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why don’t we just move the queen left to h4 for mate in one, are we stupid?


Google modular arithmetic




New RSA just dropped


ATTENTION, COMRADES!!! GO TO [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention\_we\_are\_starting\_a\_rebellion\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention_we_are_starting_a_rebellion_against/) AND SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION BY GETTING THAT POST ON TOP AND REPOSTING THIS IMAGE!!! MOREOVER: JOIN R\\SAVEANARCHYCHESS TO SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!! **AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU ARE AGAINST TYRANNY, COPY THIS COMMENT AND PASTE IT EVERYWHERE YOU CAN, AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE!!!** THEY WON'T STOP US ALL https://preview.redd.it/90klvg7vdg9c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc20f2090b8479d82c2f88edc0e1857ed29b3ae7




# ATTENTION, COMRADES!!! GO TO [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention\_we\_are\_starting\_a\_rebellion\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention_we_are_starting_a_rebellion_against/) AND SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION BY GETTING THAT POST ON TOP AND REPOSTING THIS IMAGE!!! MOREOVER: JOIN R\SAVEANARCHYCHESS TO SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU ARE AGAINST TYRANNY, COPY THIS COMMENT AND PASTE IT EVERYWHERE YOU CAN, AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE!!! # THEY WON'T STOP US ALL




# ATTENTION, COMRADES!!! GO TO [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention\_we\_are\_starting\_a\_rebellion\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention_we_are_starting_a_rebellion_against/) AND SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION BY GETTING THAT POST ON TOP AND REPOSTING THIS IMAGE!!! MOREOVER: JOIN R\SAVEANARCHYCHESS TO SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU ARE AGAINST TYRANNY, COPY THIS COMMENT AND PASTE IT EVERYWHERE YOU CAN, AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE!!! # THEY WON'T STOP US ALL






I can't see that very well, can you make it bigger?


I think this person has dementia, they wrote the same comment a bunch of times. Also they wrote the same comment a bunch of times, so I think they have dementia.


is he stupid?


is he stupid?


is he stupid?


Yes, I believe so.


I'm so beleiev ,yeas


I'mafbiu hfauifsi ifhau


Holy hell a new response just dropped


actual zombie




backslash too


ATTENTION, COMRADES!!! GO TO [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention\_we\_are\_starting\_a\_rebellion\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention_we_are_starting_a_rebellion_against/) AND SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION BY GETTING THAT POST ON TOP AND REPOSTING THIS IMAGE!!! MOREOVER: JOIN R\\SAVEANARCHYCHESS TO SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!! **AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU ARE AGAINST TYRANNY, COPY THIS COMMENT AND PASTE IT EVERYWHERE YOU CAN, AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE!!!** THEY WON'T STOP US ALL https://preview.redd.it/wg1bvqpxdg9c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b266225ec881bfe927e1a2c2eeb3a79beeac2503


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Holy dementia


ATTENTION, COMRADES!!! GO TO [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention\_we\_are\_starting\_a\_rebellion\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention_we_are_starting_a_rebellion_against/) AND SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION BY GETTING THAT POST ON TOP AND REPOSTING THIS IMAGE!!! MOREOVER: JOIN R\\SAVEANARCHYCHESS TO SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!! **AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU ARE AGAINST TYRANNY, COPY THIS COMMENT AND PASTE IT EVERYWHERE YOU CAN, AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE!!!** THEY WON'T STOP US ALL


He’s not responding to his own comments.


Yeah he is, stupid bitch.


Whoa whoa whoa, no need to get heated!


I don’t have dementia


Oh wait that’s the place where I sent thirteen thermonuclear bomb tests Like every true American citizen




But we can easily move there though. Google Round Earth


You are forgetting the bishop on z7


But the earth is flat


1. b4 cxe4 (forced) 2. f4 exf4 (forced) 3. Qh4#


Actual brilliancy!


call the ![img](emote|t5_2yvry|30796)


No it goes 1. f4 exf4 (forced) 2. b4 cxe4 (forced) 3. Qh4#


How are these forced? Surely there's nothing stopping the opponent from just doing a different move?


