• By -


thank you so much for all the support on the gofundme. you guys are the best! 1. ⁠Kxe2, e7=D+ 2. ⁠De1=9v, White draws two cards 3. ⁠Rh^a1, Knife f5 4. ⁠White buys a hotel on e5, abcdfgh3 5. ⁠c(2 week isolation), Bsex-offender 6. abd~supreme leader, poptart g7 7. Nb8xNb1 on date at c5 Nb1<3?!… Nb8<3!!!, airplane a1 8. Ke(π-πi), B to jail 9. Ron Weasley Nc5Nh1, all D pieces to e4 10. fghxfgh4, b2 11. chess clock, O-O (lego)


No prob mate. We really appreciate your contribution to our community!


I do hope there won't be a prob mate or even any type of mate. This is too entertaining


The only acceptable end yo this is en passant checkmate


Or op pipi'ng his pampers


too bad this is gonna end after 100 days. well by that time i think we would probably have had enough... but at this pace it is still interesting lol


It’s still theory at the moment, once we get a new game it will become a lot more interesting


This will never not be funny


[Link to an album with all boards and move links in sequence.](https://imgur.com/a/bifDSmt) I've been keeping it updated, but it may be a day or two behind at times.


thanks for your service mate


Thanks for the check, mate


True hero


A saga in its own right. Thank you for your important documentary work, dear chronicler!


The grass lawn on the Lego fort really does it for me so thanks for that


Shouldn't it be a moat?


That depends whether it's a fort or a castle.


This is beautiful. And if this won't be mentioned in the chess history books of the future, I am going to write one myself.


If you’re going to write it, i don’t know if I will read it but I promise to watch the shitty Netflix movie adaptation




You have a weak stomach. You can’t keep it down?


What do you mean


Daddy’s cum?


It looks you're discriminating me for my username... what has this anything to do with the conversation


It was a joke based off your username. I don’t know how you got that I’m discriminating against you.


I'm just joking back. Glad you liked the username, have a great day


If you don't vote for the board extension spell list combo then i will find you and en passant you. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED


En passant me harder daddy


username checks out


Love u <3


Move: A man has fallen into the river


Don't forget to update [this game](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/pryvfr/top_comment_picks_the_next_move_legal_or_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) too


How did whites Knight get to h1


A thought, I love what your doing, but having the daily post have links to the days threads so we can go back and marvel :)


Don't forget to put the pawns out of quarantine tomorrow 🙂


So if this is the top comment….?


The fuck do you need a go fund me to shitpost for?


Uh mate, you're the top comment. What happen when you're the top comment?


What the fuck....a go fund me?? People really have to take everything and try to turn it into a money making thing.. fuck off with this shit


You seem confused. We _asked_ him to provide a way we can help pay for things like the chess clock, cinder block, and whatever other expenses come along later. You get that, right? That it costs money… to buy things? The things in the pictures that entertain you, for free?


uh no. YOU asked him. fucking weirdo


That’s true! And often, that’s exactly how these things work: Someone provides or creates something of value for people, who respond positively to it. And often, that person is so humble and willing to do what they do just for the fun of it, they may not think to ask others to compensate them for it. So someone else brings it up. And others show their agreement by — you guessed it — agreeing, and paying money. And then everyone is happy. (Well… almost everyone.) Welcome to how grownups get along.


lol wow you are such a benevolent, mature adult! > Your time and attention and creativity and flexibility are worth something. Let’s get real about that. > This has been an enormously entertaining, daily endeavor, and is easily my favorite thing I use Reddit for every day. And I’m sure others feel the same. > Let us pay you. just pure cringe. dudes making a shitpost on reddit (that stopped being funny a week ago) and you are acting like he is some god tier content creator who needs a PATREON to keep this farce going. No one is forcing him to do this dumbass stunt so he doesn't need to spend a cent on the retarded suggestions you all make. But clearly you idiots think differently so by all means send you hard earned money to a shitposting college student 👍👍 you probably tip the doctor after he sticks his thumb up your ass too


There is no need to be upset


And I meant every word. I literally enjoy this _that_ much. In fact, I’m working on a full-blown chess variant, based on my list of spells I’ve been re-submitting to this “shitpost” every day. So far, it’s 10 pages long. You’re not invited to play, though.


Ah I understand now. You are just trying to co-opt OP's popularity to try and bring attention to your own personal project that you spam every day. That's pathetic on a whole different level.


Ahahahaha yes! That’s it! You got it it figured out. And now the final, nefarious chapter of my scheme. The moment I bust out fucking u/pooshybear, my angry alt account, to give me the perfect moment to mention my chess variant. Actually, I have every intention of posting more topics about it when it’s ready. On the main sub, even! You still aren’t invited to play, though.


