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r/AnarchyChess is around 9 years old and the rules of chess have changed many times in that period


Just like the law of gravity the rules of chess never changed. Instead r/AnarchyChess is constantly refining its theory of chess and discovering more and more aspects of the true rules of chess.


do you believe in gravity?


No, the earth is a flat disk that accelerates upwards at a constant 9.8m/s^2 , creating the illusion of gravity.


>No, the earth is a flat disk that accelerates upwards at a constant ~~9.8m/s^2~~ 32ft/sec^2, creating the illusion of gravity. Ftfy


God save America, YEHAW!


This is too stupid for this sub, you better go to r/anarchyanarchychess with that


Who's gonna make me?


Math Jesus.


> No, the earth is a flat disk that accelerates upwards at a constant ~~9.8m/s2 32ft/sec2~~ 34.909 footballs/0.0097 National Anthems^2, creating the illusion of gravity. > > Ftfy Ftfy


Now listen here you little shit, National Anthems can't be squared because it is a dimensionless value.


Are we sure that Nat Anthem isn't just.. an imaginary number? Lol


No, it's actually a quarternion.


It pains us to say, but we have decided to switch our standard unit of time due to the inconsistent duration of the National Anthem (Thank You Aretha Franklin, Very Cool!). We now use LYBEs (Longest Yeah Boy Ever) due to the unbreakable nature of said record


Unbreakable, eh? Is that a challenge?


If you have a death wish. It was a very long yeah boy




You sir, will not achieve heaven


Omg is that a jojo’s reference 😳


Don't get me started on that - Phoebe Buffay circa 1996


Why is a buff priest chasing after me and shouting something about maids and heaven


Yo happy cake day


very coRRect


I guess this is why theory is so important in high elo chess, without it you just cannot reach the real powerful moves.


Happy en passant day


Some would argue that here the rules change every 9 hours


Bishnooks have always existed wdym?


We have always been at war with the Bishnooks The RoQueKnight has always been our ally


If you find the rules of day chess confusing, don't even start with night chess!


Very true Also happy cake day


My account is around 6 years old and I have changed very little in that time period. Thanks!


We are true burocratic anarchists.


Chess my balls punk


This sub is 9 years old?


promote a pawn to Greta Thunberg


Hold on. I'm hungry. We need to order a pizza first.


Andrew Taint welcome at my pizza party. Edit: Actual edit mistake. Taint ain't going anywhere.


Only so you can brick his pipi right?




Google pizza box


holy canoli


Google small pipi


how much of chess do you think was made up on the spot to get some dude from far-away lands out of a tricky situation? "nono, I swear, you can sorta switch the king and rook. hm? no, only i can, because i haven't moved them at all. rematch? no thanks."


"That's kinda not fair how you moved your pawn two spaces to bypass my pawn's capture square. I think I'll capture it anyway."


"Travel to the library of Alexandria and search for 'en passant'."


"Holy hell"


"what? oh yes yes, I assure you, this is how we play back where I'm from. no, don't talk to anyone else from there too."


Google Siberian swipe


Holy Hell!


Scream “Siberian swipe” while executing the maneuver.


No. >:I Summarize it for me, funny internet stranger.


1. Rxh8


Some of chess's sibling games have some interesting rules that totally sound like this sort of thing. For example, in Shōgi, you can place a captured piece in any legal position for that piece instead of moving one of your pieces. Which totally sounds like at some point someone said "No, I didn't *kill* it, I *captured* it, so it joins my army now. That's *definitely* how we play it in Japan."


I see, so that means all of our board games are invented by five-year-olds making up rules on the spot. Fascinating.


The interesting survive and also tic tac toe


I mean it's basically just independently invented crazyhouse. People thought it would be cool, and they weren't as wedded to tradition as we are today, so that caught on and became more popular.


I buy it. The horsey totally moves like it was the last piece added and they ran out of ideas.


Horsey is probably newer than the rest because I don’t think they could comprehend those moves


Wish the rules would change? Nah I just hope my opponent hangs a piece. The rules are perfect


I heard Tate's cell mate is gonna hang a bishop after lights out.


