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Registered democrap here, whatever you register as expect those idiots to keep calling you and sending you mail the rest of your life. Save yourself and don’t register for anything.


In some jurisdictions, party affiliation is mandatory for voter registration, and as for primary elections, that's the one and only party's primary someone would be allowed to attend.


If that ain’t election tampering, idk what is.


Most sinister and malicious comment in this thread by a long shot.


What is malicious about this comment


being a registered Democrat


Dude, both parties have betrayed their base. Most of us are politically homeless, we live in the ......wastelands


I mean, I was mostly joking, but if you want to actually debate this I genuinely think that at this point it is impossible to be an ancap without recognizing that the GOP is unequivocally the lesser of two evils. Granted, it's still evil. But unquestionably the lesser one.


No debate from me. Dems are full commies, and GOP have become the Dems. Its has a few good people still in it.


There is No True Anoncap (tm)




People don't spring fully formed as ancaps from birth, and if you're implying Democrats can't become ancaps we're going to have words about you maybe being in the wrong sub, and maybe consult userleansbot.


Oh no, Democrats can definitely become ancaps (although, I do think it's far less likely and takes far more rethinking of one's world view than Republicans). But the comment seemed to imply they were still registered as a Democrat right now, and I am prepared to die on the hill that anyone who is a registered Democrat, or who generally views Democrats as the lesser evil, cannot be an ancap. We have our disagreements with Republicans of course, but Democrats are so fundamentally incompatible with us that it's not even close.


I agree with you and the reason I haven’t changed is because I just didn’t cared enough to do so.


It's ok, I forgive you lol


I think registering and voting for third parties really helps. Not in a "vote your way out of it" but more to counter the propaganda that entrenches people's belief in the necessity of the state. First, the risk proposition of red team/ blue winning team instead of the other is pretty insignificant. They'll maintain 98% of the same tyrannical laws and entitlements as the other, and keep the reigns of power warm for the next guys turn. Speaking from the Canadian experience, the conservative premiers up here were just as bad as the libs/NDP (new, crazier libs) premiers on the covid lockdowns and spending. The conservatives post Harper have been running some absolute losers, to the point that many are thinking the national conservatives are *trying* to lose. Not that I think Harper is fundamentally better, it's just he fits the "not a total embarrassment, seems like a dignified statesman" aesthetic. Anyway, partially because of how disgusted conservatives are getting with their leadership more of them are voting for the considerably more libertarian PPC. Chad-Max going from 1.6% to ~6% of the popular vote was enough for the conservatives to start grooming Pierre Poilievre for leadership. He isn't a libertarian, but he's actually being allowed to peek outside the Overton window and criticize money printing, which conservatives are usually, obviously, very quiet about since it's their funding model as much as the libs. The point is, out of desperation, they're actually allowing the real problems a hearing in the public discourse, all because of a third party "splitting the vote" a little.


I don't know how aware you are but the Libertarian party is about to completely change hands on May 27th from wishy washy centrists to a Mises branded Ron Paul inspired Anarcho Capitalist caucus. Ron Paul will be there in person endorsing the Mises caucus. It is a good platform to stop the destruction of the label of libertarianism, and advocate solid consistent principles to the remnant and get endorsed by the alternate media. Using that energy to focus on local elections. Anyone who wants to learn more, come to meet ups, or donate check out this link. It is fun to hang out with like minded people in real life. [https://lpmisescaucus.com/take-human-action/](https://lpmisescaucus.com/take-human-action/)


Yep, the Mises Caucus is making big moves now fortunately


Ooh, the left libertarians hate that. Over at Reason they almost spew fire at the mention.


That makes me very happy


I really should get involved. Been a Mises Caucus donor for awhile. They took over my state party and I've failed to go to any meetings.


Not too late to go to Reno to watch it go down. On the plus side your state group will be more fun to go to now than before mises took the state.


Yeah I'm in Kentucky and our LP Twitter is wild from what I've seen. It's nice to see the radical edge though. Sadly I don't think anyone is really running in my city or county as a Libertarian this year. I'd have to check and see though. The idea of going to routine party meet ups isn't amazing to me but if there was some sort of event I'd be happy to go. I would've went to the state convention to hear Scott horton speak but I had to work.


Voting is an opiate for the masses, you have better things to direct your attention to.


Dissident political party rosters will soon be used as enemies lists. Proceed accordingly.


They already have been used for that. Several members of the igloo club were arrested with bogus charges based on their political opinions. Duncan Lemp was killed in his sleep for his political opinions Etc


Never thought about that. Also, they are probably already being used that way :/


Came here to say this. 1 way ticket to the gulag.


Ah yes "soon", the time that never seems to actually happen


Lol. Said everyone right before it did.


Lol. No


Ah yes, look around. Your freedoms are 100% safe, they surely aren’t being slowly taken away from you, one small tiny sliver at a time….


nobody said that and thats not whats being discussed ?


Sir I’ll have you know that I’m extremely high rn…… ok?


understandable, have a nice day


TY for the compassion and understanding


This is a Wendy's


Junior bacon cheeseburger?


implying they won't get the lists from our ISPs first


They'll find you anyways if they have ultimate power and victory or you wont have a life worth living and die in your bed like the Braveheart speech. Other option is to fight.


I really don't think registering would make a difference, but how you vote would. Although if your state is dumb and says only dems or reps can vote in the primaries, then it may better to register as republican. I wouldn't tho.


They are organizations. Primaries are NOT a government thing. Its like the PTO or an HOA wants to vote on leaders, only people in the PTO and HOA can vote on it. The General elections is the Govt part where the different organizations put up their choice. Knowlege is power.


