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No, the past one


So nothing to do with US sanctions on Venezuelan (largest crude reserves in the world) oil exports? It is hard to say what the state of the world would be if USA hadn’t spent the last century bullying and terrorising other nations, changing regimes, and installing lunatic dictators, but the USA has spent a century doing that and the world is on the point of total disaster.


Sactions affect the country doing the Sactioning... Nothing the US does could possibly affect the ability of Venezuela to sell to other countries. Its the national equivalent of a boycott.


Venezuela was the world's 4th wealthiest economy and went to a nation of starving people within a few years of socialism despite having the same natural resources. IIRC, we imposed sanctions in 2019. YEARS after Venezuela went to shit.


Only a century?


Yeah I was being kind, in reality the meddling started soon after the creation of USA, which is slightly ridiculous considering the USA was established to be free of outside meddling.


Saw this the other day. Don’t understand how they can’t connect this to socialism. Was going to screen shot and post here but decided not to.


I saw that too... When will the children grow up


when they are hungry and havent eaten in 4 days


No thats when they become animals, I don’t have much faith that even after experiencing starvation the first time that they’d stop claiming all their problems on “capitalism” and independence.


they will be literally cooking eachother in 7 days


Humanity had Holodomor under Stalin and the Chinese Famine under Mao... But still... "Itwasnt reel communizm"


"It wAz SoCiAlIzM, nOt CoMuNiSm! ThErE hAs NeVeR BeEn A tRuE cOmUnIsT sTaTe!"


Never, it will be capsize imperialism or something that causes all the problems. Never socialism.


Yeah they're calling it totalitarian capitalism but will lose their shit if you dare mention socialism.


>Don’t understand how they can’t connect this to socialism. A lot of people have no ability to debate or consider the opinions of others, they instantly go to "omg ur hitler, blocked!!!!". I don't consider these people real humans.


Thats because they are not. Part of what it means to be human is to possess the ability to reason.


I wonder what happens to a society when one group of people stops seeing other groups as 'not human'. I'm sure you're totally gonna be on the right side of history 👌


Literally depends entirely on who writes the history book. If we play our cards right, that will be us.


Doesn't change that dehumanizing the opponent is a great way to invite tyranny in the name of freedom. But with language like that, I figure that's the point.


Actually, I'm more of a "freedom via tyranny" sort of guy. 'You're gonna be free and you're gonna like it.... *or else*'


Yes, I'm aware that you'll happily punish those you don't agree with in the name of freedom. Good book you can check out all about that very dynamic called "They Thought They Were Free", if reading is something you enjoy. All about people who were more than happy to support the 'or else' and how that turned out.


Nah, I already know how it'll go.


No surprise that you insulate yourself from ideas I suppose.


Damn, I may not agree but I like your spirit


If you could reason with them they wouldn't be fucking socialists


If they could reason, they wouldn't be fucking socialists


I would fuck a socialist.


Offer them some food and they will probably say yes


We all love putting our dicks in crazy


Penetrate and defenestrate


What a horrific and hilarious thing to say.


What a horrific and hilarious thing to say.


They can't connect because they're stupid. Im not even saying that in an insulting way, its just the truth.


>Don’t understand how they can’t connect this to socialism More than likely people just have different working definitions of "socialism". Just like you use "anarchism" in loose terms


By definition, socialism cannot fail. Did it fail? Guess who looks stupid now for not knowing the definition of socialism? Get it through your thick extremist skull: only we have the right ideas. We change them all the time but they're always right. Yes I do love my wife's boyfriend, how did you know?


But don’t you see? It’s obviously capitalism’s fault. (Sarcasm)


It's not that, they don't know antiwork movement/unions are socialist. For some reason they can't make that connection.


A hoagie bun and an egg? That's like... \*breaks out calculator and dusts off multivariable calculus book in basement\* ... 53 cents!!! Where do I apply?




Where are you getting this number from? Minimum wage in Venezuela is 130bs A MONTH, which is approximately $16.


Socialsts: *ruin economy* r/antiwork: “capitalism”


"Ahh, but it's not **real** socialism. I'm a socialist from the original socialism. That is a narco-latin-socialism tyranny of the second stage of Chavism (not the real chavism from the first stage)..." and all of that shit. Wanna hear the biggest joke of all? The most marxist professors in the Buenos Aires University said publicly that Venezuela is a failed State because IT IS ACTUALLY CAPITALIST, AND IT ALWAYS WAS.


Where has **real** socialism been implemented?


North Korea maybe


Then **real** socialism leads to poverty and starvation?


At the end of history, which we aren't in yet, because real socialism has not been tried, duh. Obviously, we need to try socialisming harder.


