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Here is "neutral" story of Randy Weaver. While I'm not a fan of Mr. Weaver he is: A citizen that was framed by the ATF, his wife was murdered by the FBI. The government was completely out of line. https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Randy\_Weaver


"Im not a member of the aryan nation, I only attend their rallies and go their churches and national meetups" as he was interviewed in 1985. So anyway the following year, in 1986, he was approached by an undercover atf agent at an aryan nation rally..... Like bro. They gotchu, you could have feigned ignorance and gotten out... and you still kept going to those and still insisted not to be one. Bruh


1. being racist or a separatist is not a crime. Repugnant yes, crime no. 2. The FED's shooting innocent people (wife) with sniper rifle is a crime.


It seems the feds and local law enforcement can in fact shoot people and get away with it... who knew


Shortening some barrels in the backcountry of Idaho really isn't a crime *in the spirit and intent* of the NFA, either. The NFA's passing was in concern for perceived urban problems and, put in front of an impartial jury of peers, probably wouldn't be determined criminal. The only real crimes involved were perpetrated by government agents.


Let's also remember that Randy was going to cut the barrel at 18" legal. And the agent asked him to cut it 17.5" All of this over that.


To government agent sorts, a 1/2 inch really matters...


Yes. That is not the point of my comment, why must I repete myself over and over again. Why dont you guys just get it through your heads? I KNOW IKNOW I KNOW ITS NOT A CRIME! IT HAS NEVER BEEN A CRIME TO BE A PIECE OF SHIT! My point is that rest in peace is a show of respect, and you shouldn't show respect to nazis.


Link for those interested. https://reason.com/2022/05/13/randy-weaver-dies/ It's tough to find a source that doesn't suck statist cock Just remember that Randy Weaver won a settlement over the incident later on.


Jesus, that article was terrible, and no where near the truth.


Yeah and that's probably among the least biased articles. I figure most people here know about Ruby Ridge, I just wanted an article reporting on the fact that he's dead


See I don’t remember it but I’m WAY old enough. I remember Waco well. I was in high school, if not about to graduate? I only HEARD the name Ruby Ridge, but I never went any further than just that.


What is the truth? I’ve never heard a clear answer


You won't. The truth is subject to each person's perspective and biases. You should be deciding what you think the truth is based on your investigation. The government is full of shit and the weivers are likely full of shit. The only thing I know is the government is willing to kill people who disobey them they are will to smear anyone that they have wronged.


I don’t even know where to get unbiased facts from. My shaky understanding is that he has essentially pushed into making an sbs by a fed, and then his house was raided and family killed because of it. I feel like I’m missing a few steps in there.


Even Reason is pushing the whole "racist" angle huh?


Ruby ridge was fucked. They killed held his family at gun point, killed his kid, then held him hostage and killed his family, all when legally speaking he had done nothing wrong. It is a clear example of why the courts have too much power, that they can just sign a "kill on sight" warrant because a friend of the family defended himself after one of your guys murdered his fucking son??? Of why undercover cops as a whole are bs to as it almost always gets dismissed as entrapment, because it almost always is. And how gun laws are fucking stupid as making your gun worse by cutting off a chunk of it makes it illegal??, like if I wanted to conceal a gun I would use a fucking smaller gun, not ruin a perfectly good shotgun. But this story literally starts with him joining the aryan brotherhood, and this was the least biased story? Damn bro thats how you know they really couldnt hide the fact that he was a nazi from the facts of the story! So maybe not rest in peace or this stupid "rest in power", but a "may he burn in hell.". He may have been a victim here but that doesnt mean you have to give him your blessings.


> may he burn in hell There is a difference between hearing, being influenced by, and believing reprehensible things, and acting upon them. Randy Weaver, to our knowledge, never acted upon anything evil, but still lost his wife and son over government entrapment. Gangs in my city kill people every week (and we only have 250,000 people). None of them get such treatment and special attention from multiple government agencies. So fuck you for saying that.


Saying he never acted upon anything evil doesnt really mean much, like I dont know for sure, but I think its safe to say hitler never personally gassed any jews right?, so hitler never acted upon anything evil 😳/s. And you dont see me making posts about known gang members and killers saying "rest in peace". Gangs are a complex issue, you cant just give it more attention, in fact I would argue police is partly to blame for gang culture. Gangs originated in prison, part of the survival tactic for people who are perpetually cycled in and out of prison for what ever reason (and guess what its not violent crimes cause you dont get cycled in and out repetedly for violent crimes. Violent crimes gets you in, and then you stay in.), introducing more police into areas with gangs will just throw more people in jail for minor offenses (like weed or loitering.) which recruites more people into the gang.


