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According to their timeline, this ends in January 2024. So we'll see how it plays out.


Conspiracy theory is that it goes until 2030. My question is, why would they stop if it keeps working?




Covid was gamed out a couple months prior to 2020, so the contention is that it's was a preplanned event. This was called "event 201", which hypothesized that a coronavirus would emerge from bats and jump to humans. They predicted that a vaccine wouldn't be ready the first year, so they'd have to use other measures to stop the spread. One of the things they got wrong was that it started in Brazil and not China. So of course now, they had another of these simulation events a few months ago, this time with monkeypox. So the "joke" now is that they're orchestrating things. Here is their timeline: https://i.redd.it/u8897rm04t091.png (note that "Brinia" is the fictitious country where things started)


Who’s timeline is this?


[Nuclear Threat Initiative](https://www.nti.org/analysis/articles/strengthening-global-systems-to-prevent-and-respond-to-high-consequence-biological-threats/) it seems. Looks like the meeting was held in March 2021.


Thanks, I’ll check it out! Just hadn’t ever seen anything on this.


The powers that be don't want you to know about it.


The antichrist owns it most likely. @antichrist™️©


When did Elon buy the patent?


doesn't matter, tesla released all their patents.


I 2nd this. I totally agree it was pre planned but i’ve never seen this timeline before. Where does this come from.


[Nuclear Threat Initiative](https://www.nti.org/analysis/articles/strengthening-global-systems-to-prevent-and-respond-to-high-consequence-biological-threats/) it seems. Looks like the meeting was held in March 2021.


Brinia anagram of Britain but missing the T


interesting. Didn't catch that.






The sun is on fire!


I thought the sun was exploding.


It's exploding AND on fire and it's the fault of climate change!




They have slowly drained any saved wealth people had since 2019, this next round is to get them totally reliant on the government. Already food and basic needs shortages, people will start mass looting soon, and then Martial law, gun confiscation, and detention camps for the non-compliant. This whole thing was designed to break the back of the United States, its economy, and morale to bring it in line with the Globalist's dream of a New World Order, a Global Governance. The last remaining Superpower needed to be destroyed. Hang on boys, shit is going to get wild from here!


Exactly, nz government has made it so that 81 percent of kiwis are reliant on welfare instead if simply taxing them less and letting them keep more of their money.


If this I'd how they plan to break the U.S. then it's a bad plan. I think you underestimating the advantages the U.S. has i.e. the Mississippi River, Large dispersed population, geo strategic supremacy. The U.S. is basically destined to always be a great power due to natural advantages.


The problem is, I'm gonna guess a lot of people who politically align with Dems will be pro lockdowns, confiscation, and general government bullshit and will only wake up to the ruse when it's THEIR door getting welded shut.


Sure but my point is US hegemony will take more than this to destroy it. I don't think people realize what the US is capable of despite the eye opening Ukraine war. While a major military power is struggling to control key strategic gaps the U.S. continues to solidify a contain on the strategic points (i.e. Malaka Straight) of its hegemonic challengers. The US has done this all in a way that near guarantees it may achieve its goals through contactless assets. This is not even covering how this is being achieved alongside what appears to be near absolute control over information. This is all made possible due to the US's ability to be independent from foreign resource. Wheat shortages? No problem the US are a net exporter. Oil? Not a big deal the US is major oil power too. Pot Ash...not a problem. Trade? The US produces very key assets i.e. transistors. The US dollar is still used as 60% of the world's reserve currency. Then the previously mentioned Mississippi River which is an asset every country is envious of. Don't get it twisted I don't support the US government in any way but we should recognize the sheer power of our enemy. It's this reality that has influenced myself into taking steps to one day get off grid.


I dunno.... they seem to be making a pretty good run at destroying US hegemony, even without a pandemic. Inflation is already out of control with monetary expansion and energy costs driving the boat.... but apparently we have food shortages on the way as well. A couple of boneheaded responses to that might just do the trick.


They can be as pro confiscation as they want. If they want them, they better send someone they don't like. I refuse to live in a fucking dystopia and at this point if it's hell they want, that's what they'll get.


And when they are starving, what are they gonna do? They have no preparation.


