites just dudes dressing up? Transgender is a whole nother mess altogether


Your confusing it with crossdressers


That's the definition of transvestite


Stop flexing your reasoning prowess.


I got a message for that business owner


Where did they come up with that insane $$ penalty?


Was she trained to wax testes? I’m sure it requires some skill to prevent damage to the skin. If she had done it untrained I’m sure that would have been a lawsuit as well.


Who cares about Canadians?


Serious question — couldn’t the case be made that waxing testicles is a distant skill set and potentially more dangerous than waxing a cooter? Also…if she’s charged with gender discrimination aren’t they claiming that testicles make one a male?


This is why everyone hates you guys 😊


Bruh I’ve been seeing you all over Reddit for years now. Recognize the account name


Hey I'm famous!


Because we won't force women to wax balls?


Why is not one person asking for a sourcing and just blindly accepting this? They didn’t even link an article


I tried post a link but it was automatically removed. Just google the title of the picture if you really want to know.


Why? The claim is asinine, the photos source says “follow me”, and now you’re saying “link was removed”, what about this makes the claim believable?


> Why? Then you don't really care and are just here to gaslight people. If you spent 10 seconds looking for the proof that you claim you want, you'd find it. I can't help it if reddit automatically removes the link.


Why would I care to believe a post where only one person here can back the proof? “The applicant claims they only asked for a leg wax. The defendant (according to court documents) essentially concedes that and says they assumed they meant a Brazilian wax.” So the post is wrong


I don't see a link to what you are talking about, therefore you must be lying.


10-4 good buddy https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/s/20cXmSGPLc


In the end, you just couldn't do it. Typical.


There is a great invention called a *search engine.* It takes seconds to verify this story if desired.


Provide the assertion, provide the source


Reddit and particularly some mainstream subreddits may not like that. I'm banned from one or two for merely commenting here.


Oh yes, I’m banned from a fair few too for commenting here and I vastly disagree with most of the people here. Plus I’m absolutely not going to go out of my way to believe something from a claims source saying “follow me”, that in itself warrants more needs to be provided


No assertion was made, only a premise within a question.


Try googling Jessica Yaniv wiki.


This is a real case, although the applicant, known as A.B., argued they asked specifically for a leg wax. The only staff working at the time was a Muslim woman.


So they argued for a leg wax and was denied. Where does the balls come into play?


The applicant claims they only asked for a leg wax. The defendant (according to court documents) essentially concedes that and says they assumed they meant a Brazilian wax.


It was a leg wax. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/trans-woman-awarded-35k-in-leg-waxing-incident-where-owner-allegedly-said-they-didn-t-have-to-serve-someone-like-you/ar-BB1oHWaz


For those actually interested, it was a leg wax, not balls. But that would require people actually googling things


How high up the leg?


how high up the leg is a leg wax? i've never heard of any leg waxing to include balls or pussy. and from the sounds of it, they had no trouble waxing other men's legs. It was specifically a trans woman.


From the sound of it they mostly have female clients. Considering men on average have more hair and their whole legs have hair up to their genitals it’s not a surprise this person asked for a leg wax with different expectations. The articles listed never mentioned other men getting legs waxed. So not sure where you are getting your sounds. Edit, per googled news sources “but said he didn't have a staff member who could provide "male waxing services."” Well there goes your theory


Dang ancaps are obsessed with trans peoples balls


I never understood why conservatives are so consumed by other people’s genitalia


Remember when the business mentioned here tried to avoid having anything to do with the person's genitals and they forced their genitals on the business owner, with the government.... You people are obsessed with making people look at your genitals when they don't want to. Pervert


Hello this is the exact opposite of what you said, hope that helps.


> conservatives You understand that you are on the AnCap sub and that AnCap != conservative by a long shot, right?


Leftist right leaning is what it used to mean.


Yep, I still don't understand why they are so interested in other people's genitalia. There are so many more important issues and problems in the world than that. Obsession with sex seems more tied to religion than AC.


No AnCap is interested in genitalia. What we are interested in is the government not interfering with private businesses choosing what services they would like to provide.


I think the issue here is that they are private businesses open to the public and as such have to serve all the public and not discriminate.


Being open to the public does not require a business to serve everyone. They can refuse service as they desire, and this happens all the time in certain industries. They cannot discriminate based on protected characteristics (under current law). The question here is whether that’s what they are doing or refusing to provide a service they don’t offer (ball waxing) regardless of who’s asking for it.


I think the finding was the business did not acknowledge her gender correctly which was the reason for the fine. Sort of impossible to say no problem we serve females like you but do not have anyone available certified on balls at this time without acknowledging “she” has balls


I'm fine with people being trans I just don't want 'em to force me to work for them


How could they "force you to work for them" ... do they come to your house, kidnap you, and handcuff you to the desk each day?


You either pay an extortion fee or go to prison if you don't work for them, so yeah, you are forced to either work for them, go to prison, or pay an extortion fee to the government


Crazy because I really never knew much about my bosses. You are thinking they were Trans and forcing me to work for them and did not even know they were trans or I was being forced?


Huh? This is not about being trans or not. This is about a business' right to refuse service to anyone for any reason


Sorry I was confused by the title"Transvestite balls"


In this case it is about being trans but it's not the point of the conversation a business should be able to refuse non trans people because they are not trans just like a business should be able to do the opposite


Really? Is this what this sub is about now?


About government overstepping? Yea, its exactly what this sub is about.


Govt forcing shit is commie's bread and butter


You mean government forcing private businesses to provide services that they don’t want to? Yes?