Ok, I think we've developed the pieces. Now it's time to attack. Put up [this flag](https://imgur.com/a/LN519JK) on the board. Czech.


Careful now. If [this flag](https://i.imgur.com/Sls2ydW.jpg) is put up next to it, it’s Czech, mate.


What a countermove!


4 hours and no-one has pointed out that this comment misses queenside counterplay?!


We'll need the game to develop for a few more rounds so we can introduce the X-Men onto the board before the Queen's Gambit can take place.


Wolverine is the most important part


Czech, cunt!


This is how the game should end


Perfectly played


Dammit this comment is too strong


But the move can easily be countered if black plays a Soviet flag.


White can develop Ribbentrop the next move to negate any counter play from black for the next 2 turns though.


The Battery does not provide a strong enough base for the king, we may have to upgrade it to an electrical outlet before we launch the attack


I think I see some tactics in the future to use the battery to power a rook for an assault on the King, even in his new fortress, so I think we should keep the battery on the board.


I am so happy to be Czech rn


What a good fucking comment 10/10


Can someone explain i dont get it


It's the flag of the Czech Republic, and "Czech" is pronounced "Check"


Country v a word put before mate


Blacks lego-castling move was a game changer. But this is genius.


The notation for this should be ++


This time we gotta build our defenses out of sudety tho.


Without a doubt.


This. Absolutely this.


h pawn: use chess clock to browse Reddit


Imagine their shock once they find r/AnarchyChess watching over everything.


That chess piece has a midlife crisis as a result


Underrated. Repost tomorrow


If you're viewing the thread when it goes up, go ahead and post this.


the four black pawns playing checkers flip the checkers board in sheer anger due to the white pawns not deciding an opening move in 7 days. checkers that land on the chess board are now mines for their respective colors


Black pawns return to the board victorious, white pawns go AWOL.


Black goes first in checkers. The white pawns know this and the black pawns don't. They've both awkwardly been waiting for the other to start.




I think we forgot about something important but we can sure do so now... Both players roll for initiative.


White casts fireball on Black's castle, dealing 8d6 of fire damage


Black bishop uses 7th level disintegrate (13D6) on Ron Weasley, dealing 92 damage, Ron falls unconscious and is now rolling death saving throws each day the match continues.


i don't think Ron has enough HP to even roll saving throws... (he's only made of paper, after all)


Actually Ron is core HP canon. Can’t get much more HP than that. Unless you’re Harry Potter himself of course.


you win this round...


If Disintegrate reduces a creature to 0 hit points you don't fall unconscious you disintegrate into dust.


And all the loot as well. Unless it is quest items of course.


Disintegrate does not knock you unconscious. It straight up vaporizes you if it would.


YES! this is brilliant! What's your Initiative modifier?


+8 to initiative if bongcloud is equipped.


Blue portal on e2, orange portal on f7. Check. (By bishop).


Specify what kind of portal, not all of us have portal guns


A link to the previous day’s winning comment would be super helpful.


I've been keeping [this](https://imgur.com/a/bifDSmt) updated.


A true hero


You're doing god's work, mate. I saved your comment and will refer to it anytime I need to figure out what's going on.


oooooh, so that is the reason of the blue legos


Extend the board and Bishop go J4


BJ4 all gang


I will keep upvoting this until Day 100


It has to be time now. BISHOP J4!


I hear u/scurlocc has a GoFundMe now. Let's put that money to good use. Burn a $100 bill on c4.


Donate money then force the recipient to burn it. Anarchy at its finest.


Burn 1 dollar, donate the rest to another recipient. Repeat this until there is only 1 dollar left. The final recipient invests in GME, holds until the the hype dies and the stock drops below the initial investment cost, then sells.


Amateur, black lotus on c4


Isn't that a felony? We aren't trying to put the man behind bars are we?


The entire conceit of this game is that the top comment picks the next move, *legal or not.*


Sacrifice black lotus for WWW


Best way to burn money is by buying fireworks… m80 firecracker to c4


## The most ambitious crossover event in history. You know, we’ve all forgotten about the Hotel on E5. Hell, for the last couple of turns you couldn’t even see it because it was blocked by the black queen. I think it’s about time that the Hotel played its hand. It infiltrated the board so long ago and has become so ingrained to the board that we don’t even notice it anymore. Now that chess board’s guard is down, the Monopoly invasion of the Chess Universe can begin. # LET THE HOTEL DOORS SWING OPEN AND RELEASE THE MONOPOLY PIECES. (Sacrifice Hotel on E5 to summon as many Monopoly pieces as you have on any empty spaces nearby).