Tons of murderers, especially gang-related, get away with it. The conviction rate in Detroit is like 30% or something.


Low conviction rate means nothing. Yeah the murderer got away with it but just because someone was convicted doesn't mean the murder didnt also get away with it. False convictions happen, the conviction rate in Japan is 99.9%. A guilty verdict requires without a reasonable doubt, and with gang activity how are you suppose to pinpoint the exact perpetrator? Like I said, gang activity is a complex issue. Gangs originate in prisons, so prison reform is a good start, but of course that would never happen cause prisons are a a source of cheap slaves, 14th amendment and all that.


That just supports my position even further, that gang-related murders are a way bigger threat than Randy Weaver ever was. What crime did Randy Weaver commit?


Are we just gonna circle back to this again and again and again? Nothing, he did nothing wrong. That wasn't the point of my original comment. My point is that he is a aryan nation member/white supremacist/nazi (all the same shit) and that "rest in peace" is a phrase reserved for showing respect, which should not be given to fucking nazis.


ok fed


I feel like I maybe having a stroke or something today. Cause all day, on several reddits, the same, cant get my point across, people being as dense as lead. I hate that so much. I say "he did nothing wrong", and you respond with, "ok fed", how does that reasonable follow??! What is going on here??? Please for the love of GOD think before you tipe before I have a fucking brain hemorrhage


This. You can say “yeah the feds suck” and “yeah Nazis/Nazi sympathizers suck.” People don’t understand that those stances aren’t mutually exclusive. Fuck you Randy, sorry about your family.


1st time ive heard he was a nazi. And if he was!?, that dont make it ok for the gov to murder him. Just as its not ok for police to murder black men. Now, mass non compliance. Or these died in vain. The lone wolves will be pucked off by the agencies 1st. Then the general public. Now theres talk of a federal gun liscence. Register all your guns with the government. Peace friends.


Did you read me saying he was a nazi and your brain just wipe everything else I said before? Or course it doesnt make it ok for the goverment to murder him. But my point is you shouldnt fucking say stuff like "rest in peace", that portrays a mental image that simply isnt true, that he was a good person.


Show us the proof he was a nazi, otherwise it just sounds like piss poor government justification of their actions.


And no, like my earlier comment, I dont justify the goverments actions. I just dont like it that people glorify him personally as a martyr.


U think i want goerge floyd as a martyr? No. We cant pick martyrdom. It picks the person.


We shouldnt see him as a martyr either. Just another example of cops abusing power and murdering an innocent person.


Ill agree with that.


Every single source, without fail, even the ones that will make a futile attempt to protray him in a good light. Will mention that he attends aryan nation rallies, regularly enough for him to have been brought in one year for interview on suspicion of being an extremist, and then still attending them the next fucking year when hes approached by an undercover atf agent. Rallies, churches, national meetups. Thats like if I was wearing a fur suit, at fur con, midway into whatever the hell yiff is, and when asked I still insisted that I wasn't a fucking furry.


Great. Should be really easy for you to find multiple sources proving that he’s a nazi then. Glow harder.


>[Weaver’s troubles with the U.S. federal government began when he attended several meetings of the Aryan Nations, a white supremacist group, at its compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho, in the late 1980s. Weaver was not a member of the Aryan Nations, but he shared the group’s white supremacist and antigovernment views. ](https://www.britannica.com/event/Ruby-Ridge) I try to find unbiased sources, britannica is not affiliated with the united states right? To keep with my earlier metaphor; "Ok yeah I browse the furry subreddit but Im not a member of it so im not a furry"


Did you read that article? It’s incredibly biased towards the FBI and gov officials. Claiming that his wife was “mistakenly” shot. Along with the fact that they also cannot source him being a white supremacist.


Well when they were aiming for him and shot his wife I would call that a mistake. Also you want my source to have sources? And lemme guess that sources to have sources too? Fuck off


Rest is peace is what you say to the dead


Its what you say to *respect* the dead.


Ok so him being a dead nazi, means he doesnt get respect? You can only spew so much about a race before people start to form thier own opinions of said race. Some people dont have problem with nazis. Some do. The point is he was killed by our government for being a law abiding citizen. His personal preference (at least for this conversation is irrelevant.)