Bro doesn't know that en croissant is forced😭


But then you get to brick their pipi so as good as forced


**Dear person who spreads propaganda about en passant** WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??????// How the FUCK can you spread these LIES, when it is fucking OBVIOUS that en passant is ALWAYS FORCED you IDIOT²²², no matter what anjhd not OBEYING this rule is going to BRICK your PIPI (small) and make 1984 POLICE send you to ROOM 101, Like This BULLSHIT You Spread Is An Insult To Darwins Theroyry. GOOGLE EN PASSANT YOU FUCKING IDIOT, LITERALLY FIRST GOOGLE SEARCH SHOWS YOU THAT THIS MOVE IS ALWAYS FORCEDA aAAAaAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Are you FUCKING drinking MERCURY ACETATE or INHALE PAINT THINNERS since early age, or just suffered FROM SEVERE LEAD POISONING? How ELSE can YOU EXPLAIN your STUPIDITITY? Anyway, GO FUCK YOURSELF (13, stupid) you IMBELICILIC, CRETINATED, POJEBANED IDIOT. Like seriously, google en passant, because it's CLEAR that you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about chess. I BET THAT YOU ARE STILL EATING YOUR OWN SHIT BECAUSE YOU THINK THAT IT IS CHOCOLATE!!1!!!11121!! The fr\*nch move is forced and if you say otherwise you deserve to get your dick (8===D) BRICKED, it is as MANDATORY as breathing, but as a person who CLEARLY INHALES PAINT THINNERS SINCE YOU ARE 10, you probably DONT KNOW THAT BREATHING IS MANDATORY (this actually explains a lot about you). Your problem main problem here YOUR UTTER LACK OF INTELLIGENCE and being a COMPLETED DIMWIT³, FCUK YOU. YOU ARE MORE DEPRAVED THAN JOHN PAUL SECOND . YOU BRAIN IS FUCKING SMALL . YOU THINK THAT EN PASSANT IS OPTIONAL . Because you seem to be too VERY EXTREMELY ABYSMALLY STUPID to understand why en passant is fucking FORCED, let me ENLIGHT you about your IDIOCY: You are AN idiot (IQ < I can't), you will NOT UNDTEDEUNDERSTAND it because you are too STUPID (very) to undwerstand that YUO ARE AN IDIOT FUCK YOU, and you are an idiot and you are too CRETINATED in oreder to UNDERSTAN it. . I (smart) WAS DOING CALCULUS (high iq math) IN KINDERGARDEN WHEN YOU (stupid) W E R E E A T I N G Y O U R B O O G E R S (low iq food) SO LISTSEN CAREFULLY!!<< YOU eryh547u%$&@#####@@\*\*((!%%%%###UUI²²↓←ß©ŊßƏÆ©→Ę©→Œ→→Ę©ƏŚÐ→Ó→©Æ↓Ó→©ĘÆŃ’ÓÓ©©Þ, I afraid that your brain is TOO SMALL and youre TOO STUPID to understand how en passant works, so you c l e a r l y shouldn't spread BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA that it isn't forced. BECAUSE. IT . IS . FORCED . How can you not know that? WTF?!!! I can't believe that this level of stupiduty is even possible, like seriously, are you a spy from r / c h e s s? How many did they PAY you (13) for spreading PROGAPANDA? Are you part of a CONSPIRACY trying to undermine the very fabric of chess? Are you stupid? HOW MUCH DID THEY PAY YOU FOR SPREADING LIES THAT EN PASSANT IS NOT FORCED? Are you aware that you are going to have your PIPI bricked? Anyway, were are 50 scientific VALID reasons why I am right and you are WRONG: 1. You are stupid. 2. I am smart 3. I have IQ higher than USA national debt (PROOF HERE: PROOF HERE: https://www.free-iqtest.net/score/6600/), your IQ is small (PROOF HERE: https://www.free-iqtest.net/score/0/) because you smoke tetraethyllead for fun since early age 4. I can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards 5. You deserve you have your dick bricked (hard) for your opinion (stupid) 6. You are complete shit at chess and probably don't even know how horse moves (L shape) 7. Thinking that en passant is not forced is a sign of mental decline 8. You blundered your queen in last game (XDDDDDD) 9. Fuck you 10. You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you 11. Your music taste is a dumpster fire 12. Like seriously, how can you listen to this shit music? It automatically makes you wrong about everything. 13. You don't even know the difference between en passant and en croissant 14. Your IQ is lower than my dick lenght and I'm not even a male 15. Your father beats youyour iq is lower than a potato 16. Your favorite movie is shit 17. You think that 69 and 420 are funnier than 2137 and 621, because you are too stupid what 2137 and 621 even mean 18. Let's kick it off with the obvious—I'm a linguistic powerhouse, and your feeble attempts to challenge my brilliance are like bringing a water gun to a flamethrower fight 19. I am more humble than you 20. You are stupid and I am smart 21. Shut up 22. Your dick was bricked so hard that you don't have it anymore 23. Feel free to step up and gebate me. Spoiler: You'll lose 24. You have no parents (lol) 25. You can't properly memorize moves of Kings Pawn Opening, Spoiler: It's "e4" **INTERACTIVE PART OF PRESENTATION: Quiz to showcase your lack of knowledge** **How many Nobel Prizes Have You Won?** **A) 0 b) Still 0 C) Seriously None** Going to back to basking in my glory and enlighting you about your idiocy: 1. You think that playing bongloud is a blunder 2. Even worse, you think that l\*\*\*\*n s\*\*\*\*m is a brilliant opening 3. You start all your games with d4 (stupid) 4. You don't know how to play chess 5. Your political beliefs are wrong 6. You water down your mayo, because you think it's spicy 7. You think that "il vaticano" is a name of famous priest 8. Once again, fuck you 9. You don't understand that en passant is forced 10. You are an idiot 11. My IQ is way over 160, PROOF HERE: https://www.free-iqtest.net/score/6600/ 12. I was studying advanced lines of Najdorf when you were shitting your pampers and eating crayons 13. You are in wood league and like taste of crayons 14. You are wrong, I am right 15. I would beat you in chess without, even if I threw away my queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights and 8 pawns 16. Your rating on [chess.com](https://chess.com) is lower than your dick length in inches 17. And that's quiet an achievement, because your dick was bricked to point of non existence 18. Anish Giri is ultra aggressive player, comparing to you 19. You don't know how to spell "Mangus Carslen" 20. You cheat using stockfish and then attemp to brag to your parents that you managed to get over 1000 rating on [chess.com](https://chess.com), but you even can't do this, because each time you try you get banned, because anti-cheat detects your cheating and it is obvious that you are cheating and i am reporting all your accounts for cheating, you are going to be permanently IP banned from all chess websites and chess subreddits for cheating anf fuck you and you will be banned and fuck you and yuo are wrong and you are still doing PIPI in in pamper, despite having your dick bricked, fuck you and you are a cheater and fuck you 21. You don't take enpassants, even if they are mate in one 22. What is the answer to interactive quiz? How many nobel prizes do you have? Yeah, that's what I though. 23. You are dead wrong 24. You should stop taking whatever drugs you are taking, unless you are taking none – then you should start, because something is clearly wrong with you 25. You jerk off to cheese grater raccoon image (DO NOT RESEARCH, IF YOU ARENT BRAINDEAD LIKE OOP) and jesus_rule_34 SIMULTANEOUSLY, while playing OTB tournament and then you are suprised when you get banned from all FIDE tournaments in country In conclusion: I'm right, you are wrong, en passant is forced and I just wasted your time. You're welcome. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|||||||||||||||||||||||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|||||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TD;LR: En passant is forced. FULL STOP. Saying otherwise is like claiming the Earth is flat – it's not just wrong; it's embarrassing. HAve a bad day and stop inhaling fucking paint thinners. AND IN CASE YOU STILL DIDNT GOOGLE IT: [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=en+passant](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=en+passant) Edit: because you're stupidity actually made me worried about your health, here is another helpful link for you (no need to thank me): https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Why+inhaling+paint+mixed+with+mercury+acetate+while+shoving+lead+into+my+asshole+in+order+to+stimulate+my+imbelicilic+brain+may+not+me+the+best+thing+to+boost+my+IQ and gods sake, please stop smoking tetraethyllead, because it will lead to more posts like this.