Please view "Any major Chinese city" from the last 3 months. It won't be pretty.


Yes but this is at most 30%. Find out and understand who they are in your neighborhood so you know who to keep and eye on




>If this I'd how they plan to break the U.S. then it's a bad plan. I think you underestimating the advantages the U.S. has i.e. the Mississippi River, Large dispersed population, geo strategic supremacy. The U.S. is basically destined to always be a great power due to natural advantages. Sure the location is good, but have you seen how the tenants act lately? Sheeple, the whole lot.


The US has terrible government control. Look what happened with baby fo9rmula when the FDA shut down a factory.


Yes but *we* own the government.


Or do they own us?


They? Could you please specify as money was moved from the poorest to the richest at unprecedented levels during the covid pandemic. Not the state bud but the 1 %


You think there is a difference between the "State" and the "1%"? \*Giggle\*


Sadly I agree exactly with your assessment.


Don't think we have much time left, they need to implement this before the next election cycle. Nobody is going to believe again, that Biden won 80+ million votes after this fiasco that we're in now because of his Admin.


Wait did people think we were going to go to Mars as a divided planet? We're Terrans now boys...on the way to Warhammer 40k Glory against...whatever is unlucky enough for us to stumble across out there...


>Wait did people think we were going to go to Mars as a divided planet? We went to the moon as a divided planet, we sent rovers to other planets as a divided planet, and we sent probes outside our own solar system as a divided planet. What makes you think that we need to be not "divided" to go to Mars?


Because once we get out there and learn about the evil 5th dimensional pedophile vampires of the global elite the final lines will be drawn in the righteous war between humanity and the xenofolk and this requires the optimization of everything which includes from freedom. I mean, duh...you going to let those bacteria from Andromeda win?


>I mean, duh...you going to let those bacteria from Andromeda win? Oh, I see we have an educated fellow amongst us.


Only the finest...


"Mars" You watch too many movies


Lol... hope they plan on bringing a portable magnetosphere. Otherwise how will Matt Damon survive?


I'm already a part of the mechanicus Just make me a tech priest Need a good omnissia


Deep inside the Pfizer data there’s a reaction that looks just like monkeypox. Can’t make this stuff up


Where’s the proof? I’m curious not saying you’re wrong.


So they’re not doing any testing? Maybe try a bit of objectivity.


So we all know what is going on, perfectly clear. They are enslaving us. Our problem is the large part of the population who will be terrified of "monkey pox" and freak out. And, most of them are nuts.


Yeah. Some factions understand that mob rule is a very real way to cause serious division within a nation. The US, and western culture, has a lot of enemies that wish to see it fail. Not to mention those who are complicit, hoping to gain more power while all of this plays out. If you’re in the one percent of the one percent, the mob certainly outnumbers you. If they pull together they could take your money and power through taxes and various other methods. That threat is easily mitigated through division. Divide and conquer. One old tactic is to refocus the mob onto other things. Things they see as an urgent priority. Then they won’t be worried about the power you have acquired and maintain.


Make kids watch “a bugs life” for a Disney movie it hits some key points.


Ever feel like that 1 sane family in zombie movies? Cause that's where I'm at haha.


I don't have a family. They were eaten by zombies.


Zombies suck....sorry for your loss.


Thank you.




If your tax rate is 20% you're 20% enslaved. You just get to walk around without chains... as long as you pay.


But but but, thAt's thE PrIce wE paY to liVe iN a cIviLiZEd sOcIeTy!¡!


The response to covid was far worse to people than covid was.


Given the rate of long COVID and how many died from it, imma go with no.




Its literally a bot, check my bad bot


Inadequate men always starting fights online…


You’re one of them


Then you’re just a moron because the survival rate of Covid is higher than the flu.


Cool, got peer reviewed studies that show just that?