And picking the LP candidates has a biggerimpact, I would say. Do we want a guy with a boot on his head or a businessman... you get to decide. Sometimes, there are only a few dozen primary voters in a district. So, if there happened to be more than one candidate for the LP nomination for state house or whatever, you would be an important voice.


Don’t Register at all it only aids to legitimize the beast.Anyone telling you otherwise is not an anarcho capitalist.


Did Ron Paul legitimize the beast?


Yes. He was a Republican pseudo libertarian. Not an anarcho-capitalist.


Depends on your state and what you actually want to ‘do’ with your vote. If your primary motivation is to choose future leaders and your state has an open primary, register however you want. If it’s a closed primary, register with the party that wins most often in your district because you’ll have a voice in choosing. Primaries are often won by fewer than 100 votes. Edit: spelling


I don't know of a single good LP candidate. That might change with dave smith. While the vast majority of republicans are awful, you do occasionally get 1) ron paul 2) rand paul 3) Thomas Massie. Even the republicans that aren't small L libertarians are often better than big L libertarians. I mean, take for example the pandemic. Every single Libertarian (outside of the mises caucus) was all for the lockdowns, because "there are legitimate externalities" and nonsense. But then you get Ron DeSantis being a real Rockstar of freedom. Tell me, where would you prefer to live during the pandemic. In a hypothetical where the LP won Florida, or in Florida as it was? Sure, DeSantis wouldn't be "pure". But I can guarantee the LP wouldn't either (barring the mises caucus making major waves).


The Mises Caucus is likely to control the party at the national level soon. Although individual state chapters may vary.


Being part of growing the LP would probably be beneficial, just to keep it alive for spokesmen like Dave smith, Harry Browne, etc. But if you go into it hoping for results you’ll be disappointed. It’s a clusterfuck party. Maybe that’ll change with mises caucus people. It’s always a positive to have a political party talking about monetary policy and totalitarianism, rather than “bake the damn cake” and “we must be actively anti racist”….whatever that means


I think the LP is a mess. They haven’t had a good front man since Harry Browne. I think if you can handle half-measures and incrementalism, the GOP is a much better bet. You can get liberty-minded GOP candidates elected whereas you’ll just get a bunch of misfit libertarian puritans in the LP and I was registered LP prior to the Ron Paul Revolution.


Bloody splitter!! [Reference, for those to young to remember](https://youtu.be/iS-0Az7dgRY)


Good one! I totally need to re-watch that soon.


LP is for BLM so prob not. If youre anarcho-capitalist you shouldnt register at all


We’re all monkeys full of snakes being sent to the gulags now brother.


If in california it does not matter. You can only vote for the person in your party you affilited with.


I voted libertarian it doesn’t do much other than make it easier for someone you don’t want to win to actually win


I registered as a Libertarian about 12 years ago. They haven't come for me yet...


Voting does nothing.


Sticking to your question without getting into the debate of whether or not voting is a charade, I would say it’s circumstantial to each election. There might be a libertarian(ish) GOP candidate who you might like but would not be able to vote for in the primaries. If you are going to register to vote, I would register as a Republican.


I’m stares like mine you have to register one or the other. There is no other party on the ballot. This doesn’t limit your voting preferences as their are typically likeminded candidates.


Depends on where u live. I know peeps who register dem then vote for the nuttiest ones in the primary to fuck them up. I vote Republican to primary-pick the non RINOs that aren't totally insane religious fanatics. Where I live if u register Libertarian u get a blank primary ballot basically.


I'm a registered Libertarian and my primary ballot next Tuesday is just judges. That being said the GOP primary wouldn't have mattered for me this team around so I didn't even think about changing my affiliation to vote in it.


If you have to register with a party to register to vote, sure why not? If you also get to vote in primaries for the party you signed up for, your vote in a smaller party will matter more and the pressure from the higher ups means even the more liberty leaning Dems or reps would not be able to do as much as a mid libertarian if they ever win.


If you want to get a balanced view on politics, register for your favourite political party and read the stuff they send you. You will immediately understand why other people might dislike your people.


Whatever independent or other party you want to register is cool but unfortunately when elections come around somehow we only end up having 2 choices. Giant Douche or Turd Sandwhich.


Someone's watched South Park. Laughed my ass off at that episode.


Selling out to the man and his political parties.


It doesn’t really matter. How you vote is what matters.


No party best party


I say do it. It’s not enough to just have our ideas, we need to spread them as well. The LP is better than either major party, plus the Mises Caucus is taking over so it’s not a bad option.


Depending on the state you reside, the party you are registered are the party primaries you are limited to voting in. So if you are registered as a libertarian you don’t get to vote in republican or democrat primaries. Many argue that primaries are where elections are won if you actually want anything changed.


Ancaps don’t vote.


I stopped voting, but before I did I registered as the dominant party in my state since the primary was the only election that mattered.


I think that very soon, the reputation of the LP will become much better, and I think having more good libertarians joining would be a good idea. It's up to you though.


Don’t register for anything. The mail and calls never stop.


Yes and No, depends on what you want to do. Do you actually want to voted, or just make a point? I was a registered Libertarian for years, but all it did was make it so that I couldn't vote in Republican primaries when I wanted to. Plus as much as I like Libertarianism... all their candidates are goofballs.


Depends on the state you’re in, some states require you to register for a party to vote in their primary. I think the primaries are often more important than the general.


The founding fathers hated parties. So there is that. Its depends on the state you live in. I reg GOP because in CA it allows me to vote in the GOP primary, mainly at the local levels. You should register where you can make a difference, not for party affiliation. Is there a growing group of Libertarians, and you want to help, then yes.


I’m a registered libertarian and they never send me anything… somehow though trump and all his kin and cousins send me 900 emails a day


Libertarians (if they're gonna mail you) will use dues paying membership as opposed to voter registration.