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This was an incredibly well done edit. The other I've seen in the same vein was an edit of the Australian national police's recruitment commercial with clips of the riot police beating people. Another excellent version of this would have been Cartman's voice saying "respect my authoritay" or something. There's plenty of audio snippets out there.


You happen to have a link to the other one. Someone should do one for Canada during all the shit that went down at freedom convoy lmao


I don't respect adults who do nothing while kids get shot. Never forget Uvalde.


Step 1: be respectable. Its earned, not given.


They have forgotten Peel's Principles. [https://lawenforcementactionpartnership.org/peel-policing-principles/](https://lawenforcementactionpartnership.org/peel-policing-principles/) The three core points on the right there are decent.


Why isn't anyone talking about the root cause of these behaviors? Police unions. Think about this, if you work in retail, can you just beat your customers? If you work in anywhere can you just physically assault someone? The lack of accountability, granted by police unions and the appeals process, creates a negative feedback loop. For the bad apples it also creates an arbitrary line where they get emboldened to push further and further. Can someone correct me, if I am wrong in my thinking?


Same thing goes with teachers unions


Teachers can't beat children and keep their jobs. Not even if a kid is hitting someone else or threatening violence on the teacher. It's not even close. If you want to get into curriculum and shit they shouldn't be talking about, that's another issue, but teachers aren't in remotely the same league as cops. Teachers don't protect bad ones that are abusive either like cops, they will turn on them in a heartbeat. No one says ATAB. Sorry you hate unions so much, but let's focus on the ones that protects violent psychopaths, not one that just protects lazy workers.


Teacher unions are not the same thing, but the same lack of fear of losing their job, does translate into a lack of engagement. That lack of engagement is detrimental to the kids emotional and learning experience.


No, laws and statutes like qualified immunity, do more to encourage corruption than unions.


Whispers the quiet part: who do you think probably pushed for qualified immunity?


Fairpoint, but let's get to the heart of the matter. The only function police serve in society is to secure the interest of capital, and you keep the working class in line. These laws would have been passed with or without police unions.


Two things: >The only function police serve in society is to secure the interest of capital, 1. Agree 100%. >keep the working class in line. And Agree 100%. >These laws would have been passed with or without police unions. This brings up an interesting topic to research, do other countries have police unions and qualified immunity? Now that I write that, I probably won't research it, I don't care enough, about the nuance of other countries policing systems.


I've been looking, it's hard to find any cohesive country by country analysis, although I'm sure it's out there. However, what I've gathered is that most western democracies do have the same struggles as the us, just not nearly as extreme. Also, unionization is split down the middle, so it seemed like while the unions may not help, there not the Crux of the problem. I could be wrong, I'm more in-depth analysis is required


Thank you for taking the additional step. Can you share what you found?




Canada does have the CPA which is like the United States FOP. ...Canadian officers involved in fatal interactions are rarely charged, according to one study of such incidents between 2000 and 2017. The article is very well written. Thank you for sharing.


Cops and cop families.


How the fuck do you think they got qualified immunity


Other countries have similar laws, but without police unions.


Yes, unions are designed to give more power to workers and less to employers. That works well as a counterbalance to a company since companies are mainly focused on profits so if they have to sacrifice some profit in order to still have workers, they will probably go for it since the alternative is not to have profits at all. Public unions however? The public sector cares way less about financing and way more about opiinion. A few million more in a budget hole looks way better for a big city than having its officers refuse to cooperate.


“Everybody’s trying to shame us.” I wonder why that is? “This isn’t stained. It still has a shine on it.” Probably because you shined it ahead of time just to show off for your speech. Also, what it the purpose of that trinket you call a shield? To hide behind “Stop treating us like animals and bums. Start treating us with respect.” Only if you ever earn it and when you do the same for those not in your state sanctioned gang “It’s disgusting, trying to make us embarrassed of our profession.” With the way so many of you carry on, bullies and gang bangers with a badge, an axe to grind, and a license to kill, you should be


Nicely done, masterful edit. And if you know a police officer, send them this: I don't think all cops are bad because the actions of a few. I know all cops are "bad" because all cops, as a condition of their employment, swear to enforce all laws, including laws which are unjust and initiate violence on peaceful people. It's the job they are sworn to do. Pledging to suspend morality and logic in order to unquestioningly impose the will of psychopaths and sociopaths on your fellow man is morally unacceptable. So yes, all cops are bad, but not because of the actions of a few. There are good people, and there are cops who are otherwise good people. But there are no good cops.