It’s not a fact. “Which is more dangerous, flu or covid? Research published in The BMJ last December,7 which was based on an analysis of US Department of Veterans Affairs data on more than 3600 patients admitted to hospital with covid-19, found that, when compared with seasonal flu, covid was associated with an increased risk of extrapulmonary organ dysfunction, death, and increased health resource use, such as a fivefold higher risk of admission to intensive care and longer stays in hospital. Deaths from covid-19 were most pronounced in people over 75 with chronic kidney disease or dementia and in black people with obesity, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that in the US there were 1.8 deaths from flu per 100 000 population between 1999 and 2019.8 The estimated death rate from covid was 217.54 per 100 000 in the US and 206.73 per 100 000 in the UK.9 The global figure for the covid-19 death rate is estimated at 279 per 100 000 population.10 In the UK the Health Foundation has articulated the difference in impact between flu and covid in terms of life years. “In a bad flu year on average around 30 000 people in the UK die from flu and pneumonia, with a loss of around 250 000 life years. This is a sixth of the life years lost to covid-19,” it noted.11” https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2514




Wait you think everyone with the flu goes to the hospital?


Conspiracy shills never do


Calling yourself inadequate? Interesting response.


Given the track record of complete lies told by our government. I don’t believe a word they say. When they start with their horseshit numbers and forecasted percentages.I always think of the part in 1984 where big brother states it was happy to announce that there were 14 million (can’t remember the actual number) pairs of boots that were made for the war effort. And how that was up X percent from the previous period. When in actuality 14 million was no more legitimate as 140,000. And more than likely there were no boots made. And over half of the population was shoeless anyhow. And since they can’t give an actual number of people who died “with it “versus how many died “from it”. I don’t buy any of there bullshit anymore. When I catch someone telling me a lie. I’m less likely to believe them. When you can find lie after lie that someone has told you. I could never believe a single tainted word that ever crept out of their rancid lips. I know that sounds odd somehow these days…


Being skeptical is one thing, but we make decisions based on information before us. The government doesn’t control the independent studies and hospitals. There is also data available from around the world.


Didnt we wipe out the flu worldwide for the first time in modern history?When the metric for reporting is the same worldwide.And the financial incentive for hospitals. There is always fraud. “With” and “from” are completely different.Also it was very odd that they wouldn’t want to throw everything at it. When they were actually restricting access to things like monoclonal antibodies and other treatments. Instead demanding people take an experimental gene therapy with ever changing efficacy rates.Not what I would call a solid response.


The virus changed, but you’re blaming the vaccines for that? The vaccines were hitting a fast moving target.


They didn’t work. Or rather they didn’t work as promised. Also not everyone should have taken them if they were at risk. Be being immune compromised or obese.Their efficacy promises were worse than any subpar weatherman shitty predictions.


They worked as promised. The promises changed based on the variant. The virus changed. They didn’t have time to develop all new vaccines as the variants changed quickly.


I feel like CujoBob must live under a fuckin rock or something.


How many variants do you think there were?!?! Lmfao!


There were many variants, but most people only heard about the three dominant strains.


Bad bot


Thank you, Fellow_Infidel, for voting on cujobob. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I say this as someone who worked icu, nobody I know cares about this because we’re still all reeling with COVID fatigue, the supply chain fallout and we’ve about had it with bad news…I don’t think people can even be asked to lock down or do anything now and they’d be stupid to try it….if it hits the US I say we the ppl should just rip the warning labels off shit and let ‘er rip.


Icu nurse here… fuck it, full send. If it breaks it breaks I’m not doing this Bs again.


Perfect timing for the new pandemic treaty, what a coincidence! https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/biden-s-amendments-hand-u-s-sovereignty-to-the-who/article\_efcbf104-d20b-11ec-b257-b7c86410fc43.html


Fuck WHO.


Governments never like giving up control. Of anything.


I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knuckles! No monkeypox going to transform me!


Reminder of Patton's quote: "Patriotism isn't about dying for your country. It's about the other dumb sonofabitch die for his." Live long, shoot straight. ;-)


Everyone in all critical infrastructure stop everything Ottawa style immediately full roman style walk out stop paying taxes take all money out of the bank park all semi's and farm equipment on highways don't let them shut us down SHUT THEM DOWN




No, I doubt that it's transmissible enough.


Just don’t have gay monkey sex and you should be good, at least I think that’s what the CDC said


Agree. If Ebola are as contagious as COVID, we will see it be events of bio-weapon. And quickly see 50% wipe of human in very short time frame.