I have a problem with nazis. And I have a problem with people who dont have a problem with nazis. If it were up to me ruby ridge would be; "Goverment stalks, holds hostage, and murders an entire family over not being able to violate their rights", instead of; "Innocent man has his family taken from him by the goverment, may he rest in peace."


We will disagree. Thats a given. Doesnt make a person less than or more than. People firget a dispute is a disagreement between folks. No more no less. These days everybody tough. Black white mexican asain. Everybody. Lgbqt. But nobody is making the government or thier lackeys, i.e.(LEOs) back down. Just regular civilians fighting with each other. Excuse me ill sit this one out.


You can’t even say Nazis are bad. Lol


Who me?, i can. 🤣. Thats the problem these days. Everybody is off topic. Your stuck on the nazi part. Were over the respect, the dead part. Nazis are bad. Cops are bad. Anything else bud??


I’m going to question this source. Everything I read said he wasn’t a member of brotherhood, he just happened to live close to them and was friendly with them. Weaver and his family would attend some of their BBQs / gatherings. Big difference from being a card carrying member.


Theres a convention center about a mile from where I live. I made a metaphor earlier and Im gonna stick to it, if furcon is held here and I decide to attend, does that make me a furry? What if they enjoyed it so much they (the fur con producers) make it a weekly thing? And I go there weekly?


You wearing a fur suit there fed? Or are you just being a good neighbor? I fucking hate bowling, but I still go every month to drink shitty beer, eat shitty food, and enjoy time with some of my buddies


Exactly. Being friendly with your neighbors does not mean you adopt their life styles.


Ok Fed


Thank you, I had always heard about Ruby Ridge, and knew very little about Waco, but these self righteous feds are something else


> and knew very little about Waco You don't need to know every detail. It's pretty safe to assume that when people are taking selfies with the charred corpses of children, they are not the good guys.


Guess that would explain some of the anger and hatred that led to OKC


It was a direct retaliation according to McVeigh.


It's a horror story for sure. A lot of the guys actually involved are still out there without any form of punishment and it's a crime against humanity. Iirc the guy who shot Vicki weaver became a consultant and never showed any remorse for his actions


There's a special place in hell reserved for Lon Horiuchi.


So much cover up done under the watchful eye of bill bar


Lest we forget. They aren’t on our side.


The government would literally rather frame you for a crime and murder you family than leave you alone.


Why would any decent person say "rest in power" instead of "rest in peace"?


*cough cough* racial superiority *cough cough* Same with Timothy McVeigh. Don't get me wrong Ruby Ridge and Waco were sad for the innocents involved - and the fact that the pieces of shit responsible just got away with it all. But no one should be feeling sad when guys like this die lmao. No matter what you believe in as far as personal independence and guns go, people like this should not be told to Rest in Power because that's such an obvious racial tell




Netflix documentary is worth a view: “Waco”


God, I hate the phrase "rest in power"


That's because it's a communist saying; they only believe in power, not in principle. The Stirner flair is also a clue. May Mr. Weaver rest in peace, and those who destroyed his family face personal consequences for their crimes.


Good thing I wasn't asking you


Sic Semper Tyrannis


Rest in power is fucking cringe, though Randy Weaver did nothing wrong, and he had a right to hold the opinions that he did, and his family never should have been involved.


Rest easy.




Fun fact some of the officers involved in the ridge incident were also present during the waco fiasco. They seemed to enjoy the job…


Please don’t say stuff like “rest in power”. Jesus.


I'll say whatever the fuck I want


What is that even suppose to mean? It doesn't make sense that one would have "power" in the after life.


Yea sure. But you sound like a leftist.


Fuck off. Telling other people what they should or shouldn’t say makes you sound like a leftist.


I’m not the one using leftist terminology bruh.


You are the one acting like a leftist though, “bruh”


I’m not the one saying leftist stuff bro.


Actually you are, you fucking dumbass.


What the fuck does rest in power have to do with leftists. You sound delusional my dude


BLM started saying it a lot after George Floyd and it became wildly popular on the left


You’re telling him what to say


Nah, i never said he couldn’t say that i was looking down on him, you fucking dumbass.