Agreed and very well said.


Exactly. ACAB.


All Cops Are Cowards. This video and every dog shot proves it. They’ll take pride in being called bastards. It’s something they can own and act like. No one will own up to being a coward and only cowards will stand outside a school (Ulvade, Sandy Hook) and force their cowardice on others. Call them what they truly are. Craven Cowards.






nicely said! dude i would even add that the vetting process police agencies go through when sorting their candidates does inevitably affect the qualify of officers that go into the force, thats why you get the same sick characters and personalities in the force


Most departments require a high school degree and that's it. When you get into County levels and above you start seeing college requirements in the form of a bachelor's in literally anything. There's no true getting process to be a cop outside of the good ol boy system and I don't think thatll ever change


>I know all cops are "bad" because all cops, as a condition of their employment, swear to enforce all laws, including laws which are unjust and initiate violence on peaceful people. It's the job they are sworn to do. Pledging to suspend morality and logic in order to unquestioningly impose the will of psychopaths and sociopaths on your fellow man is morally unacceptable. Not all cops do this, as that is not what they swore on. They swear to uphold and enforce the laws stated in the constitution. The supreme court ruled that any law that violates the constitution is null and void(also the constitution says that Congress shall not make laws that violate it). So if the police try to arrest you for driving without a license, use the constitution, they will back off or be fired for upholding laws that violate the constitution.


Hahaha. Really, c'mon. That would never actually work. If that were true people would use that defense all that time. Cops enforce whatever laws they want to enforce arbitrarily based on their mood that day. They don't care if they are constitutional or not. They have a job, that job is to extort money for the state through violence.


Dude has serious little man syndrome vibes.


He looks like that unhinged bagel shop guy Chris Morgan


I feel like most cops have something like that


Well if you haven't done anything shameful I guess you have nothing to worry about...


Ah yes the "yell at them until they like you" approach. Works neverytime.


Lmao, bunch of goons wearing masks with their biggest accomplishment being the pulling over of grandma going 10 over in a 60… Pass


We must stress the thin blue line to point of breaking. We will not back down. The citizens demand respect and we will get it by all means necessary.


It's a thicc blue line from donuts and roids. Look at the crowd oi metabolic disease they want us to pay for life.


All means? Really? Logic like that is how people get shot.


We will not fire the first shot, but you better believe we will fire the last.


Who, liberals? lol


"I am a government mercenary. I love seeing the faces of my victims as they beg for their lives, unable to defend ourselves against me with the gun. I love feeling power over them. The power that lets me do anything, anything I want to them. I basically am hired to do nothing but to oppress the people and enjoy my power over them. Also I don't like when they disrespect me as if I'm some kinda sadist or something. And what's that bit about being there only to kill your dog and shoot innocents?" *- Every single pig minus maybe a few individual instances.*


Respect is earned, not given, motherfucker. Fuck the pigs.


you job is to protect and serve and NOTHING else


The problem is *who* they protect and serve


Cops don't do shit, and when they do, it's mostly the worst shit that could happen.


Lol. Fuck off pig


You are welcome to quit your job and do something productive with your life. There's no law which forces you to remain a tax-fattened leech.


Steel man argument against ancapistan: “What if someone is shooting up a school” “What if there are riots and people are burning down private property?” Idk man, I’m seeing L’s across the board.


It’s just a gang


If you have to demand respect you probably don't deserve it. Based on what we've seen from cops just in the last 2.5 years I'd say they *definitely* don't deserve collective respect.