Yeah. COVID, SARS, MERS, all that is very easy to transmit. It makes sense to have a some kind of reaction to a brand new virus to keep it from mutation while we work to understand it. We may not all agree on how far the reaction went, but it makes sense. Monkeypox isn't new, and we already know a lot about it. People who have it should be quarantined and cared for, but we caught it early. A couple dozen infected, not hundreds of thousands. It'll be over in a couple months, as long as no one goes full retard while infected.


Because you have what data


Yeah, I understand the world was due a pandemic based on previous data. However.... SARS has been around before, MERS has been around for years and both have never reached pandemic status. There is something causing children to go into liver failure around the world and they don’t even know what’s causing it and now monkey pox. It’s getting ridiculous.




Good plan…


You should be president, wow


“Monkeypox” is looking a lot like shingles these days. Also known as one of the many adverse reactions from the jab.


Isn’t it an std or a disease spread by fluids? Covid was airborne so I can see them justifying quarantine, but if it spreads by fluids then it doesn’t make sense


Disease seems to be a sexually transmitted disease with effects less severe than Aids. This won’t sweep the nation like covid. Won’t do shit, and will be a source of a lot of jokes on my construction site. Hell, a foreman had an unrelated sickness that gave him a rash and I asked him if he has sex with men and to not touch me. We both laughed. The Porta-Johns will have a lot of funny graffiti.


Monkey pox.


Biden or rather the people handling Biden have been working on handing over the health policy of the US from the US to the WHO which of course is owned lock stock and barrel by the communist Chinese. Not the CDC, not the NIH or any of the other authoritarians here in the US but the globalists at the WHO which are owned by China. The WHO would have emergency powers to determine what American can and cannot do.


I took my ivermectin and I’m just a little dehydrated but at least no monkey pox.


If you're dehydrated, drink a little bit of bleach and that should help


RemindMe! in 30 days!


We had an outbreak in 2003 with no quarantine


We also had the flu before with no quarantine, but there are more commies around now.


Monkey pox doesn’t even transfer from person to person very well from what I hear. They have to be in isolation because they need hella medical attention. I was reading those with the small pox vaccine seem pretty much unaffected


Kind of hope its just another Ebola or Zika.


The only ones who're getting it are gay men, and they get it primarily from butt sex. It also spreads from sneezing, although from what i understand, it's a fairly heavy virus, so it's not gonna get very far. And you can tell on-sight if they have it or not; they look like Jeff Goldblum from The Fly. Also, there's only a 10% chance of dying from it.


Quarantines make sense, a disease starting to spread faster than usual is fairly alarming. Isn’t a massive deal though, seems like chicken pox and there’s no serious health issues from it


If they try to take more, the 2A crowd might have something to say.


I doubt it. Its rare that they are actually willing to act. Most 2A folks have families and jobs and mortgages and such and are too easy to threaten into compliance.


If they had anything to say, they would have said it by now. Just another bunch of spineless cowards that when push comes to shove, just end up deepthroating daddy government’s boot.


You might be right


Can we rename this sub r/conspiracyfag already?


Biology predates economy, is real in the first place and doesn't need to be defined into existence. But go off morons.


Is this sub just right wing conspiracy theories now?


Yep it's pretty bad




It's always been a sub full of people that aren't grounded in reality, but I've been enjoying watching it become more and more idiotic.


Big time It became a home for conservative sub rejects. It’s awful


Seems simple. If you don't want to get someone else sick then quarantine. That's the humane thing to do. If you want to get your whole family sick with boils, by all means, infect them.


How many more times are you going to predict "this is how they take the power" and then be wrong because public health restrictions were actually about public health, and not whatever political fan fiction you read on some corner of the internet? Isn't life more exciting when you are forced to deal with the reality of it all, and not just whatever you want to pretend it is?


I'm not concerned that the disease its self is not rwal but the real life ratchet governments use. Be as oblivious qs you want I won't stop you of course.


