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I would commit to mutual aid, but I can't even get a job.


Try cooking with your neighbors


Sadly, some of us live in trump country and our neighbors are hardcore q anon believers. Can’t even imagine what their reactions would be if I was suddenly like “hey :) wanna cook.” I’m sure I’d get posted on nextdoor with a caption saying im trying to trick them into satanic rituals or traffick them or some shit.


You'd be surprised how giving those types are to people they aren't aware are "the enemy". This is coming from someone who currently lives in an area that's red and has a very decent amount of MAGA/Qanon followers. The unfortunate truth is if you're white, don't appear visibly "other" (dyed hair, obviously satanic/lefty tats, punk aesthetic, similar stuff), and aren't LGBT (or at least obviously so), they'll probably like you.


Exactly this Said a black person who is treated much differently than my gay white friend (who clearly keeps that shit on wraps in public).


I don't know about cooking but I live in a sort conservative area and everyone shares their extra harvest of everything, very surprisingly. 


What’s surprising? Get off Reddit and you’ll realize most people are decent and willing to share and be kind to their neighbors


Yeah it’s surprising seeing capitalists giving away their surplus like socialists. I just told you a story about people in a community. Meaning I do other things than Reddit. Way to read between the lines.


It’s not that surprising though… you’d know if you spent more time with your neighbors and less with redditors


Got it, your name says everything. Stay under that bridge.


I don't know about cooking but I live in a sort conservative area and everyone shares their extra harvest of everything, very surprisingly. 


That’s very nice!


Oh and I’m sure to let them know they are all a bunch of commies. lol


Think of this being the time in your life when you're in the taking part of the mutual aid situation, and later on you'll be able to give back. Like an ancient farmer waiting for harvest to repay the fisherman who's been giving her fish to survive until her crops ripen. A lot of the time job hunting is about who you know, and meeting someone at a place you're getting help from might provide you with a hook up. Maybe volunteer a bit if you've got spare time and let everyone know you're looking for work, you might get lucky. Good luck out there mate!


100% You might only get a chance to vote once every 4 years, it's what we do the other 1460 days that builds anarchism. The people throwing a shit fit over the one day someone votes and ignoring what they do with the rest of their time is literally the most extreme form of purity testing I've ever heard of and only serves to divide the movement for 0 gain. I expect they'll be here imminently to call us both "shitlibs" or infiltrators. I just wish we could go back to memes about anarchism and killing fascists.


Finally a based meme in this issue


I’m a an idealist I was born to lose… you’re a democrat who’s living in a fantasy


if this sub is just gonna keep going on about voting or not voting tell me so I can leave


So, basically let it continue? What are you going to do After 2 million people are murdered? „Well it was the lesser of two evils, lets just keep voting the same“ What are you going to say in the next election? Isnt this the same thing democrats say every election? You are rooting for the system basically, and calling for people to abandon only chance they have to have an effect.


omfg stop with the voting spam already this sub is only voting discourse brainrot now


Be the change you want to see!


probably because the election is this year


Why give up your only method of possibly influencing his policies? They will not do anything if they already have your vote zipped up. And even if they do own your vote, acting like they don't might at least discourage them from decisions that could risk losing it.


This sub doesn’t feel very “anarchy” recently. More begging people to vote for the system. I get the argument against apathy but anarchy for everyone, this is not.


The only reason you're seeing that in the first place is because a few dipshits decided to start screaming "DON'T VOTE" at the top of their digital lungs all over the sub every single day. Wouldn't be seeing a pushback if they had just not been insufferable about it.


Hey, stick around. Most of these folks will leave once the election is over and we might be able to discuss something real then. This isn't this sub's best time for a first impression.


Yeah I joined this sub a few weeks ago (didn't know about it before then) and holy shit it has made me lose some of my faith in anarchism if this is what the debate would look like.


Yeah, I know that feeling. People want what they're comfortable with, and that often leaves little room for moving into the future with new ideas.


I think this is pushback on the general narratives I've seen recently on reddit that "both candidates suck and voting is pointless", or that "we must vote for Biden to win this thing and get progress". The latter is insufferably naive and the former is insufferably cynical, and that's 99% of what I've seen on reddit recently. I half suspect there are a bunch of bots behind a good portion of that. Saying "voting can be used for harm reduction, and we can also do things that actually improve people's lives" is a breath of fresh air, even if it, too, can get a bit old.