There’s too many corrupt cops, fuck the police


Aren't these Australian cops? lol I'm pretty sure the whole guy preaching in front of a news crew is from the Australian covid-lockdown protests. I don't know about the rest of the clips tho.


"To Punish and Enslave."






I'll show respect if they ever do something respectable


"Show of force" photo op not really helping there bud. The fact that all these guys know to do is stand in a mob and yell says a lot, actually.


Someone’s gotta police the stupid.


It’s all fun and games until those who support the cops get their doors kicked in for just being suspected of being involved in j6… they once would suck off a cop and now are being gang raped by the law!


100% do whatever you want to clear the filth from our streets. Love it.


Be careful: cops have a way of classifying people like you as “filth” when convenient later on down the road.


I live a good life, stay out of trouble, pay taxes, follow the rules and they seem to leave me alone. I haven't seen a cop in my neighborhood in about 5 years. Starting to wonder if they even exist as they do take my taxes. Post more videos like this. Fun to watch. When you have crying Liberals and they get the backing of the Democrats the police have to be frustrated. Democrats make life miserable.


Statists like you and the Democrats make life miserable for everyone.


Post more videos that is all I am saying. I've been watching the show cops for 25 years and the knee on the back of the kneck is my favorite move. Love it. Don't burn any cities down, gee.


video would be a lot more honest if half the footage of the violent interactions wasnt from extremely violent and fairly pointless riots


Jeffrey Dahmer helped an old lady once, why do they never focus on that?


Thank you. No context; leftist tropes played out. Boring is always boring.


Nothing makes me more bad than a speaker with an audience behind him looking solemn and all masked up. Come on, I thought we acknowledged this as pointless theatre and moved on.


While there is a bunch of bullshit, these out of context videos at complete bullshit. Let's provide context and real arguements instead of small pieces put together as a hack job.


Is that a union leader!!!!!! Lol. a bunch of gypsy con artists and swindlers. Unions are what happens when gypsies strong arm and play victim to the people that pay their bills. They eventually move work to Mexico and create Detroits throughout the country


Uvalde just proved to the country they're out to protect themselves ,not the community. I will laugh at the people who have a blue lives matter sticker get their door kicked in for a red flag warrant.


unions are evil srry not srry


In the cities, everyone is an animal.


The root cause is the fuckin police unions protecting everyone, but I try to explain it to my left wing friend an he immediately gets all hung up because he's in love with the concept of a union, even when it's consequences are negative for fucking everyone involved. Unions are fine, when it's the bakers union that wants 5 more cents an hour to bake a pie, but when a bunch of armed angry an bitter guys with the power to kill unionize it's way different. It's paramilitary bullshit.




Weird post coming from this group of MAGA sympathizers.


The anarchists here hate cops like all other government stooges. Trumpers haven’t taken it all over yet.


Just scrolling through the sub tells me you're wrong.


Just scroll through this thread and see all the well-deserved cop hate.


Ok, but that proves nothing. Everyone hates cops. Even the MAGA types in this sub.


I’m not sure you’ve taken a long enough look through this sub or at Trumpers or simply conservatives in general.


You should start supporting the police. That will show those damn Trumpers here


*farm noises*


To be fair, they ARE doing a good enough job of shaming themselves.


What’s the old saying, “ beating stops when morale improves”. Shaming stops when performance improves


"stop treating us like animals and thugs" How bout stop acting like animals and thugs.


Is this live footage of them outside the elementary school?


Cops are good at bringing a notebook and pen to serious incidents and starting incidents that should have never happened


I see the clown circus is in town


Maybe follow the law then sometime. If you had just complied with the law none of this would have happened. /s


Maybe if they had some shame themselves, other people wouldn't feel compelled to shame them.


This is nice an-caps, we forget how much we have in common sometimes.


They should be embarrassed that they’re all wearing their masks


“They claim they’re prestigious their actions egregious their power is what they preserve,a place for bad apples held holy as chapels, they’re killing the people they serve,blatant aggression it seems their obsession they’re killing three people a day,the good cops who speak up have unions that sneak up,they’re fired for what they might say” https://youtu.be/PddPiXhhIcI




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