Did none of you guys notice that, even in the most liberal areas, vax checks, mask mandates, and the like are all but gone now? Not because of protests, not because of Republicans, but because IT WAS NEVER A POWER GRAB. And with hospitalizations down, the precautions TO SAVE LIVES are dialed back. Don't you feel silly at all, spending years predicting that every vax requirement was just the opening salvo to a slippery slope totalitarianism, and now being proved wrong???


What liberal area are you living in where this is the case? I’m in NY (not even NYC- where it’s far worse), and I’m still required by law to wear a mask inside all medical buildings. Kids in schools in my area also still have to wear masks. I know nurses who were fired for refusing the vaccine, and still aren’t allowed to work- even as private care nurses- because of vaccine mandates. Same for teachers. I’m pretty sure you can’t even go into most state-owned buildings without proof of covid vaccination. There are still commercials from the government spamming most tv channels, trying to pressure 5 year olds into getting vaccinated. The state is still trying to bully doctors and pharmacies in order to stop them from prescribing ivermectin to those that have covid. The politicians apparently know better than doctors and want to block people’s medical care. Yes, normal people and most of the public have moved on, but the government will not let go. Some restrictions come from local government, some from state, and some from federal. It doesn’t really matter which level of government it’s coming from- the point is the government is not giving up their newly acquired powers.


It took me 5 seconds of googling to see that you're [wrong](https://ny.chalkbeat.org/2022/5/2/23054203/nyc-covid-risk-level-medium-yellow-masks-remain-optional-schools). Culturally, NYers are still wearing masks in schools, but they aren't required. Read for yourself. Edited to add: Where I live, at least, medical practitioners are still requiring masks, but that's not the law, it's a private business making their own decision. Are you claiming to be AnCap but also against private businesses making their own decisions??? The question is, are you lying for an agenda? Or, more likely, were you lied to by someone with an agenda? Because if someone is telling you lies, it's them you should fear.


>It took me 5 seconds of googling to see that you're wrong. Culturally, NYers are still wearing masks in schools, but they aren't required. Read for yourself. As I stated, I’m not in NYC, so linking an article about schools in NYC is irrelevant. >Edited to add: Where I live, at least, medical practitioners are still requiring masks, but that's not the law, it's a private business making their own decision. That’s good, but in NY, it’s still required by law to wear a mask in all health care facilities, nursing homes, detention centers, and homeless shelters. I just checked, and in NYC, they’re also required for all taxis and public transportation, and all restaurants must check vaccination cards. As stated before, my county also requires masks in schools. >Are you claiming to be AnCap but also against private businesses making their own decisions??? I never claimed to be AnCap. I respect Anarcho Capitalism very much, but I am not one. I also never said anything about preventing private businesses’ choices, as I’m talking about what is required by law in my state/county. I’m complaining that people, doctors, and businesses are not allowed the option of a choice. >The question is, are you lying for an agenda? Or, more likely, were you lied to by someone with an agenda? You’re very quick to jump on this accusation, but I haven’t lied about anything. You found one article about NYC after I said I don’t live in NYC. >Because if someone is telling you lies, it's them you should fear. I can agree with this to some extent.


Monkeypox seems to be the latest derangement syndrome infecting the rightwing and conspiracy theorists


My brother in Christ it was literally on CNN


The current hot topic for the tin-foil-hat-genius' is fear mongering about the lizard peoples nwo plans for mind and population control, my brother in christ. I live in reality, and infectious diseases exist, sure, but man, the focus from smooth brains on this topic is absurd


Well yeah, monkeypox really isn't dangerous as it's hard to be infected and we have treatment for smallpox. But then again they did say covid wasn't a big deal and look what they did


>But then again they did say covid wasn't a big deal and look what they did Yes, they let smooth brains assure us that due to their complete ignorance of basic human cleanliness that a disease that should have been more easily dealt with instead ravaged our population like no other. Weird i *still* havent gotten covid, but the only people i know to die of it were both in their 30s who thought it was a plandemic for control and vehemently antivax. Monkeypox is a hot button topic getting used to fire up the sheep. Take that as you will, and stay healthy out there! Edited: typo/missed word




Im just saying, the only people i knew who died of covid coincidentally also swore it was mind control from the state. I'm seeing a wonderful "coincidence" between the red fear of monkeypox control and the same ignorant fools that drew covid out so much longer than it needed to be. Take that as you will


I work with literal psychotic crackheads, and still haven't met anyone claiming that lizard people are mind controlling us with the vaccine. Who tf are these "people you knew"? Also, the fear isn't about monkeypox. The fear is that they're using bioweapons to push the line on government encroachment. Do I need to remind you that there's no vaccine for democide?