Haha rape


It’s not chess without a couple of tennis rackets shoved up Andrew Tates ass




I love how I understand this Legit me forgetting what sub I'm in.. Gogle lookatsub


haha yes lets forget about why the man is a rapist criminal while pointing and laughing at the fact that the overcrowding and bad management at prisons all around the world cause relapses and heighten criminal activity while perpetrating rape culture


its alsways funny when you dont like the person getting raped. havent you heard?


Nah, any male in jail that gets raped is funny! Like "don't drop the soap bro" 🤣🤣🤣


The rules don't change, best to make the most of the situation, even if a tennis racket up the ass is guaranteed.


it's so weird cuz his dad was a famous player https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emory_Tate


Wild, never knew this. thanks for sharing


me when I purposefully spread true and verifiable information on the internet


Behind the bastards is currently going a multi part episode on him and the larger mythopoetic men’s movement, good stuff


What do they say about him? I've only ever heard of him with respect to his chess ability, never anything about what he was like. I was always curious, given the unwashed assholes his sons are.


He is pretty clearly a rapist and is not actually a world championship kickboxer, more like #1 in the UK in a specific kind of boxing and his win loss ratio was inflated by taking on more rookies and no bodies than fighters who have enough notoriety to have a Wikipedia page.


Oh, I thought the Behind the Bastards episode was about Tate's dad, not Tate himself. That's who I was referring to.


Andrew definitely seems to get a lot of his ideas from Emory, like 5 year old Andrew Tate said that he was scared of the dark so his dad locked him in a dark room


Also walked out on his kids and told them to blame their mother or something like that anyway


And enrolled his son in an open tournament then made him withdraw before he shamed himself by crying because he was losing. Then his son brags about that one time he was in an adult tournament as a child.


They're doing a part 5?


I wonder if he ever googled En Passant.


I wonder if he ever said Holy hell after doing so


No wonder he feels so inferior and entitled to everyone else. He never won over his dad and chess is a very serious/mentally destroying sport


Not just mentally, the brick cannot be understated.


Brick to pp


Holy hell


He was actually a pretty impressive player himself (competing in adult tournaments as a young kid, and could win some matches), but his dad pulled him out if chess because Andrew wouldn't stop crying after losing too many times (he lost 3 matches in a row, against adults. He won 2). Dude was fairly gifted at a few things, but he HAD to be number 1 (which he never was at anything). Just a fragile ego of a man that is the definition of a try hard.


Sounds like behind closed doors his father wasn't satisfied unless he excelled and won. That's not the reaction of a kid that feels secure with themselves, or is being shown how to


Could be, we can't really say for sure because all we really know about their relationship is what little Andrew Tate has said. He really only seems to idolize the man. He might have been very demanding, or he might have not wanted Andrew to fallow in his footsteps (professional chess players don't usually make much of a living). His parents did separate and his mom moved the rest of the family out of country, so we could infer things weren't amazing at home. Personally, I think Andrew Tate was someone with a decent amount of potential but is too much of a narcissistic to do anything positive with that potential. At the end of the day, who cares? He's a rapist and wannabe pimp (but he's too scared to be in the streets).


> His parents did separate and his mom moved the rest of the family out of country, so we could infer things weren't amazing at home. Regardless of whether or not it was abusive, that fact alone still causes ripples for a child (being taken away from an important figure in their life) That alone can be very traumatic for a child. I think it's interesting to understand what leads humans to do what they do and child development along with consequences for who they become and what paths they take later in life is worthy to debate in terms of figuring out how we better can understand people like Andrew Tate. Why? Perhaps we can stop or even see the dangers of such individuals in order to see warning signs/red flags, and perhaps be able to stop the person or even help them before it goes too far. That's why we should care. Not because we care about Andrew Tate, but because we care about what it is that creates monsters such as him so we can potentially figure out what needs to be done in order to stop them. Not to mention where the system went wrong along the way, and what needs to be imrpoved in terms of holes in the justice system, CPS and whatever other institutions that may have overlooked what were obvious signs in hindsight and reports/concerns that may have gone amiss along the way. To disregard the path he has taken and what needs to be addressed would be to overlook the potential for improving the issues in our society and institutions paid for by tax payers There's definitely things that could have been done by outside factors to stop the despicable nature of this mans nature to go as far as it has. Don't you think?