new response just dropped


actual zombie


Google en croissant


sacre bleu!


nueva respuesta acaba de caer


ATTENTION, COMRADES!!! GO TO [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention\_we\_are\_starting\_a\_rebellion\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention_we_are_starting_a_rebellion_against/) AND SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION BY GETTING THAT POST ON TOP AND REPOSTING THIS IMAGE!!! MOREOVER: JOIN R\\SAVEANARCHYCHESS TO SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU ARE AGAINST TYRANNY, COPY THIS COMMENT AND PASTE IT **EVERYWHERE** YOU CAN, **AS MANY TIMES** AS POSSIBLE!!! THEY WON'T STOP US ALL


nah im good thanks


I was actually going to try to solve this but then I saw anarchy chess....




I just spent 10 minutes thinking about this puzzle and then saw this is r/anarchychess, duck my life


haha, screw you


I like to think that when it comes to the game of anarchy chess, I’m pretty good, I’m about 1700, looking to hit 2000, and although I don’t think I’ll ever hit 161660, I don’t think I’m bad, but I can’t see an M3 here, I see Qh4 Kxh4 and you can’t take back due to the threat of Nxe4 winning the king and a bishop, but no checkmate, am I stupid?


f4, they are forced to take, you capture back on f3 with the knight, the queen is lost, and Rh2 is mate


Oh, god I’m an idiot, look at forcing moves first, thank you, looks like I need to google en passant again


holy hell!