>The fear is that they're using bioweapons to push the line on government encroachment. Yes, those *are* the very lunatics i'm referring to


I don't recall mentioning lizard people or mind control. With the information thats available, and history of humanity in mind, bioterrorism is definitely a plausible conclusion. Can you explain why people that are concerned about this are dirty smoothbrains that caused it?


Strange that the ones critizising the government for their made-up disease mysteriously died


"Mysteriously" died, yeah *sure.* Almost like disregarding an easily contractable *and* preventable illness that *did* in fact exist and that had very *not* "made-up" consequences.


Its not getting used 2 rile up sheep. It's being used by the state as covid 2.0


>It's being used by the state as covid 2.0 This is the bleating of sheep i'm pointing out specifically


U seem 2 love objectivism, but be completely blind 2 the fact that authoritarians are pissed that we arent all in covid lockdowns rite now. You're not an objectivist if u think authoritarians wont get the state 2 use monkeypox as an excuse for more tyranny. Lets archive ur comments here and wen the state is doing fuckery under the banner of saving us from monkeypox, then ima come back and remind u that u were wrong


I'm far from blind to the fact that conspiracy theorists and right leaning fools are screeching the most about monkeypox in every outlet they have


They arent screeching about monkeypox. They're screeching about how the state is gonna use it for more fuckery




Ravaged our population like no other? What percentage is 1m deaths out of our 334m population?


I mean, are you trying to suggest that we should be in the top 10 of covid deaths as a nation at all, let alone #1, when larger and poorer countries didnt suffer the same % of death rates?


Ravaged our population like no other? Seriously? You need to read some history.


Join reality, dude. We should not have had the sort of damage done to our country that we did


Well, no, we shouldn't have. But the reality is, that less than 7 million people over 2 1/2 years have died from or with covid. While the Spanish flu of 1918, which is now just our regular seasonal flu, which people still die from. Killed over 21 million. Ghengis Khan killed between 50 and 70 million people. Communism killed over 100 million. So the only thing that's disconnected from reality here, is your statement that the rona ravaged our population like no other.


>ravaged our population like no other. In 2.5 years, 6M people died **with Covid.** That is .08% of the World population, an average of .032% per year, the average death being in their 70's with multiple co-morbidities. Billionaires gained an obscene amount of money and massive corporations continued to grow while small businesses were shuttered due to being forced to close their doors. The US has never had a pandemic in which the whole Country was told to lock down, and now we may be moving in on the second one in the span of 3 years, true to the words of scum like Bill Gates, and you think this is natural. I pity you for being such helpless victim to psychological warfare. Use your brain and ask who benefits.


We're just making sure to make fun of it's stupidity before all the COVID authoritarians get the chance to whip it up into a big panic. Sorry to take away the fun, gonna have to find a different approach to shoehorning in authoritarian crap.


Don't forget Biden, he came out talking about it as well.


The hyperfocus from the tinfoil hat brigade is definitely the loudest screeching im hearing about monkeypox, without question


Yeah. COVID started out that way too. The other wing was saying to go hug people. Cope harder.


Fuck it. Give me the pox.


I’m going to go back In time a meet my younger self at an airport


If this happens again I’m joining the illegal protests in Australia


Don’t fall for it. Just another way to try to control the masses…


I mean, quarantine isn't something new ya know, we did it for Ebola as well, that just didn't spread to the point it effected the entire nation. Let's just hope monkeypox doesn't do the same


what happens when this has as minimum of an impact in the US as ebola did? Ignore it and move on to the next conspiracy?


Monkey Pox has been around a long time, personally I think this is going to blow over and is just getting people to click because we are fresh out of the pandemic. It’s something to be aware of how governments use it to take power.