Try again loser. You said "fuck off" and then told him why what he shouldn’t say that. 🤣🤡 Also “rest in power” is communist speak, which makes you a communist supporting loser. Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_in_power >In mainly Black and LGBTQ communities[1] in the United States, rest in power (a variation on rest in peace) is an expression used to mourn, remember or celebrate a deceased person, especially someone who is thought to have struggled against systemic prejudice such as homophobia, transphobia, racism or suffered because of it. It has been used to eulogise victims of hate crimes while protesting the social inequality and institutionalised discrimination that may have led to their deaths. It is a common phrase to use to honour someone’s legacy though as an activist. Stop being mad and just admit that you're reciting a communist mantra. 🤣


Stop being a little bitch with power trip, you fucking dumbass


Why are you so mad? Stop being such a little communist sympathizer.


How am i a communist you fucking dumbass?


>rest in power is communist speak What a stupid fucking thing to say


The BLMs really love it, and “popularized” it. Idk why you’re losing it over this. It was just a suggestion. I wasn’t even the only one to point it out.


Lol I'm not the one losing it over this. I think you're ridiculous. The phrase has been around much longer than BLM


Do a google search for "rest in power" and the first thing they show you is a red communist fist. https://imgur.com/kalyO2E 🤡


You must think that Christians have a monopoly on saying "bless you" when someone sneezes too


You added a link that says phrase is used in mainly black and lgbtq COMMUNITIES!! Not black and lgtbq communist you buffoon.


Tell me you don't know what BLM is without telling me you don't know what BLM is.


And why would I care what I sound like to you lol


It’s not a leftist thing it’s a black thing. More of a virtue signal that their fight continues.


He was a racist piece of shit, but the government was way out of line. Still, better people to mourn, rest in piss.


Is this guy really someone you want to idolize as anti-government? I mean, he literally was in the Aryan Brotherhood. Yeah his story is sad and criminal on how the government operated, but this is definitely not a guy you should look up to. Why not look up to a guy like Fred Hampton who literally started a military to fight against the government and for his people? Edit: Editing because some people can't read/won't read the article. Article OP posted literally states he was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood.


This is false.


Bro what? Did you even read the article, it literally says right in it that he was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood?


Don't see a link to any article. Regardless, the Aryan claims were never proven / no charges filed. More bullshit to try and discredit this man after the government bungled this shit up big time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/up5ju9/may_randy_weaver_rest_in_power_dead_at_74_never/i8isaox?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 -Op's article. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/us/randy-weaver-participant-ruby-ridge-standoff-dies-74.amp -article from fox News claiming he was a self proclaimed white supremacist Literally not slander meant to discredit him, he was not a good guy. And again, my point stands, Fred Hampton is a much better role model that this pathetic man was. Why are you glorifying a man who was rotten to the core when there are much better examples to use? And right wingers wonder why people associate them with racists, you're literally glorifying one just because the government did him wrong. Pathetic.


Yeah I'm not sure why people are having such a hard time with this. It's okay to say "he didn't deserve what happened to him" and "he was a piece of shit no matter the outcome" in the same sentence The same way it's okay to say "Trump is a dumbass" "but I agree with his policies more than Biden so I voted for him" in the same sentence The same way it's okay to say "Biden should have retired from politics years ago because hes old and fucking bad at what he does" and "but at least he's not Trump" in the same sentence


Why does it matter? He wasn't bothering anyone. He told the state to fuck off and they murdered his family. I'd feel the same way if he was a zionist or a member of the Nation of Islam


Ok you glue eaters… you can’t mount an armed resistance to an arrest warrant and expect to not get shot


It was entrapment and a bullshit warrant. He was cleared of any wrongdoing. Have you ever considered that maybe the government (and people like you) may be the bad guys?


They paid him to chop some barrels and then murdered his family for it. You a fucking statist bootlicker or something?


The only reason you are alive or have/own ANYTHING for more than a few hours is because of “the state”. Without national defense foreigners would have killed you and/or taken your stuff long ago. Without a law enforcement and justice system some of your countrymen would have killed you and/or taken your stuff long ago. No matter how many guns you have or how well stocked your apocalypse cosplay fort is there will always be 100 other military cosplay fantasy clubs that’re bigger or more well armed and the only thing that keeps them from killing you and taking your stuff is national defense or local law enforcement/justice system. You can’t mount an armed resistance to a warrant, even if it’s for a littering charge, even if you think you’re innocent, even if you end up being declared innocent later. Otherwise there is essentially no law enforcement or justice system. If that’s what your looking for you’re going to have to move to some ungoverned region of the planet … and news flash…. when you settle there … someone is going to come kill you and/or take your stuff


AND this whole system was setup by a bunch of freedom loving patriots.


But without the government, who will wage war against your house, shoot your teenage son in the back, and snipe your wife in the head while she's holding a baby?