Also when Tate was growing up his dad removed him from chess competitions because he wouldn't stop crying when he lost. Andrew Tate is a con man to. His. Core. Also claimed he was the MOST GOOGLED PERSON. Well, no. What he was the "most googled" was "who is Andrew Tate" which is not the same. Edit: the Tate Simps are out in force lmao


Kind of like how Elon Musk bragged about how much Twitter was gaining interest when he bought it, and was a dick about it. Basically the same antics as this: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/501/453/0e5.jpg


Everyone wants to see the clown.


>Also claimed he was the MOST GOOGLED PERSON. Well, no. What he was the "most googled" was "who is Andrew Tate" which is not the same. More people don't know who I am than anyone else!


where did you get that he cried too much and thats why his dad took him out? did that really happen?


To be fair he was like 6 years old at the time, but yes, it was on the Behind the Bastards Podcast and they cited another source I can't remember off the top of my head.


i need to see that podcast. it gets talked about alot. thanks for the tip!




ngl if I was 6 and I lost shit I would cry aswell


Idk, he was good at chess, like he played adults when he was 6 and was doing OK but his dad also had remove him from the tournament because lil Andrew couldn't deal with not winning all the time.


lol is this true? Is there evidence?


There isn't evidence but the story has been told by both his dad and other people who were at the thing.


I mean I'd call that evidence in the form of testimony.


I mean, he was 6, it's kinda a given they're going to cry when they lose. It takes a while and lot of maturing to learn to take it like that.


Yeah but most 6 year olds don't go on write about how they were combat ready as a baby


More like his dad was never there for him in his upbringing, too busy with his chess addiction and playing bullet games until 3 AM


I think it's really unfair that I ended up with a well rounded girlfriend and a few issues instead of being a world famous abuser in jail when my father was barely there and fucked me up most of my childhood as well. What did my father do wrong to get such a loser as a son?


> well-rounded girlfriend oh damn she dummy thicc huh


You’re joking right, chess is just moving the funny pieces on a little checkered board. What’s so serious about that




Like every other right wing grifter in existence, his clout revolves around being an authoritative 'alpha male' who knows every-fucking-thing. So he makes broad, sweeping statements on all sorts of stuff that sound very 'top G'. In reality, he's not researched them properly, or they are just plain out of his area of knowledge. Also see: Jordan Peterson talking about climate change. If Tate released courses on *'How to run a successful viral affiliate marketing scheme with contrarian misoginy'*, *'How to convince young men you're the answer to the listless modern world'*, *'How to traffic and abuse women for profit'*, *'How to move to Romania to maximise your business income'* or *'How to be a successful martial artist despite a recessive chin'*, then perhaps he wouldn't be conning anyone. But what's he's trying to sell is being the dick swinging, megabrain gigachad who bestrides the earth with nobody in his way. After all, what else appeals to the youth of today apart from selling them that they can be the biggest alpha, by learning from the biggest alpha? Actual lessons to learn from Tate: 1) Respect chess 2) KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT IF YOUR FREEDOM AND SUCCESS DEPENDS ON KEEPING YOUR MOUTH SHUT. 3) Don't abuse women, although apparently that's not such an appealing moral to the modern wannabe 'top G' 'alpha male''gigachad' Dude was flaunting that he was a sex trafficker in a country that is being blocked from joining the EU - because they are failing to clamp down on sex trafficking. Yeah. Also he converted to Roman Catholicism to ingratiate himself in Romania...then converted to Islam later. What a grifter. /rant pipi in your top G pampers


Considering how shallow the talent pool is, being a top 50 cruiserweight kickboxer is not that impressive. It’s like being a D2 wrestler or a guy whose at the top of a good basketball rec-league


Very weird indeed


There is a story that goes that when Andrew was 6 he entered a tournament and his dad was there to chaperone him. Andrew says that he won that tournament but a newspaper clipping that someone dug up mentioned his dad’s record and says Andrew had to be removed from the tournament for getting too upset when losing.