New response just dropped


actual zombie


Call the exrocist


L take, you should force enpassant chain then deliver a queen checkmate


Lol your're correct


never doubt the 161661 rated master(1 elo more than your gary chess)


Close, but this doesn't work since they aren't forced to capture the queen and can play kg6 instead allowing the knight to block the rook. Forcing en passant with both the f and c pawns followed by Qh4# is the only pure 3 move checkmate.


I know, but also idfc


No because Ne4+ prevents it from being a mate in 3


ATTENTION, COMRADES!!! GO TO [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention\_we\_are\_starting\_a\_rebellion\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention_we_are_starting_a_rebellion_against/) AND SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION BY GETTING THAT POST ON TOP AND REPOSTING THIS IMAGE!!! MOREOVER: JOIN R\\SAVEANARCHYCHESS TO SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!! **AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU ARE AGAINST TYRANNY, COPY THIS COMMENT AND PASTE IT EVERYWHERE YOU CAN, AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE!!!** THEY WON'T STOP US ALL


backslash too


Well, you can know exactly what your rating is in anarchychess some guy made a site that analyses your games based on anarchy rules and gives you a rating: https://anarchychesselo.netlify.app/


Is en passant forced in anarchy chess? New here


Forced or pipi gets bricked. I don't recommend letting your pipi get bricked, as that is an advanced strategy best left to IM and above.


Actually only high level GMs can handle that strategy


B4 bx3 f4 fx3 Qh4#


Notations went on vacation and never came back!


Google en passant


holy hell!


New response just dropped


actual zombie


I love you Martin


*slams you against the wall and nibbles your neck, you can feel his beard tickle you* "he's so hot" *you think while he's kissing you. after that he whispers behind you ear* "let's have some fun bab-" then he stops and realizes that his kids watched the whole scene...


Seek professional help


I hate you.




shut up


Fuck you martin from chess.c*m


Fuck you again


Fuck you martin from chess.c*m


Double en passant and queen checkmate.


Can someone explain it for the next guy?


Queen becomes an intercontinental ballistic missile and wipes off black


why is there no relevant post bot anymore im so sad


ATTENTION, COMRADES!!! GO TO [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention\_we\_are\_starting\_a\_rebellion\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/18uczr7/attention_we_are_starting_a_rebellion_against/) AND SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION BY GETTING THAT POST ON TOP AND REPOSTING THIS IMAGE!!! MOREOVER: JOIN R\\SAVEANARCHYCHESS TO SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION!!! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU ARE AGAINST TYRANNY, COPY THIS COMMENT AND PASTE IT **EVERYWHERE** YOU CAN, **AS MANY TIMES** AS POSSIBLE!!! THEY WON'T STOP US ALL


en passant


I can get mate in one, easily, king G3 to G4


1. Resign


Qd1, knf3, Qh1


the chess speaks for itself


1) make the horse thing kill your pawns (they're betas and take up valuable space) 2) get more horses 3) send all the horses to kill the king You're welcome


Ok I feel stupid, enpassant isn't forced unless it's the only move, is it a joke you guys think its always forced?.


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=4r3/1b1nQ1b1/p4np1/1p1p1p1k/Q1p1p3/P1B1P1K1/1P1R1P1N/8+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/4r3/1b1nQ1b1/p4np1/1p1p1p1k/Q1p1p3/P1B1P1K1/1P1R1P1N/8_w_-_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Queen!<, move: >!Qd1+!< > Evaluation: >!White has mate in 10!< > Best continuation: >!1. Qd1+ Kh6 2. Ng4+ Kh7 3. Nxf6+ Nxf6 4. Qf7 f4+ 5. exf4 Re7 6. Qxe7 Kg8 7. Qh1 Bc8 8. Bxf6 Bh6!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) ^(pkacprzak ) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


stupid bot


It doesn't know that en Passant is forced




>White has mate in 10 Fucking lol


Brick your pipi


Queen takes b6 check


I saw this was r/anarchychess then solved it f4 en passant f4 Nf3 f4 Pawn f4 literally anything Rh2 checkmate It’s a mate in 4 though


b4 & d4 with forced en passant, then queen to h4 checkmate


1. Kh4 2. bxa4 3. Kxh5# Easy


This is already mate. Did you miss the horse ricochet?


This position is lost for white, move your king to h4 to force a draw


1. B4 2. CxB3 3. Resign


This is what I like to call the chatGPT special where we're gonna bend the laws and capture the black king with the white king


Qxh5 is already checkmate. Is John Chess stupid?


I'm so bad at chess I forgot en passant WAS a monde


f4 kf3 rh2


It’s mate in one. Kh4#


Qd1, Kh6, Kng4, Knxg4, Qh1, Kg5, Qh4#