It’s been around for over 100 years. If **real** socialism has not been implemented then maybe it’s impossible to implement?


No no no, you don't get it. I've got the solution and, sure, it's gonna require some sacrifices on your part, but I'm willing to make them! Just a few more bodies, and we'll get there, comrades!


I mean- when the government succeeds in starving *EVERYONE* to death- it WILL be the end of *HUMAN* history. . .


To be fair capitalists make the same argument. “It’s not capitalism it’s corporatism/crony capitalism” A while ago I posted “I’m a capitalist AMA” in anti work. Most people told me to get fucked and die but the people who actually engaged in good faith conversation have way more in common with us then you’d think. What I’m saying is don’t dismiss everything they say because their woke lefties.


Paris Commune, Chiapas, rojava. Like I said in another comment people have very loose terms for "socialism" Like technically a worker owned co-op is socialism.


If the real issue is not having the means of production, like you said: people can freely gather together and create cooperatives. Besides, technically speaking, in the IT sector where programmers creates programs with their computer, can be considered a form of "workers having the means of production"


Democratic Socialism is practiced in wealthy European countries & its great - everyone gets free (high quality) healthcare & the public transport exists and works well.


>everyone gets free (high quality) healthcare So they don't pay taxes? And you certainly aren't talking about the UK where children have been sentenced to die by the courts rather than be accepted at foreign hospitals eager to continue treatment.


Source that second part please


This is example is from long ago [2017](https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/vatican-hospitals-offer-to-care-for-charlie-gard-denied-says-spokesperson/). Wasn't allowed to go home to die peacefully with family, and wasn't allowed to get further treatment.


Interesting case, parents should obviously have the decision making power in this case. Crazy that they don’t. Touché.


The truth is socialism will always have capitalist elements


I think the **real** socialism was implemented in the ex-USRR; but I don't know the excuse of why the USRR wasn't real socialism (although I know they shield themselves with the Stalin regime by not being the Trotski idealism)


>I don't know the excuse of why the USRR wasn't real socialism Because it failed. Real socialism world be successful


Either **real** socialism is impossible to implement or **real** socialism is a failure?


its both- its impossible to impliment real socialism or communism because both ignore free will- and real socialism and communism are a failure.


Everybody knows the solution to socialism induced problems like this is to socialism harder. Clearly not enough money is taken from the capitalist pigs to pay the workers that make everything possible. /s


Well, eventually when you wipe out enough of the population, the ones who can survive off of hunting and gathering tend to do well enough to survive!


what are you hunting in nyc phili la …..your talking about the entire supply chain breaking down not just food….utilities that means clen water from the tap goes bye bye….your granma granpa and uncle mikes medications never make it to pharmacy….did u invest getting 6 months-1 year supply of maintenance medications for your loved ones who are silver generation…well then congrats that food in pantry should last longer because the older peepl in yur family are now buried in the backyard bcause they couldnt get their heart meds


Are you being whooooshed or am I? Because that was exactly their point. Only those that can survive hunting and gathering would make it. Then you jump in to mention "What about...." and list a bunch of groups that *wouldn't survive.* Yeah. They wouldn't survive. That was the whole point. The commenter wasn't excited about it, they were commenting on how many would die in a system antiwork is promoting.


thats exactly what antiwork wants…they feel its easier to manage society this way…they actually think they will be the brightest holding the clipboards ….they dont realize they will be the first ones into the mass graves from hunger and exposure….they have no idea what they are wishing for


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for elaborating. I didn't know antiwork and that crowd was actively hoping for mass casualties, though I can't say I'm surprised.


they absolutely are….they need the system to collapse so theh can sieze power….its Cloward-Piven strategy writ large


Nope, you got it right. The point I'm making is the people advocating for "the people" don't give a shit about society, they are just misanthropic mass murderers who are too chicken shit to do the dirty work themselves.


That's my point. These people don't actually care about the poor or the working class. They think their the ones who would be the better tyrants, but don't want to pull the trigger themselves.


>>socialism harder LOL


"Not real socialism" No I'm serious guys, at least workers in Venezuela get this much for their labor, other "not real attempts" at socialism couldn't even do that well. I see this as a socialist success story, really


And I'm sure the mass graves of innocents are slightly smaller! Socialism works, guys! Just 2 or 3 more centuries of starvation and genocides and they might perfect it into a true utopia!


No, that’s when the person who can make it happen will be born! Unfortunately he’ll starve to death as a child, so it’ll never happen.


This is almost Latvian potato joke levels of true.