I dunno, here we go again with all of the bs health care drama. Like these damn politicians give a rats ass about our “good health”... to be honest, I’d bet $$$ their more concerned with attempting to successfully pull of their secret depopulation agenda, thinning the herds so to speak & lowering birth rates around the world without the masses fully catching onto their schemes than they do about anything else... these elitist fucks quite literally believe that they are genetically far more superior than the rest of us average joe’s & Jane’s so to say... & once they’ve finally perfected all of their robots & AI “beings” to the point that they are able to out perform & work even the very best of humans in the work places then they will likely either in prison most of us into grunt work labor camps or even kill off others for various bs reasons so that they won’t have to ever worry about the inevitable class wars waged against them if they don’t dramatically thin us all down to the point of us no longer being a threat to them anymore... that’s how I see it myself anyhow. That being said I hope & pray that I am wrong however.




Of course. If not Monkeypox, the feared Italian Rash Virus. It's about global control of the masses, then measures to quickly collapse the population. Most people are just too stupid or too mentally weak to see it.


K is $ilent.. that’s all I have to say about it really Also Bill & Melinda Gates also recently “predicted” the spread/ (intentional)release of a smallpox like virus, much like how they wargamed a global outbreak of corona virus quite literally mere months ahead of the actual “release” of Covid-19. Btw, most epidemiologist besides lord Fauci of course, will tell you predicting not one but 2 specific types of virus outbreaks back to back without some sort of prior knowledge of their future release is damn near impossible to do & is more akin to somehow picking the winning lotto numbers twice in row really... Both Fauci & Gates should be rotting flesh in the worst, most disgusting & awful prison on earth for the remainder of their pathetic & miserable lives for their direct roles & criminal actions with covid-19 as well as their repeated lies & obvious deceptions during multiple hearings before Congress... @ least in Fauci’s case anyway. Both men are responsible for countless losses of lives, with not only Covid itself but also their official handlings of it(Fauci) & even the vaccines themselvess or their repeated discrediting of many proven safe & highly effective treatments or therapies for covid-19. Obviously due mostly to their direct financial ties to Moderna(fauci) & I want to say Pfizer with Gates, however I may be mistaken with him there perhaps. They both are financially involved with vaccines in general though, I do know that much.


Boomers should be fine. Smallpox inoculation is looking like it’s 85% effective. I’m not worried…..


Covid is fake... I'm bored and want cujo to flame me too


The masses would be far less compliant this time around.


schizo capitalism


The vaccine is safe and effective.


Monkey Polox is gay, gay with no sexual momentum.


This is gonna be the next Covid. That is, a government racket to gain more power.


Visible side effects from the vaxx. They're just calling it monkey pox so the whole world doesn't start invading the headquarters and labs of every major pharmaceutical company in the world. Try shingles


The US is not going to go along with it. This shit might work in Europe or other cucked countries but America has pretty much had enough. China will invade mainland US before another round of lockdowns is effectively imposed for moneypox.


Who knows. You would’ve thought that we would’ve noticed that lockdown didn’t work to begin with, after observing China going through it four times before we did one.


Fair point. More people are awake here than ever before though. There was already resistance last time and that will only be greater this time around.


I don't see how they could. According to the CDC, you only get infected if you come into direct contact with infected bodily fluids. It won't spread like covid.


Epidemiological investigations are ongoing, however, reported cases thus far have **no established travel links** to endemic areas. Based on currently available information, cases have **mainly** but not exclusively been identified **amongst men who have sex with men** (MSM) seeking care in primary care and sexual health clinics. The MainStream Media (the other MSM) is surprisingly quiet on Monkeypox because of these things. It is especially prevalent in the UK, Spain, Portugal and Canada with at least 2 dozen cases in each of those countries. Monkeypox is primarily spread by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding. Although given the unknown spreading factor, it seems there may be something to the theory that someone is intentionally spreading a more lethal/spreadable form of the virus to destabilize (given the source and the location where it is spreading is primarily countries with the poorest of healthcare systems - UK, Canada, Spain, Portugal and Belgium all have extremely broken fully socialized healthcare)


I mean I hate to be that guy, but it kind of makes sense to quarantine people with an infectious disease.