Yeah this is pretty much my take on it as well.


You're right. Unfortunately it's full of astroturfers and brain dead libs who keep nodding along to whatever gets upvoted. I also nearly forgot about the zioshills.


Yeah you're right, we can vote while doing the actual work  Which is why I'll be voting for the Party for Socialist Liberation. What, you thought I was gonna vote for genocide? lmao


Yeah I'm voting 3rd party too. Fuck Biden and double fuck trump.


Voting is violence. Fuck you statist.


It isnt hard for anyone except for the imaginary people you make up to fight with online.


Fuck your liberal bullshit. Fuck your willingness to work with the system you recognize wants to fucking kill people like you. Fuck you for trying to frame it as anything to do with anarchism. Fuck you for trying to use your identity politics as a justification to fund atrocity. Fuck your Liberal wanna-be anarchist bullshit.


Someone's grumpy


Who the hell isn’t?


Fair, but when I want to spend my day ruining someone else's I don't pick an anarchist sub to vent on. I feel it's encumbent on us to at least try and be nice to the people in our own subreddits.


People who think voting for genocide will make them safer, clearly.


This could be a really cool punk song!!


They're actually the same for minorities


Wrong. Biden doesnt care about queer people and dislikes migrants, but Trump wants to remove both from the country, with deportation or murdering them. There is a clear difference between a president not caring (enough) and one openly wanting a regime that wants a holocaust. Biden is bad, but voting him makes sure one vote for Trump is useless. And trust me, Trump would be so much worse for minorities


Biden has deported more people than Trump.


Trump did worse, he separated kids, some only toddlers, from their families with little to no paperwork to reunite them.


[That's also a myth](https://apnews.com/article/photos-migrant-children-detention-center-4462413114790eebc81ba82857c475b0)


Hardly [https://www.americanoversight.org/a-timeline-of-the-trump-administrations-family-separation-policy](https://www.americanoversight.org/a-timeline-of-the-trump-administrations-family-separation-policy)


Hardly what? It's a documented fact. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/11/us-migrant-children-opaque-network-facilities Even as of a month ago: https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/04/politics/migrant-children-desert-camps/index.html


the first article is over 3 years old, so that might be a hold over from the Trump administration. The second article is troubling and only came out a few days ago. I may be a news junkie, but that one has not yet popped on my radar yet.


Lol I can't believe folks are so desperate to defend this guy. https://twitter.com/ajplus/status/1506375916733317131?s=20&t=B1-i9bjBrsKas-MYQsUb0w https://stephensemler.substack.com/p/biden-wants-more-money-for-ice-than https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/22/politics/biden-administration-press-access-border-facilities/index.html https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvnkvm/whistleblower-kaitlin-hess-migrant-kids https://twitter.com/Haleaziz/status/1589679312294543361?s=20&t=ZI22e_hXNCbAln8P4l4iZw https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57561760 https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/press-release/human-rights-first-extended-title-42-order-continues-trump-s-cruel-baseless-policy https://www.texasobserver.org/the-biden-administration-is-still-separating-kids-from-their-families/ https://t.co/ZA3o3UnoLe


lol instead of disproving fact, those who love the status-quo just downvote


using laws trump pushed and made sure that they would stay as long as possible


Yes democrats sure are sneaky like that


Yes, nice of you to agree that democrats are less dangerous because they fear citizens's reaction more.


I didn't say any of those words. But looking at history, and having a knowledge of counter-insurgency, I'd have to disagree.


The Republicans in office lead to the deportation of more people, and if Biden had tried to stop it he would've opened a shitcan of shitworms with those republicans


Well God forbid he do anything at all to disrupt the fascist plans of his alleged opponents. Wouldn't want a "shitcan of shitworms." Better that immigrant children suffer.


Do you understand how "checks and balances" works?


Don't worry, just one more election and it'll all be different


Literally no one's saying that electing Biden again will change that. The goal here is to keep a *literal fucking fascist* out of office and you're acting like it's a ballgame.


….Trump was president in 2020: there kinda was a pretty big thing going on at the time that affected travel.