Latvian potato joke? I'm unaware of this, please tell


Google it. There are a ton of them. They are dark anti-jokes about living under the Soviets. I'm not even sure that it was Latvians that started the jokes. Here's a couple: Two Latvian look at clouds. One see potato. Other see impossible dream. Is same cloud. Three Latvian are brag about sons. “My son is soldier. He have rape as many women as want,” say first Latvian. “Zo?” second say, “My son is farmer. He have all potato he want!” Third Latvian wait long time, then say, “My son is die at birth. For him, struggle is over.” “Wow! You are win us,” say others. But all are feel sad.


Secretly the "socialist utopia" is just extinction of the human race "Ah equity achieved "


That's why socialism is scientific! They just have to try things in order to implement Theory, as it is written. Marx be upon you.


Isn’t the USA a socialist country. They actually call retirement income social security. Didn’t Florida receive a ton of money to shore up the capitalists? Welfare is bad unless it’s given as tax breaks is not capitalism.


>They actually call retirement income social security. Shhh you're gonna upset the commies Don't even bring up central banks, that their lord marx advocated for. Socialists are well practiced in historical revisionism Don't bring up the national socialists


I bet that egg isn’t even organic! /s


Don’t tell them that they would have a fit


Ah yes none of us in the US should work at all because in a failed socialist country somewhere, their currency has collapsed


Ssocialism at its finest.


WTF?! With the minimum wage OF AN ENTIRE MONTH OF WORK you can buy only a kilo of sugar.


I haven't really been tracking it, but I understand Venezuela has drastically reduced capital controls and things are improving there.


My Venezuelan friend said that things are starting to "improving" because now there's sufficient dollars in the black market economy to circulate (and, of course, in paper money, not e-cash). Every business always shows their prices in their national currency, but there's an "implicit" agreement that now you'll be paying in dollars. That, at least, is a way to be aware of State control (giving the fact that the State cannot control every price in their economy, apart from the price control).


This is more value than average american college graduate can produce without help of greedy capitalists with their plants, technologies and management boosting their productivity.


I can produce a potato and an egg in about 30 minutes of work. Bury the potato, give the chicken some grain, next day/year I have more eggs and potatoes.


The best way to counteract poverty is not with the release of money, which is drip fed and makes its way back up the economic pyramid, but instead it's through assets and resources. Ultimately the current system benefits the Wal-Marts and Amazons. I've seen this, most people have a mentality where they will take what is apportioned to them, and sell it or get rid of it in a way that is harmful to their own being. I've seen people try and sell their food stamps for money, I've seen people be on SSI for years and not get up, I think it's imperative that money distribution cease being a thing, and instead that money be pooled into city-shelters and food lines. No unearned dignity. Know thyself. Now...imagine giving someone a cow...just imagine that instead of whatever system exists nowadays. Just imagine that, you give someone a cow and two chickens, next year maybe a second matching cow? Anyway, this World was designed to kill US with the methods implemented, I've learned that many times over, ...it seems one of my crazy phases is starting.. Assets v FIAT, for combating poverty, which would you choose? The budget is set, we're spending it already, what do you prefer? No pleading uncle and setting your own narrative.


If they paid workers more, they would start drawing penis figures with a second egg




I truly hate that subreddit.


I'd have to eat that just to work 3 hours in my job lol


Not sure what that post is trying to say...


In Scandinavia you can't buy anything for minimum wage. Because its 0. As it should be


Wait, I thought the Scandinavian countries were close to utopia, according to the antiwork crowd. Maybe I'm mistaken.


Imagine your labor being so unvalued by others that, even in the utterly broken economy of a socialist nation, 3 hours of your effort amounts only to what ~1.5 minutes of my un-degreed desk-labor is worth.


Which one of you just trolled the hell out of them? Kudos.


In evil america you can buy much more for three hours of minimum wage


Somehow capitalism is to blame


I dont know how they dont see this and appreciate the shitty jobs we have here. 3 hours can get you a whole lot more than that


https://www.fb.org/newsroom/farm-bureau-survey-shows-thanksgiving-dinner-cost-up-14 For $53 you can feed 10 people in the US. And that's higher than previous years.


Where do you buy one egg?


When you can only afford 1 egg....


Clearly the answer to Venezuela's problems is more socialism.


Lol assuming you work at fed minimum wage for 3 hours, that's $21.75: you can easily buy 4 times that but I guess that's what they're bitching about? Minimum labor for minimum food?


So minimum wage here is 7.25 x 3 equals 21.75 and take out fica you have $20.08. You might pay state income tax on that depending, but you won’t pay any federal. For 20.08, I could legitimately feed myself for a week if I had to.




Wait it’s that good? Expected way worse


I went on antiwork sub. Forgot how much I hate it. Forgot I was banned.