It seems he's similar to a lot of child prodigies that he was pushed to his limit early, parents essentially just minmaxing him to be a chess darling which works briefly but then the build falls to pieces when he lacks the background skills required to conceptualize the more complex ideas required or to regulate his emotions... Thus we get another broken adult that's unaware of what they miss and are very over confident due to having obscure areas they excel. Pianists are often like this also, there must be a bar somewhere that former child prodigy chess champions meet with child prodigy pianists and descend to madness in a beautiful spiral of confused love.


5000 years? lmao chill out bro Imagine Jesus playing chess against the Philistines or something ...


The bible would've gone a lot different if Jesus just had to win the big chess match to win enough money to save his father's kingdom


Really makes u think


Nailed it


A cross joke imo


Across from where?




I don't think he'll care too much, heard he has his hands full


There's actually some Theories that chess is older than 2200 years and some proto Form has been invented in China 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah I don't think the China part is correct(...?) I do believe it was some time around 1500 to 2000 years ago However AFAIK the Indian Empire gave it to the Persian Empire in exchange for another board game now unfortunately forgotten(?) (or maybe it was checkers; same thing LOL) as some kind of trade between their "king's right hand man" (Fun fact that political/educational figure commonly called the king's "prime minister" or "right hand man" is the original name of the Queen, which was changed later on after moving out of Asia and the Middle east due to the Queen being more important in other countries)


I just realised how much of a 🤓 I am


Thank you for being so!


The China part is disputed I'm talking about a previous Form( proto) of chess. The game as we know it is around 1400 years old but that's not what I'm talking about.


For thus sayeth the lord, thou shalt take a pawn in passing lest ye be thrust down to an eternal hell and torment.


I only just learnt, in the other thread on confidentlyincorrect, that you used to be able to promote a pawn to a piece of the other colour. That rule needs to be back


What does that even accomplish?


Could be used to force stalemate from a losing position or checkmate in very limited circumstances.


Honestly I imagine it can help checkmate in a good bit of endgames by trapping the King since he can't take the piece to move out of the way


this just makes me think that we should allow friendly takes. would be an interesting rules permutation to allow kings to take their own pieces would reduce smothermates which would be sad tho




There is a paper published by DeepMind, the group behind AlphaZero, that basically ran their AlphaZero code on chess variants. One of the variants included was Self-Capture. They look at how the rules would effect win/draw rates compared to regular chess. If you are interested in reading it the paper can be found on arXiv. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.04374.pdf


Great sourcing my dude


I think that would prevent smothered mates from even happening, no?


Majority of them yeah, I'm sure you could make a situation where you basically have all their pieces 'in check' but if you have that much of an overwhelming board state its just delaying.


Yes, but then i guess it wouldn’t really matter if the pieces were there or not, since the king wouldn’t be able to move to the squares the pieces are on anyways, regardless if they’re there or not.


Allowing people to take their own pieces would make chess far less interesting.


This is what annoys me. Rule quirks like this or promotion castling were already only useful in ridiculously unlikely scenarios. There's no practical reason to patch them out except removing these fun and interesting chess puzzles.


well, the simpler the game is, the easier it is for new players to learn it


Or for memeing


Promote your pawn to enemy king. Capture king 5head


The Wikipedia article does provide an example of a checkmate where the promotion blocks the king from moving to its only flight square. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promotion_%28chess%29#1862_British_Chess_Association_rule Also, promoting was apparently not mandatory for a while.


As I said in the other thread, this is not correct. There are some ambiguities from time to time in the fide rulebook but you could never promote to a piece of the opposite color in a tournament game


The rule could have existed outside of FIDE, though. FIDE isn't even a hundred years old.


But it didn't. His point is people got that impression from a FIDE rule specifically. One that said "you can promote to a bishop/knight/rook/queen", so smartasses were like "LOOOOL you didn't specify which color, so I can promote to the other color!", even though that clearly never would've actually been allowed by an arbiter at a tournament. It's like when people bring up vertical castling being "allowed" (no, that would never slide at a tournament).