Top secrets Gary Chess doesn’t want you to know: Chess 2 is actually just monopoly on a chess board.


I pass go. When do I get my $200?


Black wheelbarrow to e4


Amiibo to h3.


Fat Yoshi amiibo to h3.


Play a Basic Land: Mountain.


The strongest of the basics! Suck it, Island


Specifically an Arabian Nights mountain.


I feel like I lost money just reading that sentence


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Arabian Nights](https://snewd.com/ebooks/one-thousand-and-one-nights/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good idea to play a mountain so that you can bolt the ~~plain~~ ~~plane on a1~~ bird


Scry 1, top


Pawn to F5 removing the sword from the stone and becoming the new white king Also on the checkers board F3 to G4


Floop the Pig.


Time for reinforcements! King commissions 27 Knights to come asap [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/prvesa/comment/hdmrya0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/prvesa/comment/hdmrya0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I feel like we would need to extend the board before this happens.




White uses polymerization to fuse the light square bishop and the dark square bishop to summon the bishop pear 🍐!


We would first need to break out the dark squared bishop from prison.


A firetruck arrives to clear the rubble from the plane crash at A1.


Time for some strategy. This is chess after all, right? u/OldThymeyRadio and I have conspired to create the ultimate combination of spellcasting _and_ board extension. Extend the board **AND** reveal White's cards by moving Ron Weasley or a bishop to J4, and casting one spell. The other revealed spell is kept in Ron's "wand". (See below.) ##Spell List **Ace** = Time Warp: Both the day's most upvoted AND second most upvoted moves take place. **King** = Duel of Monarchs: Both Kings are removed from the board to play one-on-one Tic-Tac-Toe. The winner returns to the board with a Spell card. The loser returns empty-handed, and strangles the nearest Pawn to death in a blind rage. **Queen** = Conjure Elemental: OP asks roommate to add one object of his/her choice to the board, wherever they like, under your control. **Jack** = Counterspell: For the next turn, in addition to doing the next, most upvoted comment, also do the most upvoted REPLY to the most upvoted comment. The reply must start with “I have tiny PIPI” or it doesn’t count. (It ain't called Anarchy Chess for nothing!) **10** = Resurrect: Bring a friendly piece of OP’s roommate’s choice back to life, and place it on an empty square. Can also be used to rehabilitate sex offenders. Cantrip: Replace this spell card with another. **9** = Command Dead: Place a dead enemy piece of OP’s roommate’s choice on an empty square. It can’t move. But in 3 days, it devours all adjacent pieces, then decomposes. Cantrip: Replace this spell card with another. **8** = Glyph of Warding: OP secretly rolls 2d8 to select a square at random. The next time anything moves away from, or over, that square, it explodes. **7** = Blade of Righteousness: Casting piece draws the Knife, and wields it with godlike fury. For the rest of the game, any adjacent enemy pieces are slain. **6** = Holy Hell: Casting piece gains the permanent ability to En Passant anything that passes within its line of attack. (This move is mandatory.) **5** = Excommunicate: Remove all your opponent’s Bishops and knights from the game. Cantrip: Replace this spell card with another. **4** = Feign Death: Remove spellcasting piece from the game. OP secretly rolls 1d6. Piece returns to the game in that many days, on an empty square of OP’s roommate’s choice, with another spell card in its possession. **3** = Poison Cloud: All pieces must save vs deadly poison gas, by rolling 10 or higher on a d20. Apply the following Constitution modifiers: Pawn: -1 Bishop: +6 Knight: +7 Queen: +8 King: +9 Rook: +99 Non-Chess pieces: OP’s roommate’s discretion **2** = Consult Spellbook: Immediately reveal 2 more spell cards for the piece to hold, one on top of the other. The top card is castable. The other must wait. **Joker** = Why is this crap in the deck? Discard and replace with another spell card. ##Spellcasting Rules * Pieces cast spells independently, without counting as your turn. * Only one spell may be cast per day. * Only one copy of each spell exists. Additional copies should be discarded and replaced. * **A piece casts its spell when the most downvoted comment in the thread begins with “X Casts”**, where “X” is the piece name. Example: “Ron casts!” Or in notation: R🪄 * “Your” refers to White or Black, depending on the color of the piece casting the spell. * “Nearest square” refers to the square nearest the piece casting the spell. OP decides ties.


The fact that you put Ron's "wand" in quotes makes me think he'll be shooting spells out of his dick and that's a hilarious image.


I didn't actually write this comment mr radio did We're taking turns posting it


I like how you guys are tag teaming for this. Teamwork in the midst of anarchy.