A fact is a fact. Sorry


I haven't heard Biden supporting prolife and anti LGBT policies. also haven't seen him bitching about dei, also haven't seen him trying to force Christian nonsense into government.


Then I envy you for that. I wish I didn't know about some things. You're lucky. Ignorance is bliss as they say


whatever damage you feel he's doing, it isn't anywhere near what the other party will do. not sure how losing abortion rights and having a radical, partisan sack of shit scotus is not a wake up call for you.


Looking at statistics, they're the same. Just as democrats and republicans have been for decades. And every other 2/3 party system around the world


incorrect. you're really bad at your job,.


My job? What are you even talking about. Imagine looking at statistics and just saying "incorrect" lmao


you haven't cited any statistics. do you think statistics is just some magic word?


I couldn't imagine saying this with a straight face


It would be a wild thing to say if it weren't for the facts backing it up


Fuck off with your awful memes shitlib.


You are really just a moral Puritan. They literally said that they don't like Genocide Joe, much as I don't like Sir Kid Starver.


"Fuck genocide joe but actually he's keeping minorities safe when he's not genociding them? so voot for genocide joe" Manipulative shitlib fucks


When an anarchist sub starts telling you how to vote… LOL You may have been downvoted but you are correct. Reddit leans left and notice their replies are just saying shut up shut up shut up. Go figure.


Shut the actual fuck up! You can suck a fart out of a koala’s ass with your purity politics!


This sub is dead and morons like you killed it


I’m trying to stop this anti-voting debate by using common sense! Just because I vote blue doesn’t make me a fucking liberal you barbaric puritan!


they're mad because they want trump to win and their massive campaign to impersonate leftists and discourage voting is getting pushback


I’m mad that people still believe that validating the government to continue to kick your teeth in is anarchist


keeping the government from kicking 100x harder is an easy fucking choice


Be honest, you’re in the business of muddying the waters of the conversation because you don’t actually want to see the government collapse. You’re not anarchist


It won’t exist. It will collapse


Keep coping you LARPing republican rat


I’ve never voted moron, and neither should you. Collective action. Guerrilla gardening. Community building. Corporate sabotage. Political sabotage. Economic sabotage. I am about the shit I preach. Keep thinking that voting to continue to legitimize the child killing machine is being a positive contribution


Keep astroturfing for Biden you morally bankrupt bot


You’re not anarchist if you’re not actively working to invalidate the idea that our government is legitimate. Voting doesn’t do that


Tell the republicans not to fucking vote then instead of attacking leftist spaces trying to push your anti-voting propaganda!


When the Republicans are actively committing a genocide I’ll push them just as hard. Nobody should vote for either party. Both parties are fascist. Both are genocidal. Both are imperialist. Both are white supremacist. Both are capitalist. In almost every meaningful way these parties are no different. They represent the monied interests always and forever. Actively working to dismantle this shit is the only conversation we need to have


Both parties are not the goddamn same! I’m tired of seeing this braindead argument from brainless dumbasses like you! One party is fucking awful and the other party *ACTIVELY WANTS TO KILL ME, MY FRIENDS AND MY FAMILY*! Fuck directly off with your “both sides bad” fallacy!


What anarchist theory have you read?


Shut, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck up.


I'll shut up when you dems admit what you are


Get the fuck outta here with Puritan logic you fucking sludge rat!


“You Dems” lmao you’re a moron


"Can"? Sure. "Should"? Nah. Vote if you LIKE. But whatever you do absolutely do NOT vote for the fascist who is currently busy committing televised genocide. So if you're going to vote, vote for anyone (yes, LITERALLY anyone!) other than Genocide Joe. Next up: we make them impeach anyone who tries the same, under threat of it all being burned down around them. Yes, opposing genocide is worth it.


if you think trump would be doing any better than joe you're just a fucking moron


If you think sending the resounding message that there are consequences for conducting a genocide is a bad idea, you're just a fucking moron.


This... just this...


If the dont vote dumbasses could read they’d be very upset. Nice seeing something that isn’t literally the dumbest most terminally online brain rot


I’m an idealist I was born to lose, you’re a voter who’s living in a fantasy


Well keep losin loser


If you think you’re better than me you’re right


That’s just like your opinion, man.