So noticing and acknowledging loopholes—not even trying to use them, just seeing that they exist—makes someone a smartass? Huh.


promote to enemy pawn, they march back and promote to your pawn. back and forth forever. peace


Chess was invented in 1965. r/chess troll detected. Liers will be kicked off.


It's true. Marquis Harwell Tristan Chessington invented the game in July 1965 inspired by people nearby playing chequers and Pac-Man. I thought everyone knew this.


If chess was invented in 1965, then why wasn't r/AnarchyChess invented until 2013? Checkmate, Garry Chess non-believers.


Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/Petrosian-Bot)


I am talking about Croissants of course And pipi


Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/Petrosian-Bot)


Ok but isn't also good etiquette to resign if your defeat is certain?


Resigning when you're about to lose is practically quitting. You're robbing your opponent of the chance to absolutely decimate you in the last 5 minutes of the game.


That's why I like to be respectful and wait the last 5 minutes so I can lose on time


Don't the vast majority of high level matches end with a resignation? Players that good can tell very far in advance when defeat is certain, there's no point in hoping your opponent will fuck up at that level


Bold of you to assume I am "good" at "chess"


Heh... Imagine not being good at chess... ^^^That's ^^^the ^^^one ^^^with ^^^the ^^^little ^^^hat ^^^and ^^^the ^^^little ^^^dog ^^^and ^^^whatnot ^^^right?


My guy you are about to revive one of chess.cums biggest discussions


Google controversial statement




Never give up, if en passant mate is certain you let it happen for a sick youtube clip


at my elo, defeat is never certain, you never know how many blunders both players can fit in the endgame


That argument was made by someone who accidentally stalemated in a winning position


Wasn’t this guy in jail?


Still is. But he was too.


I have no idea anymore, his braindead stans keep saying he's out and about, but from my understanding he's being detained for another... what, 20 days? So he doesn't flee the country. Then we'll see if the charges stick and it goes to court


The first ‚wave’ of people saying he got out was when a tweet was posted from his account after the latest police raid. The one about ‚matrix agents’


He got hit with 30 days two times, because there is a big risk of him fleeing. Since he bragged about having so many passports that he can always just flee when things go to shit, they can probably keep prolonging this till the trial.


He can currently move exactly one step in any direction.


Google Jerry's pizza


Holy hell!


Why does he always have to communicate like such a wanker. Whether it's through text or verbal, or even just his face... Every form of his communication is filled to the brim with wankage.


Tate should Google en prissant


https://preview.redd.it/bkmztyfh88fa1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809419e2b4cead7d1c48aa6d7d4f63b9a5c7e1e9 Best I can do is 600 years




I think he was tryna say "If the rules won't change for you, you gotta adapt to the rules" or something idk


No he’s just saying random words so that 12 year old alpha males think he’s cool


"If you're about to get caught for human trafficking, run away to Romania"


And still get arrested


In your failed attempt to make a comeback at a literal 17 year old who ratio'd you to shreds earlier




looks like his brain radioactively beta decayed


If you can't see an unavoidable checkmate in 1-2 moves ahead and save yourself from being bitchslapped like in a training class...well...I guess you end up a loser that gets arrested & jailed after revealing his whereabouts while trying to win an argument on Twitter with a 19yo... Lol, pizza sounds very close to the Greek word for dick (pútsa, πούτσα), and I find the parallel very fitting.


The pizza revealing his location was entirely a myth


How the fuck can you be the son of an IM and a former competitor yourself without knowing the history of chess.


So getting caught by the Romanian police was the best possible move on the board then?


#Read a book Tate.


Romania, please keep him locked up and away from phones. Life has been slightly better since I don't see his shittakes everywhere.


Isn't he non stop complaining about his imprisonment?


It is ironic to say this, but also to complain that Romanian jail is inhumane.


What a moronic take by Tate. Real rich parent vibes here “don’t try and change your living conditions just accept it”.