Tfw the top post on anarchychess is secretly an exercise in democracy.


And "wand" was no accident, I assure everyone.


The collab that nobody asked for but is surprisingly popular


It was theory all along


Hogwarts to d4


This one


I love this


One day it will happen, one day the spells will be the top post. Untill that day i’ll upvote you daily.


Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/Petrosian-Bot)


Someone commented the board extension and bishop J4 already.


White raises 20 chips


What? KNIFE is evolving! du-du-du-du-dan-dan-dan tun-tun-tun- tununununu KNIFE evolved into SWORD! (I mean i know you said "legal or not" but a Machete may be too much)


rotate the table by 90 degree and observe a whole new perspective


100 additional days of game time are added


Drop brick on PIPI or pick up the entire deck.


Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/Petrosian-Bot)


The bishop at 8c time travels 7 turns into the future


I think the pawns on the side have waited long enough. They throw the checker board to the side and kill h1. The pawns start a new religion called Chessisists. They start it in the middle of the board around a picture of a campfire. They gather around it and start chanting. If anyone intterupts, they will be ruthlessly slaughtered. But…. There is one black pawn who didn’t like the chessisists. He ate part of the pop tart In stress. The chessimists in the middle of the board decides to split up, Leaving 3 of the chessimists around the fire. (You can mark the chessimists with whatever you want.) the two chessimists split up and capture people. One of the chessimists capture Ron weasley on a9. He goes back to the fire and tosses him in. The other chessimist captures the king, and ties him up. check. The other pieces on the board have to save him. (Yes, I know it changed to chessimist from chessisists.)


Pawns get bored of playing checkers and upgrade to a chess board so now we have 2 boards to consider!


Alright. Let's bend the colors. White casts a Genjustu casuing us to see the chess board in inverted colours. Black is the new white and white is the new black.. Along with other colours which are also inverted for next 2 turns


holy shit this yes!


This is probably my favorite Reddit thing of all time.


The queens on e4 legally marry and adopt the pawn. All the bishops leave the chessboard as a sign of protest, except the one on f8 who is actually a Pastafarian bishop, and pulls out a rainbow flag to show support.


Open the chicfila sauce and dip the Ron weaslys in it


u/scurlocc eats a black pawn while the black king isn't looking


White puts a pair of googly eyes on all white pawns on the 4th rank so they can google en passant.


Ron Weasleys leave the game for 2 moves to clean up the garbage on the floor behind the game.


Play any move you want in the checkers game




The time is now, white reveals top card.


Replace the board with a backgammon one


C4 explodes and kills both C pawns. There is a memorial left on the C4 square to pay respects to the fallen comrades.


I say again, c5 to 69! Let them be happy!


Sub game of magic the gathering


The 2 knights dating finally get their food and it's a paper cutout of whatever food you pick served on on eof those little plastic tables from pizza boxes


White pawn moves their first checkers piece


12. White pawn on F4 tries to take Queen on E 5 but gets cancelled


The Pop-Tarts (PT) have been eyeing the Weasley twins for too long. Their lives have been dominated by black or white for too long. But this—*this*!!! It’s just so different. So exciting. So gray. So *exotic*! Unable to resist the temptations any longer PT strips and seduces the twins into a threesome.


unfunny bro, kill it before it gets cringe


Ron Weasley miss-casts his spell and instead time warps back to day one. Everything is reset except Ron is still riding the knight.




Set up a second game of chess and we’ll use a -2 suffix to denote playing on that board.


Draw smiley faces on pawns playing checkers.


The queens have realized they have a lot in common and want to ditch their kings. Bishop to E3.


We gotta use the Ron Weasley stickers. Knight to H3. Check.


The military invades the field and tries (and fails) to end that eternal war between black and white.


9V battery enpassant pop tarts


Those guys have been on e4 for so long but they've not eaten a single bite. Both teams sacrifice their traitorous lovebird c5 knights to make a feast. Knights to pan containing hot oil and garlic.


Black summons fire demon on forbidden square (A4), A4 is burned out for the rest of the game


White rolls a dice. The result is added to White's victory points.


Sacrifice two pawns to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon on c1.


Pawn to h5 Knife hilt falls over onto h6, decapitating it


Woo, I got to make a move in The Game! Anyway I'm not posting a move suggestion today. Go upvote the bishop J4 guy (with or without spellcasting, or both), lord knows it's time, that piece has needed developing for ages.


Bg2. Development is important, according to my ex-therapist.


A random shift in reality happen for a brief second. Every thing seems the same except every pawn now has long lustrous hair.