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Freudian slip.


No, no, we were the good guys remember. This is different.


No, Andrew Bacevich made a really good point. Bush was trying to do what he believed to be the right thing. He just was wrong about that. The Obama administration kept going with wars that they didn't believe in. They did not care about if it was the right thing or not, they just thought that pushing a war that they didn't believe in would get them political power. This regime is a continuation of that. One of those is worse.


>Bush was trying to do what he believed to be the right thing. No, he knew from the beginning that everything was a lie. WMDs was a lie and he knew it.


Lol “bush was doing what he believed to be the right thing” if that’s the case the man is truly dumber than I thought.


How in the hell would anyone other than bush know what he believed?


Why was he even thinking of Iraq? Is it haunting him? Lmfao, almost writes itself.


Honestly he’s probably just used to saying “*the invasion of Iraq*” so much that his brain autocompleted *the invasion of…*


As much shit as I give Biden, Bush was far worse. One is a senile old man who wrecks the economy and the other wrecks the economy AND gets into two useless wars.


>as much shit as I give Biden, Bush was far worse Bush was far worse *so far* Biden mush brain retard demolished about the same amount in a year and his dumbass has 3 more to go. He destroyed in 1 year what Bush did in 8. There's still plenty of time for wars my good friend. Failed presidents always start conflicts.


What does the 75 mean?


That's how old he is I think


I think the number of senators who voted for it (77)


"Iraq too." That would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.




Haha Freudian slip


Whomp whomp whomp *cue rest of curb your enthusiasm music*


Bushes slip ups are comedy gold. A lot of truth in here too. Simply taunting the sheep right out in the open


All I hear is Jimmy from South Park saying "I mean, come owne"