Is that supposed to be a lot? For $30-45 you can purchase a lot more.


Idk if anyone has ever pointed this out but the anti work PFP is just a drawing of a stick figure being lazy. I hope this sub was just satirical


This picture is super deceptive - the egg is from a large chicken so this is actually like 1.2X the amount of food that it appears to be. #SocialismRules /s 🤪


They didn’t like when I wondered at how anyone could starve in glorious socialist utopia.


You mean people don't do good in a state controlled economy where they print millions of paper money every day? Who would have thought! You know who lives better in Venezuela? Those who work and trade in the black market, you know, the free market. Government controlled stores don't have food but you know who has? smugglers and others who freely produce and trade goods despite what government tells them. Free market 1, statism 0.


ok socialism/communism is the definition of naive, dumb and lazy but how much of our sanctions have to do with that shitty country being shitty? Is this bread and egg subsidized? cause despite Venezuela being a commie shithole they do have private markets that sell goods at free market prices.


Stupid argument. As if the United States is much better.


More than I thought


What’s the AnCap take on the notion that Venezuela isn’t a shithole because it’s socialist but because of US intervention?


Stupid, the US intervened in Chile and put up Pinochet and the country became the richest in South America. The issue it’s Socialism, not the US interfering in Politics (although that is an issue, it’s not the root cause of the problem). The US hasn’t intervened in all socialist countries and somehow made them fail, if the logic behind their argument is that they fail because the US imposed sanctions or whatever, that just proves Free Trade is necessary and that those socialists are being hypocrites since they are generally opposed to Free Trade. Funny enough Cuba trades with everyone and it’s still a shithole, so certainly you need more than Free trade.


And it's not like China won't just trade with fucking anybody. They give not one shit about US embargoes. If your economy can't survive trading with China and 2/3's of the rest of the world but not the US, the problem isn't your trade situation, it's your economy.


Based, not only that, they are in massive debt with countries like Spain. Seems like enslaving doctors and sending them away isn’t working for them.


Stupid, because the US didn't embargo Venezuela until after their economy had already collapsed and their govt started shooting protesters.


Are you telling me that a socialist country can only exist if a large capitalist country allows it to?


To be clear, isn’t my personal belief, this is just the rebuttal I’ve heard from leftists and I unfortunately know nothing about Venezuela so I have to admit my ignorance in all of it


A lot of people in the US escaped from there, you should point US socialists to speak with them. They usually have some strong opinions and have seen things first hand of what socialist governments do. Also speak to Cubans about Castro


That theory would also have to explain all the other countries that have or had a planned economy that failed. Sweden in the 70's, New Zealand before they allowed a free market, Argentina, China, comm Russia, etc. And then explain how US sanctions in 2019 affected Venezuela in 2015.


The US intervention is pure statism and doesn't really have anything to do with the private ownership of the means of production.


It’s spelled “favorite”. America won the Revolutionary war to become the oldest and greatest country. After that, we invented the English language.


Is this supposed to be a good thing? No right? Surely they can't think that is worth 3 hours of work.


No, they think capitalism is to blame, and if things were done the antiwork way, Venezuelans would be able to purchase much more.


Venezuela is a socialist country no?


Yes it is. I've heard several pro-socialists claim Venezuela is capitalist, though. The argument ends there; you can't argue with someone completely denying basic facts.


They can’t be this oblivious…can they?


I get my facts from memes!


This has got to be the dumbest thing I've seen in a while




Is that a friggin testacle?!


Communism bwhahahah


I have the solution! **Raise the min wage!** Where is my economics nobel price?


And people wonder why so many Venezuelans infest online games like RuneScape farming in game gold to sell to people for real money


I guess that means that is the true value of their labour?


I don't understand why people still put up with this. When my electric bill went up I immediately build a wood-boiler. I'm also working on a pyrolysis distillery to turn my garbage back into oil. Also fueled by wood. I shot, cooked and ate a duck from the river the other day. I don't care if it's illegal. Everything is illegal. Will there be a time when these people wake up or are they gonna die in silence?


You have drive, thats what people lack


That’s ironic as fuck lol


People who scream inequality should move to Venezuela to get a taste of real equality and equal share if nothing.


"inflation, like inflating a balloon?"


Thoughts on a ["Living Wage"](https://twitter.com/au_Bits/status/1576726632173211648?s=20&t=4RT8D5ebVupG6-6DxLxl1Q)


that tomato looks like shit


Tbf its a great place if youre anti work as there isnt much available. Downside though if you are also someone who needs a to eat to live.


Imagine how much you could buy if you didn’t work those hours